Buffalo TeraStation TS5800D, TeraStation TS5600D, TeraStation TS5400D, TeraStation TS5200D User Manual

35012627 ver.02
AddingUsers................................................................................................................... 26
DiskSpaceQuotasforUsers...................................................................................... 54
LimitsonAvailableSizeforEachVolume............................................................ 63
Introduction..................................................................................................................... 66
Configuration............................................................................................................... 102
WhatisWebAccess?.................................................................................................. 112
Configuration............................................................................................................... 112
Restrictions.................................................................................................................... 118
WhatisBitTorrent?..................................................................................................... 119
HowItWorks................................................................................................................ 119
Configuration............................................................................................................... 120
WhatisDLNA?.............................................................................................................. 122
Configuration............................................................................................................... 122
ConnectingtotheTeraStationandFilePlayback.......................................... 124
ConnectedDLNA-compatibleDevices.............................................................. 124
StreamingtoDLNA-compatibleDevices.......................................................... 125
DisablingPlaybackfromSpecificDevices........................................................ 126
IfYourDLNAClientDeviceDoesn'tRecognizetheTeraStation.............. 127
WhenFilesCannotBePlayedBack...................................................................... 127
WhatisiTunesserver?............................................................................................... 128
Configuration............................................................................................................... 128
WhatisSqueezeboxServer?.................................................................................. 129
Configuration............................................................................................................... 129
WhatisSurveillanceCameras?.............................................................................. 132
RequiredItems............................................................................................................. 132
InstallingtheClientToolsonYourComputer................................................. 133
ConnectingDevicestotheNetwork................................................................... 133
EnablingtheSurveillanceCamera....................................................................... 134
EnablingtheFreeLicense....................................................................................... 135
RegisteringtheRecordingPolicyoftheNetworkCamera......................... 137
CheckingRecording.................................................................................................. 141
EmailNotificationofErrors..................................................................................... 142
Viewingsavedvideo................................................................................................. 142
ExportingRecordedDataasaMOVVideoFile............................................... 143
ViewingVideothatisCurrentlyBeingRecorded........................................... 145
MovingRecordedVideoDatatoAnotherTeraStation................................ 145
BackingUpRecordedVideotoAnotherTeraStation................................... 146
BecomesLow............................................................................................................... 147
ChangingtheTeraStationwhereRecordedVideoIsSaved...................... 149
CameraPolicies........................................................................................................... 150
LiveViewer.................................................................................................................... 150
DataServicePolicies.................................................................................................. 151
VaultAdmin.................................................................................................................. 152
SurveillanceVideoManager................................................................................... 152
NetworkActivity.......................................................................................................... 153
MiniVaultStats............................................................................................................ 154
WhentheTeraStationisConnectedtotheInternet.................................... 154
WhentheTeraStationIsNotConnectedtotheInternet............................ 156
ActivatingVirusScanning....................................................................................... 162
OpeningTrendMicroNASSecuritySettings................................................... 162
ConnectingthroughaProxyServer.................................................................... 163
RegisteringtheLicense,orExtendingtheLicensePeriod......................... 164
Updating........................................................................................................................ 165
ExcludingaSpecificFolderfromAntivirusScanning................................... 166
VirusScanning............................................................................................................. 167
CheckingtheLog........................................................................................................ 168
OpeningtheOnlineHelp........................................................................................ 168
SettingupaPrinteronWindows7orWindowsVista................................. 177
SettingupaPrinteronWindowsXP................................................................... 178
EncryptingDataintheWebAdminInterface................................................. 190
EncryptingFTPTransferData................................................................................. 190
SSLKey............................................................................................................................ 191
SavingSettings............................................................................................................ 195
Operation....................................................................................................................... 196
StartingtheTeraStation........................................................................................... 197
AssignasNetworkDrive.......................................................................................... 209
MountingasaNetworkDrive................................................................................ 210
Menu................................................................................................................................ 213
TS5800D......................................................................................................................... 215
TS5600D......................................................................................................................... 215
TS5400D......................................................................................................................... 215
TS5200D......................................................................................................................... 216
NormalDisplay............................................................................................................ 218
StatusDisplay............................................................................................................... 218
ErrorDisplay,WarningDisplay.............................................................................. 222
FCCWarning................................................................................................................. 226
CEMarkWarning........................................................................................................ 226
EnvironmentalInformation.................................................................................... 227
KC...................................................................................................................................... 227
BSMI................................................................................................................................. 227
CCC................................................................................................................................... 227
Chapter 1 Installation
Insert the TeraNavigator CD into your computer.
TeraNavigator will launch.
Click [Begin Installation].
• If TeraNavigator does not launch automatically in Windows, open the CD and double-click the
• If you are using Windows 7 or Vista, the autoplay screen may appear. Click [Run LSNavi.exe]. If "Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer?" is displayed by Windows 7, click [Yes]. If "A program needs your permission to continue" is displayed by Windows Vista, click [Continue].
• If your computer does not have a CD drive, you may download the TeraNavigator software from www. buffalotech.com.
• For Mac OS X, double-click on the TeraNavigator icon in the TeraNavigator CD.
• If you have problems installing, temporarily disable your antivirus software and software firewall. After setup is complete, re-enable the software.
Follow the steps on the screen to connect the TeraStation's Ethernet and power cables and turn it on.
Use LAN port 1 for initial setup. After setup, you may connect a second cable to LAN port 2. If used, con gure the IP address of LAN port 2 at [Network] - [IP Address] in the TeraStation's Web Admin interface or NAS Navigator2.
Follow the steps on the screen to install NAS Navigator2.
Click [Complete].
NAS Navigator2 will start.
• To start NAS Navigator2 after the initial setup, perform the operations below.
For Windows, double-click the
icon on the desktop.
For Mac OS X, click the
icon in the Dock.
• To install additional software, click [Software Installation].
Right-click on your TeraStation's icon, then click [Properties].
For Mac OS X, click the TeraStation icon while holding down the control key, then click [Con gure].
Click the [IP Settings] tab, enter the desired settings, and click [OK].
• If you don't know how to configure these settings, check [Obtain IP address automatically via DHCP]. For Mac OS X, check [Use DHCP].
• If you are prompted to enter the administrator's password, enter the TeraStation's password (it is set to "password" by factory default).
The Web Admin interface will open.
The Web Admin interface is compatible with Internet Explorer 9 or later, Firefox 8 or later, Google Chrome 15 or later, and Safari 5 or later.
Change the administrator password in the displayed screen.
The default username and password are "admin" and "password" respectively.
1 0
Click [Management] - next to [Name/Time/Language] - [Time] - [Edit], then con gure the TeraStation's clock
with the Web Admin interface.
• By default, the TeraStation adjusts its clock automatically by using an NTP server. The internal clocks of the TeraStation and other devices on your network may run at slightly different speeds. Over a long period of time your network devices may show somewhat different times, which can cause network problems. If clocks on your network vary by more than 5 minutes it may cause unexpected behavior. For best results, keep all clocks on the network set to the same time by adjusting them regularly, or use an NTP server to correct them all automatically.
• NTP may not be usable in some networks. The default NTP Server (ntp.jst.mfeed.ad.jp) belongs to Internet Multi Feed Inc. For more information, please visit www.jst.mfeed.ad.jp. Use NTP at your own risk. Buffalo Technology is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by using of this service, stopping the service, or missing service.
• If the TeraStation cannot automatically obtain the time from an NTP server, check the TeraStation's DNS server address settings. If the NTP server is specified by a hostname instead of an IP address, a DNS server address
must be set in [Network] - [IP Address] of the Web Admin interface.
1 1
To con gure a RAID scan, click [Drives], then change the icon next to [RAID Scanning] from -> .
RAID scans check RAID arrays to con rm that they can be read properly and have no bad sectors. If any problems are found, they will be repaired automatically.
1 2
This creates a USB memory device that can be used to restore default settings or transfer settings to another iden-
tical TeraStation.
1. In the TeraStation's Web Admin interface, click [Management] -
next to [Restore/Erase].
2. Connect a USB memory device (not included) with 1 GB or larger to a USB 2.0 port on the TeraStation.
3. Select [Create a special USB drive for password recovery]. This recovery USB drive will also reset the TeraStation's
administrator password to its default.
4. Select the connected USB memory device, then click [Execute].
To return the TeraStation to the default settings using the created USB memory device, see "Recovering by Changing the Boot Mode Switch on the Rear Panel When Starting the TeraStation" in Chapter 9.
1 3
In NAS Navigator2, double-click your TeraStation's icon. This will open the shared folder of the TeraStation.
• For Mac OS X, the TeraStation is mounted as a drive icon on the desktop, or it is displayed in the sidebar of the
• You can now use the TeraStation's shared folder to save files just like any other folder.
This completes the setup.
Turning on the TeraStation
Press the power button on the TeraStation to turn it on.
Turning of f the TeraStation
The TeraStation might be damaged if it is unplugged suddenly without powering it down properly  rst. Follow one of the procedures below to turn o the TeraStation properly.
Using the Power Button
Press the power button twice within 3 seconds to shut down the TeraStation.
Using the TeraStation's Web Admin interface
Double-click the icon on the desktop.
NAS Navigator2 will start.
For Mac OS X, click the
icon in the Dock.
Right-click on the TeraStation icon, then select [Open Web setting].
For Mac OS X, click the TeraStation icon while holding down the control key, then select [Open Web setting].
Enter the username and password, then click [OK].
The default username and password are "admin" and "password" respectively.
The Web Admin interface will open.
Click the on the right top of the Web Admin interface, then click [Shut Down].
When all the LEDs on the front of the TeraStation turn o , the shutdown process is complete.
Changing the Password
After initial setup, follow the procedure below to change your password.
Double-click the icon on the desktop.
NAS Navigator2 will start.
For Mac OS X, click the icon in the Dock.
Right-click on the TeraStation icon, then select [Open Web setting].
For Mac OS X, click the TeraStation icon while holding down the control key, then select [Open Web setting].
Click [Easy Admin].
Click [Change Password].
Enter the desired password for new password and con rm new password.
Click [OK].
You have now changed the admin password.
Chapter 2 Configuration
To con gure and administer your TeraStation, use the Web Admin interface. It lets you con gure all the TeraStation's set­tings from a browser window. To open it, use the procedure below, or type the TeraStation's IP address into the URL  eld of your browser.
Opening the Web Admin Interface
Double-click the icon on the desktop.
NAS Navigator2 will start.
For Mac OS X, click the
icon in the Dock.
Right-click on the TeraStation icon, then select [Open Web setting].
For Mac OS X, click the TeraStation icon while holding down the control key, then select [Open Web setting].
Enter the username and password, then click [OK].
• The default username and password are "admin" and "password" respectively.
• If you are logged in with the admin account, all settings are available.
• Alternately, you may log in as a guest (if the guest account is enabled) or with your username.
• To log in as a guest, enter "guest" as the username and leave the password blank. If you are logged in as guest, you can check the TeraStation's name, IP address, workgroup, drive status, and firmware version.
• If you log in with your username and password, you can check the TeraStation's name, IP address, workgroup, drive status, and firmware version, and you can change your password.
• Click [Easy Admin] to open the Easy setup screen. Click [Secure Connection] to encrypt data during communication.
• The Web Admin interface is compatible with Internet Explorer 9 or later, Firefox 8 or later, Google Chrome 15 or later, and Safari 5 or later. If using Internet Explorer, if there are a large number of registered users, groups, or shared folders, the Web Admin interface screen may not be displayed correctly. Use of Firefox 8 or later is recommended.
• If a proxy server is enabled in the browser settings, the Web Admin interface cannot be displayed properly. Disable the proxy server if it is enabled.
• The Web Admin interface may not display correctly in Internet Explorer due to your browser security settings. If this happens, navigate to [Tools] - [Internet Options] - [Security] on Internet Explorer, and set the Security Settings to [Local intranet].
The Web Admin interface will open.
This completes the opening of the Web Admin interface.
Mac OS X allows you to log in to the Web Admin interface with an alternative procedure using Bonjour. Follow the procedure below to use this alternative method to log in to Mac OS X 10.4 or later:
1. Start the Safari Internet browser.
2. From the Safari menu, click [View] - [Show Bookmarks Bar]. Set so that the Safari bookmark bar is displayed.
3. From Bookmarks, click [Bonjour] - [(TeraStation name)].
The Web Admin interface will open.
Opening the Easy Setup Screen in the Web Admin Interface
Use the Easy Setup screen to make common changes to settings. Follow the procedure below to open the Easy Setup
Double-click the icon on the desktop.
NAS Navigator2 will start.
For Mac OS X, click the
icon in the Dock.
Right-click on the TeraStation icon, then select [Open Web setting].
For Mac OS X, click the TeraStation icon while holding down the control key, then select [Open Web setting].
Click [Easy Admin].
The Easy setup screen will open in the Web Admin interface.
• If you click any buttons , a screen is displayed for entering the username and password. Enter the username and password, then click [OK].
• You can open the Easy setup screen by clicking the
icon on the top left.
This completes the opening of the Easy setup screen in the Web Admin interface.
Chapter 3 Access Restrictions
You may restrict access to speci c shared folders. Only selected users and groups will be able to access these folders.
• Access restrictions can be set separately for each shared folder. However, access restrictions cannot be set for folders within the shared folder.
• Access restrictions must be configured through the TeraStation's Web Admin interface. Standard Windows access restrictions as set in the Security tab of the Properties window of the TeraStation folder are not supported and may cause unexpected behavior.
• Instead of the procedure below, you can also configure users, groups, and shared folders from Easy Setup by clicking [Access Restrictions].
Configuring Access Restrictions on Users and Groups
Adding a Shared Folder
In the TeraStation's Web Admin interface, click next to [Folder Setup].
Click [Create Folder].
Con gure the desired settings, then click [OK].
• The name may contain up to 27 alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). Do not use a symbol as the first character.
• The description may contain up to 75 bytes alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and spaces. Do not use a symbol and space as the first character.
• You may create up to 400 shared folders on the TeraStation.
• If multi-byte characters are used in a shared folder name used for both AFP and FTP, the client language must be set by clicking [Management] -
next to [Name/Time/Language] - [Language] - [Edit] to match the characters that are being used. Also, you may be unable to access the folder if certain characters are used in the name, and so the use of letters and numbers only is recommended.
• The names of shared folders used for both AFP and FTP cannot use characters from different language sets (such as by mixing Japanese and Korean characters, for instance).
You have created a new shared folder.
Preventing accidental deletion of data
To protect your data from accidental deletion, you may enable a Recycle Bin for each shared folder. Only SMB connec-
tions can use a Recycle Bin. If the Recycle Bin is enabled, data that is deleted from the shared folder is temporarily moved to the Recycle Bin folder. To restore the deleted data, open the Recycle Bin folder and move the  les back to the share. After the Recycle Bin is enabled, the Recycle Bin folder is created when a  le or folder is deleted from the shared folder. The Recycle Bin folder is not created immediately after it is enabled. To delete all the  les in the Recycle Bin, click [File Sharing] - [Folder Setup] - [Empty the recycle bin] in the Web Admin interface.
To set a shared folder to Read-Only
In the Shared Folders settings window, select Read-Only for the [Shared Folder Attributes], then click [Apply]. The default setting is [Read & Write]. Data in a shared folder that is set to Read-Only can be written only by users and groups with write access. Read-Only shared folders and HFS+ formatted USB hard drives will have "(Read Only)" added to the shared folder description.
To create a shared folder accessible only to users who know that it exists
To hide a shared folder, select the folder attribute [Hidden Share (SMB Only)] and click [OK]. To open a hidden folder, click [Start] - [Search programs and  les] and enter \\TeraStation name\Shared folder name$\ for the name. Example: If the TeraStation name is "TS-XX001" and the shared folder name is "share", then enter "\\TS-XX001\share$\" to open it. FTP, SFTP, and Mac AFP folders cannot be hidden.
The restrictions described here assume that the latest  rmware version is installed in the TeraStation. The latest  rmware can be downloaded from the Bu alo Technology web site.
• The following characters are handled di erently by Mac OS X and Windows. Avoid using these characters when shar­ing data between Mac OS X and Windows:
• Windows does not support some characters that Mac OS X and the TeraStation allow. If you create a  lename on a Mac with any of the following characters, it will not display correctly on a Windows computer. With Mac OS X 10.2 or later, you may have to connect to the TeraStation via AFP in order to display or copy any of the following characters.
? [ ] / \ = + < > ; : " , | *
• Do not use any of the following words as a username or group name:
root, bin, daemon, sys, adm, tty, disk, lp, sync, shutdown, halt, operator, nobody, mail, news,
uucp, ftp, kmem, utmp, shadow, users, nogroup, all, none, hdusers, admin,
guest, man, www, sshd, administrator, ftpuser, apache, mysql
• Do not use any of the following words as the name of a shared folder. These words are reserved for internal use by the TeraStation:
info, spool, lost+found, global, printers, homes, lp, authtest, ram, msdfs_root, mt-daapd, usbdisk# (where # is a num­ber, for example: usbdisk1)
• If any of the characters below are used for the shared folder name, workgroup name, or  lename, the data on the TeraStation may not be accessible or  le operations may not be performed properly. To prevent this from happening, avoid use of these characters.
<List of Unsupported Characters>
• File and folder names may contain up to 255 single-byte characters (UTF-8). DBCS characters (such as Japanese) count as two characters (2 bytes) each. File and folder names should contain 255 bytes of data or less. You may not be able to copy a folder or  le whose name contains more than 255 bytes of information.
• Attributes (hidden/read-only) for the folders and files in the TeraStation cannot be set in Windows. Use the Web Admin interface to set attributes for shared folders. In the Web Admin interface, navigate to [File Sharing] - [Shared Folder]. Select [Read Only] or [Read & Write] from the attributes.
• If non-Roman alphabetical folder names or workgroup names do not display properly, rename the folder or work­group with Roman alphabetical characters.
• If shared folders are accessed from a Macintosh, information  les for the Macintosh may be generated automatically. Do not delete these  les. If they are deleted using Windows, this may prevent further access from a Macintosh.
• If an SMB connection is used from Mac OS X 10.3.9, the names of mounted volumes may appear as unreadable char­acters in Finder or other applications. (This is not a problem with the  lename or data.)
• In Mac OS X 10.5 to 10.5.6, if a search is conducted using Spotlight, the search cannot be performed over an AFP con­nection. In this case, either use an SMB connection, or use Mac OS X 10.5.7 or later.
• TeraStation belongs to the default zone in AppleShareServer. The zone cannot be speci ed.
When  les are copied to the TeraStation, or to a USB drive connected to the TeraStation,  le information such as date created, date modi ed, and other date information may be updated or changed.
• The value for the hard drive capacity when checked from a browser may di er from the value shown when checked from the Properties window of the hard drive in Windows.
• During a  le transfer, if settings are changed in the Web Admin interface, the  le transfer operation may be aborted.
• File copying to the TeraStation is protected by a journaling  le system, but the situations below can occur if the copy­ing operation is canceled or ended (such as by disconnection of a Ethernet cable or power outage) while in progress.
- The preset data (TeraStation name, user, and group) may be erased.
- An incomplete  le may be copied and the  le can no longer be deleted. If this happens, restart the TeraStation, de­lete the  le, and perform the copy operation again.
• Even if the TeraStation's hard drive is formatted, the [% Used] and [Amount Used] in the Web Admin interface will not be 0. This is because some drive space is being used for the system area.
• Your TeraStation username and password should be the same as your Windows username and password. If they are di erent, you may not be able to access folders on the TeraStation with access restrictions con gured.
• To delete the contents of the trashbox folders for all shared folders, click [File Sharing] - [Folder Setup] - [Empty the recycle bin] in the Web Admin interface.
• Do not set the same network address for LAN port 1 and LAN port 2. Network communication may be unstable if the IP addresses are set so that they have the same network address.
• Use LAN port 1 to access di erent network subnets from the TeraStation. Access to a di erent network subnet is not possible from LAN port 2 since it doesn't have a default gateway.
- Email noti cation isn't working because the mail server can't be found.
- A backup device isn't detected, even when the IP address is speci ed and the backup location is selected.
To prevent these and similar problems, either use LAN port 1 on the TeraStation for main network communication, or move other devices such as a mail server or backup device to the same subnet of the network.
Adding Users
In the TeraStation's Web Admin interface, click next to [Users].
Click [Create User].
Enter the desired settings, then click [OK].
• Usernames may contain up to 20 alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), periods (.), !, #, &, @, $, *, ^, and %. Do not use a symbol as the first character.
• If the user ID is left blank, a user ID will be automatically assigned. Use numbers between 1000 and 1999 to set a user ID manually. Make sure that user IDs are unique.
• To assign quotas for users, enable user quotas and enter a limit in GB.
• If you log in with a username, you can check the TeraStation name, IP address, workgroup, and drive status, and
you can change your own password.
• User descriptions may contain up to 75 alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and spaces. Do not use a symbol and space as the first character.
• When setting users with access privileges, a maximum of 300 users can be registered in the TeraStation.
• Passwords may contain up to 20 alphanumeric characters and the following characters: - _ @ ! # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , . / ; < > = ? [ ] ^ { } | ~. Do not use a symbol other than an underscore (_) as the first character.
• In Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 and Windows Server 2003/Server 2008, if the network login name is different, a screen is displayed for entering the username and password, but even after these are entered, access to the shared folder is not possible. For best results, use the same username and password for both Windows and the TeraStation.
• Repetitive deletions and additions of users may cause quotas to not work properly. Even if data is copied by a backup job, quotas may not work properly if a user ID or group ID is duplicated. Always use distinct, unique usernames and group names.
This completes the procedure for adding users.
Quotas only limit available space. They don't check the amount of space that each user
is using, so these amounts must be managed individually. Owners can be confirmed
with the procedure below.
• From the Properties screen of the  le or folder, open a new window from the [Security] tab - click [Advanced], and check using the [Owner] tab.
• In My Computer or Explorer, right-clicking the bar shown for [Name], [Date modi ed], [Type], [Size], or other param­eter allows the selection of which parameter details are displayed. [Owner] can be con rmed from the right-click menu. The procedure for con rming the owner varies depending on the OS. The above example is for Windows XP.
Importing user information
All user information can be imported in a single operation by entering the information below to [CSV Files] in the [File Sharing]-[Users] screen and clicking [Import CSV File].
User information format: Username (required), password (required), and user description (optional).
• Importing may take over an hour depending on how many users are imported. During import, other operations per­formed from the Web Admin interface may be slower than usual, or may not be performed at all.
• Commas (,) are used as separators. Do not put spaces before or after commas.
• If a line has an incorrect format, the user for that line will not be registered.
• If a user with the same name is already registered, the new user information overwrites the old information.
• Do not use commas (,) in the username, password, or user description. See the previous page for other restrictions on what characters to use for the username, password and user description.
Adding Groups
In the TeraStation's Web Admin interface, click next to [Groups].
Click [Add Group].
Enter the desired settings, then click [OK].
• If the Group ID field is left blank, a group ID will be automatically assigned. Use numbers between 1000 and 1999 to set a group ID manually. Make sure that group IDs are not duplicated by other groups.
• To set a Quota for a group, enable group quota and enter the maximum disk space allotted in GB.
• Group names may contain up to 20 alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.). Do not use a symbol other than an underscore (_) as the first character.
• Group descriptions may contain up to 75 alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and spaces. Do not use a symbol and space as the first character.
• You may register up to 300 groups with the TeraStation.
• Repetitive deletions and additions of groups may cause quotas to not work properly. Even if data is copied by a backup job, quotas may not work properly if a user ID or group ID is duplicated. Always use distinct, unique usernames and group names.
This completes the procedure for adding groups.
Access Restrictions
In the TeraStation's Web Admin interface, click next to [Folder Setup].
Click a shared folder you want to set access restrictions for.
Click [Edit].
Enable [Access Restrictions].
Select the level of access for the user or group you added.
: Read and write access allowed
: Read access allowed
: Access prohibited
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