Issued: January 31, 2000
Revised: November 8, 2012
Version number: 9
Telephone (for information): +81-52-824-2735
Product name: M cassette
With regard to the model number, please find attached the list of the model
Use of Product: These products are M cassette for Brother Industries, Ltd. P-touch.
The above product consists of the following major parts and components.
Also please find attached the SDS.
M cassette is an ‘Article’ and we have voluntarily made the SDS.
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Brother Industries, Ltd.
15-1 Naeshiro-cho, Mizuho-ku,
Nagoya 467-8561, Japan
Name of part/Component Material SDS No.
1) Cassette case upper ABS N/A
2) Cassette case lower ABS N/A
3) Spacer PP N/A
4) Color indication Paper N/A
5) Stopper Paper N/A
6) M cassette tape -- 5V2942-M1-EUUSOTHER
7) Spool ABS N/A
Model Number List
The model numbers to be covered with PSIS No. 5V2942-P1-EUUSOTHER are as below.
M-K231 M-K131 M-K232 M-K233 M-K631 M-K231S M-531
M-731 M-931 M-E31 M-831 M-231 M-131 M-K531
M-K231BZ M-K231SBZ M-K232BZ M-K233BZ M-K631BZ M-K531BZ M-V3ABZ
M-931S M-521 M-721 M-921 M-E21 M-821 M-K221
M-K221S M-K222 M-K223 M-K621 M-K521 M-K221BZ M-K221SBZ
M-K222BZ M-K223BZ M-K621BZ M-K521BZ M-921S M-E793 M-7213
M-9213 M-E213

Issuing Date: 31-January-2000
Revision Date: 10-November-2012
Product name: M cassette tape
(Please refer to PSIS to find the applicable models)
Version: 8
SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking
1.2 Relevant ident ified uses of the subst an ce or mix ture and us e s advis ed ag ain st
Relevant Identified Use(s)
These products are tapes for Brother Industries, Ltd. M cassette.
1.3 Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet
Brother Industries, Ltd.
-1 Naeshiro-cho, Mi z uho-ku, Nagoya 467-8561, Japan
Tele phone (for information): +81-52-824-2735
Brother Interna tional Co rporation
200 Crossing Boulevard, Bridgewater, NJ 08807, USA
Telephone (for information): +1-800-284-4329
Brother Interna tional Co rporation (Canada) Ltd.
1 Hotel de Ville, Dollard des Ormeaux, Quebec, H9B 3H6, Canada
Telephone (for information): +1-514-685-0600
Brother Interna tional Europe Ltd.
Brother House, 1 Tame Street, Guide Br
Tele phone (for information): +44-161-330-6531
Brother International (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. ACN 001 393 835
Level 3, Building A, 11 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113, Australia
Telephone (for information): +61-2-9887-4344
1.4 Emergency telephone number
Emergency Telephone
(24 hours)
For France only:
Antipoison Center telephone number: ORFILA +33-1-45-425-959
idge, Audenshaw, Manc h ester M34 5J E, UK
-703-527-3887 (International)
-800-424-9300 (North America)

Issuing Date: 31-January-2000
Revision Date: 10-November-2012
Product name: M cassette tape
(Please refer to PSIS to find the applicable models)
Version: 8
SECTION 2: Hazards identification
2.1 Classification of the substance or mixture
Classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008
Not classified as hazardous
Classification according t o Dire ctiv e 19 99 /4 5/EC
Not classified as hazardous
Not classified as hazardous according to the criteria of NOHSC
Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008
Hazard St at em en t s
Precautionary statements
This product contains no substance considered to be persistent, bioaccumulating nor toxic (PBT). This product contains no substance
considered to be very persis t ent nor very bi oac c umul ati ng ( vP vB).
SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients
Description of the mixture: M cassette tape (Article)
(EU Reg. 1272/2008)
Heat-sensi tis i ng ag ent
Polyester film (For Clear tape only)
Polyolefin film (For all colored
tapes except Clear tape)
Ink (For all colored tapes except
Clear tape)
For the full text of R-phrases and H-Statements see Section 16