Brother DH4-B980 User Manual

DH4-B980 RH-9800
Please read this manual before usi ng the machin e. Please keep this manual within easy reach for quick reference.
With industrial sewing m achines, it is nor mal to carr y out work whil e position ed directl y in front of m oving parts such as the needle and thread take- up lever, and consequently there is a lways a danger of injury that can be caused by these parts. Follow the instructions from training personnel and instructors regarding safe and correct operation before operating the machine so that you will know how to use it correctly.
1. Safety indications and their meanings
This instruction m anual and the indications and s ymbols that are used on the m achine itself are provided in order to ensure safe operation of this machine and to prevent accidents and injury to yourself or other people. The meanings of these indications and symbols are given below.
The instructions which follo w this term indic ate situations where f ailure to f ollow the instructions will almost certainly result in death or severe injury.
The instructions which follo w this term indic ate situations where f ailure to f ollow the instructions could cause injury when using the machine or physical damage to equipment and surroundings.
........................................This symbol ( ) indicates something that you should be careful of. The
picture inside the triangl e indic ates t he na ture of the caution that m ust be taken. (For example, the symbol at left means “beware of injury”.)
........................................This symbol (
........................................This symbol ( ) indicates something that you must do. The picture
inside the circle indicates the nature of the thing that must be done.
(For example, the symbol at left means “you must make the ground
) indicates something that you must not do.
2. Notes on safety
Wait at least 5 minutes after turning off the power switch and dis c onnecting the power cord fr om the wall ou tlet before opening the face plate of the contro l box. Touching areas where high voltages are present can result in severe injury.
Environmental requirements
Use the sewing machine in an area which is free from sources of strong electrical noise such as high-frequency welders. Sources of stron problems with correct operation.
Any fluctuations in the power supply voltage should be within the machine. Voltage fluctuations which are greater than this may cause problems with correct operation.
ower supply capacity should be greater than the requirements for the sewing machine’s electrical consumption. Insufficient problems with correct operation.
neumatic delivery capability should be
reater than the requirements for the sewin machine's total air consumption. Insufficient cause problems with correct operation.
electrical noise may cause
10% of the rated voltage for
ower supply capacity may cause
neumatic delivery capability ma
Machine installation shoul d only be carried out b a qualified technician.
Contact your Brother dealer or a qualified electrician for any electrical work that may need to be d one.
The sewin The installation should be carried out b more people.
Do not connect the com the start swi t ch i s result in injury.
Be sure to connect the connection is not secure, you run a high risk of receiving a serious electric shock, and problems with correct operation may also occur.
machine weighs more than 87 kg.
two or
ower cord until ins tallation is
lete, otherwise the m achine may operate if
ressed by mistake, which could
round. If the ground
The ambient temperature should be within the range of 5 to 35 during use. Tem
eratures which are lower or h igher than this
may cause problems with correct operation. The relative humidit
45% to 85% durin should occur in any devices. Excessively dry or humid environm ents and dew formation ma operation.
Avoid exposure to direct sunlight during use.
osure to direct sunlight may cause problems
Ex with correct operation.
In the event of an electrical storm, turn off the
ower and disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet. Lightning may cause problems with correct operation.
ll cords should be sec ured at least 25 mm awa from any moving parts. Furthermore, do not excessively bend the cords or secure them too
with staples, otherwise there is the danger
firml that fire or electric shocks could occur.
Install the belt covers to the machine head and motor.
If usin should be secured in such a way so that the cannot move.
Be sure to wear when handlin that the skin, otherwise inflammation can result. Furthermore, do not drink the oi l or eat the grease under an vomiting and diarrhoea. Keep the oil out of the reach of children.
a work table which has casters, the casters
do not get into your eyes or onto your
circumstances, as they can cause
should be within the range of
use, and no dew formation
cause problems with correct
rotective goggles and gloves
the lubricating oil and grease, so
y op
This sewing machine should only be used by operators who have received the necessary training in safe use beforehand.
The sewin applications other than sewing.
Be sure to wear machine. If needle breaks, enter your eyes and injury may result.
Turn off the power switch at the following times, otherwise the machine ma switch is injury.
When threading the needle
When replacing the needle When not using the machine and when leavin the machine unattended
machine should not be used for an
rotective goggles when using the
les are not worn, there is the danger that if a
arts of the broken needle ma
erate if the start
ressed by mistake, which could result in
Turn off the power switch before carrying out cleaning, otherwise the machine may operate if the start swi t ch i s result in injury.
ressed by mistake, which could
If using a work table which has casters, the casters should be secured in such a wa cannot move.
ttach all safety devices before using the sewin machine. If the machine is used without these devices attached, injury may result.
Do not touch an objects against the machine while se wing, as this
result in personal injury or damage to the
ma machine.
If an error occurs in machine o noises or sm ells ar e notic ed, im medi atel
ower switch. Then contact your nearest Brother
dealer or a qualified technician. If the machine develo
nearest Brother dealer or a qualified technician.
Be sure to wear protective goggles and gloves when handling the lubricating oil and grease, so that the skin, otherwise inflammation can result. Furthermore, do not drink the oi l or eat the grease under an vomiting and diarrhoea. Keep the oil out of the reach of children.
do not get into your eyes or onto your
of the moving parts or press an
s a problem, contact your
circumstances, as they can cause
so that the
eration, or if abnormal
turn off the
Maintenance and inspection
Maintenance and inspection of the sewing machine should only be carr ied out by a qualified technician.
Ask your Brother dealer or a qualified electrician to carry out any maintenanc e and inspection of the electrical system.
Turn off the power switch and disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet at the following times, otherwise the m achine may operate if the start switch is pressed by mistake, which could result in injury.
When carrying out inspection, adjustm ent and maintenance When replacing consum able parts s uch as the loopers and knife
Disconnect the air hoses from the air supply and wait for the needle on the pressure gauge to drop to “0” before carrying out inspection, adjustment and repair of any parts which use the pneum atic equipment.
If the power switch and air need to be left on when carrying out some adjustment, be extremely careful to observe all safety precautions.
Use only the proper replacement parts as specified by Brother.
If any safety devices have been removed, be absolutely sure to re-install them to their original positions and check that they operate correctly before using the machine.
Any problems in machine operation which result from unauthorized modifications to the machine will not be covered by the warranty.
3. Warning labels
The following warning labels appear on the sewing machine. Please follow the ins tr uc tions on the labe ls at a ll t imes when using the machine. If the labels h av e bee n r emoved or are difficult to read, please contact your nearest Brother dealer.
Do not touch the knif e or press any objects against the machine while sewing, as this may result in personal injury or damage to the machine.
Be sure to connect the ground. If the ground connection is not secure, you run a high risk o receiving a serious electric shock, and problems with correct operation may also occur .
Safety device s
Eye guard Finger guard Needle bar guard Belt cover, etc.
Direction of operation
Eye guard
Needle bar guard
Belt cover
4 (Rear)
Belt cover
Winding prevention bar


1. NAMES OF EACH PART ............................1
2. SPECIFICA TIONS ..........................................2
2-1. Specifications .......................................................2
3. INSTALLATION.................................................3
3-1. Table processing diagram .................................3
3-2. Installing the motor .............................................4
3-3. Installing the machine head ...............................4
3-4. Installing the oil container ...................................5
3-5. Installing the spool stand ....................................6
3-6. Tightening the V-belt ..........................................6
3-7. Installing the control box ....................................7
Installing the air unit and the valve assembly
Connecting the ground wires and the wirings
3-10. Connecting the air tubes ....................................9
3-11. Installing the air hoses ......................................10
3-12. Connecting the power cord ..............................11
4. LUBRICATION..................................................12
4-1. Adding oil ..........................................................12
4-2. Lubrication ........................................................12
5. CORRECT USE ..............................................14
5-1. Initializing settings .............................................14
Changing the lower thread and gimp trimming 5-3.
Checking the direction of machine operation
5-4. Installing the needle ..........................................16
5-5. Threading the upper thread ..............................16
5-6. Threading the lower thread ...............................17
5-7. Threading the gimp ..........................................18
5-8. Setting the material ...........................................18
6-1. Panel button and switch names ......................19
6-2. Selecting a program number ...........................20
6-3. Changing the mode ..........................................20
6-4. Changing the cutting timing .............................20
6-5. Setting a program .............................................21
A. Setting the sewing speed ...............................22
B. Setting the shape of the eyelet.......................22
C. Setting the buttonhole length .........................22
D. Setting the tacking length ...............................23
E. Setting the offset .............................................23
F. Setting the stitch pitch.....................................23
G. Setting the number of eyelet stitches.............24
H. Setting the cutting space ................................24
I. Setting the knife position compensation ........24
P1. Setting X correction .......................................25
P2. Setting Y correction .......................................25
P3. Setting θ P4. Settingθ
6-6. Using the memory switch .................................27
6-7. List of error codes .............................................29
7. SEWING .............................................................. 30
7-1. Using the EMERGENCY STOP switch .......... 30
7-2. Sewing .............................................................. 31
7-3. Adjusting the thread tension ............................ 32
7-4. Needle and knife position ................................ 33
7-5. Using the production counter .......................... 35
7-6. Using a cycle program ..................................... 36
Setting the feed bracket to the front position Switching between single-pedal and dual-pedal
operation (Switching the foot controller)
7-9. Using feed mode ............................................. 38
7-10. Using manual mode ........................................ 39
7-11. Changing the cycle program counter ............. 40
Setting the number of home position cycles
7-13. Returning to the home position ....................... 41
8-1. Cleaning ........................................................... 42
8-2. Draining the oil ................................................. 42
8-3. Checking the air filter ....................................... 42
...... 37
............. 37
...... 40
9. ST ANDARD ADJUSTMENTS ............... 43
Adjusting the height of the spreader and looper
9-2. Adjusting the needle and looper timing ........... 44
9-3. Adjusting the loop stroke.................................. 45
9-4. Adjusting the height of the needle bar ............. 46
9-5. Adjusting the clearance between the
looper and needle ............................................. 46
9-6. Adjusting the needle guard .............................. 47
Adjusting the spreader mounting positions
9-8. Adjusting the spreader timing .......................... 48
9-9. Adjusting the needle racking width
(stitch width) ...................................................... 48
9-10. Changing the knife cutting length
(Replacing the cutting block)............................ 49
9-11. Adjusting the contact between the knife
and the cutting block ........................................ 50
9-12. Replacing the knife .......................................... 51
9-13. Adjusting the cutting pressure ......................... 51
9-14. Adjusting the cloth opening amount ............... 52
Adjusting the trimming of the upper thread 9-16. Adjusting the trimming of the lower thread
and gimp .......................................................... 53
Adjusting the gimp length after trimming (-02)
9-18. Lower thread presser (-02) .............................. 55
9-19. Sub presser (-02) ............................................. 55
10-1. Front panel DIP switches .............................. 56
10-2. Circuit board DIP switches ............................ 57
....... 43
......... 47
...... 53
... 54
......... 56
11. TROUBLESHOOTING ............................ 58


(1 1) (10)
(1) Front cover (2) EMERGENCY STOP switch (3) Upper shaft pulley (4) Control panel
(5) Control box (6) Front panel (7) Start switch (8) Cloth presser switch
(9) Foot controller (10) Power switch (11) Motor



2-1. Specifications

Upper thread
Specification -00 -01 -02
Application Men's clothes and ladies' clothes Jeans and work clothes
Sewing speed 1,000 - 2,000 rpm (100 rpm steps)
Button hole length 10 – 50 mm 10 – 38 mm
Stitch pitch 0.5 - 2.0 mm (0.1 mm steps)
Stitch width 1.5 - 3.2 mm
T a cking length 3 – 43 mm (1 mm steps) or none
Cloth presser height 12 mm 16 mm
St itch shap e
Cut timing selection Selected by a switch
Starting method Dual switch (cloth presser switch and start switch) or single switch
Feed method
Needle DO x 558 Nm 80 – Nm 120 (Schmetz)
Safety equipment
Air pressure
Air consumption 43.2 l/min. (8 cycles/min.)
Noise level 81 dB at max. speed of 2,000 rpm, measured according to ISO 10821
Dimensions 1,200 mm (W) x 590 mm (D) x 1,120 mm (H)
Work table legs T -shaped height-adjustable type
Power supply
Weight 175 kg
Built-in emergency stop function and automatic stopping device which stops the machine when
-00 - -
-01 -
-02 - *
* -02 is further divide d into L1 - L7 specif ications in ac cordance with the s titch
length. Please be sure to specify the stitch length when ordering.
Intermittent feed by three pulse motors (X, Y, θ)
Selected by a program
the safety circuit is activated
Main regulator: 0.5 MPa
Knife pressure regulator: 0.3 MPa
Single-phase 110, 200, 220, 230, 240 V
3-phase 220, 380, 415 V
Maximum electric power consumption: 1 kVA
Long type Short type
Lower thread trimmer
L1 14 – 18 mm L 5 28 – 32 mm L2 18 – 22 mm L 6 32 – 36 mm L3 22 – 26 mm L 7 36 – 40 mm L4 26 – 30 mm
Sewing shape
Eyelet buttonhole Straight buttonhole
Eyelet buttonhole
0794Q 0795Q
Eyelet buttonhole with
Straight buttonhole
Straight buttonhole
with taper


Machine installation should onl y be carried out by a qualified technician.
Contact your Brother dealer or a qualified electrician for any electrical work that may need to be d one.
The sewing machine weighs more than 87 kg. The installation should be carried out b y two or more people.
Do not connect the power cor d until installatio n is complete, otherwise the machine may operate if the start switch is pressed by mistake, which could result in injury.
All cords should be sec ured at least 25 mm awa y from any moving parts. Furthermore, do not excessively bend the cords or secure them too firmly staples, otherwise there is the danger that fire or electric sh ocks cou ld o ccur.
Be sure to connect the ground. If the ground connection is not secure, you run a high risk of receiving a serious electric shock, and problems with correct operation may also occur.
Install the belt covers to the machine head and motor.

3-1. T able processing diagram

Use the special table indicated below.
Thread trimmer Upper thread trimmer 127-980-000-01
Upper and lower thread trimmer 127-980-001-01
If using a commercially-available table, process it as shown in the illustration below. Note: The thickness of the table should be at least 50 mm , and it should b e strong enough to be ar the weight and
vibration of the sewing machine.
Product code

3-2. Installing the motor

(3) (4)
1. Insert the three bolts (1) into the work table.
2. Turn the work table upside down to make it easier to install the motor (2).
3. Align the motor (2) with the bolts (1), and then install the motor (2) to the under side of the work table with the three washers (3) and the three nuts (4). Note: Do not use the cushion rubber. If you use it, V
belt tension cannot be adjusted.

3-3. Installing the machine head

(3) (4)
(5) (2)
1. Insert the accessory bed stand cushions A (1) into the bed stand, and then place the machine head on top of the work table. Note: When placing the machine head on top of the work table, have two or more people there to hold the handles A
and B and the rear of the head C.
2. Open the front cover (2), and then use the bed stand m ounting bolt (3), washer (4), cushioni ng rub ber (5), bed stand cushion A (1), large washer (6) and nut (7) to attach the front right corner of the bed stand to the work table.
3. Open the rear cover (8), and then attach the bed s tand to the work table in two places inside t he stand in the same way as in step 2. above.
4. Remove the fixing bolt (9) and the washer. Note: The fixing bolt (9) and washer should be kept, as they will be needed again if the machine head is moved.
5. Raise the machine head, and then attach the front left corner of the bed stand to the work table in the same way as in the steps above. Note: Make sure that steps 2. to 4. above have been completed before raising the machine head.
Raising the machine head
(2) (3)
When machine head is lowered
When machine head is raised
1. While holding the handles of the machine head (1) with both hands, gently raise the machine head. Note: Be sure to turn the power supply off before raising the machine head.
2. If you wish to keep the machine hea d in the ra ised position, ins ert the head sup port lever (2) securel y into the hinge lever support shaft (3).
Note: Always check that the head support lever (2) and the hinge lever support shaft (3) are meshed.
Lowering the machine head
Pull the machine head do wn t o ward you gently, remove the head support lever (2) from the hinge le ver supp or t s haft (3), and then gently lower the machine head. Note: Do not hold the machine head by the feed bracket (4) or X feed shaft A (5) when it is being raised and

3-4. Installing the oil container

1. Install the oil draining c ap support (2) to the base of the bed stand (1) with the two screws (3).
2. Screw the oil container (4) into the oil draining cap support (2).
3. Push the oil draining spring pin (5) into the bed stand (1) until the pin is flush with the surface of the stand.
4. Lower the machine head. (Refer to "Lowering the machine head" above.)
(1) (5)
(2) (3)

3-5. Installing the spool stand


3-6. Tightening the V -belt

1. To assemble the spool stand (1), follow the instructions in the manual that came with the spool stand (1).
2. Secure the spool stand (1) to the rear right corner of the work table with the washer and nut (2).
Approx. 10 mm
(1) (5)
Motor pulley
1100Q 1101Q
1. Open the rear cover.
2. Pass the V-belt (1) through the base of the bed stand and through the hole in the work table.
3. Loosen the two screws (2) and then remove the motor pulley cover (3).
4. Place the V-belt (1) onto the motor pulley (4).
5. Check that there is approximat ely 10 mm of defle ction in the V-belt (1) when it is pushed in the middle with a load of 0.1 N. If the tightness needs adjusting, loosen the two nuts (5) and move the motor up or down.
6. Install the belt casting prevention bracket (8) to the pulley cover (3) with the wing bolt (6) and washer (7). Align the center of the washer (7) with the gradation (7) 0 shown on the outside of the pulley at this time.
7. Provisionally tighten the winding prevention bar (9) to the pulley cover (3) with the wing bolt (10).
8. Install the pulley cover (3) and tighten it with the two screws (2). Note: Check that the V-belt is not touching the belt casting prevention bracket (8).
9. Align the winding prevent ion bar (9) with the point in between the V-belt and the motor pulle y, and then secure it by tightening the wing bolt (10).
Check that the winding prevention bar (9) does not touching the V-belt or the motor pulley.
After a long period of use, the V-belt will bec ome run in and will loosen around the m otor pulle y. When this
happens, turn off the power and adjust by the procedure given in step 5. above.

3-7. Installing the control box

(5) (2)
(3) (4)
1. Align the four bolt hol es in the c ontrol box ( 1) with the four holes in the work table.
2. Install the control box (1) wit h the f our bolts (2), spring washers (3) and flat washers (4)
3. Push the four caps (5) in over the top of the bolts (2).

3-8. Installing the air unit and the valve assembly

Refer to the work table processing diagram on page 3 for the installation position.
(6) (3)
No. 15
No. 16
(5) (1)
12-pin connector
No.6 (black)
No.4 (black)
1. Install the air unit (1) to the underside of the work table with the two screws (2).
2. Install the valve assembly (3) with the two screws (4).
3. Connect air hose No. 15 to the intermediate joint (5) of the air unit (1) and to the joint (6) of the valve assembly (3), and connect air hose No. 16 to joints (7) and (8).
Black cable
Black cable 12-pin connector
Connecting the knife valve cables
Connect the two black knife valve cables to terminal No.4 and No.6 of the 12-pin connector of the air harness.

3-9. Connecting the ground wires and the wirings

(7) (3)
Power switch installation position
1. Connect the foot controller cable (1) and the motor cable (2) to the control box.
2. Install the power switch (3) to the underside of the work table with the two screws (4).
3. Clamp the foot controller cable (1) with the two cable clips (5) and then secure the cable clips (5) with the screws (6).
4. Install the motor cable (2) and the power switch cable to the underside of the work table with the staple (7).
1107Q 1109Q
(12) (1 1)
(8) (9)
Whi te
Blue Black Whi te
Whi te
Whi te
Needle position sensor
6P 6P 6P
(14) (15)
1110Q 1111Q1108Q
5. Pass the cable and air tube which are coming out of the feed bracket (8) and the left side of the bed stand (9) through the cable hole (10) in the work table.
6. Pass the cable and air tube which are coming out of the belt cover (11) and the machine head (12) through the cable hole (13) in the work table.
7. Insert each of the connectors into the connectors on the control box. (Refer to the illustration above.)
8. Pass the cables and air hoses through the two cable holders (14), and then sec ure the cable holders (14) to the underside of the work table with the two screws (15).
9. The ground wires (16), (17) should always be connected to the control box.
10.Connect the accessory ground wire (18) to the ground terminal of the control box and to the table leg installation bolt.
Note: If the ground wire is not connected, mis-operation due to discharges of static electricity may occur.
1 1. Connect the power switch connector (19) to the motor.
< -02 >
Right/left cloth presser No. Right/left movable knife No. Thread handler No.
11 22 33 44
Label No.
(6) (4)
Label No. of
L1 L2 L3 L4
L5 5 5 L6 6 6 L7 7 7
Insert the harness (L1 - L7) (1) to connector No. 10 (9-pin).
* When connecting the harness (1), check that its label number is the same as the numbers on the right m ovable
knife (2), left movable k nife (3), thread handl er (4), right cl oth presser (5), lef t cloth presser (6) and movable k nife driving cam (7). ( If a connec tor with a dif fe rent label n um ber is inserted, the m ac hine coul d be dam aged or thr ead trimming errors could result.)
* There is 10 mm of difference in the knife installation positions between L1 - L4 and L5 - L7.

3-10. Connecting the air tubes

Connect the air tubes to the joints of the solenoid valve assembly, using the illustration below as a reference. Numbers are marked on each of the air hoses which come out of the sewing machine.
Plug 4
Label No.
5 4 3
2 1
*1 If the lower thread trimmer is not
installed, solenoid valve [3] is not used.
*2 The sub presser can only be used
for machines with -02 s pecif ication.
Solenoid valve
Upper thread trimming
Upper thread tightening
Lower thread trimming *1
Cloth spreading (Sub presser *2)
Cloth presser
< -00,-01 >
< -02 >

3-11. Installing the air hoses

Connect the air hose from the compressor to the air unit underneath the work table.
1. Turn the nut (1) at the end of the air hose, and then connect the hose to the valve (2).
2. Open the air cock (3) on the compressor.
Check that there is no air leaking from the valve connection.
3. Open the cock (3) by turning it in the d irection of the arrow . The meter needle will move clockwise.
4. Adjust the air pressure by following the procedure on the next page.
Adjusting the air pressure
Set the air pressure for the knife press ure adjustm ent regulator (3) to the lo west pressure at whic h the k nife can still c ut the material. Set the standard air pressure for the main regulator (1) to 0.5 MPa.
T o increase the air pressure
1. Gently lift the knob (2) of the main regul ator (1) and
(0.5 MPa)
To decrease the air pressure
To close
T o loosen
(0.5 MPa)
T o tighten
(0.3 MPa)
(0.3 MPa)
turn it in the direction of the arrow in the illustration. The pressure will increase when the knob (2) is turned clockwise.
2. Gently lift the knob (4) of the knife pressure adjustment regulator (3) and turn it in th e dir ection of the arrow in the illustration. The pressure will increase when the knob (4) is turned clockwise. * The pressure for the knife pressure adjustment
regulator (3) is adjus ted to 0.3 MPa. Be c areful not to increase this pressure needlessly, otherwise poor cutting performance or damage to the knife may r e su l t .
1. Close the cock (5). (The needle will remain at the high pressure position.)
2. Turn the knob screw (6) in the direction of the arrow in the illustration to loosen it. Make sure that you turn it in the correct direction. The air will escape fr om the reservoir and the needle will drop.
3. Tighten the knob screw (6).
4. To reduce the air pres sure, gen tl y lift knob (2) or knob (4) and turn it counterclockwise.
5. Open the cock (5). Air will enter the r eservoir and t he needle will move

3-12. Connecting the power cord

Contact your Brother dealer or a qualified electrician for any electrical work that may need to be done. Be sure to connect the ground. If the ground connection is not secure, you run a high risk of receiving a serious
electric shock, and problems with correct operation may also occur. Do not connect the power cord u ntil installation is complete, otherwise the m achine may operate if the start
switch is pressed by mistake, which could result in injury.
Single phase
Green and yellow wire (ground wire)
1. Attach an appropriate plug to the power cord (1). (The green and yellow wire is the ground wire.)
2. Insert the plug into properly-grounded AC power supply . Note: Do not use extension cords, otherwise
machine operation problems may result.
Three phase
Green and yellow wire (ground wire)


Turn off the power switch before starting lu bricating, otherwise the machine m ay operate if the start switch is pressed by mistake, which could result in injury.
Be sure to wear protective goggles and gloves when handling the lubricating oil and grease, so that they do not get into your eyes or onto your skin, otherwise inflammation can result. Furthermore, do not drink the oil or eat the grease under an y circumstances, as they can cause vom iting and diarrhoea. Keep the oil out of the reach of children.
Use only specified Brother oil (Nisseki Mitsubishi Sewing Lube 10 N; VG10) for the machine oil.

4-1. Adding oil

Check the oil level by looking at the sight glass. If the oil level is low, replenish the oil supply.
Filling the arm oil tank Filling the bed base oil tank
0859Q 0860Q
1. Pour approximatel y 10 cc of m ac hine oil into t he arm oil tank (1) (until it is about four-fifths full).
1. Raise the machine head.
2. Pour approximately 20 cc of machine oil into the bed base oil tank (2) (until it is about four-fifths full).
3. Lower the machine head.

4-2. Lubrication

Oil these parts once a day. Oil the moving parts of the ne edle bar, looper and spreader m ec hanism s and also th e cam groove, rol ler, the felt at the base of the wick and the wick before using the sewing machine for the first time, and also after long periods of non-use. When oiling, some oil will get o nto the threa d. Carr y out a test s ewing to e nsure that your m aterial does not get stained with oil.
Oiling the needle bar and cam
Add 2-3 drops of oil in the places indicated by the arrows.
Oiling the looper, spreader and race stand <Removing the cloth presser plates>
1. Turn the upper shaft pulley (1) tow ard you until the mark on the p ulley (A) is ali gned with the notch in the pulley cover (2).
2. Move the feed bracket (3) toward you.
3. Turn the left and right plate pressers (4) in the directions indicated by the arrows.
4. Lift up the clamp lever (6) and the notched section (7) of the right cloth presser plate (5), remove the right cloth presser plate (5) from the pin (8), and then pull the right cloth presser plate (5) toward you to remove it. Note: If the lower thread trim mer has been installed, m ove cloth presser plate U (9) to a posi tion where it can be
removed without its touching the needle. Raise cloth presser plate U (9), pass the needle t hrough the h ole, and then rem ove c loth press er plat e U (9) from the pin (8).
5. Remove the left cloth presser plate (10) in the same way as the right cloth presser plate (5) was removed.
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(1 1)
6. Open the front cover.
7. Turn the race stand and add a few dro ps of oil to t he spread er c am (11), and to the supports for the loo per link (12)
and spreader link (13).
8. Add a few drops of oil to the shafts of the right spreader (14), left spreader (15) and LS-holder bracket (16).
9. Fill the felt tank (17) on the race stand with oil also.
10.Add 5 - 6 drops of oil to the felt (18) which is attached to the sliding surfaces of the race stand and the bed.
1 1.Close the front cover.
12.Install the cloth presser plates by carrying out the steps 5., 4. and 3. in that order.



5-1. Initializing settings

The following procedure shou ld be carried o ut before the se wing machine is us ed for the firs t time, and also after lon g periods of non-use. If "E-59" appears on the front panel displ ay when the p ower is turned on, be sur e to follow this proc edur e to initia lize all settings. ("E-59" will appear after a PROM has been replaced or after long periods of non-use. For details on the "E-59" message display, refer to page 27.)
1. Turn off the power .
2. Remove the five screws (1).
3. Open the rear plate (2) of the control box.
4. Set DIP switch No. 1 (3) on the circuit board to ON.
5. Turn the power back on again. Note: A buzzer will sound while the data is being
6. Turn off the power .
7. Set DIP switch No. 1 (3) on the circuit board to OFF.
8. Close the rear plate (2) and tighten the five screws (1).

5-2. Changing the lower thread and gimp trimming

The sewing machine is set to lower thread and gimp trimming when it is shipped from the factory. (DIP switch No. 6 (3) is set to ON.) Carry out the following procedure only if you wish to activate upper thread trimming.
1. Turn off the power .
2. Remove the five screws (1).
3. Open the rear plate (2) of the control box.
4. Set DIP switch No. 6 (3) on the circuit board to OFF. Note: Do not activate lower thread trimming if using
a 39-mm cutter. Do not set DIP switch No. 6 (3) on the circuit board to ON.
5. Close the rear plate (2) and tighten the five screws (1).
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