Briggs & Stratton Elite series 01532-2 Owner's Manual

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Vous avez des questions? Vous n'avez pas besoin d'aller loin pour trouver de I'aide!
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Call: Generator Helpline - 1-800-743-4115 M-F 8-5 CT
Appelez: Ligne d'assistance de G_n_rateur - 1-800-743-4115 M-F 8-5 CT
SafetyRules.................................. 2-4
Know YourGenerator ........................... 5
Assembly ..................................... 6
Operation .................................. 7- I0
Maintenance ............................... 11-13
Storage ................................... 13-14
Notes ....................................... 15
Troubleshooting............................... 16
Schematic/V_/iringDiagram ....................... 17
Replacement Parts........................... 18-25
Emmision Control Warranty ..................... 26
Warranty .................................... 27
_Read this manual carefully and become familiar
with your generator. Know its applications, its limitations and any hazards involved.
The generators are an engine-driven, revolvingfield,
alternating current (AC) generator. It was designedto supply electrical power for operating compatible electrical lighting, appliances,tools and motor loads.The generator's revolving
fieldisdriven at about 3,600 rpm by a single-cylinderengine.
CAUTION! DO NOT exceed the generator's
wattage/amperagecapacity.See "Don't Overload the
Generator" on page 10. Everyeffort has been madeto ensurethat informationinthis
manualisaccurateandcurrent. However, we reservethe right to change,alter or otherwise improve the product and
this document at any time without prior notice. The EmissionControl Systemfor this generator iswarranted
for standardsset by the Environmental Protection Agency.
A his is the safety alert symbol. It is used toalert you to potential personal injury
hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow
this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.
The safety alert symbol (_.) is usedwith asignalword (DANGER, CAUTION, WARNING), a pictorial and/or a
safety messageto alert you to hazards.DANGER indicatesa hazard which, if not avoided,will result in death
or serious injury.WARNING indicatesa hazard which, if not avoided, couldresult in death or serious injury. CAUTION indicatesa hazardwhich, ifnot avoided, might result in minor or moderate injury.CAUTION, when usedwithout the alert symbol, indicatesa situation that could result in equipment damage.Follow safety messages to avoid or reduce the risk of injury or death.
In the State of California a spark arrester is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code).
Other states may havesimilar taws. Federal tawsapply on federal lands.If you equipthe muffler with aspark arrester,
it must be maintained in effective working order.
The engine exhaust from this product contains
chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, b rth defects, or other reproduct ve harm.
Operate generator ONLY outdoors.
Keep at least 2 feet of clearance on all sides of generator for adequateventilation.
DO NOT operate generator insideanybuildingor enclosure, includingthegenerator compartment of a recreationalvehicle(RV).
National Electric Code requires generator to be properly
grounded to an approved earth ground. Call an electrician for
local grounding requirements.
When usinggenerator for backup power, notify utility company.Use approved transfer equipment to isolate
generator from electric utility.
Use a ground circuit fault interrupter (GFCt) in any damp or highly conductive area, such asmetal decking or steel work.
DO NOT touch bare wires or receptacles. DO NOT usegenerator with electrical cords which are worn
frayed, bare or otherwise damaged.
DO NOT operate generator inthe rain. DO NOT handle generator or electrical cords while standing
in water, while barefoot, or while hands or feet are wet. DO NOT allow unqualified persons or children to operate or
service generator.
Thisgenerator doesnot meet U. S. Coast Guard Regulation 33CFR-183 and should not be used on marine applications.
Failureto use the appropriate U. S.Coast Guard approved
generator could result in bodily injuryand/or property damage.
DO NOT allow any open flame, spark, heat, or lit cigarette during and for several minutes after charging a battery.
Wear protective goggles,rubber apron, and rubber gloves.
Turn generator OFF and let it cool at least 2 minutes before
removing gas cap. Loosen cap slowly to relieve pressure in tank. Fill fuel tank outdoors.
DO NOT overfill tank. Allow space for fuel expansion. Keep fuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat, and
other ignition sources. DO NOT light a cigarette or smoke.
DO NOT tip engine or equipment at angle which causes fuel
to spill. This generator is not for use in mobile equipment or marine
Transportlrepair with fuel tank EMPTY or with fuel shutoff valve OFE
Disconnect spark plug wire.
Store away from furnaces, stoves, water heaters, clothes dryers or other appliances that have pilot light or other ignition source because they can ignite fuel vapors.
Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug and place the wire where it cannot contact spark plug.
See"Don't Overload Your Generator" on page 10. Start generator and let engine stabilize before connecting
electrical loads. Connect electrical loads in OFF position, then turn ON for
Turn electrical loads OFF and disconnect from generator
before stopping generator.
DO NOT touch hot surfaces. Allow equipment to cool before touching.
DO NOT tamper with governed speed. Generator supplies correct rated frequency and voltage when running at governed
speed. DO NOT modify generator in any way.
Use generator only for intended uses. if you have questions about intended use, ask dealer or
contact your nearest authorized service center. Operate generator only on level surfaces.
DO NOT expose generator to excessive moisture, dust, dirt, or corrosive vapors.
DO NOT insert any objectsthrough cooling slots. if connected devices overheat, turn them off and disconnect
them from generaton
Shutoff generator if.'
-electrical output is lost;
-equipment sparks, smokes, or emits flames;
-unit vibrates excessively.
Reacl this owner's manual and safety rules before operating your generator.
Compare the illustrationswith your generator to familiarize yourself with the locationsof various controls and adjustments. Savethis manual for future reference.
Spark Plug(inside FuelTank
EngineON/OFF Switch
Choke Lever
Air Cleaner
Fuel Shut-Off Valve
Data Tag
12 Volt DC, 8.3 Amp Accessory Jack -- Maybe used
to power 12Volt DC electrical devicesor recharge 12Volt DC batteries.
120 Volt AC, 7,5 Amp Receptacles -- Maybe used to
supply electrical power for the operation of 120Volt AC, singlephase,60 Hz electrical lighting, appliance,tool and
motor loads. Air Cleaner-- Uses a foam element to limit the amount
of dirt and dust that enters the engine. Choke Lever -- Used to manuallyprovide proper starting
mixture when engine is cold. Circuit Breaker (AC) -- Receptaclesare provided with a
push-to-reset circuit breaker to protect the generator againstelectrical overload.
Data Tag -- Provides model, revision and serial number of generator. Pleasehavethese readily availableif calling for
12Volt DC, 8.3 Amp
Accessory Jack
Circuit Breaker (AC)
120Volt AC, 7.5 Amp
Oil FilllDrain
(inside cover)
Grounding Lug
Engine ON/OFF Switch -- Used to stop a running
Fuel Shut-OffValve -- Use this valveto turn the fuel
supply on and off.
Fuel Tank -- Capacity of 1.2U.S.gallons (4.5 liters) of
fuel. Grounding Lug -- Use this connection to properly
ground the generator. See"Grounding the Generator" on page7.
Oil Fill/Drain -- Access to oil fill dipstick and engine oil drain plug.
Recoil Starter -- Used for starting the engine.
Spark Plug -- Access to engine spark plug.
Carton Contents
Check all contents. If anyparts are missingor damaged,call
the generator helplineat 1-800-743-4115. If callingfor
assistance,pleasehavethe model, revision, and serial number
from the data tag available.Shippedwith your generator is:
Main unit
Oil bottle
Owner's manual
Battery charge cables
Add Oil
NOTE: When addingoil to the enginecrankcasein the
future, useonly high quality detergent oil rated with API
service classificationSG,SF/CC,CD. Selectthe oil's viscosity
grade according to your expected operating temperature:
colder _ 32°F ._m,-warmer
If the oil level isnot at the point of overflowing from the oil filler neck, slowly fill engine with recommended oil.
Reinstall oil filler cap and tighten securely.
Replacethe oil fill cover.
Check the engine oil level before starting each time
Add Fuel
_ ARNING! NEVERfill fuel tank indoors. NEVER
fillfuel tank when engineis running or hot. Allow unit
to cool for two minutes before refueling.DO NOT light a cigarette or smokewhen fillingthe fueltank.
_ WARNING! DO NOT overfillthe fuel tank.
Always allow room for fuel expansion.
Use cleanfresh UNLEADED fuel with a pump rating of
86 or higher. DO NOT use premium or leaded fuel. DO
NOT mix oil with fuel.
Clean area around fuel fill cap, remove cap.
Check the fuel level.
SAE lOW30 SAE 30
SAE lOW-30 is recommended for general all temperature use. Multi-viscosity oils (lOW30, etc.) improvestarting in
cold weather, but these oils will result in increasedoil consumption. Check your engine oil levelmore frequently
to avoid possible damagefrom running low on oil. To Add Engine Oil:
Placethe generator on a level surface.
Removethe oil fill cover.
Remove oil filler cap and wipe dipstick clean (Figure I).
Oil Filler Neck
If fuel level islow, slowly add recommended fuel to fuel
tank, up to the shoulder of the fuel strainer (Figure 2).
Be careful not to overfill (there should be no fuel in the
filler neck).
_l'l_m F:II_III'_'_ I
Fill to This Level
NOTE: Occasionally clear the fuel strainer of any dirt, rust, or other particulate matter.
Install fuel capand wipe up anyspilled fuel.
Occasionally you may hear a light "spark knock" or "pinging" (metallic rapping noise) while operating under
heavyloads. This isno causefor concern. If spark knock or pinging occurs at a steadyengine speed undernormal load,
changebrands of fuel or obtain a higher octane rated fuel. If pinging or spark knock persists, seeyour local Briggs&
Stratton repair center.
The National Electrical Code requires that the frame and external electrically conductive parts of this generator be
properly connected to an approved earth ground. Local electrical codes may also require proper grounding of the
unit. For that purpose, a GROUNDING WING NUT is provided on the generator housing (Figure 3).
Grounding Wing Nut
Generally, connecting a No. 12AWG (American Wire Gauge) stranded copper wire to the grounding wing nut and to anearth-driven copper or brassgrounding rod (electrode) provides adequateprotection againstelectrical shock. Be careful to keep the grounding wire attached after connecting the stranded copper wire. However, localcodes may vary widely. Consult with a localelectrician for grounding requirements in your area.
Properly grounding the generator helps prevent electrical shock if a ground fault condition exists in the generator or in connected electrical devices.Proper grounding also helps dissipatestatic electricity, which often builds up in ungrounded devices.
Be sure the spark plug wire is attached to the spark plug.
Turn the fuel valve to the "Open" position (fully clockwise) (Figure4).
Slide the choke leverto the "Choke" position (all the way to the right) (Figure 5).
Place the engine switch in the "On" position (Figure 6).
_ AUTION! NEVERstart or stop the engine withelectrical loadsconnected to the unit and with the
connected devicesturned ON.
Starting the Engine
Disconnect all electrical loadsfrom the generator. Use the following start instructions:
Grasp starter grip and slowly pull the rope until you feel some resistance, then pull the cord out with a rapid full arm stroke. Let rope return slowly. DO NOT let rope "snap back" againstthe unit.
NOTE: If enginestarts after 3 pulis, but fails to run for more than 10seconds, check for proper oil levelin crankcase.This unit is equipped with a Oil Alert System (see page8).
Slidethe choke lever left to the "Run" position asthe engine warms up.
NOTE: Under no load conditions, the engine speed may vary slightly faster or slower until enginetemperatures
A CAUTION! Breathing Hazard! NEVER run
engine in enclosed poorly ventilated areas. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, an odorless and AL deadly gas.
Connecting Electrical Loads
Let engine stabilize andwarm upfor a few minutes after starting.
DO NOT connect 240 Volt loadsto 120 Volt receptacles.
DO NOT connect 3-phase loadsto the generator.
DO NOT connect 50 Hz loads to the generator.
Plug in and turn on the desired 120Volt AC, single phase,60 Hertz electrical loads.
DO NOT OVERLOAD THE GENERATOR. Add up the rated watts (or amps) of all loadsto be connected at one time. This total should not begreater than the rated wattage/amperagecapacity of the generator. See"Don't Overload the Generator" on page 10.
Stopping the Engine
Unplug all electrical loads from the unit. NEVER start or stop engine with electrical devicesplugged in and turned
Let engine run at no-load for two minutes to stabilize the internal temperatures.
Move engineswitch to the "Off" position.
Turn the fuel valve to the "Close" position (fully counterclockwise).
NOTE: In an emergency,stop the engine by movingthe engine switch to the "Off" position.
Oil Alert System
The Oil Alert System isdesignedto prevent engine damage causedby an insufficientamount of oil in the crankcase.
Before the oil level in the crankcasecanfall below a safe limit,the Oil Alert Systemwill automatically shut clownthe
engine (the engine switch will remain in the "On" position). If the Oil Alert Systemshuts down the engine, add engine
Charging a Battery
WARNING! Storage batteries emit explosive gas while chargingthat remainsaround a battery for a
long time after it has been charged. The slightest spark can ignite the gas,causingan explosion that canshatter the battery and causeblindness or other injury.
WARNING! DO NOT permit smoking, open
flame, sparks or anyother source of heat around a
battery. DO NOT usea lighter or other flame for
checkingbattery fluid levels. Wear protective goggles,rubber apron and rubber gloves when working around a battery. Battery electrolyte fluid is
an extremely caustic sulfuric acid solution that can
causesevere burns. DO NOT permit fluid contact with eyes,skin, clothing, etc. If spill occurs, flush
areawith clear water immediately.
Your generator hasthe capability of recharginga discharged
12Volt automotive or utility style storage battery. DO NOT use the unit to charge any 6 Volt batteries. DO NOT usethe unit to crank an enginehavinga dischargedbattery.
To recharge 12 Volt batteries, proceed as follows:
If necessary, clean battery posts or terminals.
Check fluid level in all battery cells. If necessary, acid
ONLY distilled water to cover separators in battery cells. DO NOT use tap water.
If the battery is equipped with vent caps, make sure they
are installed and are tight.
Connect battery charge cable connector plug to the
12 Volt DC panel receptacle.
Connect battery charge cable clamp with red handle to
battery post or terminal indicated by Positive, POS or (+) (Figure 7).
To 12Volt DC Panel Receptacle
Red Lead
Positive Negative
Connect battery charge cable clamp with black handle to battery post or terminal indicated by Negative, NEG, or (-) (Figure7).
Start generator. Let the engine run while battery recharges.
When battery hascharged, shut down engine(see "Stopping The Engine")
NOTE: Use an automotive hydrometer to test battery state of charge and condition. Follow the hydrometer
manufacturer's instructions carefully. Generally, a battery is considered to be at 100%state of charge when specific
gravity of its fluid (as measuredby hydrometer) is 1.260 or higher.
_ AUTION! Although each receptacle is rated
for 120Volts at 15Amps (I,440 watts or 1.44kW), the generator is rated for a total of 1,000watts.
Powering loads that exceed the wattage capacityof
the generator candamageit or causeserious
injuries. The total of loads powered through these receptacles should not exceed7.5 Amps.
12 Volt DC Accessory Jack
This receptacle allows you to rechargea 12 Volt automotive or utility style storage battery with the battery charge cable provided. Camping-style air pumps, lanterns, fans,or other 12Volt deviceshavinga cigarette llghter-type
plug may also be powered by this outlet (Figure 9).
This receptacle can not recharge 6 Volt batteries and can
not be used to crank an enginehavinga discharged battery.
See "Charging a Battery" (page8) before attempting to
recharge a battery.
120 Volt AC, 15 Amp Receptacle
Eachoutlet socket is protected againstoverload by a
7.5Amp push-to-reset circuit breaker. Use each receptacle
to operate 120 Volt AC, singlephase,60 Hz electrical loads requiring up to 1,000watts (I .0 kW) of power (Figure 8).
Use only high quality,well-insulated, extension cords with
the generator's 120Volt electrical receptacles. Check the ratings of allextension cords before you use
them. Such cords should be rated for 125Volt AC loads at
15Amps (or greater) for most electrical devices.Some
devices, however, maynot require this type of extension cord. Check the owner's manuals of those devices for their
Keep extension cords asshort as possible, preferably less than 15feet long, to prevent voltage drop and possible overheating of wires.
You must make sure your generator cansupply enough rated (running) and surge (starting) watts for the itemsyou will power at the sametime. Follow these simple steps:
I. Select the itemsyou wilt power at the sametime.
2. Total the rated (running) watts of these items.This is the amount of power your generator must produce to keep your itemsrunning. See Figure 10.
3. Estimate how many surge (starting) watts you wilt need. Surgewattage isthe short burst of power
needed to start electric motor-driven tools or appliancessuch asa circular sawor refrigerator.
Becausenot alt motors start at the sametime, total surgewatts canbe estimated by adding only the
item(s)with the highest additional surge watts to the total rated watts from step 2.
Tool or Appliance Window Air
Conditioner Refrigerator
Deep Freezer
Light (75 Watts)
Total Rated (Running) Watts = 3075 Highest Additional Surge Watts = 1800
Total Generator Output Required = 4875
800 50O
3075 Total
Power Management
To prolong the life of your generator and attached devices, it is important to take care when addingelectrical loads to
your generator. There should be nothing connected to the generator outlets before starting it's engine.The correct
and safe way to managegenerator power isto sequentially add loads as follows:
I. With nothingconnected to the generator, start the
engine as described in this manual.
2. Plug in and turn on the first load, preferably the largest load you have.
3. Permit the generator output to stabilize (engine runs smoothly and attached device operates properly.
Additional Surge
(Starting) Watts
1800 Highest Surge Watts
4. Plug in and turn on the next load.
5. Again, permit the generator to stabilize.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each additional load. NEVER add more loadsthan the generator capacity.Take
special care to consider surge loads in generator capacity, asdescribed above.
Tool or Appliance
Light Bulb - 75 watt 75 Deep Freezer 500 500 Sump Pump 800 1200
Refrigerator/Freezer - 18Cu. Ft. 800 1600
Water Well Pump - I/3 HP 10OO 2000
Window AC - I0,000 BTU 1200 1800 Window Fan 300 600
Furnace FanBlower - I/2 HP 800 1300
Microwave Oven - IOO0Watt 10OO Coffee Maker 1500
Electric Stove - SingleElement 1500 Hot Plate 2500
Family Room
Stereo Receiver 450 Color Television - 27" 500
Personal Computer w/I 7" monitor 800 Other
SecuritySystem 180 AM/FM Clock Radio 300
Garage Door Opener - I/2 HP 480 520 Electric Water Heater - 40 Gallon 4000
DIY/Job Site
Quartz Halogen Work Light 10OO Airless Sprayer - I/3 HP 600 1200
Reciprocating Saw 960 960
Electric Drill - I/2 HP 10OO 10OO Circular Saw- 7 I/4" 1500 1500 Miter Saw- 10" 1800 1800 Table Planer - 6" 1800 1800 Table Saw/RadialArm Saw - 10" 2000 2000
Air Compressor - I-I/2 HP 2500 2500
*Wattages listed are approximate only. Check tool or appliance for actual wattage.
Generator Specifications
Rated Surge Watts ............... 1,000 Watts
Rated Running Watts ............. 900 Watts
Rated Maximum Current
At 120 Volts AC .............. 7.5 Amps
At 12Volts DC ............... 8.3 Amps
Phase ........................ SinglePhase
Rated Frequency ................ 60 Hertz
PackagedWeight ................ 61 Ibs.
Engine Specifications
Model ........................ MitsubishiGM82
RatedHorsepower .............. 2.4 at 4000 rpm
Displacement ................... 80cc
SparkPlugType: ................. NGK BP6HSor
SetGapTo:..................... 0.030inch(0.75ram)
FuelCapacity ................... 1.2U.S.gallons(4.5 I)
The generator warranty does not cover items that have been subjected to operator abuse or negligence. To receive
full value from the warranty, operator must maintain
generator as instructed in this manual.
Some adjustments will need to be made periodically to properly maintain your generator.
All adjustments in this section should be made at least once each season. Follow the requirements in the
"Maintenance Schedule" chart shown below in Figure I I. NOTE: Once a year you should clean or replace the spark
plug and replace the air filter. A new spark plug and clean air filter assure proper fuel-air mixture and help your engine run better and last longer.
Generator maintenance consists of keeping the unit clean and dry. Operate and store the unit in a clean dry environment where it will not be exposed to excessive dust, dirt, moisture or any corrosive vapors. Cooling air slots in the generator must not become clogged with snow, leaves or any other foreign material.
Ii1_ II I m'_iT?_l._l_m
Item Operation Every 6 months
Engine oil
Check level Change
Air cleaner
Check Clean
Spark arrester Spark plug
Valve clearance Fuel tank strainer Fuel line
Check - Clean Check - Clean
Check -Adjust Clean
Check (Replace if necessary)
Clean more often under dirty or dusty conditions. Replace cleaner parts if very dirty.
Check every I0 hours or 3 months.
These items should be serviced by an authorized dealer, unlessthe owner hasthe proper tools and is mechanically
Each use Every 3 months
First Month or
25 hours
or 50 hours
x (2,3)
Every 3 years (3)
or 100 hours
ii:ilXi!i_!!i?:ii_;¸___i:i;¸iii:;i!i t: ;ii _ i t: ;ii
x (3)
x (3)
Check the cleanlinessof the generator frequently and clean when dust, dirt, oil, moisture or other foreign substances
are visible on its exterior surface. NOTE: DO NOT use agarden hose to clean generator.
Water can enter enginefuel system and cause problems. In addition, if water enters generator through cooling air
slots, some of the water will be retained invoids and cracks of the rotor and stator winding insulation. Water
and dirt buildup on the generator internalwindings will eventually decreasethe insulationresistanceof these windings.
To Clean the Generator
Remove the oil fill cover and clean area around oil drain plug (Figure 12).
:-|niro_l D_ml "_rlR
Use adamp cloth to wipe exterior surfaces clean.
Soft, bristle brush maybe used to loosen caked on dirt or oil.
A CAUTION! NEVER insert any object or tool
through the air cooling slots, even if the engine is
not running.
A vacuum cleaner may be used to pick up loose dirt and debris.
Low pressure air (not to exceed 25 psi) may be used to blow awaydirt. Inspect cooling air slots and opening on
generator. These openingsmust be kept cleanand unobstructed.
_ WARNING! When working on the generator
alwaysdisconnect spark plug wive from spark plug and keep it awayfrom spark plug.
Checking Oil Level
Oil level should be checked prior to eachuse or at least every 5 hours of operation. Keepoil level maintained.
Changing Engine Oil
Changethe oil after the first month of operation, then every 25 hours. If you are usingyour generator under extremely dirty or dusty conditions, or in extremely hot weather, changethe oil move often.
Changethe oil while the engine is still warm from running, asfollows:
Remove oil drain plug, sealing washer, and oil filler cap. Drain oil completely into a suitable container.
Install oil drain plug and sealing washer. Tighten securely.
Refill with recommended oil and check the level. See
page 6 for oil recommendations.
Wipe up any spilled oil.
A AUTION! Avoid prolonged or repeated skincontact with usedmotor oil. Used motor oil has
been shown to cause skin cancer in certain laboratory animals.Thoroughly wash exposed areas
with soap and water. KEEPOUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
Replace oil fill cover.
Clean/Replace Spark Plug
Check and cleanthe spark plug every 50 hours of operation or every three months, whichever comes first. This will help your engine to start easier and run better.
Remove spark plug accesscover. Remove spark plug cap.
Clean the area around the spark plug.
Remove and inspect the spark plug.
Replacethe spark plug if electrodes are pitted or burned
or the porcelain is cracked. Use recommended plugfor
Check electrode gap with wive feeler gaugeand set spark
plug gapbetween 0.028 and 0.031 inch (0.7 to 0.8 mm) if necessary (Figure 13).
Service Air Cleaner
Your engine will not run properly and may be damagedif you run it using a dirty air filter element.
Check the air filter every use and clean or replacethe paper air filter element every 50 hours of operation or every three months, whichever comes first. Clean or replace more often if operating under dusty or dirty
conditions. To clean or replace air filter element:
Loosen the air cleaner cover screws, remove the air cleaner cover, and remove the element (see item
number 4, exploded view on page22.
Wipe clean the insideof the filter housingand cover thoroughly.
Wash the element in a solution of household detergent and warm water, then rinse thoroughly. Or wash in
nonflammable or highflash point solvent. Allow the element to dry thoroughly.
Soakthe element in clean engine oil and squeeze out the excessoil. DO NOT twist The engine will smoke during initial start-up iftoo much oil is left in the element.
NOTE: If you need to order a new air filter element, pleasecall 1-800-743-4115.
Reinstall the air cleaner element and the cover. Hand tighten the air cleaner cover screws.
Clean Spark Arrester Screen
The engine muffler is equipped with a removable spark arrester screen. Inspect and clean the screen every
l0 hours of operation or every three months, asshown in
Figure 14:
Loosen the screw on the muffler tail pipe and remove the spark arrester screen.
Use a brassor stiff-bristle brush to remove carbon deposits from the spark arrester surface.
Inspect the spark arrester for breaks or tears and
replace it if necessary.
NOTE: If you need to order anew spark arrester, please
call 1-808-743-4115.
Install the cleanscreen inthe reverse order of removal.
NOTE: If you use your generator on anyforest-covered,
brush-covered or grass-covered unimproved land,it must havea spark arrester installed. The spark attester must be
maintained ingood condition by the owner/operator.
Transporting and Storage
When transporting the generator, turn the engine switch to "Off' and the fuel valveto "Close". Keep the generator
level to prevent fuel spillage.
A WARNING! Contact with a hot engine or
exhaust systemcan cause serious burns or fires. Let the engine coot before transporting or storing the
generator. Take care to not drop or strike the generator when
transporting. DO NOT place heavyobjects on the
The generator should be started at least once every seven claysand allowed to run at least30 minutes. If this cannot be done and you must store the unit for more than 30 days, use the following guidelines to prepare itfor storage.
Long Term Storage Instructions
WARNING! NEVER store engine with fuel in
tank indoorsor inenclosed, poorly ventilated areas where fumes may reach an open flame, spark or pilot lightas on a furnace, water heater, clothes dryer or other gasappliance. Be sure the storage area is free from excessive humidity and dust.
Retighten drain screw before refueling.
Change Oil While engine is still warm, changeoil asdescribed on
page 12. Refill with recommended grade. Oil Cylinder Bore
Remove spark plug and pour about one tablespoon of clean engine oil into the cylinder.
One Month to One Year Drain the carburetor float bowl (seefollowing section) and
fuel tank into a suitable container. After removal from storage, fill with fresh fuel before starting.
More than One Year It isimportantto prevent gum deposits from forming in
essentialfuel system parts such asthe carburetor, fuel filter, fuel hoseor tank during storage. Also, experience indicates that alcohol-blended fuels (calledgasohot, ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture, which leadsto separation and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gascan damagethe fuel system of an enginewhile in storage.
To avoid engine problems, the fuel system should be emptied before storage of 30 daysor longer.Follow these
Protect Fuel System
_ WARNING! Drain fuel into approved container
outdoors, awayfrom open flame. Be sure engineis cool. DO NOT smoke.
Drain carburetor float bowl andfuel tank into a suitable container by loosening the drain screw (Figure 15).
_ AUTION! Avoid spray from spark plug hole
when cranking engineslowly.
Cover spark plug hole with rag.Crank slowly several times to distribute oil.
Install spark plug. DO NOT connect spark plug wire.
Slowly pull the starter grip until resistance isfelt. At this point, the piston iscoming up on its compression stroke
and both the intakeand exhaustvalvesare closed. Storing the engine in this position will help to protect it
from internalcorrosion.
Clean the generator as outlined on page 12("To Clean the Generator").
Check that cooling air slots and openings on generator are open and unobstructed.
Other Storage Tips
DO NOT store fuel from one seasonto another.
Replace the fuel can if it starts to rust. Rust and/or dirt in fuel will cause problems.
If possible, store your unit indoors. BE SURE TO
Cover your unit with a suitable protective cover that
does not retain moisture.
IMPORTANT: NEVER cover your generator while engine
and exhaust area are warm.
Store generator in clean,dry area.
No AC or DC output
isavailable but engine is running.
Generator runs good
at no-load but "bogs down" when
loads are connected.
I. One of the circuit breakers is open.
2. Fault in generator.
3. Poor connection or defective cord set.
4. Connected device is bad.
t. Short circuit in a connected load,
2. Engine speed is too slow.
3. Generator is overloaded.
4. Shorted generator circuit.
I. Engine switch set to "Off".
2. Fuel valve in the "Closed" position,
3. Dirty air cleaner.
4. Out of gasoline.
5. Stale gasoline.
6. Spark plugwire not connected to spark
Engine will not start;
or starts and runs
Engine shuts down I. Out of gasoline.
when running. 2. Low oil level.
Engine lacks power.
Engine "hunts" or
7. Bad spark plug.
8. Water ingasoline.
9. Overchoked or flooded. I0. Excessively rich fuel mixture.
t 1. Intake valve stuck open or closed.
12. Engine has lost compression.
I. Load is too high.
2. Dirty air filter.
I. Choke is opened to soon,
2. Carburetor is running too rich or too lean,
I. Resetcircuit breaker.
2. Contact Briggs& Stratton Power Products service facility.
3. Check and repair.
4. Connect another devicethat is in good condition.
I. Disconnect shorted electrical load.
2. Contact Briggs& Stratton service facility.
3. See "Don't Overload the Generator" on page I0.
4. Contact Briggs& Stratton Power Products service facility.
I. Set switch to "On".
2. Turn fuel valve to the "Open" position.
3. Clean or replace air cleaner.
4. Fill fuel tank.
5. Drain gastank and carburetor; fill
with fresh fuel.
6. Connect wire to spark plug.
7. Replacespark plug.
8. Drain gastank and carburetor;fill with fresh fuel.
9. Wait 5 minutes and re-crank engine.
10. Contact Briggs& Stratton service facility.
1. Contact Briggs& Stratton service facility.
12. Contact Briggs& Stratton service facility.
I. Fillfuel tank.
2. Fill cranckcaseto proper level.
I. See"Don't Overload the Generator"
on page 10.
2. Replaceair filter.
I. Move choke to halfway position until
engine runs smoothly.
2. Contact Briggs& Stratton service facility.
[_] _LUE
_HZTE _)
Item Part #
I NSP 2 187378GS 3 187411GS 4 187379GS
5 187430GS 6 187409GS
7 187381GS 8 187399GS 9 187382SGS
10 187388GS II 187389GS 12 187405GS 13 187384GS
14 187407GS 15 187403GS
Qty Description
16 17 18 19
2O 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
187392GS 187383GS 187390GS 187385GS
187427GS 187424GS
187423GS 187419GS 187420GS 187401GS 187415GS 187413GS 187434GS
Qty Description
2 PHMS, M6-1.0, W/L/FW
I BASE,GEN 4 BOLT, FLNG, M6-1.0 X 10 4 MNT, VIBR 4 HHCS, FLNG, M8-1.25 X 12
I NUT, WING, M5 X 0.8
I NUT, M5 X 0.8 2 WSHR, LOCK 2 WSHR, FLAT 2 NUT, M8-1.25, FLANGE
I PHMS,M5-0.8 X 20 2 CNNCTR
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