Bowe, Bell + Howell 1200 User Manual

Installation Manual
Color Scanner
Model 1200/1400/1400u
Part Number S006970 Rev B
Sidekick Installation Manual
The instructions and descriptions contai ned in this docu ment were a ccurate at the ti me of publishing. Howev er, succeeding products and do cuments are subj ect to change without notice. Ther efore, BÖWE BELL + HOWELL Scanners, L.L.C. assumes no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly from errors, omissi ons, or discrepancies between the product and this docum ent.
©2007 Böwe Bell + Howell Scanners, L.L.C. All rights reserved. All intellectual property rights remain the property of Böwe Bell + Howell Scanners, L.L.C. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, modified, displayed, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, BÖWE BELL + HOWELL Scanners, L.L.C., 760 South Wolf Road, Wheeling, IL 60090-6232, USA.
760 South Wolf Road
Wheeling, Illinois 60090-6232, USA
Corporate Offices: 1-847-675-7600 Sales: 1-800-SCAN-494 Technical Support: 1-800-SCAN-495 1-416-760-4499 FAX: 1-847-423-3047 TTY Line: 1-847-423-3032 Internet:
The Böwe House The Sterling Centre – Eastern Road Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 2PW United Kingdom
Sales: +44-(0)1344-462-103 Fax: +44-(0)1344-462-101 Tech Support:
ii S006970 Rev B
No. 8 JianGuoMenNei Ave. Dong Chen Dist. Beijing, 100005 China (PRC)
Telephone +86-10-62556601 Fax +86-10-62556601
Release Notes

Release Notes

Item Status Location in Manual Detail
Was: Sidekick Software
Installation Manual Now: Sidekick Installation
Manual Updated to incorporate new
installation instructions with the release of VRS 4.2 found on the Sidekick Installation CD (S005523 Rev G)
Manual Title Revised
VRS Installation Instructions
Sidekick Installation Manual
Software Installation
CapioTM Removed n/a
Removed all references to the software. Capio shipped with Sidekick scanners.
is no longer
S006970 Rev B iii
Sidekick Installation Manual

T able of Contents

RELEASE NOTES .........................................................................................................III
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................IV
HARDWARE SETUP & INSTALLATION.........................................................................1
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION .........................................................................................5
Step 1 User Utility.......................................................................................................7
Step 2 ISIS/TWAIN Driver...........................................................................................9
Step 3 VirtualReScan................................................................................................11
Step 4 Application.....................................................................................................13
Other Scanning Applications ....................................................................................13
The information given in this Sidekick Software Installation Manual is subject to change without notice. Please go to
This manual is formatted for 2-sided printing. to download the most current manual.
iv S006970 Rev B
Hardware Setup & Installation

Hardware Setup & Installation

Use only the power cord that is supplied by the manufacturer.
Use the USB interface cable (supplied) that is certified as Hi-Speed by USB-IF.
Do not connect the scanner to a USB hub. It is not guaranteed to work.
Power Requirements: AC outlet
AC 100 – 120 V, 50/60 Hz AC 220 – 240 V, 50/60 Hz
Plug in the scanner’s supplied power cord and
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USB cord into the back of the scanner.
Connect the power cord to an appropriate wall outlet.
Connect the supplied USB cord to an available USB 2.0 port on the scanner’s host PC.
Turn on the scanner.
Press the power switch. With power applied, the LED will light.
Sidekick Installation Manual
Turn on or reboot the host PC. Log on as an Administrator (with Administrator rights).
Windows will detect the scanner and launch the Found New Hardware dialog bo x.
If you have Windows XP, a compatibility
message will appear.
Click the Continue Anyway
Load the Sidekick Installation CD into the appropriate drive on the host PC. NOTE: The drive letter will vary depending on where your computer CD-ROM drive is located.
Click the OK
If required file(s) cannot be found you will be prompted to Browse the file(s) on the installation CD and click the OK
to locate the file. Locate
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