Brady 260M, 200M User Manual

Bradyprinter THT Model
200M and 260M
Thermal Transfer Printer
200M and 260M
Thermal Transfer Printer
Manufacturer part # 31450LB-12 Rev. 1
Customer part #31450L-12
Proprietary Statement
This manual contains proprietary infor m ation of Brady U S A, Inc. It is intended solely for the inf orm ation and use of parties operating and maintaining the e q u i p m ent de sc rib ed here in. Suc h p r o pr iet ary inf o r m ati on may not be us ed, reproduced, or disclosed to any other parties for any other purpose without the expressed written permission of Brady USA, Inc.
Product Improvements
Continuou s impro ve ment of prod uc ts is a pol icy of Brady US A, Inc. All specific ations and signs are subjec t to chan ge without notice.
FCC Compliance Statement
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital Device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules . These limits are d esigned to provide reasonable protecti on again st harmful interfe rence when the equipment is operate d in a com m ercial e n viro n ment . Thi s equipmen t gen e r ate s, uses and can radi a te ra d io fr e qu ency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communication s. Op eration of th is equipmen t in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
In order to insure compliance, this printer must be used with a Shielded Power Cord and Shielded Communication Cables.
“The user is caut io ne d t hat an y ch ang es or mod ifica t ions n ot exp re ssly a ppr ov ed by Brady USA, I nc. co ul d vo id th e u ser’s authority to operate the equipment.”
Canadian DOC Compliance Statement
Thi s di gi tal apparatus do es not exceed t he C lass A l i mits f o r ra di o nois e emission s fr om dig i ta l app ar atus as set out in the radio interference regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Liability Disclaimer
Brady USA, Inc. takes steps to assure that its published Engineering specific ati ons and Manu als ar e cor rect; h owever, errors do occur. Brady USA, Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states do not allow the e xclus ion or li mitati on of lia bility for c onse quentia l o r inci denta l damag es, th e ab ove limi tat ion may n ot apply to you.
The copyrights in this manual and the label printer described therein are licensed to Brady USA, Inc. All rights are reserved. Unauthorized reproduction of this manual or the software in the label printer may result in imprisonment of up to one year and fines of up to $10,000 (17 U.S.C.506). Copyright violators may be subject to civil liability.
ZPL II Centronics IBM
© Zebra Technologie s Corporat ion , por tions © Brady USA, Inc.
and E3® are registered trademarks of Zebra Technologies Corporation
is a registered trademark of Genicom Corporation
is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation
BradyprinterTHT Models 200M and 260M
1. Printer Warranty
BRADY printers, excluding thermal printheads which are warranted separately below, are warranted against defects in material or workmanship for six (6) months from the date of original shipment by BRADY USA, INC. This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear and shall be null and void if the equipment is modified, im properly installed or used, damaged by accident or neglect, or in the event any parts are improperly installed or replaced by the user.
Since printhead w ear is part of normal operati ons, th e orig inal printhe ad and re pl acem ent prin thea ds are covered by a limited warranty of six (6) months from the date of original shipme nt by BRADY USA, Inc. To qualify for this warranty, the printer must be returned to the factory or other authorized service center. Although the user is not required to purchase BRADY brand supplies (media and/or ribbons), to the extent it is determined that the use of other supplies (media and/or ribbons) shall have caused any defect in the thermal printhead for which a warranty claim is made, the user shall be responsible for BRADY USA, INC.’s customary charges for labor and materials to repair such defect. To th e e xtent that it is d e termi ned th at f ailu re to fo llo w t he p re vent ive main te nance s ched ule and procedures liste d in the User G uide shall have caused any defect in the thermal printhead for which a warra nt y cla im is made, this lim it ed wa rra nty s hall be v oi d.
As a condition of this warranty, the user must: (a) obtain a BRADY Return Authorization for the printer, or subassembly(s); (b) ship the printer or subassembly(s), transportation prepaid to the authorized service location; an d (c) inclu de with the P roduct or subassembly(s) a writ ten descriptio n of the claimed defect. Unless BRADY USA, INC. authorizes return of the entire Product, the user shall return only the subassembly(s). Products returned shall be packaged in the original packing and shipping container or comparable container. In the event equip ment is not so packaged or if shipping damage is evident, i t wi ll not b e a ccepted fo r service under wa rrant y. Surface tra nsportat ion charges for the return of the printer to the customer shall be paid by BRADY USA, INC. within the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia. Customer shall pay shipping costs, customs clearance, and other related charges outside the designated area. If BRADY USA, INC. determines that the Product returned to it for warranty service or replacement is not defective as her ein def ine d, BUY ER s hall pa y a ll co st s of h and lin g an d t ran spo rta tio n.
2. Supplies Warranty
BRADY supplies are warranted to be free from defects i n materials or workmanship for a period of either the stated material shelf life or 6 months from date of shipment, whichever occurs first, provided that the BUYER has complied with BRADY USA, INC.’s guidelines on storage, handling, and usage of the labeling supplies in BRADY printers. BRADY USA, INC. does not warrant the performance of BRADY labeling supplies on non-BRADY printers.
Any supplies product shown to the satisfaction of BRADY USA, INC., within the time provided, to be so defective shall be replaced without charge, or BRADY USA, INC. may issue a credit in such an amount as it deems reasonable.
3. Warranty Exclusions and Conditions
The above warranties are in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, oral or written, statutory or otherwise, including any implied warranty of merchant-ability or fitness for a particular purpose.
BRADY USA, INC. shall not be responsible for the specific application to which any Products are applied, including but not limited to compatibility wit h other equipment.
All statements, technical information and recommendations relating to BRADY Products are based upon tests believed to be reliable but do not constitute a gua rantee or warranty.
No salesperson, representative or agent of BRADY USA, INC. is authorized to make any guarantee, warranty, or representati on in addition to the foregoing warranty.
Scope............................................ 1-1
Model Designation.................................. 1-1
System Overview................................... 1-1
Additional System Requirements ...................... 1-3
Media and Ribbon Requirements...................... 1-3
Warnings and Precautions............................ 1-4
Printer Specifications................................ 1-6
Table of Contents
Printer Warranty .............................. i-i
Supplies Warranty ............................ i-i
Warranty Exclusions and Conditions ............. i-ii
Communication Capabilities .................... 1-2
Thermal Transfer Printer Internal Functions ........ 1-2
Print Mechanism Capabilities ................... 1-2
MediaTransportMechanismCapabilities.......... 1-2
Installation .................................. 1-4
240 VAC Operation............................ 1-4
Use of Shielded Cable ......................... 1-4
RibbonsandPrintheadWear.................... 1-5
Repacking ................................... 1-5
Printing Considerations........................ 1-6
Print Speeds ................................. 1-6
MediaHandling .............................. 1-6
Media ...................................... 1-7
Ribbon...................................... 1-8
Zebra Programming Language II (ZPL II
BarCodes................................... 1-8
Standard Fonts............................... 1-9
Standard Printer Font Examples............. 1-10
Physical..................................... 1-11
Electrical.................................... 1-11
Communications Interface...................... 1-12
Environmental Ranges......................... 1-12
Options..................................... 1-12
Accessories ................................. 1-12
)......... 1-8
Unpacking......................................... 2-1
Inspection......................................... 2-1
Reporting Damage .................................. 2-1
StorageandReshipping ................................ 2-1
Power Connection ..................................... 2-2
Site Requirements ..................................... 2-4
RibbonLoading ....................................... 2-4
Media Loading ........................................ 2-7
RemovingUsedRibbon................................. 2-11
InitialPrinterPowerUp ................................. 2-11
Operating Your Brady M-Series Printer .................... 3-1
Printer Operating Modes ................................ 3-1
Front Panel Keys....................................... 3-3
Front Panel Lights...................................... 3-5
PowerOnSelfTest..................................... 3-6
Printer Self Tests....................................... 3-6
ACVoltageSelectionProcedure................. 2-2
AC Power Fuse Replacement ................... 2-3
100-120 VAC Operation ........................ 2-3
220-240 VAC Operation ........................ 2-3
Permasleeve Printing .......................... 2-7
RollMedia................................... 2-7
Tear-OffMode................................ 2-9
RewindMode................................ 2-9
Peel-OffMode................................ 2-9
Fanfold Media................................ 2-10
MediaSensingModes......................... 3-1
Transmissive Sensing Mode ................ 3-1
Black-Mark Sensing Mode.................. 3-2
MediaTransportModes........................ 3-2
Tear-OffMode............................ 3-2
Peel-OffMode............................ 3-2
RewindMode............................ 3-3
PAUSEKey.................................. 3-3
FEEDKey ................................... 3-3
CANCEL Key................................. 3-4
MODEKey .................................. 3-4
Introduction ................................. 3-6
CANCEL Key Self Test ......................... 3-7
PAUSE Key Self Test .......................... 3-8
FEEDKeyTest................................ 3-9
FEEDKeyandPAUSEKey...................... 3-10
MODEKeyTest............................... 3-10
PAUSEKeyandCANCELKeyTest............... 3-10
FEEDKeyandCANCELKeyTest................. 3-11
Extended Printer Diagnostics ......................... 3-11
Battery Replacement
(200M Only)
Configuration and Calibration
OptionSwitches.................................... 4-1
Bank 1
Bank 2
Configuration Mode................................. 4-4
Calibration................................... 4-4
Adjust the Print Darkness ...................... 4-6
AdjusttheMediaRestPosition.................. 4-6
AdjustthePositionoftheTopoftheLabel......... 4-6
(For Serial-Interface Printers Only)
(260M Printers Only)
System Components ................................ 5-1
System Considerations .............................. 5-1
Communications Code ........................ 5-1
Interfaces ................................... 5-1
DataSpecifications ........................... 5-2
RS-232SerialDataPort.............................. 5-2
Hardware Control Signal Descriptions............ 5-3
RS-232 Cabling Requirements .................. 5-3
Interconnect to DTE Devices.................... 5-4
Interconnect to DCE Devices.................... 5-4
Parallel Cabling Requirements................... 5-5
Parallel Interface .............................. 5-5
Signal Descriptions ........................... 5-6
....................... 3-11
.............. 4-2
....................... 4-3
Preventive Maintenance
Overview.......................................... 6-1
Cleaning .......................................... 6-1
Exterior Surfaces ............................. 6-1
Interior...................................... 6-1
PrintheadandPlatenRoller..................... 6-2
Media, Ribbon, and Label Available Sensors....... 6-3
Lubrication.................................. 6-3
Toggle Positioning .................................. 7-1
Printhead Pressure Adjustment........................ 7-1
Black-Mark Media Sensor Position Adjustment ........... 7-2
Transmissive Media Sensor Position Adjustment ......... 7-2
Transmissive Media Sensor Positioning Using the
Locator.................................... 7-3
Lower Transmissive Media Sensor Position
Adjustment................................. 7-6
Media and Ribbon Sensor Sensitivity Adjustment ........... 7-7
Troubleshooting Options
Peel-OffOption........................................ 9-1
RewindOption........................................ 9-1
OptionalPrinterFonts .................................. 9-1
220-240 VAC Factory Setup.............................. 9-2
MemoryOptions ................................... 9-2
512 KB DRAM Memory Expansion ............... 9-2
256 KB SRAM Non-volatile Memory Expansion .... 9-2
6-Dot/mm Printhead
(200M Only)
........................... 9-2
Appendix A - 240 VAC Power Cord
240VACPowerCord................................... A-1
Appendix B - ASCII Code Chart Appendix C - Adjusting Bar Code Darkness
Adjusting Darkness For In-Spec Bar Codes ............... C-1
AppendixD-Optional Printer Fonts Appendix E - Support Services
How to Reach Us ...................................... E-1
TechnicalSupport ..................................... E-1
Technical Support Service via Telephone.......... E-2
TechnicalSupportviaE-mailorFax.............. E-2
Product Service and Support Programs ................... E-4
AppendixF-Permasleeve Printing
Instructions for One-Sided Permasleeve Printing ............ F-1
SensorLocation.............................. F-1
Toggle Setup ................................ F-1
Printer Function Setup......................... F-1
Loading Permasleeve.......................... F-2
Printer Calibration ............................ F-3
VerifyingCalibration........................... F-3
Leader Instructions............................ F-3
Printing..................................... F-4
Save Settings................................ F-4
Instructions for Two-Sided Permasleeve Printing ............ F-4


Thi s us er’s g ui d e c on ta in s de sc ri pt i ve in f or ma ti on and operational instructions for the Brady 200M and 260M thermal transfer demand printers.
This user’s guide contains information on how to set up and operate the printer as well as adjustment and maintenance procedures that can be performed by the operator. Information covering the use and operation of Brady M-Series Printer options is also included.
Additional documentation for the Brady M-Series Printer is available.
The two-volume Maintenance Manual:
Volume 1: General Maintenance contains the information you will need to maintain your printer.
Volume 2: Circuit Descriptions and Electrical Schematics
contains the information you will need to repair the circuit boards at the component level.
Programming Guide.
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Model Designation
Labels located inside the media compartment above the frame support at the rear of the M-Series Printer include both the serial number and model designation. If you need to contact our t ec hni ca l support staff for assistance, please have both the model designation and serial number available so that we may help you more efficiently.
System Overview
The M-Series Pri nter, wh en conn ected t o an app ropri ate ASCII data sour ce, functions as a complete label, tic ket, and tag printing system. Customer-supplied asynchronous modems may be used to connect remote hosts to the M-Series Printer.
Introduction M-Series User s Guide
Connection of the M-Series Printer to data sources using data codes other than ASCII requires the use of an appropriate protocol convert er. Connecti on to data sources using int erfaces other than the type installed in the printer requires the use of an appropriate interface converter.
Communi cat io n Ca pabi li ties
The M-Series Printer comes with either an Electronics Industries Association (EIA) RS-23 2 serial data i nterfac e or a factory-in stal led pa rall el inter face . In b oth cas es, t he r equire d interface cable is not supplied with the printer.
Thermal Transfer Print er Int ern al Funct ion s
Command/control data signals are received via the RS-232 port, parallel port, or DIP switches and are sent to the main logic board. The microprocessor continuously monitors these signals along with the inputs received from the control panel and various sensors. The microprocessor interprets this information and controls th e M-S eries Pri nter me chanic s, pri nthead , communications, command interpretation, label formatting, media control, an d mech anical drive .
Print Mec hani sm Ca pabil ities
The print mechanism has been designed to print random information labels, tickets, and tags. It uses a square dot thermal printhead that heats a ribbon as it passes beneath the print elements , melting its ink onto the media (direct thermal uses heat-sensitive media instead of an inked ribbon). Constant print speeds may be selected vi a soft ware con trol.
The s tand ar d printhead for the M-Se ries Printer has a print resolution of 8 dots/mm (203.2 dots/inch). An optional printhead is available for the 200M that has 6 dots/mm (152 dots/inch) resolution.
Media Transport Mecha nism Ca pa bili ti es
The media transport mechanism of the M-Series Printer has been desi gn ed to ac c omm od at e va ri ous t y pe s of me di a, i nc lu di ng
M-Series User s Guide Introduction
die-cut labels, ticket and tag stock, continuous roll, and fanfold media.
Media may be rewound internally onto standard three-inch cores if the Rewind Spind le option is installed. With the Peel-off option, backing material may be rewound internally.
Ribbons for the M-Series Printer are supplied on cores in standard widths and lengths.
Additional System Requirements
In addition to the Brady M-Series Printer, you will need the following items to form a complete label preparation system:
Label, ticket, or tag stock
An intellig ent de vice, s uch as a comp uter, f or d ata ent ry
or entry of ZPL II formats
A data communication cable to connect the controlling de-
vice to the printer (remote installations may require addi­tional cables and communication devices, such as modems and/or protocol converters)
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Thermal transfer ribbon (if using Thermal Transf er Mode)

Media and Ribbon Requirements

Print quality not only depends on the Brady M-Series Printer, but also on the print media . Fact ors such as ref lectivi ty and contra st are important for bar code scanning applications. Factors such as paper abrasion and temperature requirements are important in maintaining the li fe of the pri nthead.
We STRONGLY RECOMMEND the use of Brady-brand media for continuous high quality printing. A wide range of paper, polypropylene, polyester, and vinyl stock has been specifically engineered to enhance the printing capabilities of the printer and to ensure agai nst premature pri nthead we ar.
Continuous roll form paper, fanfold media, or cardstock with optional perforations and registration holes may be used. The 260M can use “ black-mark media” —media having a black mark printed on the liner side for use in positioning the labels. The life
Introduction M-Series User s Guide
of the printhead may be reduced by abrasion from exposed paper fibers when u sing p erfo rated media .
Since print quality is affected by media and ribbon, printing speeds, and printer operating modes, it is very important to run tests for your applications. This is especially true if you’re operating in “Peel-Off” mode, where thes e variab les co mbine with labe l size , backi ng content, diecut depth, and even humidity to affect printer operation.

Warnings and Precautions

CAUTION: To ensure that the Brady M-Series Printer has proper cooling, do not place any padding or cushioning material on the back of, or underneath, the unit.
240 VAC Operation
CAUTION: Refer to Section 2 for instructions on configuring your printer for 240 VAC operation before connecting to a 240 VAC power source.
Use of Shiel ded Cable
CAUTION: Refer to t he Inte rconnect ions Secti on. Brady printers comply with FCC “Rules and Regulations”,
Part 15, Subpart J, for Class A Equipment, using fully shielded data cables. Use of unshielded cables may increase radiated emissions above the Class A limits and is not recommended.
Brady printer s c o m p ly with inte rn at iona l regulations governing radiated emission s when using fully shielded data cables. Use of unshield ed c ab le s m ay increase radiated emissions above the regulated limits.
M-Series User s Guide Introduction
Ribbons a nd Prin thead Wear
CAUTION: Ribbons used in the Brady USA, Inc. Printer MUST be as wide as or wider than the media. Brady-brand ribbons provide an extremely smooth backing surface that protects the pr inthead from ab rasi on by the media. I f the r ibbon is narrower than the media, areas of the printhead will be unprotecte d and subject to p rematur e wear .
CAUTION: If shipment of your printer is necessary, carefully pack the printer in a suitable container to avoid damage during transit. Whenever poss ible, use t he ori ginal cont ainer f rom t he factory. If using a different container, a procedure similar to the original factory packaging should be followed.
Refer to Chapt er 2 f or furth er repack ing ins tructio ns.
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Introduction M-Series User s Guide

Printer Specifications

Printi ng Consi derat ions
Specification 200M 260M
Resolution (thermal transfer or direct thermal)
Dot size 0.00492"
Maximum pr in t widt h 4.09" (104 mm ) 6.30" (160 mm) Maximum
print length
Bar code m odulus (“X”) dimen si o n 5 mil to 55 mil 6.6 mil to 72 mil 5 mil to 55 mil Thin film print he ad with Ene rg y Contro l
Standar d mem or y 15" (381 mm) 26" (660 mm ) 9.5" (241 mm ) With 512 KB additional
Print S peeds
Programmable constant printing speeds of 2 (51 mm), 3″ (76 mm), 4″ (104 mm), 5 (127 mm), and 6″ (152 mm) per second.
203 dots pe r inc h (8 dots per mm )
(0.125 mm )
39" (991 mm) 39" (991 mm) 25" (635 mm)
Optional 152 dot s per inch ( 6 dot s per mm )
0.00656" (0.16 7 m m )
203 dots per inch (8 dots per mm)
0.00492" (0.125 mm)
Media Ha ndli ng
Tear-off mode: Pr oduced in stri ps.
Peel-off mode: Requires Peel-Off option or Media Rewind
option. Labels are dispensed and peeled from the liner, and the liner is rewound internally.
Rewind mode: Requires Media Rewind Option. A full roll
of pri n te d la be ls a re r e wo und in te rn al ly.
M-Series User s Guide Introduction
Media Spe ci fi cation s 200M 260M
Total media width Maximum 4.5" 115 mm 7.2" 182.9 mm
Minimum 0.75" 19 mm 2.0" 50.8 mm
Label length
Total thic kn e ss (includes liner)
Core size 3.0" 75 mm 3.0" 75 mm Maxi m um ro ll di amet er 8.0" 203 mm 8.0" 203 m m Interlabel gap
(0.115"/3 mm preferred) Maximum internal fanfold media pack
size (L x W x H) Additional Specificat i ons for Black-Mark Medi a* Mark thickness
(mea suring parallel to label/tag edge)
Mark width (measuring perpendi cu la r to label/tag edge)
Mark -t o- m ar k leading edg e re gi st rati on tole ra n c e
Mark location Mark is recommended to be
Mark density > 1.0 ODU (Optical Dens ity Unit ) Density of the back of the medi a on
which the black mark is printed * The 200M ca n be f ie l d-e qui pped wit h an op ti onal refl ec t iv e (b la ck -m a rk) m edi a sen sor which repl a ce s
the factory- inst al led trans m iss iv e sens or. The blac k-m a rk medi a specificat io ns shown f or the 200M re quire that the optional reflective sensor kit be installed.
Maximum Refer to “Printing Cons ider ati ons ” on page 1-6. Minim um Tear-Off 0.5" 12.8 mm 0.63" 16. 00 m m
Peel- Off 0.5" 12. 8 mm 0.75" 1 9. 05 m m Rewi nd 0.5" 12.8 mm 0.75" 19. 05 m m
Maximum (P rinthead position m a y nee d to be adjusted a bove 0.01" )
Minimum 0.0023" 0.058 mm 0.0023" 0.058 mm
Minimum 0.12" 3 mm 0.12" 3 mm Maximum 0.43" 11 mm 0.43" 11 mm
Minimum 0.43" 11 mm 0.43" 11 mm Maximum Full media width. Full media width.
0.012" 0.304 mm 0.012" 0.304 mm
0.079" - 0.157" 2 - 4 mm 0.079" -
8.0" x 4.5" x
+ /- 0.016" +/- 0.4 mm +/- 0.016" +/- 0.4 mm
located on the inside of the media (closest to the printer’s mainframe when loaded in the printer). If mark is located elsewher e, tes t for your application.
0.5 ODU maximum
203 x 105 x 158 mm
8.00" x
7.2 " x 6.2"
Marks m ust be located on the insi de of the me di a (clo sest to th e printer’ s mainframe when loaded in the printer) .
2 - 4 mm
203 x 183 x 158 mm
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Introduction M-Series User s Guide
Ribbon Widt h
Brady recommends using ribbon at least as wide as the media you are using to protect t he printhea d from w ear.
Standard Lengths
Roll s iz e Inner diamet e r of core 1.0" 25.6 m m 1.0" 25.6 mm
2:1 media to ribbon r ol l rati o 984 ft 300 m 984 ft 300 m 3:1 media to ribbon r ol l rati o 1476 ft 450 m 1476 ft 450 m
Outside diameter of full roll of ribbon 3.2" 81 mm 3.2" 81 mm
Maximum 4.33" 110 mm 6.85" 174 mm Mini m um 0. 95" 24 mm 2.0" 50.8 mm
200M 260M
Zebra Programm ing Lan guage II (ZPL II®)
° Downloadable graphics with data compres-
° Bit image data transfer and printing, includ-
ing mixi ng of t ext a nd gr aph ics
° Format inversion ° Mirror image printing ° Four-position field rotatio n
(0°, 90°, 180°, 270°)
° Bitmap and s calab le font s
° Programmable quantity with print pause ° Communic ates in pr intab le ASCI I cha rac-
° Controlled by a mainframe, minicomputer,
PC, or o the r da ta en try d ev ice
° Seriali zed fiel ds ° In-Spec OCR-A and OCR-B ° UPC/EAN [nominal 100% magnification
(6 dots/mm only)]
Bar C odes
° Code 11, Code 49, Code 93 ° Code 39 (S up port s ra ti os of 2: 1, 3 :1, 5 :2,
° Code 128 (Supports serialization in subsets
B and C and UCC Case C Codes)
° CODABAR (Sup po rts R ati os of 2: 1, 3:1 ,
and 5:2)
° Interleaved 2 of 5 (Supports Ratios of 2:1,
3:1, and 5:2; also su ppor ts Modul us 10 Check Digit )
° Indu str ial 2 of 5, S tand ard 2 of 5
° Ples sey ° CODABLOCK ° MAXICODE ° UPC-A, UPC-E, UPC EXTENSIONS ° PDF 417 ° POST NET ° Check-digit calculation where applicable ° MSI ° EAN-8, EAN-13, EAN EXTENSIONS
M-Series User s Guide Introduction
Standard Fonts
The scalable smooth font (CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed) is expandable on a dot-by-dot basis, height- and width-independent, while maintaining smooth edges. Maximum size depends on available m emory.
Fonts A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and GS are expandable up to 10 times, height- and width-independent; however, fonts E and H (OCR-A and OCR -B) ar e not consid ered in -spec when expand ed.
IBM Code Pag e 850 int ernati onal characte r sets are av ailab le in fonts A , B, C , D, E , F, G, and Ø t hrough s oftware contro l.
Note: See the Op tion s Sectio n for the a va ilability of additional
FontMatricesfor8dots/mmPrinthead(200Mand 260M)
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Font Matrix
A 9 5 1 U-L-D 0.044 0.029 33.90 1.13 0 .75 1.33 B 11 7 2 U 0.054 0.044 22.60 1.38 1.13 0.89 C, D 18 10 2 U-L-D 0.088 0.059 16.95 2.25 1.50 0.67 E 28 15 5 OCR-B 0.138 0.098 10.17 3.50 2.50 0.40 F 26 13 3 U-L-D 0.128 0.079 12.71 3.25 2.00 0.50 G 60 40 8 U-L-D 0.295 0.236 4.24 7.50 6.00 0.17 H 21 13 6 OCR-A 0.103 0.093 10.71 2.63 2.38 0.42 GS 24 24 0 SYMBOL 0.118 0.118 8.48 3.00 3.00 0.33 Ø Default: 15 X 12 U-L-D Scalable * U = Uppercase, L = Lowercase, D = Descenders
Type* CharacterSize
Inches Millimeters
Introduction M-Series User s G uide
Font Matrix
Type* CharacterSize
Inches Millimeters
A 9 5 1 U-L-D 0.059 0.039 25.40 1.50 1.00 1.00 B 11 7 2 U 0.072 0.059 16.93 1.83 1.50 0.67 C, D 18 10 2 U-L-D 0.118 0.079 12.70 3.00 2.00 0.50 E 21 10 3 OCR-B 0.138 0.085 11.72 3.50 2.17 0.46 F 26 13 3 U-L-D 0.171 0.105 9.53 4.33 2.67 0.38 G 60 40 8 U-L-D 0.394 0.315 3.18 10.00 8.00 0.13 H 17 11 4 OCR-A 0.112 0.098 10.16 2.83 2.50 0.40 GS 24 24 0 SYMBOL 0.157 0.157 6.35 4.00 4.00 0.25 Ø Default: 15 X 12 U-L-D Scalable * U = Uppercase, L = Lowercase, D = Descenders
Standard P rinter Font Examples
Figure 1.1 Default Fonts (8 Dots/mm Printhead)
M-Series User s Guide Introduction
Figure 1.2 Default Fonts (6 Dots/mm Printhead)
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Physica l
PhysicalCharacteristics 200M 260M
Height 15.4" 391 mm 15.4" 391 mm Width 10.5" 267 mm 13.1" 333 mm Depth 18.9" 480 mm 18.9" 480 mm Weight (option-dependent) 43 lbs. 19.5 kg 55 lbs. 2 4.9 kg
100-120 VAC +10%/-15% or 220-240 VAC +10%/-15%; 48-62 Hz 5 Amps @ 115V, 3 Amps @ 230V UL 1950 Listed-Certified to CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 950- M89;
Classified to IEC 950; complies with FCC and Canadian DOC class “A” rules
Carries the C E mark of c ompliance .
Introduction M-Series User s Guide
Communi cat ions Int erfac e
RS-232 at 110 to 19,200 baud (select from standard rates).
Baud rate, data bits, parity, error detection protocol, and XON-XOFF or DTR/DSR handshaking are all switch­selectabl e.
200M: Centronics
ity Mode Parallel Interface. Maximum cable length: 10 ft. (304.8 cm)
paralle l int erface. 260M : Co mpati bil-
Environ mental Ranges
Operating temperature +40°F to +105°F + 4°C to +41°C Storage temperature 40°F to +158°F 40°C to +70°C Non-condensing
relative humidity
Operating 20% to 85% Storage 5% to 85%
6-dots/mm printhead (200M only) Media Rewind with rewind and peel-off capabilities Peel-Off cap abil ity only Additional 512 KB memory 256 KB non-volatile memory (200M only) Scalable and bit-mapped smooth fonts
A Printer Cleaning Kit (PCK-2) is available from Brady USA, Inc.
When unpacking the Brady M-Series Printer, make sure you save all packing materials. Once the printer is out of the box, raise the printer’s Media Access Door and remove the power cord.
Inspect th e printe r for possibl e damage i ncurre d durin g shipme nt.
Check all ext erior s urfaces for damage.
Raise the Me dia Acces s Door and in spect compartm ent for
damage to components.
Reporting Damage
If you discover shipping damage upon inspection:
1. Immediately notify the shipping company of the damage.
2. Retain all packaging material for shipping company inspection.
3. File a damage report with the shipping company and no tify your local distributo r and Brady USA, Inc. of the damage. Brady USA, Inc. is not resp onsi ble for any damag e incu rred during shipm en t of the equipmen t and will no t repair this damage under warranty. Immediate notification of damage to the shipping com pany or its in suring agency will generally result in ensuring any damage claim validity and ultim ate monetary compensation .


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Storage and Reshipping
If you are not placing the printer into operation immediately, repackage it using the original packing materials. The M-Series Printer may be stored under the following conditions.
Temperature: -40° to +158° F (-40° to +70° C)
Relative humidity: 5% to 85% non-condensing
Installation M-Series Users Guide
Should it become necessary to ship your printer, remove any ribbon and pape r roll from the supply spools, otherwise damage
to the printer could result. Carefully pack the printer in a suitable container to avoid damage during transit. Whenever possible, use the original container and packaging material from the factory. If you use a different container, a procedure similar to the original fac tor y pa ck ag in g s h oul d be fo l low e d.
CAUTION: Do not package the printer in a rigid container without utilizing shock mounts or shock-absorbing packing material. A rigid container will allow shock on the outside to be transmitted undampe d to the unit, which ma y caus e dama ge .

Power Connection

AC Voltage Selection Procedure
The M-Series Printer’s AC voltage may be set for either 100-120 VAC or 220-240 VAC operation. To match the printer’s power entry s elec tion to the avai lable power s ource, r efer to Figure 2.1 and follow the procedure outlined below:
1. Locate the AC p ower area at the re ar of the printer.
2. Using a small flatblade screwdriver or similar tool, move the Voltage Selection switch to the 100-120 V or 220-240 V posi­tion as re­quired. (The in­itial position of the switch de­pends on how the printer was ordered.) Make sure that t he ap­propriate fuse is in place. See Fig. 2.1.
Figure 2.1 AC Power Area
M-Series User s Guide Installation
AC Power Fuse Replacement
A user-repl aceable AC Po wer Fuse is loca ted just ab ove t he Power ON/OFF Switch. (See Figure 2.1.) For a 100-120 VAC inst a llat ion, th e replacement fuse is a 3AG Fast Blow style rated at 5 Amp/250VAC. For a 220-240 VAC installation, the fuse is the sam e s tyl e bu t ra te d at 3 Amp/250VAC. Make sure the fuse you
use is correct for the voltage source.
Before replacing the fuse, turn the AC Power Switch OFF and unplug the AC Power Cable.
To replace th e fuse, insert t he ti p of a flat b lade screwdri ver into the slot in the end of the Fuse Holder End Cap. Press in slightly on the End Cap and turn the screwdriver slightly counter-clockwise. This will disengage the End Cap from the Fuse Holder and allow you to remove the fuse. To install a new fuse, reverse the proced ure.
100-120 VAC Operati on
1. Confirm that the voltage selector switch is set to 120 V.
2. Attach the suppl ied power co rd to t he AC p ower recep tacle l o-
cated on the rear of the printer.
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3. Connect the opposite end of the power cord to a properly
grounded source of 100-120 VAC (50 or 60 Hz) power rated for at leas t 5 Amps.
220-240 VAC Operati on
1. Confirm that the voltage selector switch is set to 240 V.
2. Depending on how the printer was ordered, a power cord may
or may not be provided for 220-240 VAC operation. If not pro­vided, obtain a cord set with the proper AC Power plug. The cord may th en be con nected to t he sta ndar d (inter natio nal) IEC-type 3-prong AC connector provided on the M-Series Printer. Refer to Appendix A for more information.
Installation M-Series U sers Guide
Site Requirements
CAUTION: To ensure that the M-Series Printer has proper ventilation and cooling, do not place any padding or cushioning material on the back of or underneath the unit because this will restrict t he air flow .
The M-Series Printer may be installed on any solid, level surface of sufficient size and strength to accommodate the unit. The area in which the printer will operate must meet the e nvironmental conditions specifie d .
Since the Brady M-Series Printer was designed and is fabricated as an industrial-type unit, it will function satisfactorily i n ar e as such as a warehouse or factory floor that conform to the specified environmental and el ectrica l co ndition s.

Ribbon Loading

Refer to Figure 2.3 throughout this procedure. Note: When placing the ribbon roll on the Ribbon Supply Spindle,
make sure that the core is pushed up against the stop on the ribbon supply spindle and that th e ribbon is aligne d squarely with its core. If this is not don e, the ribbo n may not cover the inside edge of the printhead, exposin g print elements to potentially damaging cont act wit h the media.
CAUTION: Do not use ribbon that is narrower than the media. If
the printhead is not protected by the smooth backing of the ribbon, excessive abrasion may cause premature printhead failure.
Do not load ribbon if the printer is to be used in the Direct
Thermal Mode.
M-Series User s Guide Installation
1. Align the segments of the Ribbon Supply Spindle. See Fig-
ure 2.2. The Ribbon Supply Spindle is actually made up of either two or three segments that rotate independently. Each segment has a Spring Plate on it. It is important that these Spring Plates be in alignment prior to installing the ribbon roll on the spindle.
2. Place the Ribbon Roll on the Ribbon Supply Spindle.
3. Open the printhead by moving the handle to the OPEN posi-
4. Impo rtan t. .... To make ribbon loading and unloading easier,
make a leader for your ribbon roll if it doesn’t already have one:
Tear off a strip of media (labels and backing) about 6 to 12 inches long from the roll . Peel o ff a lab el fr om th is str ip. Re move the re maini ng l a­bels. Apply h alf of th is la bel to the end o f the s tri p and the ot her half to the end of the ribbon. This acts as a ribbon leader.
5. Thread the leader and attached ribbon as shown in the illustra-
tion. Be careful not to crease or wrinkle the ribbon.
6. Remove the Hook from the Ribbon Take-Up Spindle.
7. Place the leader under the long leg of the Hook and wind several
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8. Close the printhead by moving the lever to the CLOSED posi-
Align the blades on the Ribbon Supply Spindle before loading the ribbon roll.
Figure 2.2 Ribbon Supply Spindle Alignment
Installation M-Series U sers G uide
Figure 2.3 Ribbon Loading Diagram
M-Series User s Guide Installation

Media Loading

To load media, move th e Pri nthea d Locking Lever to the OP EN position. Refer to Figures 2.4, 2.5, and 2.6. When the media is loaded, close the printhead by moving the lev er on th e up per printh ead mechani sm to th e CLOS ED position.
Note: The first time you load media and whenever you
subsequently change the med ia type you must r e -calibrate the printer. See the Configuration and Cali b ration S ection.
Permasleev e Pri nt in g
For information about Permasleeve Printing, refer to Appendix F.
Roll Media
Roll media may contain labels of a fixed length with gaps in-between or it may be formed as one continuous length with no gaps (see Continuous Media.) Both types of roll media mount inside the printer in the same manner. To load roll media, refer to Figure 2.4 and/or 2.5 and do the following.
1. Move the Media Guide and Media Supply Guide as far away
from the printer frame as possible.
2. Place the med ia rol l on the Media S upply Hanger.
3. Push the Media Supply Guide inward until it is just touching
the outer side of the Media Supply Roll, then lock the guide in place with i ts lock ing sc rew. (T he Guide must n ot cause pres­sure or excessive dr ag on the Media Supply Rol l.)
4. Thread the media through the printhead as shown in the illus-
5. Adjust the Med ia Guide and Medi a Suppl y Guide until they
just touch the outer edge of the media without causing it to buckle.
6. Close the printhead by moving the lever located on the upper
printhea d asse mbly to the C LOSE D pos itio n.
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Installation M-Series U sers Guide
Figure 2.4 Roll Media Loading Diagrams
Figure 2.5 Roll Media Load i ng Diagram ( with Peel-O ff )
M-Series User s Guide Installation
Tear-Off Mode
Follow the instructions described in Roll Media.
Rewind Mode
The Rewind Option must be installed in the printer. To initially configure t he prin ter for this mode, fo llow t hese s teps:
1. Remove the Medi a Rewind P lat e from i ts sto rage locatio n in
front of the printhead inside the media compartment.
2. Invert the Rewi nd Pl ate so that the l ip on th e attach ed Hook
Plate points down.
3. Insert the Hook Plate lip a short distance (1/2") into the lower
opening in the Side Plate.
4. Align the upper end of the Rewind Plate with the correspond-
ing opening in the Side Plate and slide the Rewind Pl at e in s o that it stops against the Main Frame.
5. Remove the Hook from the Take-Up Spindle Shaft.
6. Rou te th e m ed i a as s ho w n in F igu re s 2. 4 an d 2. 5, w ind i t 1 - 2
times aro und a 3" core .
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Peel- Off Mode
After loading the media, follow these steps:
1. Remove the Rewind Plate if one is present and store it on the
2. Load media as shown in Figures 2.4 and 2.5.
3. Remove the Hook from the Take-Up Spindle Shaft.
4. Remove several labels from the media backing and then wind
two mounting screws on the inside of the front panel. Align the notch or web in the media so that the Take Label Sensor can sense a peeled label .
the backing 1-2 times around the Media Take-Up Spindle and reins tal l the Hoo k.
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