DCN API Demonstrator Table of Contents | en 3
Table of contents
1.1 Copyright and disclaimer 5
Introduction 4
Requirements 6
Getting started 7
Troubleshooting 13
Bosch Security Systems B.V. 2012.08 | V1.0 |

4 en | Introduction DCN API Demonstrator
The DCN‑SWAPI Demonstrator is a PC-application communicating with the DCN‑SW server to
configure and control the DCN Next Generation conference system, using the DCN‑SWAPI
software module.
All DCN‑SW components can - but do not necessarily need to be - run from separate
computers to integrate seamlessly with each other. This allows the possibility for assigning
functionality to different users and/or PCs, or, for instance, let one or more users configure
the set-up and register delegates (Bosch DCN Conference Software Configuration
Application), and other users actually control the meeting on separate PCs (Bosch DCN
Conference Software Operator Application).
1. Bosch DCN Conference Software Server and Server Console
2. Bosch DCN Conference Software Print Application
3. Bosch DCN Conference Software Configuration Application
4. Bosch DCN Conference Software Operator Application
5. Touch screen
6. Ethernet connections
7. CCU2 (standalone) (Central Control Unit)
8. CCU2 (master in multi ccu mode) (Central Control Unit)
9. Bosch optical network
10. CCU2 (slave in multi ccu mode) (Central Control Unit)
11. DCN‑SWAPI (Software API)
12. DCN‑SWSMD (XML Streaming Meeting Data)
2012.08 | V1.0 | Bosch Security Systems B.V.

DCN API Demonstrator Introduction | en 5
Copyright and disclaimer
All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publisher. For information on getting permission for reprints and
excerpts, contact Bosch Security Systems B.V..
The content and illustrations are subject to change without prior notice.
Bosch Security Systems B.V. 2012.08 | V1.0 |