Communications Systems | DCN‑SWSMD Conference Software Streaming Meeting Data
DCN‑SWSMD Conference Software
Streaming Meeting Data
u XML streams for easy processing and logging
u Interface to video client applications to display
meeting data by using video screens or video
u Video client application available on DCN‑SW DVD
u Example C‑Sharp source code available on DCN‑SW
u Software developer manual available
Conference Software Streaming Meeting Data is an
interface to provide meeting data such as current
speakers, request lists, vote results and other
information to video screens or video projectors.
System overview
Conference Software Streaming Meeting Data unlike
other Conference Software modules does not require
any user interaction of an operator; it consists of a
software interface from the Conference Software
Server to any number of client applications.
The interface consists of streams containing meeting
data in XML format. Every time an activity (e.g.
microphone on/ off, start/stop vote) takes place data
is send over the XML stream.
The stream can be picked up by a video client
application which is connected to a video screen or a
video projector to display the meeting data.
The content of each stream can be freely defined so
that each PC software Client receives only the
required meeting data.
The streams are protected meaning that only
authorized PC software clients can receive the
A great diversity of activities can be streamed. The
main items are:
• Start/Stop meeting, speakers list, request list, vote
results both Individual and totals, participating
• Filters are available to define the content of a stream;
e.g. if only voting activity is required in the stream all
other information can be filtered out.
• Activities are queued before they are sent to the
stream. The size of the queues are free definable.
• Client authorization is controlled by a list of allowed
IP addresses. Clients with unknown IP addresses will
not be able to receive the stream.
• Example C‑Sharp source code and software
developer manual available on DCN‑SW DVD
2 | DCN‑SWSMD Conference Software Streaming Meeting Data
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Ordering information
DCN‑SWSMD Conference Software Streaming Meeting
To be used as an interface to provide meeting data
such as current speakers, request list, vote results and
other information to video screens or video projectors.
Can only be used in combination with DCN‑SW
Conference Software main module.
Order number DCN-SWSMD
DCN‑SWSMD‑E Conference Software Streaming Meeting
Data E‑code
To be used as an interface to provide meeting data
such as current speakers, request list, vote results and
other information to video screens or video projectors.
Can only be used in combination with DCN‑SW
Conference Software main module. Electronic
authorization code.
Order number DCN-SWSMD-E
DCN‑SW Conference Software Main Module
A platform on which all other Conference software
modules run.
Order number DCN-SW
DCN‑SWDB‑E Conference Software Delegate Database
Can only be used in combination with DCN‑SW.
Electronic authorization code.
Order number DCN-SWDB-E