Bosch DCN-SWMD-E Specsheet

Bosch DCN-SWMD-E Specsheet

Communications Systems | DCN SWMD Conference Software Message Distribution

DCN SWMD Conference Software

Message Distribution

u Speak slowly request

u Help request of delegates and interpreters

The Message Distribution module indicates to the operator or chairman that an interpreter has requested the floor to speak slowly, and also indicates to the usher that a delegate or interpreter is requesting help.

The speak slowly and help request are shown on the operator application.


Speak slowly request

If the floor is speaking too fast during a meeting, an interpreter issues a speak slowly request. This request is shown on the operator application used by an operator or chairman.

After receiving the request, the chairman can instruct the floor to speak more slowly. For privacy reasons, it is not possible to see which interpreter issued the request.

Help request

If a delegate or interpreter needs help during a meeting, a help request can be issued. The usher can see which interpreter needs help via the synoptic layout of the operator application. The usher then marks the request as being handled.

After the delegate or interpreter has been served, the usher marks the help request as finished.


The functions Speak-slowly request and Helprequest are only working in combination with DCN-SWSI.

Ordering information

DCN SWMD Conference Software Message Distribution

Can only be used in combination with DCN SW. Speak slowly and help request also requires DCN SWSI.

Order number DCN-SWMD

Software Options

DCN-SWMD-E Conference Software Message Distribution E-code

Can only be used in combination with DCN SW. Speak slowly and help request also requires DCN SWSI. Electronic authorization code.

Order number DCN-SWMD-E
