Please take the time to follow this guide carefully. It will help you set up and operate your system properly and enjoy
all of its advanc ed featu res . Sav e b o th th e Installation Guide and the Oper ation Gu ide for future reference.
WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose the system to rain or moisture
WARNING: This apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing, and o bjects filled with liquids, such as vases,
shall no t be placed on t he apparatu s . A s wi th any elec tr onic products, use care not to spill liquid s i n any part of the system. Liqui ds can cause a fai l ure and/or a fir e hazard.
These CAUTION marks are located on your LIFESTYLE® media cent er an d Ac ou st ima s s® module enclo s ures: .
The exclamat ion point withi n an
equilateral triangle, as marked on
the syste m, is inte nd ed to ale rt t he
user to the presen ce o f imp o rtant
operating and maintenance instruc
tions in this owner’s guide.
The lightning flash with arrowhead
symbol, within an equilateral triangle,
is intended to ale rt the use r to the
presence of unins u l ated dangerous
volt age within the system enclosure
that may be of su fficient ma gnitude
to constitute a ris k of electric shock.
CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures oth er than those specified herein may result
in haz ardo us ra diat io n ex pos ur e. Th e co mpac t di sc pl ay er sh oul d no t be adj ust ed o r r epai red by a nyon e e xcept pr oper ly
qualified service personnel.
CAUTION: No naked flame sou rces, su ch as light ed candl es , s h o uld be pla ced on th e ap para tus .
Class 1 laser product
The DVD player contained within the media center is classified as a CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT
according to EN 60825-1:1994 + A11. The CLASS 1 LASER PRODUCT label is located on the bottom of the media center.
Class B emissions limits
This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing
Equipment Regulations.
Please dispose of used batteries properly, following any local regulations. Do not incinerate.
Additional safety infor mation
See the additional instructions on the Important Safety Instructions sheet enclosed in the shipping carton.
erty rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation.
Reverse engine eri ng or disasse mbly is prohibited.
This product incorporates copyright protected technology and other intellectual property rights owned by Cirrus Logic, Inc. and subject to the
copyright protection of the U.S. as well as other licensing restrictions and protections. Use of this copyright protected technology is limited solely
to use with the Cirrus Logic integrated circuits incorporated in this product. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.
Thank you for purchasing a Bose® LIFESTYLE® DVD home entertainment system. Through
proprietary Bose technologies and innovative LIFESTYLE
easy-to-use system delivers superior performance for both music and video programming.
What discs yo u ca n pl ay
The system can play the following types of discs having the corr esponding logos:
• Video DVDs
• DVD-Rs or DVD-R/Ws
• Video CDs (VCDs)
•Audio CDs
•CD-Rs or CD-R/Ws
•MP3 CDs
Check for region number compatibility
For any DVD play er an d DVD d isc to be compatible, th eir regi on nu mb er s mu s t mat ch .
These numbe r s are ass ign ed acc ordi n g to wh ere the play e r and d is c are sold .
Check the region number on the bottom of the media center included with your
system. Then be sure to choose only DVD disc s tha t show the same r eg ion
number on the disc label or packaging. For example, a Region 1 DVD and
correspond ing pla y er should display the mark shown on the right.
systems design, this elegant and
Gloss ar y of audio te r m s
Aspect ratio – The shape of the rectangular picture in a TV set expressed as the width of the
picture relative to the height. For example, if a TV picture has an aspect ratio of 4:3 (read as 4
by 3), the shape of that picture is 4 units wide by 3 units high. The two standard TV aspect
ratios are 4:3 and 16:9.
Chapter – A main division of contents in a DVD title.
Component video – A video signal split int o three parts: luminance and two color si gn als
(marked as YPbPr). It provides the highest resolution video, but cannot be processed by all
television sets.
Composite video – A video signal in whi ch th e b ri gh tnes s (b la ck and white) and co lo r info r -
mation are combined. Compatible with most televisions and other video components, com-
posite vide o cab les us e RC A jacks.
Dolby Digital – A perc e pt ual cod ing syst e m fo r audi o, de ve loped by Dolby Laboratories and
accepted as an international standard. Dolby Digital is the most common means of encoding
multi-chann el audio.
– The logo representing Dolby Digital.
DTS – A type of multi-channel surround sound format used on certain CDs and many DVDs.
– The logo representing DTS.
DVD – An abbreviation most commonl y know n to mean Digit al V ideo Disc or Digital V e rsatile
Disc. The audio/video/data storage system is based on 12-cm optical discs.
DVD video – A standard for storing and reproducing audio and video on DVD-ROM discs,
based on MPEG video, Dolby Digital audio, and other proprietary data formats.
IR – An abbreviation for infrared. Pertains to the type of remote that sends/receives com-
mands on an infr ared light beam .
Letterbox – A video format which has an aspect ratio wider than 4:3 and is shown with black
bars above and be lo w th e picture.
MP3 – MPEG-1 Layer I II aud io . Thi s is a co mp re ssed audio format that allows the rec o rding
of many hours of music on a single CD.
NTSC – An abbreviation for Nat io n al Television System Com mittee and a labe l fo r the video
form at standard establi s hed by the committee for televisions used in the U S and other co un-
PAL – An acronym for the Phase Alternate Line video prompt used extensively in Western
FedX addition:
Pan & Scan – The technique of refram ing a pi cture to conform to a different asp ect r ati o b y
cropping parts o f the p icture. DVD-Video players can use the horizont al o ffse t enco d ed with
the video on certain D VDs to automatically pan & sc an wid e sc reen video to a 4 :3 rati o.
PCM – An abbreviation for Pulse Code Modulation. A common form of digital audio signal.
Progressive Scan – A video format which displays all lines of t he pi ctu re frame in a single
pass, and refres hes th e ima g e si xty times a second . T his fo rm a t is no t co mp atible with all
video displa ys.
RDS – A system that displays radio broadcast stati on and programming informa ti on.This fea-
ture is available on European systems only.
SACD – An ab b r e via ti on for Su pe r Aud io Co mpac t Di sc and a mu si c for mat f or CD aud io and
high-resolu t ion digital audio stor e d on a CD-si zed di sc . Th e new Bose
(with which this guide is included) play the CD-compatible portion of such discs, identified by
the CD disc logo on the front of the disc.
SCMS – A system for preventing second-generation digital copies of copyrighted audio
material. A digital recorder equipped with SCMS will record digitally from another source, but
that recording cannot then be use d as a sou rce fo r a se con d -g eneration recordin g .
S-video –Also called Y/C. A video signal that keeps the brightness and color information sep-
arate, and is significantly better than composite video. Requires the use of an S-video cable
and is compatible with many televisions and other video components.
uMusicTM intelligent playback system – A revolutionary Bose® play mode, which performs
like a veritable DJ by noting listener preferences and playing suitable stored CD tracks in
LIFESTYLE® systems
Videostage® 5 – Bose® proprietary Videostage 5 decoding circuitry gives you a five-channel
surround sound experience from everything you listen to – VHS tapes, stereo CDs, even
mono TV programs.
YPbPr – A component analog video signal cont ai nin g o n e luminance and two ch rom inance
compone nts . Als o refe r red to as YU V o r Y, B-Y, R-Y.
Controls and Capabilities
The remote control
pages 7 - 9 edited to reflect FedX remot
The advanc ed radio -f requ en cy remote control provided wi th th e LI F EST Y LE® system works
from almost anywhere inside your home. Sim ply press any button. There is no need to aim
the remote at the media center.
Note: No t all of the but tons shown on the remote at the left ar e needed for all systems. Several,
which are fo r use with a Lifestyle 38 or 48 syste m, o nly, our shown wi thin a gray outli n e.
Power and mute
Tur ns the system on and off. Selects the source last used.
Mutes the volume for all connected speakers (main and in other rooms).
Mutes or unm u tes the v olu m e in the cur ren t room.
Source and input selection.
Tur ns the system on and selects the uMusic
stored CD play. Overrides other stored CD modes.
Available with LIFESTYLE 38 and 48 systems only.
Turns the system on and selects the built-in disc player as sour ce.
intelligent playback system mode of
Tur ns the system on and selects the built-in FM/AM radio tuner set to the station
last select ed . Switches betw een FM and AM when the radio is on .
Turns the s yste m on and sel ects an A UX s o urce con nected to the media center.
Turns the sys te m o n an d selects the T V co nnected to the me di a center as
When the remote has been s et to do s o*, turn s the T V on and off.
When the remote has b een set to do s o, scrolls the T V inp uts to select one.
The input that connects to the media center is one choice.
Turns the s ystem on and selects a ca ble bo x or satellite receiver con nected to the
media cen ter.
When the remote has been set to do so*, turns your cable or satellite box on and off.
Turns your s ystem on and elec ts the VCR co nnected to the me di a center as the
sound source.
When the remote has been set to do so*, turns yo ur VC R on and off.
*You can choose to set the LIFESTYLE® remote to control you r TV, cable or satellite box, o r
VCR so it will turn those devices on or off. To do that, refer to
other components” on page 26. Until then, however, simply turn on the TV or component
using its power button or remote control.
“Using your system remote wit h
Controls and C apabilities
Menu and program selection
Enters the library of stored CDs on LIFESTYLE® 38 & 48 systems only.
Enters or exits the Settings me nu fo r the cur ren t sourc e.
Enters or exits the System men u.
Enters or exits the menu of the DVD disc that is currently loaded.
Enters the main menu of a cabl e o r sate llite box.
Displays an electronic TV lis ting s g uide.*
Exits the Settings and Syste m menus.
Exits the electr on ic TV lis tings.*
Tune the FM/AM radio up or down to the next frequency.
Selects the previous or next item in a menu list.
Enters submenus or conf ir ms th e s ele ctio n of a menu item.
Move up, down, left, or right in a menu or screen.
Seek backward or forward to the next st rong radio s tati on .
Ski p bac kw a rd or for w ar d t o t he n ex t CD tr ac k, DV D c hapt e r, radi o p r es et
(NOT stored CD prese t), o r TV cha n nel.
Raise or lower the volume of the cur ren t sourc e.
Pressing + unmutes the current source in the cu rre nt roo m on ly, if it was
Pressing – lowers the volume.
Apply a negative (–) or positive (+) rating to th e stored CD* track playing.
Immedia tely mo v es o n t o a different tra ck whenever a negati v e ra ting is
*Available o n L IFE S T Y LE® 38 & 48 systems only .
*If the TV, cable, or satellite provides that option.
Controls and Capabilities
Select a DVD chapter, CD track, radio station or stored CD preset,* or TV
channel that co r respo n d s to the numbers pressed. Use to make changes
to some items in the System and Settings menus, when numbers apply .
*Stored CD p resets are ava ila bl e on LIF EST Y LE® 38 and 48 systems only.
Skips to the previo u s TV ch annel.*
Displays o r exit s the cable or sate lli te in for mation window, if available.
*If the TV, cab le, o r sate llite provides that op tio n.
Play options
All of the buttons sho w n be lo w, except Shu ffle and Repeat, ca n be used with your VCR or
DVR after the remote has been set to control it.
Selects the uMu s ic™ intelligent playback system mode of stored CD play. Overrides other stor ed CD modes. Av ail ab le wit h LIFE STYLE 38 and 48 systems only.
Queues up and plays stored CD mus ic of a style similar to the cur ren t track .
Plays the tracks from a specific CD when it is pressed just before pressing the
number keys for that stored CD.
Plays all the tracks assigned to the p lay li st . Can b e u sed in conjunct ion with other
play mode o pt ion s , such as si milar.
Skips from the tr ack mo s t recen tly pl ay ing to the firs t tra ck on the CD of origin and
plays that CD from beginning to end.
Stops the disc player.
Note: For DVDs and VCDs only, the system remembers the point where the disc was
stopped. Pre s s i n g again c le ars that m e mory.
Paus es the disc player.
Starts the disc player.
Skip back or forward to the start of a track or chapter.
Or, when press ed and held, scans ba ck or for ward through the
current CD or MP3 disc, or enter DVD motion control.
Plays CD tracks in random order. Press Shuffle again to cancel this mode.
Repeats a wh ol e C D o r trac k, DVD chapter, or DVD title. Press Repeat again
to cancel the repeat mode.
Controls and C apabilities
If the remote does not work as you expect
If your system does not respond when you press a button on the remote, it could be time to
change batterie s. Fo r info rmation on the type of batterie s to use and ho w to change them,
refer to
In some buildings, you may experience “dead spots” where the remote control will not
operate effectiv ely. If this hap pe ns , mov e th e remote a foot or two and try ag ain. Also make
sure the cord that connects the p o wer supply to the me di a center (and cont ains the rem ote
antenna) is stretched to its full length. If these efforts do not wor k , mov e the med ia ce nter a
few feet to a loca tio n where it provides a bette r respons e.
“Replacing the remote control batteries” on page 49
The media center
Figure 1
Front view of the media
If the batte ries ar e fine an d the sugg estion s concerning “dead spots,” abov e d o no t work,
you may need an an te n na ex tender. To contact Bos e
customer serv ice to request o ne, re fer
to the address list included with the system.
The CD/DVD tray and system controls are located under the front panel door of the media
center. To the right of that is the display window (
Figure 1).
An IR signal emitter, located under the CD/DVD tray, enables you to control other components using the LIFESTYLE® remote. Avoid blocking that emitter , so its signal will have a clear
path to other compo nents or reflective surfa ces in the room.
Front panel door – lifts up
Display window
Headphone jac
Figure 2
Sample of information that
appears on th e med i a
center display
Disc tray
IR emitter
Display window
The media center display window indicates the state of the system, including what source is
playing, detai ls of that program, and what option, i f any, is selected (
When Settings menu items or messages appear in t he di splay, they may scroll to reveal infor mation that does not fit in the two lines available.
Figure 2).
Light i nd icators
Shows when a CD, MP-3 disc, or contents of an MP-3 folder contents are playing in
random order.
Controls and Capabilities
All Off
Shows when the track or disc playing is set to repeat.
Shows when a disc in the CD/DVD tray is playing.
Shows when a track is playing.
Shows when CD tracks are being copied to the harddisk on a LIFESTYLE® 38 or 48
systems only.
Lights briefly when a remote control command is received.
The nine control buttons work as described below.
All Off
Tur ns the system on or off in the main room only. Selects the source
last used when it turns the system on.
Tur ns off the system and all connected speakers (in all rooms).
Opens/clo s es the d is c tray.
Steps through the available source selections.
Begins DVD pla y when tha t optio n ap p ear s se lected on screen.
Works with the Store button to scan through the system settings
options on the media center display.
Remove s a radio s tatio n p reset.
Raises the vol ume of t he syst em and unmutes the speaker s if they were
Lowers the volume of the system but does not unmute the source.
Copies the tracks from an audio CD to the intern al hard driv e o n the
38 and 48 systems only.
When the system is off, r e sets the remote control house code.
Controls and C apabilities
added pgs 13 – 15 for FedX
Compone nt or progressive scan: activating you r selection
If you have used a co m po nent video con nection betwe en the media center and th e TV, you
need to make the activation settings as explained below.
With the media center turned o ff, use the co ntrols on its front panel to foll ow thes e s tep s :
1. Press and hold the Store button on the media center.
2. While holding the Sto re butto n d own, press the Enter button.
Selection s wi ll ap p ear o n the media cente r dis p lay eac h time you pres s Enter.
Move up and down using the Volume up and down buttons on the media center console.
3. When Video appears as the selection on the display, release the Store and Enter buttons.
4. Use the Volume up and down buttons to scroll through the Video options.
5.Stop scrolling at the prope r sel ecti o n.
• For a component connection on ly, select:
-NTSC COMPONENT (in N. America)
-PAL COMPONENT (outside North America)
• For a co mponent conne ction and progressive scan, select NTSC PROGRESSIVE.
Note: The system does not support PAL Progressive video.
6. With the proper selection made, press Enter to confirm the selection and leave the Video
The system is now ready to deliver the DVD video signal you prefer.
What makes a LIFESTY LE® 38 or 48 syste m uniquely yours
Your LIFESTYLE® 38 or 48 system includes a breakthrough new feature: the uMusic
intelligent playback system. Enabled thr ough p r oprietar y Bose® technology , it tra nsforms your
system into a virtual DJ, capable of playing a conti nuous st ream of the music you most enjoy.
Underlying th is new feature is the system capacity t o sto re all of the tra ck s from h undreds of
CDs in your personal collection. (The actual limit depends on the number and length of the
tracks on each CD.) Used as a personal music bank, this feature saves you the wear and tear
on discs and the time and effort of organizing and searching through them.
Far more than stor age, howev er, the uMusic intelli g ent pl ayback system als o provid es a
revolution a ry li st e n ing expe rience. With effortless access and the option for uninterrupted
play, you get to hear much more of your mu sic collection , even the tr ac ks y ou ’ve fo rgotten
you own. And, as if it is listen ing al on g with you, the system also learns to play more and
more of what you prefer...for custom -de s ign ed lis tening pleasure .
Getting your music into the system
Before you can enjoy these benefits, some preparation is required. It involves use of the
media center and a simple 3-step procedure for storing your music.
Note: Your system is designed to store the tracks of regular CDs only. It will not store MP3
tracks or th e c o ntents o f DV Ds. If an in a p propri ate disc type is in the CD/DVD tray whe n the
Store button is pressed, the media center displays an error message to indicate that storage is
not possible.
Controls and Capabilities
With the system turned on or off, here’s how to begin:
1. Choose one or more CDs you would like to store.
2. Place the first CD into the disc tray of the media center and close the tray.
3. Press the button, located on the med ia center control pan el.
During this process, the media center displays the messa ge CD STORING and shows what
percentage of the task is completed. Whe n it reaches 100% , you can remove that dis c and
repeat steps 1-3 for each additional CD you want to store now.
Storing takes about 5 minutes per disc. For more detail, see “Scheduling time to store it all”
on page 14.
To inter ru p t o r stop the stor ing activity at any time, simply open the disc tray. To resume
storing that same disc, clo s e the tray and press the button again.
What you can listen to while storing CDs
• You can listen to the AM or FM radio tuner, other CD tracks that are already stored, or other
sources connected to the system (an anal og conn ect i on is re qu i red), like the TV.
• You cannot listen to the CD that is being stored, or watch a DVD using the media center
disc tray.
• As soon as the media center displays 100%, you can listen to the CD you have just stored,
(using the CD playe r, or Stored as the source), or you can replace that CD with a DVD and
watch a v ideo.
• If your setup includes a Bose® link network, you can continue to listen to the system in
other rooms, too.
• Any digital per for mance in oth er room s may be in terr up t ed . This is a temporary co nd itio n ,
imposed only while the dig ita l proc es s ing cap abilities of the s y st em are fully eng aged in
storing. Bu t, if you have the source connected using bo th digital and analog cables, y ou
can still en jo y li ste n ing to it.
How the uMusic™ intelligent playback system works for you
The CDs in your collection are one expression of your taste in music. Which CDs you play on
a regular basis is another. And what music you like to hear when you are tired, exuberant,
reminiscent, social, or somb er is an oth er.
But making the selections that suit those preferences is no longer your job alone. Finding and
playing wh at you most want to h ear is jus t wh at the uMusic
system can do for you.
Using pr esets is very important
The uMusic system also provides you with 9 Presets, numbered 1 to 9, for your stored liste ning preferences.
Using one or more prese ts enables this inte llig e n t sys tem to distingu is h yo ur reac tio ns to
what it plays. You might choose a preset for:
• Different members of your family, different roommate s, different gener ations. Besides its
number, you can assign a name to each preset. The name appears on the media center dis
play whenever the numb er fo r that pres et is pressed.
• Different listeni n g time s: wakeup, befo re wor k , we ek ends, late night, etc. ( You might con-
sider them moods.)
Controls and C apabilities
To se lect your personal preset:
1. Press the
2. P ress the nu m be r bu tton that represents your preset.
3. As you listen, do what you normally do:
• Skip anything you don’t want to hear right now.
• Repeat an y tra ck s yo u’d lik e to hear o ve r, etc.
• Or use the + and – buttons to rate tr ack s you react to strongl y.
button on the remote control.
Take advantage of the music databases inside
Though it stores the track s from your CD s, the system draws in for mation for each track from
internal mu sic databases . This da ta in c ludes the name and len g th o f ea ch tr ack , perfo rming
artist, style of music (genre), and other meaningful information that helps characterize music
you enjoy.
As a further benefit, Bose provides free update CDs to keep the music databases current. So
even your newest CD acquisitions will have this information available.
Note: Sending in your product registration card, included with the system, is very important if
you want to receive database updates. Be sure to fill out the card and return it to Bose.
Beyond just storing this data for your use, however, the system also allows you to edit it to
better reflect your as s o ciations with the mus ic. For ins tance, if the embe d ded data class ifie s
a track as “World” music, an d you co ns ider it part of your Latin collectio n, you can simply
change the genre of that track. For any CDs not covered by the database (created at home or
non-commercially produc ed ) , the sy st em allows you to ad d info r ma t ion ab o ut that mu s ic to
make sure it is fi led and displays as you like.
For details on what in f o rm ati o n can be added or changed and h ow to mak e th o se ch a n g es,
refer to
“Stored CD data opti ons” o n page 46.
Tips for getting the mos t enjoyment from stored tracks
• Begin storing you r favorite CDs first, for the bes t introducto ry tas te o f wha t the uMus ic™
system can do.
• It is not necessar y to s tore them alp habeti cally.
• Allow the syst em a li ttle learning time bef o re it make s the cho ice s yo u would make. But
don’t worry, this novice DJ is a fas t learner.
• If several family members stor e th eir CD tracks on the system , be sure each one has an
assigned preset and uses that preset when listening.
• It is not necessary to press the p osi tive o r nega tive r ati ng buttons mo re than on ce. One
press tells the syste m you feel strongly about a track.
Scheduling time to stor e it all
During the storing process, the system holding area may become temporarily full and no
mor e s torag e is possible for a whi le. As an indicator, the media cen ter displays t he message:
If you turn the system of f, this pr oc essin g goes faster. If you choose to use the sys tem while it
is processing, the stor ing activity continu es but it takes a littl e lo ng er.
If your CD collection is extensive, it may take several sessions to store all the tracks. Consider the guidelines below for scheduling those sessions.
Controls and Capabilities
How muc h time to allow for stor ing CDs
For copying 10 discs: 1 hour
(about 5 minutes per disc, with allowance to insert and eject each disc)
For system to complete the processing of 10 discs: 6 hours, while the system is turned off.
How many CDs you can store
Using a LIFESTYLE® 38 system: approximately 200 hours of music or well over 200 CDs
Using a LIFESTYLE® 48 system: approximately 350 hours of music pr well over 350 CDs
What to do with tracks you don’t like
The system s to res all v alid tracks from each CD. Ho wever, after it is stored, any track can be
deleted. You ca n do that in the System menu, und er Stored CDs.
Note: For information on how to use the System menu, refer to “Making system adjustments” on
page 38. For details o n how to elim in at e tr a cks, refer to “Stored CD data options” on page 46.
System Perf ormance
Some product pointers to ensure sa tisfaction
To turn your system on:
•Press the
• Press the On/Off control on the media center. Or...
• Press the re m ote
This turns the system on and selects the source at the same time.
To use your system with the TV and other comp onent s, review the reminders below. They are
provided to help ensure that it all works together smoothly.
Note: For information on how to set the remote to operate other components, refer to “Using
your system remote with other components” on page 26.
button on the remote control. O r...
, or
butto n .
To turn on other compon en ts
You nee d to:
1.Turn on the system.
2.Sele ct th e so u rce.
3.Turn the source on (if it is an exte rn a l co mp o nent).
You can use your LIFESTYLE® remote control to do all of that, once you have set it to operate
the TV and other co mp on e n ts.
To watch video
Your installation choices may r eq uire some activation setti n gs, as indicated below.
• Getting the image to the TV screen:
- Be sure to select the proper Video Input on your TV (consistent with the video input that
the med ia cent er connects to on t he back of the TV). U s e the
• Using the component video connection option:
remote control (if the remote is alread y set to co ntrol the TV) .
TV Input
button on the
- If you have a comp o nent video conn ection betwee n the T V and t he me di a cen te r, be
sure to make that selection on the display of the media center. Until you do, you may
see no thing on your screen wh en you select DV D as the sou rce.
• Using the progressive scan capability of your TV:
- Make sure there is a component vide o con nection betwe en the T V and the media
- Be sure to make the Progressive selection on the display of the media center. Until you
do, you may s ee no thing on your screen when you select DV D as th e source.
- For ot her vi de o co mp on ent s con n ect e d t o the med ia ce nt er, make su r e t he component
is also conne cted using a compo n e n t vide o ad ap te r.
Note: For information on selecting component video or progressive scan on the media center,
refer to “Component or progressive scan: activating your s el ection” on pag e 12.S
To ad just what you see or hear
• For chan ges to a par ticular source:
System Perf ormance
FedX addition
- Press the
- To see your choices on the TV, be sure you have the TV on a n d i t s Video Input is set for
the med ia cent er.
- For details on the changes you can make, refer to “Making system adjustments” on
page 38.
• For changes to system operation:
- Press the
- Be sure you have the TV on and its Video Input is set for the media center.
- For details on the changes you can make, refer to “Making system adjustments” on
page 38.
menu button on the LIFESTY LE® remote contr o l.
button on the LIFEST Y LE® remote control.
To enjoy the rem ar kab le LIFESTYL E® 38 or 48 system features
You can use many features of your LIFESTYLE® system as soon as it is installed and the
setup is verified by the two discs that are included with it.
But the most innovative feature, the uMusic™ intelligen t pla y ba ck system, is dependent on
CD tracks that are st ored in the system. So you n eed to st ore at least one CD fi rst . To get the
most impact while listening to your stored music, you really need 20 or more discs stored.
Storing one disc is very simple:
• Place the firs t CD into th e disc tra y of the m ed ia center and close th e tray.
•Press the
button, located on the media ce nt er co ntr ol pane l.
To store additional CDs, you may want some guidelines and more details. Refer to “Getting
your music into the system” on page 12.
To further understand your opt ions for identifyi n g and playing the tracks you st ore, be sure t o
“Take advantage of the music databases inside” on page 14.
System Perf ormance
Liste ning to your stored musi c (available on LIFESTYL E
Added page for FedX
Press to select the stored music source. If the system is off, this will turn it on to the
uMusic™ system mode. It begins wit h the las t-u se d preset and play mode selec t ed .
Note: This feature is functional only after CDs have been stored on the system. For details on
how to store CDs, refer to“Gettin g yo ur music into the system” on pag e 12.
Now you can simply sit back and listen,or make other choice s:
• Press any
•Press to let the system know that you like or dislike the selection playing.
Note: Pressing – tells th e syst em to imme diat el y mov e on to th e n ext pi ece. Pressing+ gives the
system a strong mess ag e that you like th e p i ece playi ng, and yo u w ant it to con tinue pl aying.
•Press to hear more music like the piece play ing.
•Press to hear the ot her tr ack s from the s am e C D as the tra ck th at is pla y in g.
•Press , followed by its reference number, to hear a specific CD.
If you have us ed the space provided ins id e the back cover of th is gui de to log the list of
CDs you have sto red, refer to that log to identi fy the numb er o f a CD you w ant to hear.
button, 1 to 9, to choose a different preset, as preferred.
Control options
38 and 48 systems, only)
If you want to:Do this:
Pause the s election playing…Press .
Resume play…Press again or .
Stop a selection…Press once. Then p ress to contin ue playi n g
from where the track stopped.
Or, press twice to st o p and reset. Then press
to restart at the beginnin g of the tr ack or whole CD.
Skip to ano t her se lec t ion …Press up.
Skip to a previous selection…
Repeat a selection…Press whil e the trac k o r whole CD y o u want to
Sear ch backward or f o rward…Press and hold the arrows, accor d ing to
Press down twice, or once only, if the track you
want to skip has barely begun to play.
repeat is playing.
the direction you want to search
System Perf ormance
added this and next page for FedX
Search for a par ticular CD…Press and choose to se arch by:
Genre, Album, Artist...
as it applies to th e CD you wa n t to hear.
Hear music of one type or by
one performer…
Add a selection to the Playlist... Press and hold while the s election is pla y in g .
Hear your Playlist selections...Press .
Note: For informati o n on the quick adj ustments you ca n mak e to Stored CD set tings, refer
to“Stored CDs setting options” on page 35. I nst r uc ti ons on how to e nter t he menu t o ma ke th os e
changes ar e availabl e i n “How to see your options” on page 32.
Press and choose to se arch by:
Genre, Artist...
as it applies to th e type o f music
you want to hear.
Enjoy the added functionality provided by presets
Enjoying the broa d arr ay o f your pri va te music colle ctio n in powerful, lifel ike multi-sp eak er
performance is the primary benefit of your uMusic
But to get the very most from this s ophisticated, mul ti-f aceted feature, you nee d to set u p
and use the stored CD presets reserved just for that.
Why you should rely on them
A stored music preset is where your listening preferences get recorded over time. Consider
each one as a diffe rent “st atio n” that y o u t une to so the s y st em can “listen” and learn about
your taste.
intelligent playback system.
Figure 3
Preset 1 as indicated on the
music cen ter dis play
When you first select Stored as your source, the system automatical ly takes you to Preset 1
Figu re 3).
2 : 0 6
1P R E S E TCD : 1 2 5
If you have previously stored CDs, you can use this preset for now:
1. Press the
2.Check the media ce nter di splay to see what pl ay mode is selected.
• If it says UM US I C you are read y to lis ten and enjoy.
• If it says SIMILAR CD#, PLA YLIST, or WHOLE CD, press the
3.Just listen fo r a while.
Notice there’s no identifiable order to what plays: not by CDs that were stored first, nor by
common artist or genre. It’s more like a freewheeling stream of tracks you may or may not
have heard recently.
button on your LIFESTYLE® remote.
button on the remote.
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