a ToTal mobIlE
prINTINg soluTIoN
Measuring from just 100 x 163 x 17.5mm, Brother’s ultra compact MPrint mobile
printers fit easily into the inside of a jacket pocket. Integrating with Bluetooth technology
and printing directly from a mobile device, they are the perfect tool for workers out in
the field.
MPrint automatically resizes A6 to print A7 size prints with a unique cut-sheet paper
cassette system and rechargeable lithium battery designed for true portability.
Brother’s MPrint range of printers provide your workforce with the flexibility and
confidence to do their job whilst on the move, without having to return to the office,
saving time and money.
TraNsporT aNd logIsTICs
Busy delivery drivers with hectic workloads can print out updated delivery notes and
receipts, helping to keep them on the move and in the right place at the right time.
CommErCIal sErvICEs/rETaIl
Customers are impressed when orders can be completed with a professional printed
order and receipt at the end of an advisor’s visit, helping to improve sales conversions
and productivity.
Engineers out on the road can use MPrint to print maintenance or service reports
for customers they are visiting, saving time, increasing customer confidence and
minimising future queries.
mEdICal/laboraTorY sErvICEs
With its ability to print accurate barcodes and prescriptions, MPrint is a valuable tool for
healthcare and laboratory workers out in the field.
publIC saFETY/EmErgENCY sErvICEs
MPrint enables law enforcement officers to issue on the spot incident reports, avoiding
unnecessary and time-consuming paperwork back in the office.