B&R 4PP065.0571-B00 Technical Documentation Manual


Technical documentation
Version: 1.00 (July 2013)
Model no.: 4PP065.0571-B00
All information contained in this manual is current as of its creation/publication. B&R reserves the right to change the contents of this manual without notice. The information contained herein is believed to be accurate as of the date of publication; however, Bernecker + Rainer Industrie-Elektronik Ges.m.b.H. makes no warranty, ex­pressed or implied, with regard to the products or documentation contained within this manual. In addition, Bernecker + Rainer Industrie-Elektronik Ges.m.b.H. shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising from the furnishing, performance or use of the product(s) in this documentation. Soft­ware names, hardware names and trademarks are registered by their respective companies.

Table of contents

1 Views.......................................................................................................................... 3
2 General Information.................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Order data....................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.1 Description................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1.2 Version information....................................................................................................................................5
2.1.3 Supported interface modules.................................................................................................................... 5
3 Fully assembled device - Technical data............................................................... 6
3.1 Diagnostic LEDs..............................................................................................................................................6
3.1.1 Diagnostic LEDs up to AR I2.96, D3.01 and A3.06..................................................................................6
3.1.2 Diagnostic LEDs starting with AR J2.96, E3.01 and B3.06...................................................................... 7
3.1.3 ACT / LNK LEDs for the RJ45 interface................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Connection elements...................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1 X2X Link port.............................................................................................................................................8
3.2.2 USB ports.................................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2.3 Ethernet interface.................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.4 Supply voltage......................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.5 Operating mode and node number switches.......................................................................................... 11
3.3 Technical data...............................................................................................................................................12
3.4 Dimensions....................................................................................................................................................15
3.5 Cutout installation..........................................................................................................................................16
3.6 Panel overlay design.................................................................................................................................... 17
3.7 Slide-in labels................................................................................................................................................18
4 Commissioning........................................................................................................19
4.1 Mounting instructions.................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Mounting orientation......................................................................................................................................21
4.3 Installing interface modules.......................................................................................................................... 22
4.4 Touch screen calibration............................................................................................................................... 22
4.5 Screen rotation..............................................................................................................................................22
5 Maintenance.............................................................................................................23
5.1 Cleaning........................................................................................................................................................ 23
5.2 Changing the battery.................................................................................................................................... 23
5.2.1 General information................................................................................................................................. 23
5.2.2 Battery status evaluation......................................................................................................................... 23
5.2.3 Procedure for changing the battery........................................................................................................ 24
5.3 Changing the CompactFlash card................................................................................................................ 25
5.3.1 Removing the CompactFlash card.......................................................................................................... 25
5.3.2 Inserting the CompactFlash card............................................................................................................ 26
5.4 Preventing screen burn-in on LCD/TFT displays......................................................................................... 27
5.4.1 How can this be avoided?.......................................................................................................................27
2 Data sheetV 1.00 4PP065.0571-B00


Figure 1: 4PP065.0571-B00 - Oblique view
Data sheetV 1.00 4PP065.0571-B00 3
Figure 2: 4PP065.0571-B00 - Rear view
4 Data sheetV 1.00 4PP065.0571-B00
General Information

2 General Information

B&R does its best to keep technical descriptions as current as possible. The latest version of this tech­nical description can be downloaded in PDF format from the B&R website at www.br-automation.com. The 4PP065.0571-B00 is a variant of the B&R standard device 4PP065.0571-X74F. Specifications that are not listed here are identical to those for the B&R standard device and must be taken from the Power Panel User's Manual.

2.1 Order data

Model number Short description Figure
4PP065.0571-B00 cHMI PP65 TFT C QVGA 5.7in FT,X2X,ETH
Power Panel 65
Table 1: 4PP065.0571-B00 - Order data

2.1.1 Description

The 4PP065.0571-B00 is a variant of the standard device 4PP065.0571-X74F, with the following modifications:
Panel overlay design and slide-in labels same as standard PP45 (but PP45/PP65 imprint)
No embossing around display
Display with dim backlighting

2.1.2 Version information

Version Date Comment Responsible
1.00 (starting with Rev. A0)
22-Jul-13 First edition Anna Sigl
Table 2: Version information

2.1.3 Supported interface modules

Support for interface modules is provided starting with the following Automation Runtime versions:
Automation Runtime version C2.96 C2.96 A3.07 C2.96
4PP065.IF10-1 4PP065.IF23-1 4PP065.IF24-1 4PP065.IF33-1
Table 3: 4PP065.0571-X74F – Supported interface modules
Data sheetV 1.00 4PP065.0571-B00 5
Interface modules
Fully assembled device - Technical data

3 Fully assembled device - Technical data

3.1 Diagnostic LEDs

There are four diagnostic LEDs on the back of the PP65.
Figure 3: 4PP065.0571-X74F - Diagnostic LEDs
The behavior of the Status LED has changed starting with AR J2.96, E3.01 and B3.06.

3.1.1 Diagnostic LEDs up to AR I2.96, D3.01 and A3.06

LED Color Status Description
User Green On / Off LED operable by the user (with the AsHW library) X2X Orange On Module sending data via the X2X Link interface CF Orange On CompactFlash card being accessed
Red On Error / ResetStatus Orange On Boot or Ready mode
Table 4: 4PP065.0571-X74F - Diagnostic LEDs up to AR I2.96, D3.01 and A3.06
6 Data sheetV 1.00 4PP065.0571-B00

3.1.2 Diagnostic LEDs starting with AR J2.96, E3.01 and B3.06

LNK (green)
LED Color Status Description
Status see "Table 6: 4PP065.0571-X74F - Status LED blink code" on page 7 User Green On / Off LED operable by the user (with the AsHW library) X2X Orange On Module sending data via the X2X Link interface CF Orange On CompactFlash card being accessed
Table 5: 4PP065.0571-X74F - Diagnostic LEDs starting with AR J2.96, E3.01 and B3.06
Fully assembled device - Technical data
Blink codes (200 ms pattern) Description
Error / Reset No errors, normal operation Battery not installed or battery capacity too low CompactFlash media not found Reserved for future blink codes
Table 6: 4PP065.0571-X74F - Status LED blink code
Because blink codes can only signal one error at a time, errors with higher priority take precedence. Fatal errors have a higher priority than less significant errors (e.g. low battery capacity).

3.1.3 ACT / LNK LEDs for the RJ45 interface

There are two additional LEDs for the Ethernet interface.
Figure 4: 4PP065.0571-X74F - ACT/LNK LEDs for the RJ45 port
LED Color Status Description
LNK Green On A link to the remote station has been established.
On No Ethernet activity on the busACT Orange Blinking Ethernet activity on the bus
Table 7: 4PP065.0571-X74F - ACT/LNK LEDs for the RJ45 port
Data sheetV 1.00 4PP065.0571-B00 7
Fully assembled device - Technical data
Supply voltage
Ethernet interface
USB ports
X2X Link interface
X2X \
1 2 3 4

3.2 Connection elements

Figure 5: 4PP065.0571-X74F - Connection elements

3.2.1 X2X Link port

Interface Pinout
User interface
X2X Link
4-pin male multipoint connector
Terminal X2X Link 1 X2X X2X data 2 X2X X2X ground 3 X2X\ X2X data inverted 4 SHLD Shield Required accessories 0TB704.9 Terminal block accessory, 4-pin, screw clamp, 1.5 mm² 0TB704.91 Terminal block accessory, 4-pin, cage clamp, 2.5 mm²
Table 8: 4PP065.0571-X74F - X2X Link pinout
8 Data sheetV 1.00 4PP065.0571-B00
Fully assembled device - Technical data
USB port 1
USB port 2

3.2.2 USB ports

This Power Panel 65 device features a USB 2.0 (Universal Serial Bus) host controller with two USB ports that are accessible externally.
USB interface
Transfer rate Power supply Max. 500 mA per port
Low speed (1.5 Mbit/s), full speed (12 Mbit/s), high speed (480 Mbit/s)
Table 9: 4PP065.0571-X74F - USB interface
1) The actual value depends on the operating system or driver being used.
2) Each USB port is protected by a maintenance-free "USB current-limiting circuit breaker" (max. 500 mA).
Peripheral USB devices can be connected to these USB ports. Due to the vast number of USB devices available on the market, B&R cannot guarantee their performance. B&R does ensure the performance of all USB devices that they provide.
Because this interface is designed according to general PC specifications, extreme care should be exercised with regard to EMC, cable routing, etc.
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