Fire Alarm Systems | SBB‑W Surface‑mount Back Box (white)
SBB‑W Surface‑mount Back Box (white)
A white surface‑mount back box measuring 14 cm
(5.5 in.) x 14.2 cm (5.6 in.) x 9.1 cm (3.6 in.). It has
one 1.9 cm (0.75 in.) and one 1.3 cm (0.5 in.)
knockout on each side.
Certifications and approvals
Region Certification
USA UL UCST: Audible Signal Appliances, Gener-
al Siganal (UL464), ULSZ: Audible Signal Appliances (UL464), UUMW: Speakers and Amplifiers for Fire Protective
Signaling Systems (UL1480, UL1711,
and UL2043), UVAV: Visual Signal Appliances for Fire Protective Signaling Systems (UL1638)
Parts included
Quantity Component
1 Back box
1 Hardware pack
1 Literature – Installation manual
Ordering information
SBB‑W Surface‑mount Back Box (white)
14 cm (5.5 in.) x 14.2 cm (5.6 in.) x 9.1 cm (3.6 in.)
Order number SBB-W