Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | Important Safeguardsen | 3
Important Safeguards
Prior to installing or operating this product, always read
the Important Safety Instructions which are available as
a separate document (9922 141 7014x). These
instructions are supplied together with all equipment
that can be connected to the mains.
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 9922 141 10364en
Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | Important Noticesen | 4
Important Notices
When using routers, keypads or more than one call
station, configure the controller using the supplied
Use shielded cable (Cat-5) between the routers and the
controller. Do not connect the shield to both the
controller and the router!
The factory default setting of the Plena Voice Alarm
Controller is as follows:
•Stand-alone unit configured for an ISO 60849
compliant system when used with a spare power
amplifier from the Plena range and compliant wiring
and loudspeakers.
•One channel system.
•Supervision on for:
•Loudspeaker lines
(90 seconds interval, 15% accuracy)
•Main and spare power amplifier
•Short to ground (“Ground short”)
•Mains and battery power
•EMG mic
Please note that when used with the factory default
•The background music (BGM) is muted when no
spare power amplifier is connected. Disabling the
spare power amplifier supervision or overall
supervision restores the BGM.
•The BGM will not be present in non-selected zones
during a call. If this is desired, connect a spare/call
power amplifier and switch the system to 2-channel
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Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 9922 141 10364en
Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | Table of Contentsen | 5
Table of Contents
Important Safeguards ..................................................................................................................................................3
Important Notices ..........................................................................................................................................................4
Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................................................................5
2.1Voice Alarm System ............................................................................................................................................................11
2.1.3Application areas ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.2Basic system ......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.3Internal power amplifier .................................................................................................................................................12
2.4Call station .............................................................................................................................................................................15
3.8Call station .............................................................................................................................................................................19
3.9External power amplifier ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.12 Line output .............................................................................................................................................................................23
3.13 Mic/line input with VOX functionality ...............................................................................................................................24
3.14 Status output contacts .......................................................................................................................................................25
3.15 Power ......................................................................................................................................................................................25
3.15.2 Mains power .................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 9922 141 10364en
Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | Table of Contentsen | 6
3.15.3 Back-up power ................................................................................................................................................................26
4.5.7Mains power supervision .............................................................................................................................................. 29
4.5.9Internal power amplifier supervision ...........................................................................................................................29
4.5.10 External power amplifier supervision ..........................................................................................................................29
4.5.11 1 channel and 2 channel operation ............................................................................................................................30
4.6.4Phantom power ...............................................................................................................................................................31
4.7Call station .............................................................................................................................................................................31
4.7.2Call station ID .................................................................................................................................................................. 31
5.1Switch on ............................................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.2Switch off ............................................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.4Background music ............................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.4.3Select zones ....................................................................................................................................................................34
5.5.2Select zones ....................................................................................................................................................................35
5.5.3Make the announcement .............................................................................................................................................. 35
5.6Emergency state ................................................................................................................................................................... 36
5.6.2Enter the emergency state ...........................................................................................................................................36
5.6.3Acknowledge the emergency state ............................................................................................................................ 36
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Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | Table of Contentsen | 7
5.6.4Exit the emergency state ............................................................................................................................................... 36
5.6.5Distribute live speech .................................................................................................................................................... 36
5.6.6Distribute the alert message ........................................................................................................................................ 38
5.6.7Distribute the alarm message ...................................................................................................................................... 39
5.7Fault state .............................................................................................................................................................................. 39
5.7.2Acknowledge the fault state ........................................................................................................................................ 39
5.7.3Reset the fault state ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
6.Technical data ............................................................................................................................................................. 43
6.2.3Internal power amplifier .................................................................................................................................................44
6.2.8Trigger inputs/24 V DC out ......................................................................................................................................... 45
6.2.9Mic/line input with VOX functionality .........................................................................................................................45
6.2.11 Line out .............................................................................................................................................................................45
6.2.12 External power amplifier ................................................................................................................................................ 45
6.2.14 General .............................................................................................................................................................................45
8.Product Index .............................................................................................................................................................. 49
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Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | Table of Contentsen | 8
Intentionally left blank.
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 9922 141 10364en
Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | Introductionen | 9
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of the Basic System Manual is to provide
information that is required to install, configure and
operate a basic Plena Voice Alarm System. By
definition, such a system is installed, configured and
operated without a PC.
1.2 Digital document
The Basic System Manual is also available as a digital
document in the Adobe Portable Document Format
(PDF). All references to pages, figures, tables, etc. in this
digital document contain hyperlinks to the referenced
1.3 Intended audience
The Basic System Manual is intended for installers and
users of a basic Plena Voice Alarm System. Installers
and users of extensive systems should refer to the
Installation and User Instructions (see section 1.4).
1.6 S ign s
Except for note alerts, the nature of the effect that can
be caused when the alert is not observed, is indicated
using a sign. For note alerts, the sign provides more
information about the note itself. In this manual, the
following signs are used in combination with alerts:
General sign for notes.
Consult the indicated source of information.
Caution, Warning, Danger
General sign for cautions, warnings and
1.4 Related documentation
The following related documents are available:
•Plena Voice Alarm System Installation and User
Instructions (9922 141 1037x).
•Plena Voice Alarm System Configuration Software
Manual (9922 141 1038x).
1.5 Alerts
In this manual, four types of alerts are used. The alert
type is closely related to the effect that may be caused
when it is not observed. These alerts - from least severe
effect to most severe effect - are:
Alert containing additional information. Usually, not
observing a note alert does not result in damage to
the equipment or personal injuries.
The equipment can be damaged if the alert is not
being observed.
•War ning
Persons can be (severely) injured or the equipment
can be seriously damaged if the alert is not being
Not observing the alert can result in death.
Caution, Warning, Danger
Risk of electric shock.
Caution, Warning, Danger
Risk of electrostatic discharges.
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 9922 141 10364en
Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | Introductionen | 10
1.7 Conversion tables
In this manual, SI units are used to express lengths,
masses, temperatures etc.. These can be converted to
non-metric units using the information provided below.
table 1.1: Conversion of units of length
1 in =25.4 mm1 mm =0.03937 in
1 in =2.54 cm1 cm =0.3937 in
1 ft =0.3048 m1 m =3.281 ft
1 mi =1.609 km1 km =0.622 mi
table 1.2: Conversion of units of mass
1 lb =0.4536 kg1 kg =2,2046 lb
table 1.3: Conversion of units of pressure
1 psi =68.95 hPa1 hPa =0.0145 psi
1 hPa = 1 mbar.
° C
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 9922 141 10364en
Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | System Overviewen | 11
2System Overview
2.1 Voice Alarm System
The Plena Voice Alarm System is a public address and
voice alarm system in which all the necessary features
for compliance to evacuation standards such as
IEC60849, NEN2575 and BS5839/8 are integrated.
2.1.2Application types
Typically, the Plena Voice Alarm System is used to
create small systems that must comply to evacuation
standards, medium-sized systems in which one call
channel is enough and large systems that consist of
many small zones.
2.1.3Application areas
The application areas of the Plena Voice Alarm System
•Supermarkets, shops
•High-rise buildings
•Office buildings
•Recreational facilities
•Small airports
The Plena Voice Alarm System is part of the Plena
product range. Plena provides public address solutions
for places where people gather to work, worship, trade
or simply enjoy themselves. It is a family of system
elements that are combined to create public address
systems tailored for virtually any application. The range
includes mixer, pre, system and power amplifiers, a
source unit, digital message manager, feedback
suppressor, conventional and PC call stations, an ‘All-inOne’ system and a voice alarm system. Each element is
designed to complement all others thanks to matched
acoustical, electrical and mechanical specifications.
2.2 Basic system
As mentioned before, the scope of this manual is a basic
system. By definition, a basic system is installed,
configured and operated without a PC. Such a system
can only consist of:
•1x LBB1990/00 Voice Alarm Controller (required).
•1x LBB1956/00 Call Station (optional).
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 9922 141 10364en
figure 2.1: Basic system
Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | System Overviewen | 12
2.3 Voice alarm controller
The LBB1990/00 Voice Alarm Controller is the heart of
the Plena Voice Alarm System. The voice alarm
controller distributes emergency calls, business calls as
well as background music (BGM) to up to 6 loudspeaker
figure 2.2: Voice Alarm Controller
When the voice alarm controller has been
purchased in the Asian-Pacific Region, the
emergency button has a different cover.
2.3.2Hand-held microphone
The voice alarm controller is equipped with a hand-held
microphone, which can be used to make emergency
2.3.3Internal power amplifier
The voice alarm controller has a 240 W internal power
amplifier, which can be used in 1-channel or 2-channel
mode. In the 1-channel mode, all calls and BGM are
amplified by the internal power amplifier. If desired, an
external power amplifier can be connected for spare
switching. In the 2-channel mode, the BGM is amplified
by the internal power amplifier, whereas the calls are
amplified by an external power amplifier.
2.3.4Internal message manager
The voice alarm controller has an internal message
manager, which maps wave files (.wav) to messages that
can be played by the Plena Voice Alarm System.
All necessary supervision features for compliance to
evacuation standards are integrated into the voice alarm
controller. If supervision is enabled and a fault is
detected, the voice alarm controller lights a LED on its
front panel that indicates the cause of the fault.
See figure 2.3 for an overview of the controls,
connections and indicators on the voice alarm
1 Power LED/VU Meter - A combined power
indicator and VU meter. The green power LED is lit
if the voice alarm controller is connected to the
mains or back-up power and switched on. The VU
meter indicates the master VU level: 0 dB (red), - 6
dB, -20 dB (yellow).
2 Fault indicators - Twelve yellow system fault
LEDs (Processor reset, Network, Call/EMG, Music/
Spare, Ground short, Input, Mains, Battery, Message,
EMG mic, RCP and Router) and twelve yellow
loudspeaker line fault LEDs. Fault indication is only
possible if supervision is enabled (see section 5.7). If
supervision is disabled, the yellow Disabled LED is
3 Fault state buttons - Two buttons to acknowledge
(Ack) and reset (Reset) the fault state (see section
4 Emergency state buttons - Two buttons to
acknowledge (Ack) and reset (Reset) the emergency
state (see section 5.6).
5 Emergency call zone selectors - Six buttons to
select the zones to which the emergency call must be
distributed (see section 5.6). Each button has a green
and a red LED. The six red LEDs indicate the zones
that are selected for the emergency call. The six
green LEDs indicate the zones in which a business
call is running.
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 9922 141 10364en
Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | System Overviewen | 13
Plena Voice Alarm Controller
Max.output power 360W
Rated output power 240W
115-230V~,50/6 0Hz
Speech filter
Design& Quality
Mess age
T6.3L250Vfor230V AC
T10L250V for115VAC
RemoteControl Panel
Connected for 230V~
Ratedinput power :760 VA
Thisapparatus must be earthed
Made in China
figure 2.3: Front and rear views of the voice alarm controller
6 BGM zone selectors - Six buttons to select the
zones to which the BGM is distributed (see section
5.4). Each button has a green LED and a rotary
knob. The six green LEDs indicate the zones to
which BGM is distributed. The six rotary knobs are
local volume controls that can be used to adjust the
volume of the BGM in each zone.
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 9922 141 10364en
7 BGM master volume control - A rotary knob to
set the master volume of the BGM (see section 5.4).
8 BGM source selector - A button to select the
BGM source (CD/Tuner or Aux). The selected source
is indicated with a green LED (see section 5.4).
9 BGM tone controls - Two rotary knobs to control
the high and low frequencies of the BGM (see
section 5.4).
Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | System Overviewen | 14
10 All call button - A button to select all zones. This
button is only available in the emergency state (see
section 5.6).
11 Indicator test button - A button to test all LEDs
on the front panel of the voice alarm controller. All
LEDs are lit as long as the button is pushed (see
section 5.7).
12 Emergency button - A push button to put the
system in the emergency state (see section 5.6).
13 Alert message button - A button to select the
alert message. This button is only available in the
emergency state (see section 5.6).
14 Alarm message button - A button to select the
default alarm message. This button is only available
in the emergency state (see section 5.6).
15 Microphone socket - A socket to connect the
hand-held emergency microphone (see section 3.6).
16 Bracket - A bracket for the hand-held emergency
microphone that is supplied with the voice alarm
17 Monitoring speaker - Built-in monitoring
18 Zone outputs - Six zone outputs to connect
loudspeakers to the voice alarm controller. Each
zone output consists of two loudspeaker line outputs
(see section 3.10).
19 Override outputs - Six volume override outputs to
override local volume controls in each zone (see
section 3.11).
20 Status outputs - Three status outputs to send the
status of the Plena Voice Alarm System to third party
equipment (see section 3.14).
21 Trigger inputs/24 V DC output - Twelve trigger
inputs to receive signals from third party equipment
and one 24 V(DC) output. Except for the VOX switch input and the 24V DC out output, these must
be configured with the configuration software and
are therefore not used in basic systems (see section
22 Call station sockets - Two redundant RJ45
sockets to connect call stations (LBB1956/00) to the
voice alarm controller (see section 3.8).
23 Service settings - A set of DIP switches to service
the voice alarm controller. Do not change the
positions of the switches.
24 Calibration switch - A switch to calibrate the
impedances of the loudspeaker lines for loudspeaker
supervision (see section
25 Configuration settings - A set of DIP switches to
configure the voice alarm controller (see section 4.2).
26 PC socket - A USB socket to connect the voice
alarm controller to a PC. Not for use in basic
27 Emergency microphone volume control - A
rotary knob to set the volume of the hand-held
emergency microphone.
28 Reserved - For future use.
29 Reserved - For future use.
30 Voltage selector - A voltage selector to select the
local mains voltage (see section 3.15).
31 Power switch - A switch to switch the voice alarm
controller on and off (see section 5.1).
32 Ground - A connection to electrically ground the
voice alarm controller.
33 Mains power inlet - A socket to connect the voice
alarm controller to the mains power (see section
34 Router socket - An RJ45 socket to connect voice
alarm routers (LBB1992/00) to the voice alarm
controller. Not for use in basic systems.
35 Remote control panel socket - Two redundant
RJ45 sockets to connect remote control panels
(LBB1995/00, LBB1996/00, LBB1997/00) to the
voice alarm controller. Not for use in basic systems.
36 Monitoring speaker volume control - A rotary
knob to set the volume of the monitoring
37 Digital message volume control - A rotary
knob to set the volume of the digital business
messages. This volume control does not influence
the volume of the emergency messages.
38 Mic/line input with VOX functionality - An
XLR socket and a 6.3 mm jack with voice-activated
(VOX) functionality to connect a microphone or line
input to the voice alarm controller (see section 3.13).
The VOX settings are configured with the DIP
switches and the source switch (see section 4.6).
39 PC Call station input - An input to connect a PC
call station. Not for use in basic systems.
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 9922 141 10364en
Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | System Overviewen | 15
40 BGM inputs - Two inputs to connect background
music sources. Each input consists of two cinch
sockets (see section 3.7).
41 Line output - A line output to connect an external
recording device to record the audio of the Plena
Voice Alarm System (see section 3.12).
42 External power amplifier (output) - An XLR
socket to connect an external power amplifier (see
section 3.9). This socket is used in combination with
the external power amplifier input (no. 47).
43 Trigger outputs - Two general purpose trigger
outputs. Not for use in basic systems.
44 Internal power amplifier output - Three pins
that provide the 100 V audio signal of the internal
power amplifier of the voice alarm controller.
45 Call output - An output that provides the call audio
of the Plena Voice Alarm System.
46 Back-up power inlet - An inlet to connect a back-
up power supply to the voice alarm controller (see
section 3.15).
47 External power amplifier (input) - An input to
connect an external power amplifier (see section 3.9).
These pins are used in combination with the external
power amplifier output (no. 42).
2.4 Call station
The LBB1956/00 Call Station can be connected to the
LBB1990/00 Voice Alarm Controller to make business
calls. The call station is connected to the voice alarm
controller using standard Cat-5 Ethernet cable.
figure 2.4: Call Station
The call station is not supervised. For compliance to
evacuation standards, the Plena Voice Alarm System
disables the call station during emergency calls.
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 9922 141 10364en
Plena Voice Alarm System | Basic System Manual | System Overviewen | 16
See figure 2.5 for an overview of the controls, indicators
and connectors on the call station:
1 Power indicator - A green LED to indicate that
the call station is powered on.
2 Zone selection buttons - Six buttons to select the
zones to which the business call is distributed (see
section 5.5). Each button has a green LED, which
indicates the zones to which the business call is
3 ‘All call’ selector - A button to select all zones
(see section 5.5).
4 Push-to-talk button - A push-to-talk (PTT) button
to start the business call.
5 Status indicators - Three LEDs that indicate the
status of the call station (see section 5.5).
6 Keypad connector - A connector to connect call
station keypads (LBB1957/00) to the call station.
7 Configuration settings - A set of DIP switches to
configure the call station (see section 4.7).
8 Power supply inlet - A socket to connect a
24 V(DC) power supply (see section 3.8).
9 System sockets - Two redundant RJ45 sockets to
connect the call station to the voice alarm controller
(LBB1990/00, see section 3.8).
figure 2.5: Top and bottom views of the call station
Bosch Security Systems | 2005-04 | 9922 141 10364en
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