Brady Codesoft 6 Guide

The information in this documentation is not contractual in nature. It is subject to modification without notice.
The software described in this manual is supplied under a user license. Its use, duplication, or reproduction on any media whatsoever, except as provided for under the terms of the license, is not authorized.
No part of the manual may be copied, reproduced or transmitted by any means whatsoever (unless it is for the purchaser’s personal use) without the written permission of Teklynx International.
E 2000 Teklynx International Co.
All rights reserved
Windowstttt is a registered trademark of Microsoftâ Corpora- tion. IBM, PC, AT PS/2 are registered trademarks of International Business Machines,Inc.

Table of Contents

About this manual vii........................................
Welcome! vii............................................
The Programmer’s Guide vii..........................
Typographical conventions viii.........................
Discover ActiveX Automation
foryourlabelingsoftware Chapter1-1......................
Introduction Chapter 1 - 1..........................................
What is an ActiveX object? Chapter 1 - 2............................
What is the type library? Chapter 1 - 3..............................
Mechanisms Chapter 1 - 4..........................................
Server Activation Chapter 1 - 4.....................................
Create Object function Chapter 1 - 4.............................
GetObject function Chapter 1 - 5................................
function Chapter 1 - 6...........................................
Server Deactivation Chapter 1 - 7...................................
Quit method Chapter 1 - 8......................................
Data Type Chapter 1 - 8............................................
Application Object Chapter 1 - 8.................................
Document Object Chapter 1 - 9..................................
Collection Object Chapter 1 - 9..................................
Event management Chapter 1 - 11...................................
Handling an Ob ject’s Events Chapter 1 - 11.......................
Connecting a WithEvents variable to an object Chapter 1 - 13.....
Compatibility with the previous version Chapter 1 - 14...............
Particularity about access rights Chapter 1 - 14.......................
Reference Guide Chapter 2 - 15.....................................
Hierarchy diagram Chapter 2 - 15....................................
Application Object Chapter 2 - 17....................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 18..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 23...................................
PrinterSystem Object Chapter 2 - 26.................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 26...................................
Options Object Chapter 2 - 29........................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 29..................................
Dialogs Collection Chapter 2 - 34.....................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 34..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 35...................................
Dialog Object Chapter 2 - 36.........................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 36..................................
Methods Chapter 2 - 37..........................................
RecentFiles Collection Chapter 2 - 38.................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 38..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 39...................................
RecentFile Object Chapter 2 - 41.....................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 41..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 42...................................
Documents Collection Chapter 2 - 43.................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 43..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 44...................................
Document Object Chapter 2 - 46.....................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 46..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 50...................................
Database Object Chapter 2 - 54......................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 54..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 56...................................
Printer Object Chapter 2 - 58.........................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 58...................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 60..................................
Format Object Chapter 2 - 63........................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 63..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 67...................................
DocumentProperties Collection Chapter 2 - 68........................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 68..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 69...................................
DocumentProperty Object Chapter 2 - 70.............................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 70..................................
DocObjects Collection Chapter 2 - 72.................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 72..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 74...................................
Programmer’s Guideii
DocObject Object Chapter 2 - 76.....................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 76..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 79...................................
Images Collection Chapter 2 - 80.....................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 80..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 80...................................
Image Object Chapter 2 - 82.........................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 82..................................
Barcodes Collection Chapter 2 - 84...................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 84..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 85...................................
Barcode Object Chapter 2 - 86.......................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 86..................................
Code2D Object Chapter 2 - 93.......................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 93..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 94...................................
Texts Collection Chapter 2 - 95.......................................
Object properties Chapter 2 - 95..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 95...................................
Text Object Chapter 2 - 97...........................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 97..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 99...................................
TextSelection Object Chapter 2 - 102..................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 102..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 103...................................
OLEObjects Collection Chapter 2 - 104.................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 104..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 104...................................
OLEObject Object Chapter 2 - 106.....................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 106..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 106...................................
Shapes Collection Chapter 2 - 108.....................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 108..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 109...................................
Shape Object Chapter 2 - 113.........................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 113..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 113...................................
Variables Collection Chapter 2 - 114...................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 114..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 116...................................
Variable Object Chapter 2 - 118.......................................
Object Porperties Chapter 2 - 118..................................
TableLoockups Collection Chapter 2 - 120..............................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 120..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 120...................................
TableLoockup Object Chapter 2 - 122..................................
iiiTable of Contents
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 122..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 123...................................
Formulas Collection Chapter 2 - 125...................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 125..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 125...................................
Formula Object Chapter 2 - 127.......................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 127..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 128...................................
Dates Collection Chapter 2 - 129......................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 129..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 129...................................
Date Object Chapter 2 - 131..........................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 131..................................
Counters Collection Chapter 2 - 133...................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 133..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 133...................................
Counter Object Chapter 2 - 135.......................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 135..................................
FreeVariables Collection Chapter 2 - 139...............................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 139..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 140...................................
Free Object Chapter 2 - 141...........................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 141..................................
DatabaseVariables Collection Chapter 2 - 143..........................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 143..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 144...................................
FormVariables Collection Chapter 2 - 145..............................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 145..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 146...................................
Strings Collection Chapter 2 - 147.....................................
Object Properties Chapter 2 - 147..................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 147...................................
Document Events Chapter 2 - 149.....................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 149...................................
Application Events Chapter 2 - 151....................................
Object Methods Chapter 2 - 151...................................
Programmer’s Guideiv
Appendix Chapter 3 - 152.............................................
InformationonVisualC++DataType Chapter3-152.................
Index Chapitre 4 - 155.................................................

About this manual


Welcome to the number one Windows based label design and printing software. It provides the simplest, yet highest performance solution f or your labeling requirements.
This version of this labeling software integrates the ActiveX technology offering you the possibility toe easily create a program to control your labeling software.
The Programmer’s Guide
The purpose of this manual is to help you program your own application to control your labeling software. All you should know about using ActiveX with your labeling software is described in this manual. However, to get more information about the ActiveX technology, refer to the Microsoft reference manuals.
The Programmer’s Guide is divided into three parts:
S Discover ActiveX for your labeling software:thispart
gives the bases for programming with ActiveX.
S Reference Guide: this part gives all the ob ject, method and
property definitions integrate d by your labeling software.
S Appendix: this part gives you information on Visual C++
Data Type.
Programmer’s Guide

Typographical conventions

This manual distinguishes dif ferent types of information by using the following conv entions:
S terms taken f rom the interface itself, such as commands,
appear in bold;
S keys appear in small caps, as in the following example:
”Press the
SHIFT key”;
S numbered lists mean there is a procedure to follow;
S when the conjunction ”or” appears next to a paragraph it
means there is another procedure available for performing a given task;
S When a menu command contains submenus, the menu name
followed by the command to select appears in bold. Thus, ”Choose File Open” means choose the File menu, then the Open command.
This symbol provides tips for optimizing certain tasks, speeding up the execution of commands, etc.
This symbol highlights important information about a particular function or procedure.
This symbol highlights an example or an exercise.

Discover ActiveX Automation for your labeling software


Using ActiveX Automation, you can control almost anything you create with your labeling software — even your labeling software itself.
The ActiveX technology lets you easily integrate your labeling software as a printing module or a designer module in your own organization.
ActiveX is object oriented and all of the ActiveX objects are programmable from any languages such as Visual Basic. So the user can control his labeling software using your own program.
Your labeling software becomes the server and your program is the client application.
Through this manual, you will find examples and references using Visual Basic 6.0.
Chapter 1 -- 2

What is an ActiveX object?

An ActiveX object is an instance of a class that exposes properties, methods, and events to ActiveX clients. ActiveX objects support the COM (Component Object Model) - Microsoft technology. An ActiveX component is an application or library that is able to create one or more ActiveX objects. In this case, your labeling software exposes many objects that you can use to create new applications and programming tools. Within your labeling software, objects are organized hierarchically, with an object named Application at the top of the hierarchy (see Chapter 2 - 15: the hierarchy diagram).
Each ActiveX object has its own member function definition. When the member functions are exposed, it makes the object programmable by an ActiveX client. Three types of members can be exposed for an object:
S Methods are actions that an object can p erform. For ex am-
ple, the Document object in your labeling software provides a Close method that closes the current document.
S Properties are functions that a ccess information about the
state of an object. The Application object’s Visible property determines whether the labeling software is visible or not.
S Events are actions recognized by an object, such as clicking
the mouse or pressing a key. You can write code to respond to such actions. In Automation, an event is a method that is called, rather than implemented, by an object (see also Chapter 1 - 11).
Programmer’s Guide
Your labeling software often works with several instances of an object which together make up a Collection object.For example, since your labeling software is a multiple-document interface (MDI), it might have multiple documents. To provide an easy way to access and program the documents, your labeling software exposes an object named Documents, which refers to all of the already opened document objects. Documents is a collection object.
A Collection object lets you work as a group with the objects it manage (see Chapter 1 - 9).
All the methods, properties and events are defined in Chapter 2 - 17: Refe re nce Guide.
Discover ActiveX Automation for your labeling software

What is the type library?

The type library supplied by the labeling software is a file (Lppx2.tlb) that describes the type of all the ActiveX objects. The type library does not store objects, it stores type informa­tion. By accessing the type library, your application can determine the characteristics of an object, such as the interfaces supported by the object and the names and parameters.
This library helps you to write your program because it contains all the definitions of object methods and properties that you can access. Using this library you optimize your job.
ThenameofthistypelibraryisLabelManager2 with the TK Labeling ActiveX 6.0 reference.
The procedures below show how to install and use the type library with Visual Basic 6.0.
"""" To install the type library
1 Choose Project References.
2 Activate TK Labeling ActiveX 6.0 in the list of available ref-
erences then validate the d ialog box.
"""" To display the methods and properties
1 Use the Object Explorer by pressing the
2 In the library list, select LabelManager2.
Chapter 1 -- 3
F2 key.

"""" To use the type library

S While writing code, you have just to enter a period ”.” after
an object to get the associated methods and properties, or after a method to get the associated properties.
Chapter 1 -- 4


Your labeling software offers you two main objects: the
Application object that is at the top of the hierarchy and the Document object. These main objects provide access to the
subordinated objects (see Chapter 2 - 15: the hierarchy diagram).
The first step to activate the server is the main object creation, in this case, the Application object.
The last step is the deactivation of the server with the Quit method.

Server Activation

Programmer’s Guide

Create Object function

This function creates and returns a reference to the Application object.
Syntax CreateObject(server name)
Defines an object variable. This object variable is meant to con­tain the object reference. Dim as Object creates a link at exe­cution.
Dim MyApp as Object Set MyApp = CreateObject(”Lppx2.Application”)
This code launches the application that creates the object. In this case, the labeling software. As soon as the object is created, you reference it in the code with the object variable that you have defined, i.e. MyApp.
If you define an object variable with “As Object”, a variable containing a reference for any object type is created. However, the access to an object via this variable is realized by a late bind, i.e. the link is create d during the execution of your pro­gram. To create an object variable that induces an early bind, i.e. a link during the compilation of your program, define the object variable with a specific identifier (see below).
Discover ActiveX Automation for your labeling software
For example, you can define and create the reference using the code below:
Dim MyApp As Lppx2.Application Set MyApp = CreateObject(”Lppx2.Application”)
The variable reference creating an early bind increases the performance but must only contain one reference.
Chapter 1 -- 5

GetObject function

This function returns a reference to an ActiveX object from a file.
Syntax GetObject([pathname],[server name])
The syntax of the GetObject function includes the following arguments:
Item Description
pathname Optional. Variable of Variant
type (String). Complete path­name with the name of the file containing the object to get. If you don’t define the pathname, you have to define the server name.
servername Optional. Variable of Variant
type (String). Name of the application that gives the object.
Use the GetObject function to access an ActiveX object from a file and to assign this object, an object variable. Use the Set instruction to assign the object that is returned by the GetOb- ject functionattheobjectvariable(seebelow).
Below are several examples showing the variations of the
GetObject syntax.
Dim MyDoc As Object Set MyDoc = GetObject(”c:\ProgramFile\document.lab”)
When this code is executed, the application associated with the pathname argument is launched and the object included in the file is activated.
In the case where the server automation is already loaded in the system memory, the ActiveX mechanism selects it, then the document is activated.
Chapter 1 -- 6
Programmer’s Guide
Intheexamplebelow,theservernameisspecified.Usethis parameter if you have several versions of your labeling software to open the document.lab with the correct version.
Dim MyApp As Object Set MyApp = GetObject (”c:\ProgramFile\docu­ment.lab”,”Lppx2.Application”)
Note that in the example below the Visual Basic for Application expression GetObject(,”Lppx2.Application) will fail unless the
Application (the labeling software) is already running. If the Application is not already running, a new instance will not be
Dim MyApp As Object Set MyApp = GetObject (,”Lppx2.Application”)
In this ex ample, the variation of the GetObject syntax varies from the previous example in that a new instance of the applica­tion will always be launched even if the application is already running. This variation is equivalent to a CreateObject state­ment.
Dim MyApp As Object Set MyApp = GetObject (””,”Lppx2.Application”)

New function

The key word New can only be used if you work with the Type Library (see: What is the type library).
New assigns an object reference to a variable or to a property.
This example demonstrates reation of the MyApp object that represents Application. This is the standard access to get the subordinated objects of Application.
Dim MyApp As LabelManager2.Application Set MyApp = New LabelManager2.Application
Discover ActiveX Automation for your labeling software
The syntax of the Set instruction contains the following items:
Item Description
objectvar Nameofthevariableorprop-
Chapter 1 -- 7
New Optional. This key word is
The objectvar must have an object type compatible with the object to which it is assigned.

Server Deactivation

The last step of y our program is the deactivation of the server with the Quit method.
To correctly deactivate the server, you must:
a. Close all the documents with the CloseAll method on the
Documents collection.
b. Call the Quit method of the Application object. This method
c. Ask Visual Basic to delete the Application f rom the system
memory by setting the value of the variable to Nothing.
generally used in the declara­tions to allow the implicit cre­ationofanobject.Usedwith Set, the New key word creates a new instance of the class. If the objectvar argu­ment contains a reference to an object, this reference is lost when a new association is created.
Chapter 1 -- 8

Quit method

Data Type

Programmer’s Guide
The Quit method is used to end the process. Before using this method, you must close all the documents.
Thefollowingexampleshowshowtodeactivatetheserver.Use the CloseAll method on the Documents collection to close all the documents. Then, use the Quit method on the Application object to end the process. At the end, the Set instruction delete the Application from the system memory.
MyApp.Documents.CloseAll False MyApp.Quit Set MyApp = Nothing
There are three data types corresponding to the three main objects: Application, Document and Collection.

Application Object

The Application object represents the labeling software. The Application object contains the properties and the methods that
return the first level objects. For example, the ActiveDocument property returns a Document object.
"""" Using the Application object
To return the Application object, use the Application property. The following sample shows how to display the path defined for the labeling software.
Dim MyApp As LabelManager2.Application Set MyApp = New LabelManager2.Application
MsgBox MyApp.Path
Most of the properties and methods that return the common user interface objects, such as the active document (ActiveDocu-
ment property), can be used without the identifier of the Application object by using the With keyword.
Discover ActiveX Automation for your labeling software
Dim MyApp As LabelManager2.Application ...
With MyApp
.ActiveDocument .Print
end With
The properties and methods that can be used without the Application object are called “global.”
S To display the global properties and methods in the object
explorer ( displayed in the Classes zone.
F2 key), click on global at the beginning of the list
Chapter 1 -- 9

Document Object

Collection Object

The Document object represents an open document. Each open document in the labeling software is represented by a Docu- ment object. This object has members (properties, methods, and events) that you can use to manipulate the document.
You can access the current document if there is an open document by using the ActiveDocument prope rty of the Application object.
All open documents that belong to the documents collection are represented by the Documents object. You can find a particular document by moving through this collection.
A Collection object is an ordered set of items that can be referred to a unit.
The Collection object provides a convenient way to refer to a related group of items as a single object. The items, or mem­bers, in a collection need only be related by the fact that they exist in the collection. Members or items of a collection don’t have to share the same data type (see Chapter 1 - 8).
A collection can be created the same way other objects are created. For example:
Dim X As New Collection
Once a collection is created, members can be added using the Add method and removed using the Remove method. Specific members can be returned from the collection using the Item method, while the entire collection can be returned using the For Each...Next statement.
Chapter 1 -- 10
Programmer’s Guide
"""" Collection methods
Methods for collection are described in the following table. The
Item method is required; other methods are optional.
Method name Return type Description
Item Varies with
type of collec­tion
Remove VT_EMPTY Removesanitemfroma
Adds an item to a collec­tion. Returns VT_DISPATCH if object is created (object cannot exist outside the collection) or VT_EMPTY if no object is created (object can exist outside the collec­tion).
Returns the ind icated item in the collection. Required. The Item method may take one or more argu­ments to indicate the ele­ment within the collection to return. This method is the default member for the collection object.
collection. Uses indexing arguments in the same way as the Item method.
The Item method takes one or more arguments to indicate the index. Indexes can be numbers or strings.
Because Item is the default method, you could write either:
"""" Count Property
Returns a Long (long integer) containing the number of objects in a collection. Read-only.
Discover ActiveX Automation for your labeling software

Event management

When a program detects that something has happened, it can notify its clients. For example, if a stock ticker program detects a change in the price of a stock, it can notify all clients of the change. This notification process is referred to as firing an event.
Chapter 1 -- 11
Handling an Object’s Events
Get or set properties.
Call methods.
Fire events
Figure 1 Interaction between the Client and
the Labeling software
An object that triggers events is called an event source.To handle the events triggered by an event source, you can declare a variable of the object’s class using the WithEvents keyword.
For example, to handle the ProgressPrinting event of a Docu- ment, place the following code in the Declarations section:
Option Explicit Private WithEvents MyDoc As LabelManager2.Document Private mblnCancel As Boolean
In this case, the client application must set the EnableEvents property of the application to True in order to trigger the events.
The WithEvents keyword specifies that the variable MyDoc will be used to handle an object’s events. You specify the kind of object by supplying the name of the class from which the object will be created.
Server: Lppx2
(event source)
The variable MyDoc is declared in the Declarations section because WithEvents variables must be module-level variables. Thisistrueregardlessofthetypeofmoduleyouplacethemin.
The variable mblnCancel will be used to cancel the LongTask method.
"""" Limitations on WithEvents variables
You should be aware of the following limitations on the use of WithEvents variables:
Chapter 1 -- 12
Programmer’s Guide
S A WithEvents variable cannot be a generic object variable.
Thatis,youcannotdeclareitAsObject-youmustspecify the class name when you declare the variable.
S You cannot declare a WithEvents variable As New. The
event source object must be explicitly created and assigned to the WithEvents variable.
S You cannot declare WithEvents variables in a standard mod-
ule. You can declare them only in class modules, form mod­ules, and other modules that define classes.
S You cannot create arrays of WithEvents variables.
"""" Writing code to handle an event
As soon as you declare a variable WithEvents,thevariable name appears in the left-hand drop down of the module’s code window. When you select MyDoc,theDocument class events will appear in the right-hand drop down, as shown in Figure 2 below:
Figure 2 An event associated with a WithEvents variable
Selecting an event will display the corresponding event procedure, with the prefix MyDoc_. All the event procedures associated with a WithEvents variable will have the variable name as a prefix.
Discover ActiveX Automation for your labeling software
For example, add the following code to the
MyDoc_ProgressPrint event procedure:
Private Sub MyDoc_ProgressPrinting (ByVal Percent as integer,Cancel as integer)
lblPercentDone.caption = CInt (100 * Percent) & “%” DoEvents If mblnCancel Then Cancel = True
End Sub
Whenever the ProgressPrinting event is raised, the event procedure displays the percent complete in a Label control. The DoEvent statement allows event processing to occur. The module-level variable mblnCancel is set to True, and the MyDoc_ProgressPrinting event then tests it and sets the ByRef Cancel argument to True.
Chapter 1 -- 13

Connecting a WithEvents variable to an object

When you declare a variable WithEvents at design time, there is no object associated with it. A WithEvents variable is just like any other object variable. You hav e to create an object and assign a reference to the object to the WithEvents variable.
Add the following code to the Form_Load event procedure to create the LabelManager2.Application.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set MyApp = New LabelManager2.Application Set MyDoc = MyDoc.Documents.Add (”My Document”) MyApp.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
When the code above is executed, Visual Basic creates a LabelManager2.Application and a new document called “My Document” then connects its events to the event procedures associated with MyDoc. From that point on, whenever the
MyDoc raises its ProgressingPrinting event, the MyDoc_PrintProgressing event procedure will be executed.
Chapter 1 -- 14
Programmer’s Guide

Compatibility with the previous version

This version is compatible with the previous version of the label design software.
However, the labeling software includes new fe atures and certain processes have changed.
To ensure your program can be executed with this version, verify your code by referring to the User’s Guide for information on the functions that have changed.
For example, the previous version of your labeling software uses a simple-document interface (SDI) and, the ActiveDocument property always refers to a document. This version is a multiple­document interface (MDI) and there isn’t always an open docu­ment. If you use this property, verify that there is an open docu­ment after the server is activated.
To remain compatible with the previous version :
S a document is automatically created at initialization,
S the Open method will close the current document (if one
exists), before a new document is created (The Close method functions the same way).
However, if the Application object is visible, the user has con­trol of the active document management. For example, if the user closes the active document, a new document is not auto­matically created.

Particularity about access rights

Certain versions of the labeling software include a User manager module. This module controls access to certain
functions of the labeling software.
For example, if calling a function through your ActiveX interface fails, verify your rights in the User manager module. An error message is displayed and provides information about the nature oftheerror(seetheReference Guide, Chapter 2 - 24: Error code table).

Reference Guide

Hierarchy diagram

The diagram below shows the object hierarchy:
Application .
Chapter 2 -- 16
Programmer’s Guide
Document .
Variables .
Reference Guide

Application Object

Properties Methods
ActiveDocument ErrorMessage
ActivePrinterName GetLastError
Application ShowHelp
Caption Move
DefaultFilePath Resize
Dialogs Quit
Name (Default)
Chapter 2 -- 17
Chapter 2 -- 18

Object Properties

Programmer’s Guide
"""" Application.ActiveDocument
This property allows you to access the document object interface (refer to the document which has the focus in the main application).
Returns an error if no document in application.
Access Read-Only.
"""" Application.ActivePrinterName
Returns the current pair <Printer, Port> of the active document, if any, empty string if none.
Access Read-only.
Type VT_BSTR or
"""" Application.Application
This property returns the Application root object of the hierarchy.
Access Read-only.
"""" Application.Caption
Returns or sets the caption text for the application window. To change the caption of the application window into the default text, set this property to an empty string (””).
Access Read/Write.
object that represents the
Type VT_BSTR or
Reference Guide
Chapter 2 -- 19
"""" Application.DefaultFilePath
Sets or returns the default path specification used by the application for opening document files.
Access Read/Write.
Type VT_BSTR or
"""" Application.Dialogs
Returns the Dialogs dialog boxes of the application.
Access Read-only.
"""" Application.Documents
Returns the Documents documents.
Access Read-only.
"""" Application.EnableEvents
Enables or disables Automation events notification (Default: False) (see Appendix).
Access Read/Write.
Type VT_BOOL or
collection that represents all the built-in
collection that represents all the open
"""" Application.FullName
Returns the file specification for the application, including path. (Ex : c:\drawdir\scribble).
Access Read-Only.
Type VT_BSTR or
Chapter 2 -- 20
Programmer’s Guide
"""" Application.Height
Returns or sets the height of the main window of the application (in pixel unit).
Access Read/Write.
Type VT_I4orLong
"""" Application.Left
Returns or sets the distance between the left edge of the main window of the application and the left edge of the screen (in pixel unit).
Access Read/Write.
Type VT_I4orLong
"""" Application.Locked
Locks the User Interface if True.
Access Read/Write.
Type VT_BOOL or Boolean
"""" Application.Name
Returns the name of the application (for example, ”Microsoft Word”). Default property.
Access Read-Only.
Type VT_BSTR or String
"""" Application.Options
Represents application and general document options. Many of the properties for the Options object correspond to items in the Options dialog box (Tools menu). Use the Options property to return the Options object.
The following example sets two application options:
With Options
.LoadPrinterSetup = True .MeasureSystem = lppxInch
End With
Reference Guide
Chapter 2 -- 21
Access Read-only.
Type VT_DISPATCH or Options
"""" Application.Parent
Returns the parent object of the specified object.
Access Read-only.
"""" Application.Path
Returns the path of the Application ( with « \ » character).
Access Read-only.
Type VT_BSTR or String
"""" Application.PrinterSystem
Returns the PrinterSystem the system.
Access Read-only.
Type VT_DISPATCH o r PrinterSystem
"""" Application.RecentFiles
object that represents all printers in
Returns the RecentFiles recent files used (File menu in UI).
Access Read-only.
Type VT_DISPATCH or RecentFiles
"""" Application.Top
Returns or sets the distance between the top edge of the main window of the application and the top edge of the screen (in pixel unit).
Access Read/Write.
Type VT_I4orLong
collection that represents the list of last
Chapter 2 -- 22
Programmer’s Guide
"""" Application.UserControl
True if the application was created by the user.
False if the application was created in programming (with the
CreateObject or GetObject method in Visual Basic).
If the application is visible to the user, this property will always return True.
Access Read-Only.
Type VT_BOOL or Boolean
"""" Application.Version
Returns the software version number.
Access Read-Only.
Type VT_BSTR or String
"""" Application.Visible
True if the application is visible. (Default: False, if application was launched with CreateObject).
Access Read/Write.
Type VT_BOOL or Boolean
"""" Application.Width
Returns or sets the width of the main window of the application (in pixel unit).
Access Read/Write.
Type VT_I4orLong
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