Bosch Appliances DCN Next Generation 2.40 User Manual

DCN Next Generation 2.40 Release Notes
en Release Notes
DCN Next Generation 2.40 Release Notes en | 3
Table of contents
Introduction................................................................ 4
2 Release 2.40 ...............................................................5
3 Release 2.12 ...............................................................6
4 Release 2.10 ...............................................................7
5 Release 2.01 ...............................................................8
6 Release 2.00 ...............................................................9
7 Release 1.12 ............................................................ 10
8 Release 1.11 ............................................................ 11
9 Release 1.10 ............................................................ 12
10 Release 1.00 ............................................................ 13
11 History ........................................................................ 14
Bosch Communications Systems | 2007 March
DCN Next Generation 2.40 Release Notes en | 4
1 Introduction
This document contains information, which was not available during the creation of the manuals. Please read all manuals.
Bosch Communications Systems | 2007 March
DCN Next Generation 2.40 Release Notes en | 5
2 Release 2.40
2.1 General

2.1.1 Release

March 8th 2007

2.1.2 Firmware/FPGA versions

Product FPGA SW FW
DCN-CCU 2.17 2.40.1586 4.30.2160 DCN-CCUB 1.07 2.40.1586 4.30.2160 DCN-NCO 3.06 2.40.1586 4.30.2160 DCN-CON DCN-CONCS DCN-CONFF DCN-CONCM DCN-DDB -- 1.4.XXXX -­DCN-DDI 2.0 -- -­DCN-DIS 1.18 -- -­DCN-FCS 2.5 -- -­DCN-IDESK 1.3 1.20.XXXX -­LBB 4402/00 -- 2.40.1586 4.30.2160 PRS-4DEX4 -- 2.40.1586 4.30.2160 LBB 4404/00 -- 2.40.1586 4.30.2160 DCN-SWSMV 1.20.0191 LBB 4190/00 2.40.1586

2.1.3 Compatibility restrictions

The following versions are not compatible with this release:
Product FPGA SW FW DCN-CCU 1.06 -- -­DCN-CCU * 2.16 LBB 4120 1.1 -- -­* Multi CCU mode only
1.13 -- --
1.13 1.10.XXXX --
2.3 Known limitations
2.3.1 Adding system units to the optical ring
In case system units are added to the optical ring when the system is powered on, unexpected behavior can occur. Only connect units to the optical network when all units are powered off.
2.3.2 Audio disruption during powering
During powering up/down a CCU in a Multi CCU system the audio on the delegate units, connected to the remaining CCU’s, is shortly disrupted for 1 to 2 seconds.
2.3.3 Loss of the Interpreter Desk
In case the Network Controller (NCO) in a Multi CCU system is rebooted within 30 seconds after change of the Interpreter Desk configuration, the configuration can be lost and the interpreter desk will be uninstalled. Re-configure the interpreter desk and wait minimum 30 seconds before reboot the NCO.
2.3.4 Up to 6 CCU supported by the DCN-
The DCN-SWSMV supports up to 6 CCU’s in a Multi CCU system set-up. If more CCU’s are required use the DCN Classic software modules.
when powered on.
up/down a CCU in a Multi CCU system.
configuration after reboot of NCO in a Multi CCU system.
SWSMV Synoptic Microphone and Voting Software.

2.2 Errata

2.2.1 Integrus Manual: Menu Item 4B Network Mode

When the Integrus transmitter is connected to the optical ring of a DCN Next generation System the Integrus transmitter can remain as master in the optical network. This can cause unwanted behavior of system. The content of menu item 4B is changed towards Automatic (stand alone use)and Enabled (used when the transmitter is exclusively used in combination with DCB-NG)
Bosch Communications Systems | 2007 March
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