Brady BradyMarker XC-Plus User Manual

Features and capabilities PermaSleeve adaptation
Basic Operations
Setup, menu, keyboard, memory
Installation of labels and ribbons, working with the menu, printing and serializing labels
Cleaning and maintenance
Basic cleaning instructions, removal and reinstallation of paper shoot
Most commonly asked questions
Operational exercise
Introduction to BMXC+
The BMXC+ is a nine pin dot matrix portable printer capable of printing wire markers,
electronic component labels, and general identification labels.
Label registration is accomplished by optically sensing labels insuring proper label alignment.
It is capable of printing eight lines per inch and 23 characters per line. There are three text
sizes and three formats available. Full justification is another feature on the BMXC+.
The display is a two line 24 character liquid crystal display.
Standard memory is 8K and can be expanded to 32K.
Files can be created and stored in the BMXC+ for later usage.
Print functions include multiple copies and automatic numeric or alphabetic serialization. The
BMXC+ can be run on battery or AC power. The battery charger is a UL listed 120V, 60Hz input/12VAC, 2A output adapter. It will print 500 labels before recharging.
PermaSleeve printing is available on the BMXC+-PS. The BMXC+ can be adapted to handle
this type of printing.
Legend entry screen
Basic Operations
Size This is the material size code. It can be obtained from the box or from t he inner core
of the label. The parameters for the legend is determined by this size code.
Format There are three formats on the BMXC+: wiremarker, component, and strip.
Wiremarker mode automatically repeats the line of text in the legend down the length of the marker. Component mode will print all of your legend a single time. It will automatically center your text vertically. Strip (wiremarker) mode is identical to the wiremarker format except that it allows you to print duplicate markers on a mult iple across label (a butt cut label). This format will always print the same text in each strip of label. It is considered a single label for printing and serialization.
Quantity This mode will print either in the Single Marker mode and print one marker for each
print command or print in the Multiple Marker mode and print more than one marker from the print mode. You will be prompted for the number of markers to print.
Justify This will allow center, left or right justification on your marker. All text must be
printed using the same justification. This setting is NOT held in memory with your legend list.
Type Normal = 12 cpi; Small = 16 cpi; Large = 8 cpi and half height = 16 cpi. A single
size text is selected and will remain until a new type size is selected. Changing the type size will erase any test on the legend screen.
List This is the area in which files are stored in memory. The BMXC+ can store up to 26
unique legend lists. It can store up to 6500 characters of legend information in its standard 8k memory. The memory can be expanded to 32k. The LIST part of the MENU has a submenu which includes Create, Print, View/Edit, Add to, and Erase. Each of the selections deal with the List (saved) files.
Help You can press this key any time. It will direct you to the appropriate section of the
Clear Display Clears all characters from the Legend Entry Screen.
Save This works in conjunction with the LIST selection in the MENU. It will store the
Enter This key can act like a carriage return to add another line to the legend. It also
Exit/Stop This key will move from a submenu to the menu screen or from the menu screen
Serial Press this key to define an individual character to be serialized.
Recall Allows sequential viewing of legends in a created list.
Arrows Moves the cursor in the direction of the arrow.
Insert This toggles the text to type- over a character or insert a character. If the cursor is
Delete Erases the character currently at the cursor.
Menu Moves from the legend entry screen to the main menu. Hold this key down to
Print Prints the legend currently displayed or to begin printing markers from a legend
Reprint Duplicates he last marker printed.
Feed Advances the marker roll to the next marker. Use this to initially load the
user manual for further information.
current legend into the list that you are creating.
acts to select options from any part of the menu when it is highlighted.
to the Legend Entry Screen. It will also terminate the printing of markers.
flashing, it will type over the character. If it isn't it will insert a character.
display your current main menu settings.
Paper shoot & material guide assembly This is a three piece mechanical assembly through which the material (labels) pass before being
printed. This section can be taken apart for easy removal of labels that may have gotten stuck in the unit.
Optic eye
The optic eye is the material sensing device on the BMXC's. It senses the "cut-out" on the material to align the marker for proper print positioning.
The BMXC+ uses the R2200 ribbon. The BMXC+-PS uses the R5200 ribbon.
Battery pack
The battery pack must be charged for 16 hours with the AC adapter/charger prior to usage for optimal performance. To ensure proper charging, the barrel plug must be fully inserted inside the power jack. Only the molded housing should be visible. The battery pack will last through 2-3 years of chargings. A fully charged unit should last through a few days of continual usage.
Any nicad battery should be run until the "battery low" warning is displayed before recharging.
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