Bosch HBS573BS0B EU Datasheet

Bosch HBS573BS0B EU Datasheet

Product fiche concerning the "COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) No 65/2014"

Trade mark: Bosch

Model Identifier: HBS573BS0B

Category of the household appliance model: - (-)

Energy efficiency index: 95.3

Energy Efficiency class: A

Energy consumption per cycle in conventional mode: 0.99 kWh/cycle

Energy consumption per cycle in fan-forced convection mode: 0.81 kWh/cycle

Number of cavities: 1

Heat source: Electricity

Volume: 71 l

Feb 15, 2021

Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH. Postfach 83 01 01, 81701 München, Germany
