Bosch DCN-SWAT-E Specsheet

Bosch DCN-SWAT-E Specsheet

Communications Systems | DCN SWAT Conference Software Attendance & Access

DCN SWAT Conference Software

Attendance & Access

The Attendance Registration & Access Control software module is used to register attendance of delegates in a conference meeting, and to control access to the conference facilities in the conference room.


The functionality of Attendance Registration & Access Control software falls into two categories:

Attendance Registration:

It is possible to specify entrance requirements that delegates have to meet before entering the meeting. This normally means delegates have to insert an ID card in a card reader, either at the entrance to the meeting or at the conference unit. Registration at a conference unit can also be done by pressing the ‘Present’ button.

It is possible to display lists on-screen of all ‘present’ and ‘absent’ delegates, and print hard copies.

Access Control:

The settings specified for Attendance Registration can be used for access control. This means that although delegates can enter the meeting, they cannot use any

uAttendance Registration using ID card with or without PIN code, or present button

uAccess Control using ID card with or without PINcode or PIN code only

uAll data instantly available to operator

uPrint function to reproduce data

of the conference unit’s facilities (such as microphone and voting) without access requirements. Access is controlled by means of ID cards, with or without PIN code (free seating). There is an option whereby delegates register attendance at the entrance using an ID card reader, and a specific conference unit is than made available for them (fixed seating).

Access control can be done on the conference unit only by ID card with or without PIN code or PIN code only (fixed seating).

Ordering information

DCN SWAT Conference Software Attendance & Access

Used for registering and accessing facilities in the conference room. Can only be used in combination with DCN SW and DCN SWDB software modules. Can not be used with the DCN Wireless Discussion System (DCN WCCU).

Order number DCN-SWAT

2 | DCN SWAT Conference Software Attendance & Access

DCN SWAT E Conference Software Attendance & Access E code

Used for registering and accessing facilities in the conference room. Can only be used in combination with DCN SW and DCN SWDB software modules. Can not be used with the DCN Wireless Discussion System (DCN WCCU). Electronic authorization code.

Order number DCN SWAT-E

DCN SW Conference Software Main Module

A platform on which all other Conference software modules run.

Order number DCN-SW

DCN SW E Conference Software Main Module E code

A platform on which all other Conference software modules run. Electronic authorization code.

Order number DCN-SW-E

DCN SWDB Conference Software Delegate Database

Can only be used in combination with DCN SW.

Order number DCN-SWDB

DCN SWDB E Conference Software Delegate Database


Can only be used in combination with DCN SW.

Electronic authorization code.

Order number DCN-SWDB-E

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