User Manual
USB Cable
Remote controller
Warranty card
Setup need password
Setup need password
DVD Parental control function:The default set
During actual operation, when you enter TV setup,
for DVD is #8 adult, which means all grades of
system setup, radio area and touch calibration, you
DVD can be read without entering password.To
need to enter the password "888888".
change the default grade,you need to follow the
DVD Parental control function:The default set
below procedure: Press SETUP button on the
for DVD is #8 adult, which means all grades of
remote, display will show the system set up menu
DVD can be read without entering password.To
and the submenu,
change the default grade,you need to follow the
0000, you will be able to choose the DVD
below procedure: Press SETUP button on the
grade as default.
remote, display will show the system set up menu
and the submenu,
0000, you will be able to choose the DVD
grade as default.
select password and enter
select password and enter

Wiring Diagram
This player is equipped with ISO standard connector, please follow below instruction:
● Red - ACC ON (+12V)
● Yellow – 12 V Constant
● Black – Ground wire
● Blue - Power Antenna / Remote Amp Turn On
● Orange – Back-Up Camera Trigger (+)
A Jack
10 3 11 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 16
1.Black ground
2.Red key switch power
3.Brake detecting
4.Blue power antenna control
5.Purple RR+
6.G rey FR +
7.W hite F L+
8.Green RL+
9.Ye llo w BATT
11.O ra nge r evers e rear vi ew cont rol
13. Purpl e/bla ck RR-
14.Grey/black FR-
15. White /blac k FL-
16. Green /blac k RL-
● Grey/Grey black - Right front speaker (+/-)
● White/White black - Left front speaker (+-)
● Purple/Purple black - Right rear speaker (+/-)
● Green/Green black - Left rear speaker (+/-)
B Jack:
Dark grey with white tip:Audio output (front left)
Dark grey with red tip:Audio output (front right)
Light grey with white tip:Audio output ( left rear)
Light grey with red tip:Audio output (right rear)
Grey with yellow tip:Video output
Black with White tip: AUX input (left)
Black with red tip: AUX input (right)
Blue with white tip: Dual audio output (left)
Blue with red tip: Dual audio output (right)
Black with yellow tip: Video input
Orange with yellow tip: rearview input
Brown with brown tip: Subwoofer output
Black with black tip 1 : Radio antenna
(White, black, brown): SWC

Cannot power on
After ignition switch
off ,setting
information all lose
Poor performance
of radio station
Connot load disk
Cannot play disc
Cannot switch
No image
Cannot watch
image during
Check fuse
Some factors cause MPU
wrong operation
Change battery or fuse
Weak signal
There is a disk inside
Disc is scratched
Put wrong side of disc into
the unit
Lens is dirty
There is only one language/
subtitle in disc
Other factors cause MPU
wrong operation
It’s not allowed to watch image
during driving
Change fuse same as the old one
Press RES button on the panel by
penpoint, then, power on
Reset information and save
Move the car to another place, then research
Remove disc before inserting another one
Change new disc
Insert in the disk with sign side up
Clean lens by lens clean disc
If disc is not with multi-language/subtitle,
it cannot switch language/subtitle
Press [RES] button on the panel by
penpoint, then, power on
Park the car in a safe place, put the car stall
in “ P ” postion, pull up the hand brake,
parking brake wire must be grounded