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EN | 1Installation and Operating Manual | VIDOS Server
EN | 2Installation and Operating Manual | VIDOS Server
Bosch Security Systems | 2006-09 | V2.0
Installation and Operating Manual | VIDOS Server
EN | 3
About this manual
This manual is intended for persons who will configure a VIDOS client/server
system. The manual describes how to set up the VIDOS Server program
This document assumes that you are familiar with the VIDOS system and with
the VIDOS and Configuration Manager programs.
Conventions in this manual
The following symbols and notations highlight important situations and
Security instructions where non-compliance can result in loss of data are
marked with this symbol.
This symbol indicates special features and provides tips and information
for easier, more convenient use of the software.
Terms that you can find in the program, e.g. menu options or commands, are
written in bold.
References to other documents or other points in this document are written in
If you have any questions about the programs from the VIDOS Pro Suite, you
can find further information on the Internet at:
There, you will also find information about new releases or manual versions. You
can also submit your suggestions and comments relating to this document so
that these can be taken into account for future editions.
Bosch Security Systems | 2006-09 | V2.0Introduction
EN | 4
Installation and Operating Manual | VIDOS Server
VIDOS Server
VIDOS Server is responsible for the central administration of users and devices
in a VIDOS system. A central logging database can be created on the server.
The program can be installed on additional PCs, where it acts as a backup
In a VIDOS system that is set up with one or more servers, the intention is that
users and devices will no longer be managed locally on VIDOS client PCs.
System requirements for operation of VIDOS Server:
Operating system: Windows XP Professional/Windows 2003 Server
CPU:Minimum Pentium IV, 2.0 GHz
RAM:Minimum 256 MB
Graphics card:VGA or SVGA compatible
Network adapter: 100 MBit
Software:DirectX 9.0c
Hard disk space:
(for installation)
75 MB
Additional documentation
VIDOS Server is part of the VIDOS Pro Suite software package. Depending on
the configuration of your system, the following documentation may also be
Configuration ManagerThis configuration program is part of every
VIDOS Server installation.
VIDOS Lite Viewer
VIDOS Archive Player
& Exporter
VIDOS Monitor Wall
You will need to purchase licenses for these
components of the VIDOS Pro Suite
according to your requirements. Each
program is explained in a separate
Camera documentationYou obtain separate documentation for
each camera from the manufacturer.
VideoJet, VIP, etc.
You obtain documentation for each device
from Bosch. This explains the typical device
IntroductionBosch Security Systems | 2006-09 | V2.0
Installation and Operating Manual | VIDOS Server
EN | 5
Installation and Starting2
VIDOS Server is installed as a component of the VIDOS Pro Suite software
package. The program CD comes complete with installation instructions (Q
VIDOS Server is typically installed on a PC on which no other VIDOS programs
(except Configuration Manager) are installed.
VIDOS Server requires the operating system Windows XP Professional or
Windows 2003 Server.
VIDOS Server can be installed on additional PCs if required. These then act as
a backup server. A backup server provides the user and device configuration in
the system if the main server breaks down or the connection fails.
VIDOS Server is set up using Configuration Manager.
In order to be able to connect a VIDOS client PC to the server, the IP address
of the server PC is entered in VIDOS (Global settings, for details refer to the
documentation for V
Bosch Security Systems | 2006-09 | V2.0Installation and Starting
EN | 6
Installation and Operating Manual | VIDOS Server
Starting the program
VIDOS Server is a service that is automatically started along with the computer's
operating system.
If the service is not started automatically, proceed as follows:
1. Right-click on the My Computer icon on the PC's desktop. Select Manage
from the popup menu.
You will see the Computer Management window.
2. Click on Services and Applications to expand the entry.
3. Click on Services.
All services will be listed on the right-hand side of the window.
Alternatively: Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services
4. Find the entry for Vidos Server.
If the Vidos Server service is not listed, VIDOS Server is not installed.
5. Right click on the Vidos Server entry and select Start or Restart.
To view the properties of a service, right click on it and select Properties from
the popup menu. Alternatively, you can set whether the service is
automatically or manually started and deactivated.
Installation and StartingBosch Security Systems | 2006-09 | V2.0
Installation and Operating Manual | VIDOS Server
EN | 7
After installation, the program initially runs as a demo version for a period of 30
To activate a function that requires a license, you must generate activation keys.
This can be done online at
– The serial number of your VIDOS Server
– The installation codes, which are displayed in the License Viewer after
installing VIDOS Server (see below for details)
– The authentication code, which you will receive from your sales partner after
purchasing the required licenses
Alternatively, you can ask your sales partner to generate the activation keys. To
do this, give them the installation codes and the serial number and inform them
which license you require.
As for all programs in the VIDOS Pro Suite, the licenses for VIDOS Server are
managed using the License Viewer.
There are various ways to open the License Viewer:
– On the server PC, click on Start > All Programs.
Under VIDOS you will find the option VIDOS Server License Management.
. To do this, you will require:
– In Configuration Manager on the server PC, click on Help > About….
Then select the License tab and click on License Viewer.
The License Viewer window displays the Installation Codes.
If you require further information, click on Help in the License Viewer
You need a corresponding license for each PC on which you will be using the
program. VIDOS Activation codes are linked to the respective computer
hardware and cannot be used on other PCs.
Bosch Security Systems | 2006-09 | V2.0Installation and Starting
EN | 8
Installation and Operating Manual | VIDOS Server
Installation and StartingBosch Security Systems | 2006-09 | V2.0
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