Brother FAX-727, FAX-717 User Manual

FAX-717 FAX-727 FAX-737MC

Available Models for Each country

Australia, New Zealand FAX -727 , FAX-737MC Others FAX -717 , FAX-727, FAX -737MC


Using This Manual

Thank you f or pu rchasing a Brother fax machine (FAX). This machine has been designed to be simple to use, with LC D screen prompt s to guide you through
functions. Howev er, you can use yo ur mach ine to its fullest potential by taking a few minutes to read this man ual.
Additionally, your machine can print a Help List. Make sure that there is no document in the Automatic Docum ent Feeder, and pres s
to print a list of basic operational steps and functions.

Finding Information

All cha pter hea dings a n d subh e adings a re listed in the T ab le of C o ntents. You will be able to fin d information abou t a s pecific feature by checking the Index at th e back of this manual. Also, throughout this manual, you will s ee special s ymbo ls alerting y ou to important information , cross-references, and w a rnin gs. Illustrations o f some screen display s also help you choo se th e correct key-presses.

Symbols Used In This Manual

Note or add itional information.
The machine would be damaged or would not work correctly if this is not observed.
Warning s detail prec au tions you must take to avoid possib le perso na l injury.

User-Friendly Programming

We h ave desi gned your fax ma chine with on-screen pro gramming using navigation keys. User-friendly prog ramming helps y ou t ake full advantage of all the f unct ions your machine ha s to offer. (S ee Using This Manual, pa ge i.)
Because y ou do all your program ming on the LCD, we c reat ed s tep- by-s tep o n-sc reen prompts to help you program you r machine. All you need to do is follow the prom pts as they guide you through the fu n c tion m e nu selec tions an d progra mming option s and se ttings.
A complete list of th e functio n selec tions, op tions, an d settings that are a vailable is provi ded in th e appendix of th is manual. (See Men u Mode & Menu Selection Table, page 100.)

Function Mode

You can a ccess the Function Mode by pressing Menu/Set. When you enter the Fu nction M ode , your mac hine displays a list of main m enu options f rom which
you can ch oose. These op tions appear one af ter the other on the display. Se lect an option by pressin g Menu/Set when the option appears on the LCD .
You can “ scro ll” more quickly through opti ons by pressing . When the scre en displays your selection, press Menu/Set. (Use to scroll backwa rd if you passed your choice or to save ke y strokes. Both arrow keys show all options, in the opposite order.)
When you finish a function , the screen displays AC CEPTED .
If you want to exit the Function M ode, press

Alternating Displays

The LC D sometimes alternates between the currently selecte d option, and a help m essage giving brief instructions abou t ho w to proc eed. The display you will probably see m ost often is shown below, sh ow in g you that when you place a document in the f eeder, you can either dia l a number to send it as a fax or pres s the copy key to make a copy of the d ocument.
Quick Reference Guide
Sending Faxes
Automatic Tran smission
1 Inser t the document face
down in the Automatic Document Feeder.
2 Enter the fax number you
want to call.
3 Press Fax Start.
Receiving Faxes
Select Receive Mode Press Rece iv e Mode to select
717/727) or (FAX-737MC) or MANUAL. If you select FAX/TEL, make sure you set Ring Delay and F/T Ring Time.
Storing Numbers
Storing One Touch Dial Numbers
1 Press Menu/Set, 6, 1. 2 Press One Touch key
where you want to store a number.
3 Enter a number (up to 20
digi ts), and then press Menu/Set.
4 Enter a name (or leave it
blank), and then press Menu/Set.
5 Press or to select
the type of nu mb e r and press Menu/Set.
6 Press or to select if
you set ANTI JUNK to ON (or OFF) and press Menu/Set. (Not available in Austral ia and New Zealand)
7 Press Stop/Exit.
Storing Speed Dial Numbers
1 Press Menu/Set, 6, 2. 2 Ente r a two-digi t Speed Dial
number and then press Menu/Set.
3 Enter a num ber (up t o 20
digits), and then pre ss Menu/Set.
4 Enter a name (or leave it
blank), and then press Menu/Set.
5 Press or to select
the type of nu mb e r and press Menu/Set.
6 Press or to select if
you set (or Menu/Set. (Not available in Austral ia and New Zealand)
7 Press Stop/Exit.
) and press
to ON
Dialling Operations
Making Copies
One Touch Dialling
1 Inser t the document face
down in the Automatic Document Feeder.
2 Press One Touch key
where you want to call.
3 Press Fax St art.
Speed Dialling
1 Inser t the document face
down in the Automatic Document Feeder.
2 Press Search/Mute, then
press # and the two-digit Speed Dial number.
3 Press Fax St art.
1 Inser t the document face
down in the Automatic Document Feeder.
2 Press Search/Mute, and
then enter the first letter of the name you are looking for.
3 Press or to search
the memory.
4 Press Fax St art, when the
LCD show s the nam e you want to call.
Making a Single Copy
1 Inser t the document face
down in the Automatic Document Feeder.
2 Press Copy/Reports twice.
Sorting Multiple Copies
1 Inser t the document face
down in the Automatic
Document Feeder. 2 Press Copy/Reports. 3 Enter the nu mbe r of co pie s
you want (up to 99). 4 Press Menu/Set. 5 Press or to select
, and then press

Table of Contents

Preparation and Simple Use Guide
Advi ce for Pr eparation and Sim ple Use Guid e...................................4
FAX-71 7/727 Control Panel Overview...............................................8
FAX-737 MC C o n tr o l Pane l O verview..... ................................... ......10

Chapter 1 Setup

Initial S ettings......................... ................................... ........................12
Cus to m Settin g s...................... ...........................................................14
Melody Se ttings (O nly for FAX-737MC)................................... ......16
Storing Nu mbers fo r Easy Dialling.................................... ...............17

Chapter 2 Sending a Fax

Scanning Adjustment.............. ................................... ........................20
Send in g Op er atio n............................................ .................................20
Dialling a Nu mber............................................ .................................21

Chapter 3 Receiving a Fax

Ans wer Mode Settings ............................. ................................... ......23
Rec eiving a Fax........................................ ................................... ......26

Chapter 4 Making Copies

Copy Functions....................... ...........................................................28

Chapter 5 Telephone

Ma k in g a Call..................................................................... ...............30
Ans wering a Call...................................... .........................................32

Chapter 6 Printing Reports

Tran smission Report an d Journ al Setting........................... ...............33
Usin g th e Repo r ts Key...................................... .................................34

Chapter 7 Advanced Sending

Adv anced O p erations................................................ .........................35

Chapter 8 Advanced Receiving

Operation from an E x ternal or E x tension Telephone........................44

Chapter 9 Telephone Service

Telephone Service for Aus tralia (Telstra® Duet)..............................47
Telephone Service for Ne w Z ea lan d........................................... .......50
Telephone Service for Some Countries.............................................54

Chapter 10 Polling

Pollin g R eceive...................... ................................... .........................56
Polled Transm it...................... ................................... .........................58
Secur e Po lling................................................... ........ .................. .......59

Chapter 11 Remote Fax Options (Only for FAX-717/727)

Fax Forwa r d in g...................... ............................................................60
Rem ote Retrieval ............................ ................................... ................61

Chapter 12 Message Centre (Only for FAX-737MC)

Mes s a g e Centr e Mode .................... ................................... ................65
Fax Forwa r d in g / P aging.......... ............................................................70
Rem ote Retrieval ............................ ................................... ................72

Chapter 13 Troubleshooting and Maintenance

Error Messages ..................................................................................77
Docu ment Jams and Pape r J ams....................... .................................79
Diffic u lty with Operation.......................................... .........................81
Regular Main tenance...................... ................................... ................83
Packin g and Shippin g th e Machine ............................................ .......90

Chapter 14 Important Safety Information

Important Inf o r mation fo r Australia ..................................................91
Important Inf o r mation f or New Zealand ............................ ................92
Important Inf or mation f o r Some Countries.......................................95

Chapter 15 Specifications

Specifi cations................................................... .................................98
Me n u Mod e & Menu Se lection Table................................ .............100
Ente r in g Text................................... ................................................106
About Fax Machines......................................... ...............................107
Glossary........................................... ................................................10 8
Index....................................... .........................................................111
Acc e s sory L ist................................. ................................... .............114

Preparation and Simp le Use Guide

Simple steps to prepare and use the machine.

Follow these simple steps below to prepare an d use the machine.
Howeve r, b efor e you perform th ese step s, r efer to t he Important In formation (page 91), and Advice for Prepara tion and Simple U se Guid e (page 4).
If you need further information, refer to BASIC US E or ADVANCED US E.
1 Make sure you have the items shown below
Check that you have the following ite m s:
(Only for Australia)
Wire Extension
Line Cord
Curled Cord
Paper T ray
One Touch Name Label
User’s Guide
Quick Setup Guide
* The printing cartridg e is already insta lled in the mach in e.
Keep the packing materials for possible future transport. Failure to pack the machin e prope rly may damage the mach ine an d such damages will no t be cover ed un de r warr a n ty.
2 Read the Quick Setup Guide
Follow the in s tructions on the Brother Quick Setup Guide to s et up the mach in e.
3 Setting the Dialling Mode (Tone/Pulse) (Not available in New Zealand)
Press Menu/Set, 1, 1. The screen prompt s you to select TONE or PULSE.
Use or to select the dialling mode, and pre ss Menu/Set when the scree n di splay s the dialling mode you want.
Press Stop/Exit.
4 Using the telephone
Pick up the hands et.
When yo u hear a dial tone, dial the nu m ber, using the dial pad.
To hang up, replace the handset on its crad le.
Preparatio n an d S im pl e U se Guide
5 Settin g the D ocu ment
Docum ents must be b etwe en 14.8 and 21.6 cm w ide , an d 15 and 60 cm long. Your fax machine can only sca n an image 2 0.8 c m wide, regardle ss of how wide the paper is.
Make sure you insert documents face down, top edge first.
Adjust the pa per guides to fit the width of y our document.
Paper Guides
The Autom at ic Document Feeder can hold up t o 10 pages, feeding e ach one individually through the fa x machine. Use stan dard (64 gsm~9 0 gsm) paper when using the A ut o m atic Docum ent Feeder; if you are u sing heavier paper, feed each sheet individually to pre v ent paper jams.
Press Resolution (before you send th e fax) to select the resolution for the doc ument yo u are sending. If you wish to send in STANDARD re solu tion, i.e. a general fax with no graphics, then the defa ult is STANDA RD, and the resolu tion button need not be presse d. (S ee Resolution, p age 20.)
DO NOT use, curled, wrinkled paper, folded, ripped paper, or paper with staples, paper clips, paste, or tape attached.
DO NOT use, cardboard, newspaper or fabric.
DO NOT use paper on which correction fluid has been used.
Make sure documents written with ink are completely dry.
6 Sending a fax automatically
Insert the docu ment face down in the A utomatic Do cument Feeder.
Enter the fax num b e r you want to call.
Press Fax Start. IMPORTANT: D o not pick up the handset.
7 Making a Single Copy
Insert the document face dow n in the Automatic Document Feeder.
Press Copy/Rep orts.
Press Copy/Rep orts. (See Making C opie s, page 2 8 .) To cancel, press Stop/Exit.
Your m achi ne cannot scan anyth ing c loser th an 4 mm from the edge of the paper.
Do NOT pull the paper while copying is in progress.
8 Setting up the Answer phone (MC) (Only for FAX-737MC)
Press Menu/Set, 8 , 1. The screen pro m pts you to choose a DO C (Docu ment) setting.
Press or to select ON (or OFF), and press Me nu/Set. The screen prompts you to ch oose a VOICE settin g .
Press or to selec t y our setting from the list (ON, OFF or EXT), and press
Menu/Set when th e screen display s your s election .
Press Stop/Exit.
Press Menu/Set, 8, 3. Th e sc reen prompts you to choose an OGM.
Press or to reach MSG CTR OGM. This is the on ly setting y ou can select if y ou wa n t to turn the Message Cen tre on.
Press Menu/Set.
Press or to select RECO RD MSG and pr ess Menu/Set.
Pick up the h ands et to rec o rd a message. For examp le: H ello. We are unable to take your call at this time. Please leave a m essage after the tone. If you wish to se nd a fax, please press 5 1 ( 9 1 for New Ze aland), wait for the fax tones, then press th e st art button on your m ac h ine . (See Reco rd in g the Messa g e Centre’s Outgoing Me ssag e (MSG CTR OGM ) , page 66.)
Replace the handset. The Message Centre play s your OGM.
Press Stop/Exit.
Activate M e ssage Centre (MC ) Mode by press ing .
Preparatio n an d S im pl e U se Guide

Advice for Preparation and Simple Use Guide


When ever you transport the machine, use the packing mater ials that came with yo ur machine and pack the machine corr ectly.

Choosing a Location

Place your fax m achine o n a flat, stable surface, such a s a desk. Select a place that is free of vibratio n and shock s. L ocate the machin e near a telephone so cket and a standard, earthed Mains socket.
Avoid pla cing your machine in a busy area. Do not place near heaters, air co nditioner s, water, chem ica ls o r re frig era to rs. D o no t e xp o se th e ma ch in e to d irec t su nlig ht, exc es siv e h eat , m ois ture o r dust. Do not c onnect your mac hine to electrical outlets controlled by w al l swi tche s or auto m atic timers. Disruption of power can wipe out information in the unit’s memo ry. D o not connect your machine t o electrical outlets on the same circuit as large appliances or other equip ment that m ight disrupt the pow er supply. Avoid connecting the fax m achine near to interference sources, such as speakers or th e base units of cordless p hones.

Connecting the Power Cord

This fax must be earthed using a 3-pin plug.
Since the machine is earthed through the power outlet, you can protect yourself from potentially ha zardous electri cal condition s on the teleph one network by kee pin g th e p o wer to y ou r machin e on wh en yo u co nn ect it to a telephone line. Similarly, you can protect yourself when you want to move your machine, by disconnecting the telephone line first, and then th e power cor d.
Lightning and power surges can damage this product! We recommend that you use a quality surge protec tion device on the A C power line as well as on the telephone line, or unplug the lines during a lightning storm.

Memory Storage

Your mac hine is e quip ped w ith an intern al batte ry w hich w ill kee p the d ate and time in form ation for up to ab ou t 48 h ou rs afte r po w er h as be en c ut off. Af ter th is tim e, th e d ate an d time w i ll be lost an d you will hav e to re-enter the inform a tion. In the even t o f a pow er failure, all settings in the me n us are st o red permanently exce p t for the settings that are valid for the nex t fax on ly (e.g. contrast, overseas mo de).
The FA X-737M C w ill re tain any d ocuments or voice mes sa ge s stor ed in to the me m ory for u p to 1 5 hours after a power interruption.
The FAX -717/7 27 will not retain any docume nts stored into the mem ory after a power interrup tion.

Connecting an External Telephone Answering Device (TAD)

You may connect an external TAD to your machin e, as shown below .
(Example for Australia)
Set the numb er of rings to one or two on your external T A D. (The fax machine’s Ring Delay setting does not apply.)
Record the o utgo ing message on your external TAD (s ee next page).
Set the extern a l TAD to answer calls.
Set MESSAGE STORE (Function menu 8 -1) to VOICE:EXT. (Only for FAX-737MC)
Set the Answer Mode to TAD:ANSW ER MA CH .. (Only for FAX-717/727) On FAX-737MC, set the Answer Mode to MC:MSG CTR.
Do not conn ect a TAD elsewh ere on the same phon e line––your mac hine and TAD will both try to control the line.
Preparatio n an d S im pl e U se Guide
Outgoing Message (OGM) of External TAD
Timing is importa n t in reco rding this message.
Record fo ur s econds of silence at the be gin ning of your mes sage . (Th is a llows your machi ne time t o listen for the fax C NG tones of a utomati c transm iss ions be fore they stop.)
Try to record the s hort est possi ble message on y our telep hone answering device (ideally less than 20 se conds).
End your m es sage by giving your Fax Receive C ode for people sending manual faxes. For example: “After the bee p, leave a message or send a fax m anually by pressing 5 1 ( 9 1 for New Zealand).”
Please no te that some faxes tha t are sent manually c annot be received automatically because some fax mach ines do not se nd a fax tone in m anual m ode. In these cases you mu st inform ca llers that they must enter the rem o te Fax Re ceive C o de to send a fax.
Sequence of External TAD Receptio n
Whe n you le ave yo u r mac h in e set in T AD mode, all calls w ill be an swere d by the e x ternally connected telephone answerin g device, and fax calls will be received autom atically provided they come from a mach in e whic h s ends sta ndard Calling to n e (CN G).
Incoming Call
The call is picked up by the TAD. (Recommended short TAD ring delay such as 1 or 2 rings.)
Fax reception is automatically activated by fax tone.
The fax message is received on paper.
Auto dial fax call
The external TAD outgoing message begins (recommended length of 10 seconds or less).
Voice call
The caller leaves a voice message on the external TAD.
Manual fax call
The caller can also send a fax message after the voice message.
The caller must press Start or enter your remote activation code to activate the machine and press Start.
The fax message is received on paper.

Connecting an External Telephone

Your ma chine is equipped with a hand set that you can u se as a regula r phone. How ever, you ca n also connect a separa te telephone to your m achine, as shown below.
Extension Telephone
External Telephone
(Example for Australia)
Whenev er th is e xtern al p hone (or TAD ) is in use, the screen displa ys EXT. TEL IN USE , a nd, if the fax handset is lifted, an alarm sounds.
To disconnect th e call on the external ph one and switch to th e fa x, lift the ha ndset and press Hook (FAX-717/727) or Speak er Phone (F A X-737MC).
Preparatio n an d S im pl e U se Guide

FAX-717/727 Control Panel Overview

(FAX-727 panel is the same as FAX-717)
1 2
LCD (Liquid Cr ysta l Displa y)
Displays m essages to help you set up an d operate your machine.
Lets you dial tele phone and fax num b e rs without lifting the ha ndset.
Dial Pad
Dials phone and fax numbers and can be used as a keyboard for en tering information i nto t he machine. # key let s you switch the dialling type during a te le phone c all from "PU L SE" to "TON E". (Not available in N ew Zealand)
Redial/P a u se
Re-dials the last number called. A lso inserts a pause in autodial numbers.
Search/Mut e
Lets you dial stored phone num ber s by pressing # and a two-d igit number or lets you look u p num bers stored in the dialling memory. A lso, lets y ou pu t c alls on h old.
Use this key to gain access to an outside line and/or to reca ll the operator or transfer a call to another extensio n when it is connected to a PABX. ( A ustralia & New Zealand only)
4 5 6
8 9
Receive Mod e
Use to se lect ho w th e m ach ine w ill han dle incoming call s.
Sets the resolution w hen you s end a fax or make a copy.
Stops a fax, cancels an operation or exits from Menu m ode.
Fax Start
Starts an operation, such as sending a fax.
Copy/Repor ts
With docu ment in the A utomat ic Document Feeder : M akes a copy. Without d oc ument in the Automatic Document Feeder : Le ts you access the Reports m enu so yo u can select a report to print: HE LP L IST, QU ICK-DIAL,
One Touch Dial Keys
These fou r keys give yo u instant access to previously stored phone numbers.
Navigation Keys:
Lets you ac cess the menu an d programmin g mode and stores your settings in the machine.
Press to scro ll fo rw ar d or ba ck war d to se t a men u selec tio n. You can als o us e these keys to do an alphabetical search f o r th e names of stored numbers.
Press to scroll through the menus an d options. —OR— You ca n press these k eys to a d just the beeper, ring or speaker volume.
Preparatio n an d S im pl e U se Guide

FAX-737MC Contr o l Pan el Ov er vie w

1 2
3 4
Digital TAD
Lets you activate Message Centre. Also, notifies you tha t you have voice or fax mess ages in the mem ory.
LCD (Liquid Cr ysta l Displa y)
Displays m essages to help you set up an d operate your machine.
Navigation Keys:
Lets you acce ss the menu and programming mode and stores your settin g s in the machine.
Press to s croll forw ard o r ba ckw ard to set a menu s election. You can also use these keys to do an alphabetical searc h for the names of stored numbers.
Press to scroll through the m enus and optio n s . —OR— You can press these keys to adjust the beeper, ring o r speaker volum e.
17 16
7 8
11 12
9 10
Speaker Phone
Lets you speak to the person at the other end and d ial telephone and fax numbers without lifting the ha ndset.
Dial Pad
Dials phone and fax numbers and can be used as a keyboard for entering information into the machine. # key lets you sw i tch t he dialling type during a telephone call from "PULSE" to "TONE". (Not available in New Zealand) # key also lets you s k ip to the next message when you are playing voice messages and key lets you repeat the last message when you are pla ying voic e messages .
Red ial/Pa u se
Re-dials the last number called. A lso inserts a pause in autodial numbers.
Lets you dial stored phone num ber s by pressing # and a two-di git number or lets you look up num bers stored in the d ialling mem ory. Also , lets yo u put calls on hold.
Use this key to gain a ccess to an outs ide line a n d /or to recall the o perator o r transf er a call to an other e xtension when it is connected t o a PABX . (Australia & New Zealand only)
Receive M ode
Use to sele ct ho w the ma chin e w ill han dle incom ing ca lls.
Sets the resolution when you sen d a fax or make a copy.
Lets you delete voice m essages, fax messages or all message s.
Stops a fax, cancels an opera tion or exits from Menu mode.
Fax Start
Starts an operation, such as sending a fax.
With document in the Automatic Document Feeder: M akes a copy. Witho ut doc u ment in the Au toma tic Document Feeder: L ets y ou access the Reports menu so you can select a report to print: H ELP LIST, QUICK-DIAL,
One Touch Dial Keys
These four keys g ive you instan t access to previously stored phone numbers.
Lets you listen to voice messages and print fax messages s tored in m emory. Also, lets you record te lephon e calls.
MIC (Microphone)
Picks up your vo ice w hen you speak to another party using s peakerphone.
Preparation and Si mple Use Guide


Initial Settings

Setting the Dialling Mode (Tone/Pulse) (Not available in New Zealand)

You r mach in e is initially set to TONE. If you are using a PULSE dia l line, yo u can change the settin g to PUL SE by following the steps below.
Press Menu/Set, 1, 1. The screen prompts you to select TONE or PULSE.
Use or to select the dialling mode, and pres s Me nu/Set w h en the s cree n d is play s the diallin g mode you w a nt.
Press Stop/Exit.
Although this equipment can use either Pulse or Tone signalling, only the performance of the To ne signalling is subject to regulatory requirements for correct operation. It is therefore strongly recomm ended that the equip m ent is set to use the Tone signalling for access to public or private emergency services. The Tone signalling also provides faster call set up.

Setting the Date and Time

The scre en display s the date an d time you set, w henever the ma chine is in s tand-by m ode. It w ill print the date and time on every fax you send.
In the e ven t o f a p ow e r failu re, th e m ac hi ne m a inta ins d ate a n d tim e in fo rm atio n fo r ab ou t 48 h o urs .
Press Menu/Set, 1, 2.
Enter the tw o dig its o f th e y e ar, a nd pres s Menu/Set. “04” is registered as 2004 in the mac hine.
Enter two digits for the m onth and press Me nu/Set.
Enter two dig its for the day an d press Menu/Set.
Enter the tim e in 24 h our fo rmat an d p ress Menu/Set.
Press Stop/Exit.
Chapter 1

Setting the Station ID

You can store your name, fax number and telephone numb er in this setting. Th e name and fax numb er will be p rinted o n the fax co ver page s and all fax pages that you sen d. (The tele phon e numb er will be printed only on your cov er pages and on the call bac k m essages.) (S ee Electronic C over P age (Only for FAX -7 27/737MC), page 35 and Call Reserva tion (On ly for FA X -727/7 3 7 MC), page 38.)
It is important that you e nter the fax an d teleph o ne numbers in the inte rnationa lly stand ardised format, i.e. in accordance with the followi ng strict sequence:
- The “+” (plus ) cha rac ter (by pressing key)
- Your Country C ode
- Your local area c ode minus any leadin g “0”
- A space
- You r n umber on the local ex chan g e, using s p aces to a id reada bility as appro priate.
Press Menu/Set, 1, 3.
Enter your fax number (up to 20 d igits) an d pr ess Menu/Set.
Enter your telephone number (up to 20 dig its) and press Menu/ Set.
Enter your nam e (up to 20 ch arac ters) using the dial pad an d the chart. To enter a space press
Press Menu/Set.
Press Stop/Exit.
When you enter your name , see Entering Text, page 106.
The telephone number you enter is used only for the Call B ack Message and Cover Page fea tures.
If you do not enter a fax n um ber, no additional information can be entered.
To enter a space, press once between numbers a nd tw ice bet ween characters.
If your Station ID has already b een programme d, the scr een prompts “1” to make a change, or “2” to exit without changing .

Custom Settings

Volum e Settin gs

Beeper Volume
You ca n set the be eper t o LOW, HIGH or OFF. The machine comes set to LOW. W hen the beeper is set to LOW or HIGH, the machine beep s every tim e you pres s a ke y or make a n erro r, and at the end of sendin g or receiving a fax.
Press Menu/Set, 1, 4.
Press or to select your setting.
Whe n the sc reen dis p lays the setting y ou wa n t, press M enu/ Set.
Press Stop/Exit.
Speaker Volume
You can ad just the speak er volum e. If you h ave FA X -717/72 7, you mu st lift the handset, then press Hook before you can adjust the vo lume. If you have FAX-737MC, press Speaker Phone.
Press or to adjust the volume level. The display sho ws th e setting you are choo sing . Each key press ch anges the volu me to the next s etting. T he new setting will remain u n til you c hange it again.
If you have FAX -737MC, you can a djust the speaker volume while you ar e listening to your OGM (Outgoing Message ) and IC Ms (incoming messages).
If you tu rn Inc o ming Reco rd in g Monitor to FAX -737MC, the Speak e r for screenin g c a lls will be d is abled and you won’t hear callers leaving messag es. The volume for other operations can still be
and .
controlled using
OFF (Menu/Set, 8, 5
) on
Ring Volume
You can a djus t the ring volume wh en your fax mach ine is idle. You can select a r ing volu m e level or press or until the ring is off.
Press or to adjust the volum e level . W ith each key p ress , the fax m ach ine rings so y ou can hear the current setting and the display show s the setting you are choosin g. Each key press chang es the volume to the n ex t setting. The n e w settin g will remain u n til you change i t aga in.
Chapter 1

PABX and TRANSFER (Not available for some countries)

Your machin e is initially set to be connected with PSTN (Public Sw itched Telephone Ne twor k) lines. Howe ver m any of fices us e a cen tral telep hone sy stem or P rivate A utom atic B ran ch Exch ang e (PABX) . Your fax can be connecte d to most types of PA BX. You can gai n access to the outside line from your fax connected to PA B X by just pressing Recall.
You can trans fer a call to ano ther ext ension by pressing If your machine is connected to a PABX, you may need to insert an additional number p refix (e.g. “9”) and a “p ause”, not press telephone num ber, in order to again access to the outside line.
, before each fax or

Setting PABX

If your mach ine is connected to a PA BX syste m , s et PB X :ON. If not, set OFF.
Press Menu/Set, 1, 5. Th e screen display s
Press or to select ON (or OFF).
Press Menu/Set when the screen displays your selection.
Press Stop/Exit.
You can program an or Speed D ial location. Wh en program ming th e O ne Tou ch or S pe ed Dial num be r (Function men u 6- 1 or 6- 2) p ress the telephone nu m ber. If you do this, you do not need to press before you dial using a One Touch or Speed Dial location. (See Storing Numb ers for Eas y D ialling, pa ge 17.) How ever, if PBX is set to OFF, you can’t use the O ne Touch or Speed Dial number tha t an
keypress as part of a number stored in a One Touch
first (the screen displays “!”), then enter
keypress is program med into.
each time

Melody Settings (Only for FAX-737MC)

Setting the Ring Pattern

You can s elec t a ring patte rn from signal (regular ring pattern) or 4 t ypes of melody. The default setting is SIGNAL.
Press Menu/Set, 9, 1.
Press or to select SIGNAL, MELO DY 1, MELODY2, MELODY3 or MELODY4 and press Menu/Set.
Press Stop/Exit.
Even if you select a melody for rings, F/T pseudo-ring can not b e changed to the melody.

Setting the Music on Hold

You can sele ct the music on hold . You ca n also se t the m us ic to OFF.
Press Menu/Set, 9, 2.
Press or to select MELODY1, MELODY2, MELO DY 3, MELODY4 or OFF and press Menu/Set when the screen dis p lays yo u r selection.
Press Stop/Exit.

Setting the Melody Alarm

You can r ing the melody at the setting time . Also, you can select the alarm soun d fr om a signal or 4 types of melody.
Press Menu/Set, 9, 3.
Press or to select ON (or OFF) and press
Menu/Set. If you select OFF, go to Step 5.
Enter the tim e in 24-h our format you want to set the alarm and press Menu/Set.
Press or to select SIGNAL, MELO DY 1, MELODY2, MELODY3 or MELODY4 and press
Press Stop/Exit.
During the Melody Ala rm waiting, the screen display s ALAR M W A ITIN G .
Once the m elody rings on the time you set, the Melo dy Alarm setting returns to O FF.
If the time you set comes during the a n other op eration, the Melody Alarm rings af te r they are finished.
Chapter 1

Storing Numbers for Easy Dialling

You can set up your machine to d o thr ee t ypes of easy dialling: One Touch, Speed Dial, and G rou ps f or Broadcasting of faxes. If you use the Ca ller ID subscriber service offered by your local phone company (For Si ngapore,
Hong K ong and Philippine on ly), you can register the n umb er for A nti-Junk Fax/ Call in O ne T ouch and Speed Dial locations.
If you lose electrical power, auto d ial num ber s in memory w ill not be lost.
One Touch Dial Numbers/Storing Junk
Fax/Call Numbers
You can store four fax/phone numbers that you can dia l by pressing one key . You can also store names w ith these numbers. W hen you press a O ne Touch dial k ey, the s cree n di spla ys th e name or number as th e call is dialled. (See One Touch Dial ling, pag e 21.)
One Touch keys are n ot the dial pad keys. They are th e f our keys (numbers 1–
4) located to the right of the navigation ke ys.
If you want to store a Junk numb er, you have to set (Not available in Australia and N ew Zealand)
Press Menu/Set, 6, 1.
Press the One T ouch key where you want to st ore a number. The screen displays the loca tion you selected.
Enter a numb er ( up to 20 digits) and press Menu/Set.
If you wa nt to ente r a pau se in the di alling seq ue nc e (to w ait fo r an “ou tsid e line ,” for example), press
appears on the scre en.
Use the dial pad to enter the na me or c ompany (up to 15 characters) and press Me nu/Set. Yo u can use th e chart to help you e n ter letters (See Entering Text, pa ge 106.) —OR— To store the number without a name, press M enu/S et.
Press or to select the type of num ber and press Menu/Set.
enters a 3.5-secon d pause w hen the num ber is dialled, an d a da sh
as y o u’re e n te ring d igits. Pr e ssing
to ON in Step 6.
FAX a fax only number TEL a telephone (voice) number F/T both a fax and telep hone (voice) num ber
Press or to select if you s et ANTI JUNK to ON (or OFF) and press Menu/Set.
(Not available in Australia and N ew Zealand)
If you set the m ac hine . Th e ma ch ine w ill reje ct r eceiv ing the fax m es sa ge or t elep h one ca ll. (Not available in Australia and N ew Zealand)
If you don’t use the Caller ID subscriber service offered by your local telephone company, you cannot use the Anti-Junk function. (For Singapore, Hong Kong and Philippine)
Return to Step 2 to store another One Touch number—OR—Press Stop/Exit to exit. When you dial a One T ouch Dial num ber, the screen displays the name you h ave stor ed, o r, if you have not s tored a name, the nu m ber you have stored .
to ON, the number is registered as th e Junk Fax or Call in

Storing Speed Dial Numbers/Storing Junk Fax/Call Numbers

You can s tore Spe ed Dial numbers , when you dial by pressing only four keys . There are 100 (FAX -727 /73 7MC) or 60 (FA X-717) Speed Dial locations.
If you want to store a Junk num ber , yo u have to set (Not available in Australia and N ew Zealand)
Press Menu/Set, 6, 2.
Use th e dia l pad to ente r a tw o-d ig it loca tion an d pre ss Menu/Set. (00-99 for FAX -72 7/73 7MC, 01-60 for FAX-717)
Enter the number (up to 20 dig its) and p ress
Use the d ial pad to enter the name o r compa ny (up to 1 5 characters) (S ee Entering Text, page 106.) and press Menu/Set—OR—Press Menu/Set to store th e number with out a na me.
Press or to select the type of numb er and press Menu/Set.
#05: ENTER & SET
to ON in Step 6.
FAX a fax only number TEL a telephone (voice) n um ber F/T both a fax and telephone (voice) number
Press or to select if you set AN TI JUNK to ON (or OFF) and press
Return to Step 2 to store another Speed D ia l number—OR—Press Stop/Exit to exit.
Chapter 1
(Not available in Australia and N ew Zealand)

Changing One Touch and Speed Dial Numbers

If you try to store a One Touch o r Speed Dia l number in a location w here a numb er is already stored, the screen displays the current name store d the re, then prompts you to eithe r
Press 1 to ch ange the number stored, o r pr ess 2 to exit without m aki ng a change.
Enter a new number.
If you want to eras e the entire nu mbe r, press Stop/Exit when the cur sor is to th e lef t of th e digits. The letters above a nd t o the righ t of the cursor are deleted.
If you want to change a digit, use or to position the cursor under the digit you want to chan ge, the n type o v e r it.
Follow the directions from Step 3 in Storing One Touch N umbers or Storing Speed Dial Numbers.

Setting Up Groups for Broadcasting

Groups allow you to send the same fax messag e to m any fax numbe rs b y pressing only one One Touch key (B roadcasting). First, you’ll need to store each fax number a s a One T ouch or Sp eed Dial number. Then, you can com bine them into a Group. Each Gro up uses up a One T ouch key. Finally, you can hav e up to four small Gro ups, or you can assign up to 103 (FAX-727/737MC) or 63 (FAX-7 17) n u m bers to one large Group. (See Stor ing One Tou ch Dial Num bers/Storing Junk Fax/Call Numbers, page 17, Storing Speed Dial Nu mbe rs/Storing Jun k Fax/Cal l Num bers, page 18 and Broadca sting , page 2 2 .)
Press Menu/Set, 6, 3.
Select a One T ouch key wh er e you wish to sto re th e number. (For exa mple, press One Touch key 2 to store a Group.)
Use the dial pad to enter the Group number and pr ess
Menu/Set. (For example, press 1 fo r Grou p 1.)
To include One Touch or Sp eed Dial numbers in the Group , enter them as if y ou w ere d ialling . For e xam ple, for One Tou ch key 3, press One Touch key 3. For Speed D ial locati on 09, press Search/Mute , th e n press 0, 9 on the dial pad. The LCD shows 03, #09.
Press Menu/Set to accept the numbers for this gro up.
Use the dial pad to enter a name for the group and press Menu/Set. (For example, NEW CL IENTS) (See Entering Text, page 106.)
Press Stop/Exit.
You can p rint a list of all One Touch and Sp eed Dial numbe rs. (See P rinting Reports, page 33.)

Sending a Fax

Scanning Adjustment


If your document is very light or very d ark, you might want to set the contrast accordingly. Use LIGHT to send a light d ocum ent. Use DA RK to send a dark docum ent. After sending the documen t the contrast setting is set to AU TO (suitable for m ost documents) aut om atically.
Insert the doc um ent face down in the Automatic Document Feeder.
Press Menu/Set, 3, 3.
Use or to sele ct AUTO, LIGHT, or DARK.
When the scre en displays your selection, press
Menu/Set. The screen dis plays:
Press 2 if you have finished choosing settings, an d go to Step 6—OR––Press 1 if yo u want to select additional settin g s. The d isp lay returns to SETU P SEN D menu.
Enter a fax nu mber and press F ax Start to send a fa x.


When you have a document in the feed er, y ou can use the R eso lution key. Press Resolution contin uou sly u ntil yo u see y our s elec tion o n the s creen .
see M u ltiple Re so lution T r ansm is sion, page 43.
STANDARD: s uitable fo r most typed docum ents. FINE: good for sm al l print; transmits a little sl o w er than standard resolutio n. S. FINE: good for sm al l print or artwork; transmits slower tha n fin e re solution . PHOTO: use when document ha s varying shades of g rey; slow tra nsmission time.
If you want to set a different resolution for each

Sending Operation

Manual Transmission

Manu al trans m iss ion lets you hear the dial tone, ringing and fax receiving tones before sending the fax.
Insert the doc um ent face down in the Automatic Document Feeder.
Pick up the h and set and listen for a dial ton e— OR—P re ss S pe aker Ph on e (for FA X-737 M C only).
Enter the fax num b e r you w a n t to call. (S e e Dia llin g a Nu mber, page 21.)
When you hear the fax ton e, pr ess Fax Start. If you are using the handse t, hang up.
Chapter 2

Automatic Tran smission

This is the eas ie st way to send a fax. IMPO RTANT: Do not p ick up t he handset—OR —P r ess S p e aker P hone (for FAX-737MC
Insert the document face dow n in the Automatic Document Feeder.
Enter the fax number you wa nt to call.
Press Fax Start.

Dialling a Number

One Touch Dialling

Insert the document face dow n in the Automatic Document Feeder.
Press th e One T ouch k ey of th e locatio n you w a n t to call.
Press Fax Start.
If you try to use a One Touch or Speed Dial location with no num ber stored in it, you hear a w arn ing so und, and screen displays retur n s to nor mal afte r 2 seconds.

Speed Dial lin g

Insert the document face dow n in the Automatic Document Feeder.
Press Search/Mute, then press # and the two-digit Speed Dial number.
Press Fax Start.
. The display


You can search for name s yo u have stored in On e T ouch and Speed Dial mem ories. (See Storing One Touch Dial Numbers/Storing Junk Fax/Call Numbers, page 17 and Storing Speed Dial Number s/Sto ring Junk Fax/Call Numb ers, page 18.) Nam es are displayed alphabetically.
Insert the document face dow n in the Automatic Document Feeder.
Press Search/Mute.
To search for numbers alphabetically by nam e, enter the first letter of the name by using the dial pad, and then pre ss or .
When the screen displays the name you w ant to call, press Fax Start.
Sending a Fax
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