Bosch DCN-SWPV-E Specsheet

Bosch DCN-SWPV-E Specsheet

Communications Systems | DCN SWPV Conference Software Parliamentary Voting

DCN SWPV Conference Software

Parliamentary Voting

The DCN SWPV Conference Software Parliamentary Voting is a software module designed to control and to prepare parliamentary voting.


Vote preparation

uComplete operator control of parliamentary voting sessions

uExtensive motion preparation facilities

uOutput voting results to printers

uWide range of vote related parameter options


The software covers a number of functions including vote preparation, specifying vote-related parameters, and starting and controlling voting.

In the configuration application voting is prepared as in the operator application the voting can be started and results can be shown.


Voting is an optional part of every agenda entry. Voting can consist of a number of proposals or motions, each of which will be voted on.

The preparation of the voting is done in two steps. First a template needs to be defined. The template contains more general settings like automatic print, secret, majority and many more. Secondly a single vote can be created. Now the number, name subject, template and answer set must be defined. Also a link to a document can be defined which can be activated from the operator application. This document can be used as extra information for a specific vote.

2 | DCN SWPV Conference Software Parliamentary Voting

Voting template


The operator selects the desired vote from the prepared voting list and starts the vote; participants can use their units to register votes. The operator has full control over the voting procedure, and can stop or suspend a vote at any time. It is also possible to start a vote which is not prepared before (ad hoc voting).


The software program offers the possibility of displaying cast answers and the final result of a vote on the PCs screens. Optional delegate units with a display facility can display the vote results. There is also a facility of automatically print out the vote results once the vote is completed.

Parts included






Authorization code



Ordering information

DCN SWPV Conference Software Parliamentary Voting

Can only be used in combination with DCN SW. DCN SWDB is required if individual vote results are required.

Order number DCN-SWPV

Software Options

DCN SWPV E Conference Software Parliamentary Voting

E code

Can only be used in combination with DCN SW.

DCN SWDB is required if individual vote results are

required. Electronic authorization code.

Order number DCN-SWPV-E

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