Communications Systems | DCN‑SWAPI Conference Software API
DCN‑SWAPI Conference Software API
u Control DCN meeting, session, discussion and
u Exchange and synchronize delegate and participants
information with 3rd party systems
u Import of vote scripts
u Encoding ID cards solution for 3rd party systems
u C‑Sharp source code example available
DCN‑SWAPI is deployed as Microsoft.Net components
to be used by 3rd party applications to control,
modify, add, remove and update a subset of the
DCN‑SW configuration data to prepare meetings. It
also includes a subset of the DCN‑SW control
functionality to control meetings.
System overview
A 3rd party application will be connected to the
DCN‑SW Conference Software server as a client in the
same way as the DCN‑SW Configuration Application
and Operation Application do.
All changes applied through the DCN‑SWAPI affect the
meeting- configuration and currently active meeting
All changes applied to the configuration or control
data of a currently active meeting, will be actualized
immediately to the operational state of the system.
The DCN‑SWAPI enables the following control and
configuration functions of DCN‑SW via the API:
Control functions available via the API:
• Control the DCN system:
– Stop and start meetings
– Stop and start sessions
– Control participants microphones
– Control request and response lists
– Control prepared and adhoc votings and summon
participants for the voting
Configuration functions available via the API:
• Add or remove delegates to the system. This implies
per delegate:
– Definition of title, first, middle and last name
– ID‑card assignment
– Assignment to a group (e.g. political party)
– Language assignment
• Update delegate information
• Encode ID‑card for a delegate (in combination with
• Assign or remove delegates as participant to or from
a prepared or active meeting. This implies per
– Assignment to the meeting
– Assignment to a seat
• Add or remove votes to/from a voting script of a
prepared or active meeting. This implies per voting:
– Assignment to voting script
– Definition of voting template to use
– Definition of voting answer set to use
– Definition of voting 100% setting

2 | DCN‑SWAPI Conference Software API
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© Bosch Security Systems 2013 | Data subject to change without notice
1814487435 | en, V4, 03. Jun 2013
• Update voting information in a voting script of a
prepared or active meeting
• Example C‑Sharp source code and extensive software
developer manual available on DCN‑SW DVD
The DCN‑SWAPI license enables third party interfacing
to DCN‑SW software. To be able to use extended
DCN‑SW functionality, like Microphone Management
(DCN‑SWMM), Delegate Database (DCN‑SWDB) or
Voting (Pariamentary DCN‑SWPV or Multi voting
DCN‑SWMV) via the API requires the appropriate
DCN‑SW licenses.
Ordering information
DCN‑SWAPI Conference Software API
To be used by 3rd party applications to control modify,
add, remove and update a subset of the DCN‑SW
configuration and control data. Can only be used in
combination with DCN‑SW Conference Software
Order number DCN-SWAPI
DCN‑SWAPI‑E Conference Software API E‑code
To be used by 3rd party applications to control modify,
add, remove and update a subset of the DCN‑SW
configuration and control data. Can only be used in
combination with DCN‑SW Conference Software
module. Electronic authorization code.
Order number DCN‑SWAPI-E
DCN‑SW Conference Software Main Module
A platform on which all other Conference software
modules run.
Order number DCN-SW
DCN‑SW‑E Conference Software Main Module E‑code
A platform on which all other Conference software
modules run. Electronic authorization code.
Order number DCN-SW-E