Bosch NIN-733-V10IPS User Manual

Camera Browser Interface
NIN-733 FW5.7
en Software manual
Camera Browser Interface Table of Contents | en 3

Table of Contents

1 Browser connection 12
1.1 System requirements 12
1.2.1 Password protection in camera 13
1.3 Protected network 13
2System Overview 14
2.1 Livepage 14
2.2 Recordings 14
2.3 Settings 14
3 Operation via the browser 15
3.1 Livepage 15
3.1.1 Image selection 15
3.1.2 Status icons 16
3.1.3 Cameras with PTZ control 17
3.1.4 View Control ROI 18
3.1.5 Cameras with alarm and relay I/O 19
3.1.6 System Log / Event Log 20
3.1.7 Saving snapshots 20
3.1.8 Recording video sequences 20
3.1.9 Running recording program 21
3.1.10 Audio communication 21
3.1.11 Processor load 21
3.2 Playback page 22
3.2.1 Selecting recordings for playback 22
3.2.2 Exporting tracks 23
3.2.3 Searching for tracks 23
3.2.4 Controlling playback 24
4 Settings Overview 26
4.1 Configuration Menu 26
4.2 Settings 27
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5 Basic Mode 28
5.1 Device Access 28
5.1.1 Naming 28
5.1.2 Password 28
5.2 Date/Time 30
5.3 Network 31
5.4 Encoder 32
5.5 Audio 32
5.6 Recording 32
5.7 System Overview 32
6 Advanced General Settings 33
6.1 Identification 33
6.1.1 Naming 33
6.1.2 ID 33
6.1.3 iSCSI Initiator extension 33
6.2 Password 34
6.2.1 Password 34
6.2.2 Confirm password 34
6.3 Date/Time 35
6.3.1 Date format 35
6.3.2 Device date / Device time 35
6.3.3 Device time zone 35
6.3.4 Daylight saving time 35
6.3.5 Time server IP address 36
6.3.6 Time server type 36
6.4 Display Stamping 37
6.4.1 Camera name stamping 37
6.4.2 Time stamping 37
6.4.3 Display milliseconds 37
6.4.4 Alarm mode stamping 37
6.4.5 Alarm message 38
6.4.6 Video watermarking 38
7 Web Interface 39
7.1 Appearance 39
7.1.1 Website language 39
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7.1.2 Company logo 39
7.1.3 Device logo 39
7.1.4 Show VCA metadata 39
7.1.5 Show VCA trajectories 39
7.1.6 Show overlay icons 40
7.1.7 Select video player 40
7.1.8 JPEG size, interval and quality 40
7.2 LIVEPAGE Functions 41
7.2.1 Transmit audio 41
7.2.2 Lease time [s] 41
7.2.3 Show alarm inputs 41
7.2.4 Show relay outputs 41
7.2.5 Show event log 41
7.2.6 Show system log 41
7.2.7 Allow snapshots 42
7.2.8 Allow local recording 42
7.2.9 I-frames-only stream 42
7.2.10 Show auto tracker 42
7.2.11 Path for JPEG and video files 42
7.3 Logging 43
7.3.1 Save event log 43
7.3.2 Save system log 43
8Camera 44
8.1 Installer Menu 44
8.1.1 Base frame rate 44
8.1.2 Camera LED 44
8.1.3 Mirror image 44
8.1.4 Flip image 44
8.1.5 Button 'MENU' 44
8.1.6 Analog output 44
8.1.7 Heater 44
8.1.8 Reboot device 44
8.1.9 Factory defaults 45
8.1.10 Lens Wizard 45
8.2 Lens Wizard 46
8.3 Mode menu 47
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8.3.1 Current mode 47
8.3.2 Mode ID 47
8.3.3 Copy mode to 47
8.3.4 Restore Mode Defaults 47
8.7 Color 52
8.7.1 White balance 52
8.8 ALC 53
8.8.1 Exposure/frame rate 53
8.8.2 Day/night 54
8.9 Enhance 55
8.9.2 Sharpness level 55
8.9.3 Backlight Compensation 55
8.9.5 Contrast enhancement 55
8.9.6 Intelligent DNR 55
8.9.7 Temporal noise filtering 56
8.9.8 Spatial noise filtering 56
8.10 Encoder Settings 57
8.11 Privacy Masks 58
8.12 Audio 58
8.13 Pixel Counter 58
9 Encoder Settings 59
9.1 Encoder Profile 60
9.1.1 Pre-defined profiles 60
9.1.2 Changing a profile 60
9.1.3 Profile name 61
9.1.4 Target bit rate 61
9.1.5 Maximum bit rate 61
9.1.6 Encoding interval 61
9.1.7 Standard definition video resolution 61
9.1.8 Expert Settings 61
9.1.9 Default 63
9.2 Encoder Streams 64
9.2.1 H.264 settings 64
9.2.2 JPEG stream 65
9.3 Encoder Regions 66
9.3.1 Regions 66
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10 Recording 67
10.1 Storage Management 69
10.1.1 Device manager 69
10.1.2 Recording media 69
10.1.3 Activating and configuring storage media 71
10.1.4 Formatting storage media 72
10.1.5 Deactivating storage media 72
10.2 Recording Profiles 73
10.2.1 Recording track selection 74
10.2.2 Standard recording 74
10.2.3 Alarm recording 75
10.3 Retention Time 75
10.4 Recording Scheduler 76
10.4.1 Weekdays 76
10.4.2 Holidays 76
10.4.3 Profile names 77
10.4.4 Activate recording 77
10.4.5 Recording status 77
10.5 Recording Status 78
11 Alarm 79
11.1 Alarm Connections 79
11.1.1 Connect on alarm 79
11.1.2 Number of destination IP address 79
11.1.3 Destination IP address 79
11.1.4 Destination password 79
11.1.5 Video transmission 80
11.1.6 Stream 80
11.1.7 Remote port 80
11.1.8 Video output 80
11.1.9 Decoder 80
11.1.10 SSL encryption 81
11.1.11 Auto-connect 81
11.1.12 Audio 81
11.2 Video Content Analyses (VCA) 82
11.3 Audio Alarm 83
11.3.1 Audio alarm 83
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11.3.2 Name 83
11.3.3 Signal Ranges 83
11.3.4 Threshold 83
11.3.5 Sensitivity 83
11.4 Alarm E-Mail 84
11.4.1 Send alarm e-mail 84
11.4.2 Mail server IP address 84
11.4.3 SMTP user name 84
11.4.4 SMTP password 84
11.4.5 Format 84
11.4.6 Image size 84
11.4.7 Attach JPEG from camera 85
11.4.8 Destination address 85
11.4.9 Sender name 85
11.4.10 Test e-mail 85
11.5 Alarm Task Editor 86
12 Setting up VCA 87
12.1 VCA - Silent VCA 87
12.2 VCA - Profiles 88
12.2.1 Aggregation time [s] 88
12.2.2 Analysis type 88
12.2.3 Motion detector 89
12.2.4 Tamper detection 90
12.3 VCA - Scheduled 94
12.3.1 Weekdays 94
12.3.2 Holidays 94
12.4 VCA - Event triggered 96
12.4.1 Trigger 96
12.4.2 Trigger active 96
12.4.3 Trigger inactive 96
12.4.4 Delay [s] 96
13 Interfaces 97
13.1 Alarm input 97
13.1.1 Name 97
13.2 Relay 97
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13.2.1 Idle state 97
13.2.2 Operating mode 97
13.2.3 Relay follows 97
13.2.4 Relay name 97
13.2.5 Trigger relay 97
13.3 COM1 98
13.3.1 Serial port function 98
13.3.2 Camera ID 98
13.3.3 Baud rate 98
13.3.4 Data bits 98
13.3.5 Stop bits 98
13.3.6 Parity check 98
13.3.7 Interface mode 98
14 Network 99
14.1 Network Access 99
14.1.1 Automatic IP assignment 99
14.1.2 IP V4 address 99
14.1.3 IP V6 address 100
14.1.4 DNS server address 100
14.1.5 Video transmission 100
14.1.6 TCP rate control 100
14.1.7 HTTP browser port 100
14.1.8 HTTPS browser port 101
14.1.9 RCP+ port 1756 101
14.1.10 Telnet support 101
14.1.12 Network MSS [Byte] 101
14.1.13 iSCSI MSS [Byte] 102
14.1.14 Network MTU [Byte] 102
14.1.15 Enable DynDNS 102
14.1.16 Provider 102
14.1.17 Host name 102
14.1.18 User name 102
14.1.19 Password 102
14.1.20 Force registration now 102
14.1.21 Notification mail 103
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14.1.22 Status 103
14.2 Advanced 104
14.2.1 SNMP 104
14.2.2 1. SNMP host address / 2. SNMP host address 104
14.2.3 SNMP traps 104
14.2.4 Authentication (802.1x) 105
14.2.5 RTSP port 105
14.2.6 UPnP 105
14.2.7 TCP metadata input 105
14.2.8 Quality of service 105
14.2.9 Cloud-based services 106
14.3 Multicast 107
14.3.1 Enable 107
14.3.2 Multicast Address 107
14.3.3 Port 108
14.3.4 Streaming 108
14.3.5 Multicast packet TTL 108
14.4 Image Posting 109
14.4.1 JPEG 109
14.4.2 Face detection 110
14.5 Accounts 111
14.6 IP V4 filter 112
15 Service 113
15.1 Maintenance 113
15.1.1 Update server 113
15.1.2 Firmware 113
15.1.3 Configuration 114
15.1.4 SSL certificate 114
15.1.5 Maintenance log 115
15.1.6 Upload history 115
15.2 Licenses 115
15.3 System Overview 115
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12 en | Browser connection Camera Browser Interface

1 Browser connection

A computer with Microsoft Internet Explorer is used to receive live images from the camera, control the camera, and replay stored sequences. The camera is configured over the network using the browser.

1.1 System requirements

Network access (Intranet or Internet) – Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9 – Screen resolution at least 1024 × 768 pixels – 16- or 32-bit color depth – Sun JVM installed The Web browser must be configured to enable Cookies from the IP address of the unit. In Windows Vista, deactivate protected mode on the Security tab under Internet Options.
To play back live video images, an appropriate ActiveX must be installed on the computer. If necessary, install the Bosch Video Client.
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1.2 Establishing the connection

The camera must have a valid IP address to operate on your network and a compatible subnet mask. By default, DHCP is pre-set at the factory to ON and so your DHCP server assigns an IP address. With no DHCP server the default address is
1. Start the Web browser.
2. Enter the IP address of the camera as the URL.
3. During initial installation, confirm any security questions that appear.


If you do not connect, the camera may have reached its maximum number of connections. Depending on the device and network configuration, each camera can have up to 25 web browser connections, or up to 50 connections via Bosch Video Client or Bosch Video Management System.

1.2.1 Password protection in camera

A camera offers the option of limiting access across various authorization levels. If the camera is password-protected, a message to enter the password appears.
1. Enter the user name and the associated password in the appropriate fields.
2. Click OK. If the password is correct, the desired page is displayed.

1.3 Protected network

If a RADIUS server is used for network access control (802.1x authentication), the camera must be configured first. To configure the camera, connect it directly to a computer using a network cable and configure the two parameters, Identity and Password. Only after these have been configured can communication with the camera via the network occur.
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14 en | System Overview Camera Browser Interface

2 System Overview

When a connection is established, the Livepage is initially displayed. The application title bar displays three items:


The PLAYBACK link is only visible if a storage medium has been configured for recording. (With VRM recording this option is not active.)

2.1 Livepage

The LIVEPAGE is used to display the live video stream and control the camera.

2.2 Recordings

The PLAYBACK page is used for playing back recorded sequences.

2.3 Settings

The SETTINGS page is used to configure the camera and the application interface.
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3 Operation via the browser

3.1 Livepage

After the connection is established, the Livepage is initially displayed. It shows the live video image on the right of the browser window. Depending on the configuration, various text overlays may be visible on the live video image.
Other information may also be shown next to the live video image. The items shown depend on the settings on the
LIVEPAGE Functions page.
Figure 3.1 Livepage

3.1.1 Image selection

Click a tab below the video image to display a camera image stream.
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3.1.2 Status icons

Various overlays in the video image provide important status information. The overlays provide the following information:
Decoding error
The frame might show artefacts due to decoding errors. If other frames reference this frame, they might also show decoding errors but won’t be marked with the icon.
Alarm flag
Shown on a media item to indicate an alarm.
Communication error
A communication error, such as a connection failure to the storage medium, a protocol violation or a timeout, is indicated by this icon. An automatic reconnection procedure is started in the background to recover from this error.
Indicates a gap in the recorded video.
Watermark flag
Watermark is set on media item.
Invalid watermark flag
Indicates that the watermark is not valid.
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Motion flag
Indicates that motion is dectected.
Storage discovery
Indicates that recorded video is being retrieved.

3.1.3 Cameras with PTZ control

For cameras where PTZ control is possible, the View Control panel is activated.
Pan and tilt
To control the pan and tilt of PTZ cameras:
Click and hold the up or down arrows to tilt. Click and hold the left or right arrows to pan. Click and hold the center area to control both.
Move the mouse cursor over the video image; additional options for controlling peripherals are displayed with the mouse cursor.
Zoom, focus, and iris
To control the zoom, focus, and iris of PTZ cameras:
1. Click and hold to zoom out; click and hold to zoom in.
2. Click and hold for far focus; click and hold for near focus.
3. Click and hold to close the iris; click and hold
to open the iris.
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To move the camera to a pre-position, click one of the buttons numbered one to six. To store the current position of the camera in a pre-position:
1. Position the camera.
2. Enter a pre-position number.
3. Click Set.

3.1.4 View Control ROI

When the stream 2 encoder stream is set for Region of Interest (ROI), a specific type of View Control panel is activated.
Refer to Section 9.3 Encoder Regions, page 66 for more information on setting up stream 2. (When encoder stream 2 is set for dual ROI, open the camera in a second browser window to set up the second ROI on stream 2.)
To zoom in on a region of the stream 2 image:
Click and hold to zoom in; click and hold to
zoom out.
Click to see the full image.
Select an area
To select a particular region of the image:
1. Click and hold the arrows to move up and down, and from side to side through the image.
2. Click and hold the center area to move in all directions.
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Set positions
To store the current view:
1. Select a region of interest.
2. Click Set.
3. Click a number. To display a pre-set region of interest, click one of the buttons numbered one to six.
For cameras with the ability to track movement, options for tracking objects within the region of interest are displayed in the Tracking panel.
When on, the tracking icon is displayed on the image together with the lines that track moving objects. Select Off, Auto or Click. If Click is selected, use the mouse to click on an object to track it.

3.1.5 Cameras with alarm and relay I/O

Depending on the configuration of the unit, the alarm input and the relay output are displayed in the Digital I/O panel next to the camera image. The alarm symbol is for information and indicates the input status of the alarm input: – Active 1 = Symbol lights – Active 0 = Symbol not lit. The camera relay allows the operation of an external device (for example, a light or a door opener). To operate, click the relay symbol.
The symbol is red when the relay is activated.
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3.1.6 System Log / Event Log

The System Log field contains information about the operating status of the camera and the connection. Events such as the triggering or the end of alarms are shown in the Event Log field.
To view, filter and save these messages to a file, click
in the top right-hand corner.
To clear the log, click in the top right-hand corner of
the relevant field.

3.1.7 Saving snapshots

Individual images from the video sequence that is currently being shown on the Livepage can be saved in JPEG format on the computer's hard drive.
Click the camera icon to save a single image.
The storage location depends on the configuration of
the camera.

3.1.8 Recording video sequences

Sections of the video sequence that is currently being shown on the Livepage can be saved on the computer's hard drive. The sequences are recorded at the resolution specified in the encoder configuration. The storage location depends on the configuration of the camera.
1. Click the recording icon to record video sequences.
Saving begins immediately. The red dot on the icon
indicates that a recording is in progress.
2. Click the recording icon again to stop recording.
Play back saved video sequences using the Player from Bosch Security Systems.
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3.1.9 Running recording program

The hard drive icon below the camera images on the Livepage changes during an automatic recording.
The icon lights up and displays a moving graphic to indicate a running recording. If no recording is taking place, a static icon is displayed.

3.1.10 Audio communication

Audio can be sent and received via the Livepage if the active monitor and the remote station of the camera support audio.
1. Press and hold the F12 key on the keyboard to send an audio signal to the camera.
2. Release the key to stop sending audio.
All connected users receive audio signals sent from the camera but only the user who first pressed the F12 key can send audio signals; others must wait for the first user to release the key.

3.1.11 Processor load

When accessing the camera with a browser, the processor load and network information is available in the upper right of the window next to the Bosch logo.
Move the mouse cursor over the icons to display numerical values. This information can help with problem solving or when fine tuning the device.
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3.2 Playback page

Click PLAYBACK to access the Playback page from the Livepage or Settings page. The Playback link is only visible if a
direct iSCSI or SD card has been configured for recording. (With VRM recording this option is not active.)

Note: To ensure you have the latest playback decoder, click Check for updates at the bottom right of the window.

A collapsible panel on the left of the display has four tabs: – Track list Export Search Search results
Select Recording 1 or 2 from the drop-down menu at the top of the window.

3.2.1 Selecting recordings for playback

To see all saved sequences:
1. Click the track list tab. A list of tracks with a number assigned to each sequence is displayed. Start time and stop time, recording duration, number of alarms, and recording type are shown for each track.
2. At the bottom of the window, select the maximum number of tracks to be displayed in the list.
3. Use the arrow buttons at the bottom to browse the list.
4. To view tracks beginning from a particular time, enter the time code and click Get Tracks.
5. Click a track. The playback for the selected sequence starts.
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3.2.2 Exporting tracks

1. Select a track in the track list.
2. Click the export tab.
3. The start and stop time are filled-in for the selected track. If required, change the times.
4. Select a target.
5. Select the original or a condensed speed.
6. Click the save icon .
The target server address is set on the Network/Accounts page.

3.2.3 Searching for tracks

1. Click the search tab.
2. Select a search mode; Any motion, Line crossing, Field or Recorded alarms.
3. To limit the search to a particular time range, enter the start and stop times.
4. Click Start Search. The results are shown in the search results tab.
5. Click a result to play it back.
6. Click the search tab to enter a new search.
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3.2.4 Controlling playback

Time bar
The time bar below the video image allows quick orientation. The time interval associated with the sequence is displayed in the bar in gray. A green arrow above the bar indicates the position of the image currently being played back within the sequence.
The time bar offers various options for navigation in and between sequences. – Change the time interval displayed by clicking the plus or
minus icons. The display can span a range from two months to a few seconds.
If required, drag the green arrow to the point in time at
which the playback should begin.
Red bars indicate the points in time where alarms were
triggered. Drag the green arrow to navigate to these points quickly.
Use the jog dial to quickly scan the
sequences. The time code is displayed above it.
The buttons have the following functions:
Start/Pause playback
Select the playback speed using the speed regulator
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Jump to start of active sequence or to previous sequence
Jump to start of the next video sequence in the list
You can set markers in a sequence and jump to these directly. These bookmarks are indicated as small yellow arrows above the time interval. Use the bookmarks as follows:
Jump to the previous bookmark
Set bookmark
Jump to the following bookmark
Bookmarks are only valid while in the Recordings page; they are not saved with the sequences. All bookmarks are deleted when you leave the page.
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26 en | Settings Overview Camera Browser Interface

4 Settings Overview

4.1 Configuration Menu

The settings page provides access to the configuration menu which contains all the unit's parameters arranged in groups.
There are two options for configuring the unit or checking the current settings: – Basic Mode Advanced Mode
In Basic Mode the most important parameters are arranged in seven groups. This allows you to change the basic settings with just a few entries and then put the device into operation.
Advanced Mode is recommended only for expert users or system support personnel. You can access all device parameters in this mode. Settings that affect the fundamental functionality of the device (such as firmware updates) can only be changed in this mode.
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4.2 Settings


To view the current settings:
1. Click the Basic Mode menu or the Advanced Mode menu to expand it.
2. For the Advanced Mode menu, click a menu sub-heading to expand it.
3. Click a sub-menu. The corresponding page is opened.

Making Changes

You can change the settings by entering new values or by selecting a predefined value from a list field.


When entering names do not use any special characters, for example &. Special characters are not supported by the internal recording management system.

Saving changes

After making changes in a window, click Set to send the new settings to the device and save them there. Clicking Set saves only the settings in the current window. Changes in any other windows are ignored.
Click SETTINGS in the applications title bar to close the window without saving the changes made.


All settings are backed up in the device memory so they are not lost even if the power fails. The exception is the time settings, which are lost after 1 hour without power if no central time server is selected.
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5Basic Mode

5.1 Device Access

5.1.1 Naming

Enter a unique name to assist in identification. This name simplifies the management of multiple devices in more extensive systems. The name is used for remote identification, for example, in the event of an alarm. Choose a name that makes it as easy as possible to identify the location unambiguously.

5.1.2 Password

A password prevents unauthorized access to the device. The device has three authorization levels: service, user, and live. service is the highest authorization level. Entering the
correct password gives access to all the functions of the camera and allows all configuration settings to be changed.
user is the middle authorization level. This user can
operate the device, play back recordings, and also control a camera but cannot change the configuration.
live is the lowest authorization level. It can only be used to
view the live video image and switch between the different
live image displays. You can define and change a password for each authorization level if you are logged in as service or if the camera is not password protected. Use the various authorization levels to limit access. Proper password protection is only guaranteed if all higher authorization levels are also protected with a password. For example, if a live password is assigned, a service and a user password should also be set. When assigning passwords, always start from the highest authorization level, service, and use different passwords.
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Define or change a separate password for each level. Enter the password (19 characters maximum) for the selected level.
Confirm password
Re-enter the new password to ensure that there are no typing mistakes. The new password is only saved after clicking Set. Therefore, click Set immediately after entering and confirming the password, even if assigning a password at another level.
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30 en | Basic Mode Camera Browser Interface

5.2 Date/Time

Device date, time and zone

If there are multiple devices operating in the system or network, it is important to synchronize their internal clocks. For example, it is only possible to identify and correctly evaluate simultaneous recordings when all devices are operating on the same time. Device time, date and time zone are shown. Click Sync to PC to apply the system time from your
computer to the device.

Time server IP address

The camera can receive the time signal from a time server using various time server protocols and then use it to set the internal clock. The device polls the time signal automatically once every minute. Enter the IP address of a time server.

Time server type

Select the protocol that is supported by the selected time server. It is recommended that you select the SNTP server protocol. This protocol provides high accuracy and is required for special applications and future function extensions. Select Time server if the server uses the RFC 868 protocol.


It is important that the date/time is correct for recording. An incorrect date/time setting could prevent correct recording.
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5.3 Network

Use the settings on this page to integrate the device into a network. Some changes only take effect after a reboot. In this case, the Set button changes to Set and Reboot.
1. Make the desired changes.
2. Click Set and Reboot. – The device is rebooted and the changed settings are
activated. If the IP address, subnet mask, or gateway address is changed, then the device is only accessible under the new addresses after the reboot.


If the network has a DHCP server for dynamic IP address allocation, set this parameter to On to activate the automatic acceptance of DHCP-assigned IP addresses. For certain applications, the DHCP server must support the fixed assignment between IP address and MAC address, and must be appropriately set up so that, once an IP address is assigned, it is retained each time the system is rebooted.

IP address

Enter the desired IP address for the camera. The IP address must be valid for the network.

Subnet mask

Enter the appropriate subnet mask for the set IP address.

Gateway address

Enter the IP address of the gateway to establish a connection to a remote location in a different subnet. Otherwise, this field can remain empty (
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