PI − 34.62cProduct Information Optical Smoke Detector NOM/NOM K 100 LSN
Seite 7 von 30
A5.en / 29.12.2004
ST−FIR/ PRM1 / deh
3. Planning Notes
3.1. Recommended use
Offices, hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, stores,
theaters, museums, churches, assembly rooms/exhibition rooms
Clean, maintained
Easily contaminated
Depots/machine shops, production/manufacturing workshops with
low dust accumulation etc.
Very contaminated
rooms 1
Rooms with dust and lint accumulation (wood/textile industry)
Very contaminated
rooms 2
Rooms used for raw/semi−finished production for mechanical engineering etc.
with the exception of strong, oily deposits
risks 1
Cable ducts, cable funnels, raceways, rooms with electro−technical/IT/switching stations with a wind speed of < 10m/s
risks 2
Object surveillance in switch cabinets/switchboards etc.
Rooms with
corrosive ambient air
Chemicals industry, plastics processing etc.
Rooms susceptible
to smoke and
flash formation 1
Manufacturing workshops, smoking offices, conference rooms, laundromats
Rooms susceptible
to smoke and
flash formation 2
Halls with vehicle operation (combustion engines)
Recommended Not recommended
NOM K 100 NOM 100 Use
Wind tunnels with a wind speed of < 20m/s
Wind tunnel
electrical risks 1
Anti−theft protection
If required, detector modules can be secured with a lock to prevent theft or
accidental movement.
Maximum number of detectors in an LSN ring
Owing to the different current consumption from the LSN data line, the maximum
number of network elements (interfaces and detectors) that can be connected must
always be observed.
The limiting values can be determined by reading the product information for the
danger detection system in question.
Installation cable
The installation cable for the NLT line must be a
J−Y(St)Y n x 2 x 0.6 or J−Y(St)Y n x 2 x 0.8 cable.
Norms, guidelines and planning recommendations
Additional norms, guidelines, and planning recommendations with respect to
installation location, monitoring area etc. must be taken into account (see fire
detector manual).