Bosch Appliances LBB 4176 User Manual

DCN Next Generation Multi Voting
en Software User Manual
LBB 4176/00
About this manual
This user manual is divided into five chapters. Chapters 1 and 2 provide background information, chapters 3 and 4 provide detailed user information and chapter 5 provides import and export information as follows:
Chapter 1 - Multi Voting - containing a brief
overview of the Digital Congress Network Next Generation and an overview of the functionality of the Multi Voting application.
Chapter 2 - Getting Started - containing details of
how to start the Multi Voting application from the Startup screen and a description of the Help facility.
Chapter 3 - Preparing for a Conference - containing
details about how to prepare for a voting session; creating and editing votings, specifying vote settings and type, display contents and styles, working with script files, and printing.
Chapter 4 - Controlling Voting - containing details
about how to initiate and control a voting session, voting with a script, voting without a script, and how to exit Multi Voting.
Chapter 5 Voting import/export - contains details
about the import scripts and exported files.
Manual conventions
For clarity this user manual uses consistent styles, symbols and typographical conventions. They are:
i Note
General notes are contained within rules and indicated with this symbol in the left margin. Notes are used to draw attention to special actions or information.
i Caution
A caution is contained within rules and indicated with this symbol at the left margin. Cautions are used to draw attention to actions or commands that could lead to a loss of information or damage to equipment
i Tip
A tip is contained within a box and indicated with this symbol at the left margin. Tips are use to provide supplementary information that may make an action quicker or easier to carry out.
An action (to be carried out by the user) is shown with a larger round bullet mark.
Typographical conventions
The following typographical conventions (text styles) are used in this manual:
Typed input - information to be typed in using
the keyboard is shown as:
Single key - input via a single key (or keys) on
the keyboard is shown as:
<enter>, <shift>, etc.
Multiple keys - input via a combination of keys
pressed together is shown as:
<ctrl>+<p>, <alt>+<f4>
Screen text - information that appears on screen
is shown as:
‘Choose Startup Modules:’
This manual is also available as a digital document in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). All references to pages, figures, tables, etc. in this digital document contain hyperlinks to the referenced location.
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Table of contents
1 Multi Voting...............................................................................4
1.1 About multi voting................................................... 4
1.1.1 What is multi voting?.............................................. 4
2 Getting started ........................................................................6
2.1 Starting multi voting................................................ 6
2.1.1 The Startup screen ................................................. 6
Selecting an installation- (and a names) file............... 6
The Multi Voting icon....................................................... 6
2.2 Using Help................................................................ 6
2.2.1 The Help menu......................................................... 6
2.2.2 Index ........................................................................... 6
2.2.3 Keyboard ................................................................... 7
2.2.4 Commands ............................................................... 7
2.2.5 Procedures ............................................................... 7
2.2.6 Glossary .................................................................... 7
2.2.7 Using Help ................................................................ 7
2.2.8 About.......................................................................... 7
3 Preparing for a conference............................................... 8
3.1 The preparation window........................................ 8
The menu bar for the control screen............................ 8
3.2 Working with script files........................................ 8
Creating a new script file................................................ 9
Opening an existing script file....................................... 9
Saving a script file ............................................................ 9
Saving a script file under a new name......................... 9
Deleting a script file .......................................................10
Importing a script file .....................................................10
Printing Multiple Choice results..................................10
Exporting Multiple Choice results...............................11
3.3 Creating and editing votings ..............................11
Creating new votings.....................................................11
Entering voting description parameters ....................11
Voting number .................................................................11
Voting name.....................................................................12
Voting kind........................................................................12
Voting description...........................................................12
3.3.1 Voting answers ......................................................12
3.3.2 Entering voting results parameters ...................13
Open or closed vote ......................................................13
Specifying interim results..............................................13
3.3.3 Specifying viewing parameters ..........................13
Enabling 2 results...........................................................13
Specifying that results are displayed for each
Specifying delegate names in roll call voting...........14
Enabling correct indication...........................................14
Specifying results as percentages.............................14
Specifying results as absolute values........................14
Displaying results in bar chart form............................14
Displaying results in pie chart form............................14
Displaying results in thermometer chart form..........14
3.3.4 Inserting into the voting list .................................15
3.3.5 Editing existing votings ........................................15
Search ...............................................................................15
3.3.6 Editing the current script file ..............................16
Inserting votings into the current script file..............16
3.3.7 Deleting votings in the current script file .........16
3.4 Viewing results during or after voting ..............16
Specifying which results are displayed.....................17
3.5 Specifying settings............................................... 18
3.5.1 Specifying timed vote ..........................................18
3.5.2 Specifying screen and print legends................ 18
3.5.3 Specifying open and closed voting .................. 19
3.5.4 Specifying 100% votes ....................................... 19
3.5.5 Specifying roll call................................................. 20
3.5.6 Specifying auto abstain ....................................... 20
3.5.7 Enabling the chairman to vote ...........................20
3.5.8 Applying vote weighting ...................................... 20
3.5.9 Specifying that votes are not revocable .......... 20
3.5.10 Enabling the voting LEDs on delegate units .. 20
3.5.11 Sending voting results to hall displays ............ 20
3.5.12 Specifying quorums and majorities ..................21
Specifying quorums .......................................................21
Specifying majorities......................................................22
Enabling Quorum and Majority....................................23
Approved Text .................................................................23
3.5.13 Exporting results automatically .......................... 24
3.6 Printing.................................................................... 24
3.6.1 Printing script files ................................................ 24
3.6.2 Printing voting results ..........................................24
Print a multiple choice report.......................................26
3.6.3 Printing voting results automatically ................. 26
4 Controlling voting................................................................28
4.1 The control window.............................................. 28
4.2 Voting without a script......................................... 28
4.3 Voting using a script ............................................ 29
Selecting a voting...........................................................29
Selecting the next voting ..............................................29
Selecting the previous voting ......................................29
4.3.1 Selecting a quorum and majority....................... 29
Selecting a quorum........................................................29
Selecting a majority........................................................30
4.3.2 Starting voting .......................................................30
4.3.3 Controlling voting.................................................. 30
4.4 Exiting Multi Voting............................................... 30
4.4.1 Temporarily exiting Multi Voting.........................30
4.4.2 Permanently exiting Multi Voting .......................30
5 Voting import/export.........................................................32
5.1 Introduction............................................................ 32
5.2 Import voting script............................................... 32
5.2.1 Introduction ............................................................32
5.2.2 Import file layout .................................................... 32
5.3 Export voting results............................................. 33
5.3.1 Introduction ............................................................33
5.3.2 Results export file layout .....................................33
Answer legend ................................................................34
Date and time ..................................................................34
Total results......................................................................34
Individual results..............................................................35
5.4 Export Multiple Choice voting script + results
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5.4.1 Introduction.............................................................35
5.4.2 Script + results export file layout.......................35
Voting info.........................................................................35
Individual results..............................................................36

1 Multi Voting

1.1 About multi voting
1.1.1 What is multi voting?
The Multi Voting module is a software module designed for controlling and monitoring conferences and discussions using the contribution equipment.
The module allows you to effectively implement and manage voting at a conference. The program covers a number of functions including vote preparation, specifying vote-related parameters, and starting and controlling voting. In Multi Voting there are six different kinds of voting to choose from. You can create motions for voting then select which kind of vote you want to use. The six different kinds of voting are:
Parliamentary voting - in a Parliamentary voting, participants vote about a motion. They can agree (Yes), disagree (No) or stay neutral (Abstain). They can also not vote at all (Not voted). A special type of parliamentary vote is with NPPV as a forth option. NPPV (‘ne prennent pas part au vote’) means that the delegate doesn’t want to participate in the vote (used in France).
For/Against voting - in a for/against voting, participants vote about a statement. They can agree (For) or disagree (Against). They cannot stay neutral other than by not casting a vote.
Audience Response voting - in an audience response voting, participants give their opinion about a statement. They use a rating system to indicate how much they agree with the statement. There are five possible answers: Very much against (--), Against (-), Neutral (0), For (+) and Very much for (++).
Rating - in a Rating voting, participants give their opinion about a statement. There can be between 2 and 24 answer options.
Multiple Choice voting - in a multiple choice voting, participants choose from a number of answers of which only one (or sometimes a few) is correct. Not casting a vote is considered an incorrect answer. There can be between 2 and 24 answer options.
Opinion Poll - in an opinion poll, participants choose from a number of answers. There can be between two and 24 answer options.
The module has two main windows; the Preparation window and the Control window. The preparatory and parameter definition work is mainly carried out from the Preparation window, and the starting and controlling of voting is carried out from the Control window. The files created using this module are called script files as they act as the script for voting procedures. For Multi Voting, three kinds of script file are possible depending on the kind of votings it contains:
Multi votings only
Multiple choice votings only
A combination of voting kinds.
By creating, deleting and editing votings the script file can change from one type to another.
A file menu allows script files to be opened, created, deleted, saved, saved under a different name, imported and printed out.
A script file consists of a number of votings (between 1 and 9999), each of which is a proposal (or motion) that will be voted on. New votings can be created and existing ones edited within script files. Votings to be edited are selected from a list in the currently open script file and displayed on-screen. All parameters related to this voting can be altered, although certain parameters have to satisfy system­specified criteria. Once a voting has been edited it is inserted back into the list. Every voting must have a unique number, which is used by the system as a reference. The name and description of each voting defines it for both users and delegates.
Once a voting is ready to be voted on, it is recalled in the Control window and the voting process is started. When the program enters the active voting state, delegates can use their delegate units to register votes. The user has full control over the voting procedure, and can stop or suspend a vote at any time. Motions that have already been voted on cannot be edited, but voting again on the same motion is possible. It is also possible to vote without opening a script file.
The program offers the possibility of displaying incoming votes or the final result of a vote on hall displays connected to the system, on delegate units with a display facility, and on-screen. It is possible to print out a hard copy of a voting with its results. There is also a facility which automatically prints out the results of a vote once voting is completed.
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Voting results shown as a percentage are given to one decimal place. For a Multi voting, the exact percentage is always rounded down to obtain the one decimal place figure; for instance, 50.99% is rounded down to 50.9%. This prevents a percentage being rounded up to the majority limit when in fact the limit has not been reached. The leftover percentage, in this case 0.09%, is added on to the ‘not voted’ or the ‘abstain’ figure. If neither is possible, it will be added to the ‘no’ vote. In this way the total percentage will always be 100.
It is also possible to enable a quorum function. This specifies how many authorized delegates must be present before a voting can legitimately take place. A majority function can also be enabled which determines what percentage of votes constitutes a majority voting.
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2 Getting started

2.1 Starting multi voting
2.1.1 The Startup screen
The Multi Voting program is started from the Startup screen (shown below).
modules will not run without the appropriate installation or names file.
Multi Voting requires an installation file in order to function correctly. It also makes use of one specific area of information contained within the names file; the assigning of delegates to user-specified groups within the conference. The results of the voting of these groups can be displayed in the Results window of Multi Voting, but only if the appropriate names file containing these group assignments is specified from the Startup menu. If no names file is selected from the Startup main menu, the group results display option in Multi Voting will not be available.
Selecting an installation- (and a names) file
For details on selecting an installation- (and a names) file, please refer to the Startup user manual (LBB
The Multi Voting icon
For details on the Intercom icon and how to start Intercom from Startup, please refer to the Startup user manual (LBB 4190).
Figure 1 The Startup screen
i Note
For starting the Startup program from an icon in the Windows desktop, refer to the Startup user manual.
The software uses two user-created files that contain important information about the installed hardware configuration and about delegates’ names. These files are:
Installation file - containing information about
channel assignment and the numbers that have been assigned to all microphones connected to the system. These seat numbers are assigned using the System Installation software (LBB 4185).
Names file - containing information about the
name, seat number and other conference and personal details of participating delegates. Names files are created using the Delegate Database software (LBB 4180).
The software modules may be started up from the Startup main window without specifying either an installation or names file. However, some software
2.2 Using Help
2.2.1 The Help menu
The ‘Help’ menu in the title bar contains commands for an on-screen help facility. This help facility contains information on all commands in the ‘File’ menu, on which keyboard keys are functional, a description of how to use the software, information on how to use the help facility itself, plus an index and a glossary of terms. All information contained in this user manual is also found in the ‘Help’ facility.
The ‘Help’ facility contains the following options:



Using Help

About Multi Voting.
2.2.2 Index
To access the index:
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Index’.
A full list of subjects covered by the help facility is given in alphabetical order. For more information on any subject contained in the index:
Click on the required subject in the index.
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An on-screen page with the requested information will appear.
2.2.3 Keyboard
This gives information on which keys on your keyboard can be used with the software. This includes using keys to activate menu items, to move around in dialogue boxes, for short cuts, and to select options from the main window. To access the ‘Keyboard’ help facility:
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Keyboard’. A list of different key types is given. For more
information on any key type contained in the list:
Click on the required key type in the list. An on-screen page with the requested information
will appear.
2.2.4 Commands
This gives information on all menu options, covering the ‘File’, ‘Edit’, ‘View’, ‘Settings’ and ‘Help’ menus. To access the ‘Commands’ help facility:
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Commands’. A list of menu groups is given. For more information
on any menu group contained in the list:
Click on the required menu group in the list. A list of options in the selected menu group is given.
For more information on any option contained in the list:
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Glossary’.
A list of terms used in the help facility is given in alphabetical order. For more information on any term contained in the glossary:
Click on the required subject in the index.
A window with the requested information will appear.
2.2.7 Using Help
This gives information on how to use the help facility. To access the ‘Using Help’ facility:
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Using Help’.
A list of topics is given. For more information on any topic contained in the list:
Click on the required topic in the list.
A list of options for the selected topic is given. For more information on any option contained in the list:
Click on the required option in the list.
An on-screen page with the requested information will appear.
2.2.8 About
This provides software release information. To display the ‘About Multi Voting...’ window:
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘About Multi Voting...’.
The following window appears:
Click on the required option in the list. An on-screen page with the requested information
will appear.
2.2.5 Procedures
This gives information on how to use the software. To access the ‘Procedures’ help facility:
Select the ‘Help’ menu and click on ‘Procedures’. A list of topics is given. For more information on any
topic contained in the list:
Click on the required topic in the list. A list of options for the selected topic is given. For
more information on any option contained in the list:
Click on the required option in the list. An on-screen page with the requested information
will appear.

2.2.6 Glossary

To access the glossary:
Figure 2 The ‘About Multi Voting...’ window
To remove this window:
Click on the ‘OK’ push button.
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3 Preparing for a conference

3.1 The preparation window
The Preparation window of the Multi Voting module is used to prepare votings. From this window it is possible to create new votings and edit existing ones. You can also access the ‘File’ menu. You can enter the Preparation window from the Control window as follows:
Click on the ‘Preparation!’ menu option situated on the menu bar of the Control window.
The Preparation window appears:
Figure 3 The Preparation window
The Preparation window contains the following elements:
‘Number’ and ‘Name’ edit fields
‘Kind’ drop-down list box
‘Subject’ dialogue box
‘Interim Results’ drop-down list box
‘Open’ voting and ‘Closed’ voting radio buttons
‘Answers’ push button
A list box of current votings
‘Search’ radio buttons, push button and edit box
‘Recall’, ‘Insert’ and ‘Delete’ push buttons
If there is a script file currently open, the name of the script file will be displayed in the title bar at the top of the Preparation window. Votings contained within that script file will be displayed in the list box on the right hand side of the Preparation window. If there are more votings than can be displayed, a scroll bar is available. If a voting is currently selected, the ‘Number’, ‘Name’ and ‘Kind’ text fields and the ‘Subject’ text box will contain information relating to the selected voting. When a script file is opened, the first voting (voting number 1) is automatically selected.
i Note
For details on opening a script file, please refer to page 9.

The menu bar for the control screen

All menu options referred to in this user manual are contained within the menu bar, located underneath the title bar at the top of the Control window. Access to drop-down menus is gained by clicking on the menu title, displayed in the menu bar. The full list of menu options available from the Control window is given below. It is also possible to access the ‘File’ and ‘Help’ menus from the Preparation window.
File Settings Results Preparation! Help
Save A
rint Script…
Print R
I Scripts…
ultiple Choice
opy Votings…

3.2 Working with script files

If you wish to use another script file or open a completely new one, the ‘File’ menu includes commands for doing so. This menu has commands for:
Creating a new script file
Opening an existing script file
Saving a script file
Saving a script file under a different name
Deleting a script file
Printing a voting and its results from the current
script file
Importing a script file from outside the Multi
Voting application
Copying votings from one script file to another
Exiting the Multi Voting program.
Voting T
Edit L
00% Votes
oll Call
uto Abstain
oting Chairman
Vote W
Vote Not
g LED’s
all Displays
To H
Attention Tones
Automatic P
Automatic E
esults Window
C Indication
Off 1 2 3 4
Edit Q
Edit M A
pproved Text
sing Help
bout Multi
A Voting…
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Click on the ‘Ok’ push button to return to the
i Note
Leaving the Multi Voting program is not covered in this section, but under ‘Exiting Multi Voting’ in paragraph 4.4. Similarly, printing is covered in paragraph3.6, and copying in paragraph 3.3.6.

Creating a new script file

To open a new script file:
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘New...’.
The following dialogue box appears:
Figure 4 The ‘New’ dialogue box
This dialogue box contains a text box for entering the script file name. When the ‘New’ dialogue box opens, a text insertion point is already in the text box and you can type a name up to 12 characters long.
Type the desired script file name in the text box.
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.
A new script file opens and the name appears in the title bar at the top of the window. The ‘Current’ list box will be empty, and all existing information relating to votings, scripts and results is removed. If you attempt to open a new script file before saving changes to the current one, a warning message with the following text is displayed:
‘Changes have been made to <filename>.’ ‘Do you want to save?’
Click on the ‘Yes’ push button to save the changed script file and open the new script file.
Click on the ‘No’ push button to open the new script file without saving the changed script file.
Click on the ‘Cancel’ push button to leave the ‘New’ dialogue box without opening a new script
dialogue and enter a valid name.
Opening an existing script file
To open an existing script file:
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Open’. The following dialogue box appears:
Figure 5 The ‘Open’ dialogue box
There is a list box for selecting the script file name. The name of the script file currently open is also displayed. When the ‘Open’ dialogue box appears, a list box is shown with all script files currently available. To open a script file:
Click on the name in the list.
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.
If you attempt to open a script file before saving changes to the current one, the same error message will appear as for ‘Creating a new script file’. The same procedure should be followed. For more details, refer to page 9.
The selected script file will be opened. The votings of that script file are displayed in the ‘Current’ list box.
Saving a script file
To save the current script file:
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Save...’. All parameters in the current script file will be saved,
except voting information, which has not yet been inserted into the ‘Current’ list.
i Note
If you have entered a filename that already exists, a warning message with the following text is displayed: ‘A file already exists with this name’.
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Saving a script file under a new name This allows you to save the current script file under a different name. By doing so, the original file remains unaltered. To do so:
• Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Save As...’.
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The following dialogue box appears:
Figure 6 The ‘Save As’ dialogue box
When the ‘Save As’ dialogue box opens, a text insertion point is already in the text box and you can enter a new name up to 12 characters long.
Type the new script file name in the text box.
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.
The new name appears in the title bar at the top of the window. If you have typed in a filename that already exists, a warning message with the following text is displayed:
‘A file already exists with this name’
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.
The dialogue box returns and a valid name can be typed in.
Deleting a script file
If you wish to delete a script file:
‘Are you sure you want to delete file <filename>?’
If you still wish to continue:
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button. The selected file will be deleted.
Importing a script file
It is possible to import a script file from outside the Multi Voting application. To import a script file:
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Import Script...’.
The following dialogue box appears:
Figure 8 The ‘Import Script’ dialogue box
This is a standard windows dialogue box and contains a text box where you can type the name of the file to be imported. Files to be imported must be DOS files and have an .imp file extension. To continue:
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Delete...’ The following dialogue box appears:
Figure 7 The ‘Delete’ dialogue box
This dialogue box contains a list box for selecting the script file to be deleted. To delete a script file:
Click on the name in the list.
Click on the ‘Delete’ push button.
Another dialogue box will appear, with the text:
Enter the name of the file to be imported.
Click on the ‘Ok’ push button.
The selected file will be imported. The file will automatically be added to the list of script files in the ‘Open’ dialogue box.
i Caution
If there is already a script file in Multi Voting with the same name as the imported file, the existing file will be overwritten. There is no warning message. You can also select a file by clicking on the file name in the list box underneath the text box. Two list boxes on the right hand side of the dialogue box allow you to select directories and drives respectively.
Double click on the file to be imported.
Printing Multiple Choice results
It is possible to print Multiple Choice results. The report contains information about the script file and the voting results for each question contained in it.
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i Note
This is only possible if the script contains Multiple Choice questions and no information of other voting types.
i Note
When a Multiple Choice script file contains more than 40 questions, the file is no longer regarded as being a Multiple Choice script file and cannot be printed.
To print a Multiple Choice voting script:
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Multiple Choice’.
From the sub-menu click on ‘Print Report...’.
The following dialogue box will appear:
i Note
This is only possible if the script contains Multiple Choice questions and no information of other voting types.
i Note
When a Multiple Choice script file contains more than 40 questions, the file is no longer regarded as being a Multiple Choice script file and cannot be exported.
To export a Multiple Choice voting script:
Select the ‘File’ menu and click on ‘Multiple Choice’.
From the sub-menu click on ‘Export Report...’.
The following dialogue box will appear:
Figure 9 The 'Print MC Report' dialogue box
In the ‘Page Header’ edit field:
Enter the page header.
Select if only the total result must be printed.
Select the number of printed copies
Click on the ‘Print’ push button.
The result will be printed.
Exporting Multiple Choice results
It is possible to export Multiple Choice results into a DOS file. This report contains information about the script file and the voting results for each question contained in it. The file is exported to the directory: ..:\DCNNG\EXPORT\MV
Figure 10 The 'Export MC Report' dialogue box
In the ‘File’ edit field:
Enter the destination file to which the script is exported.
Click on the ‘Export’ push button.
The result file will be exported.
3.3 Creating and editing votings
All editing and creating of votings is carried out from the Preparation window.

Creating new votings

You can create new votings within an existing script file or in a completely new one. The procedure for doing so is exactly the same in both cases.
Entering voting description parameters
These options allow you to enter the parameters that define a voting.
Voting number
This number gives the voting a unique reference and is used by the system as a means of identification. It appears alongside the voting name in the ‘Current’ list, hall displays and delegate units fitted with displays. The voting number must be in the range
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0001 to 9999 and must be unique. If it is not, a warning message will appear when you attempt to insert the edited voting back into the ‘Current’ list, and the insertion will not take place. To edit the voting number:
Click on the ‘Number’ edit field.
Type in the required voting number.
i Tip
You can also use the up and down buttons to the right of the edit field to access the next highest or next lowest available voting number.
i Note
The next voting number appears after you insert a voting.
Voting name
This name appears in the ‘Current’ list. The maximum length of a voting name is 20 characters. To edit the voting name:
Click on the ‘Subject’ edit field.
Type in the required voting information.

3.3.1 Voting answers

You can specify the number of answer options, the LCD text and the answer text, which will form each voting option in the current voting. Answer text cannot be displayed on delegate units and can only be specified for Multiple Choice and Opinion Poll voting. To select the number of answers:
Click on the ‘Answers’ push button in the Preparation window.
The ‘Answers’ dialogue box will appear:
Click on the ‘Name’ edit field.
Type in the required voting name.
Voting kind
This describes the type of voting. Six different kinds of voting are possible in Multi Voting:
Parliamentary voting
For/Against voting
Audience Response voting
Multiple Choice voting
Opinion Poll voting
For more information about voting types and options, please refer to paragraph 1.1.1
The ‘Kind’ drop-down list box - where the description is selected – contains the six choices. To select the voting kind:
Use the up and down arrow keys to view the choices.
Click on the required selection.
Figure 11 The ‘Answers’ dialogue box
To specify the number of answer options:
Select the ‘Number’ edit field and type in the
required value.
The up and down arrow buttons on the right-hand side of this field can be used to scroll to the required number.
i Note
If the voting kind is For/Against voting or Audience Response voting, the number of answers is selected automatically by the system.
You can specify the LCD text, which is the text that will appear on delegate units. The options available will vary according to the voting kind. To do so:
Select the ‘LCD’ drop-down list box.
Voting description
This is text that describes the voting. The voting description can appear on hall displays and LC displays of delegate units. The ‘Subject’ edit field ­where the description is entered - contains four text lines. To enter or edit a voting description:
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Click on the required option. For Multiple Choice and Opinion Poll voting, it is
possible to specify answer text for answer options. Each answer option is displayed as a text edit field in the ‘Answer’ display area. If legend text has been
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