Bosch CC488, Solution Ultima 880 Quick Reference Manual

Quick Reference Guide
Solution Ultima 880
CC488 | Quick Reference Guide | Notices EN | 2
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1.0 Overview ...........................................................6
1.1 Introduction.......................................................6
1.2 Programming..................................................... 6
1.3 Programming Using A Codepad .................... 6
1.4 Programming Option Bits................................7
1.5 Installer’s Programming Commands.............. 7
1.6 Arming/Disarming the System .......................8
1.7 Isolating Zones ..................................................8
1.7.1 Standard Isolating............................................. 8
1.7.2 Code to Isolate.................................................. 8
1.8 Add/Delete RF Devices (Wireless Zones) .....8
1.8.1 Add RF Device .................................................8
1.8.2 Delete RF Device..............................................8
1.9 Set First Test Report.........................................8
1.10 Event Memory Recall ......................................8
1.11 Walk Test Mode ............................................... 8
1.12 Satellite Siren Service Mode............................9
1.13 Telephone Monitor Mode (Toggle
On/Off).............................................................. 9
1.14 Add/Delete User Code/RF Keyfob................9
1.14.1 Add A User Code.............................................9
1.14.2 Add RF Keyfob................................................. 9
1.14.3 Delete a User Code/RF Keyfob......................9
1.15 Change Domestic Telephone Numbers......... 9
1.16 Turn Outputs On/Off ......................................9
1.17 Setting Date and Time ..................................... 9
1.18 Day Alarm – Toggle On/Off ..........................9
1.19 STAY Mode 2 Zones – Program ....................9
1.20 Fault Analysis ..................................................10
1.21 Modem Call (Alarm Link).............................10
1.22 Latching Outputs (Reset) ...............................10
1.23 Codepad ID/Buzzer Tone .............................10
1.24 Test Report......................................................10
1.25 Speaker Test ....................................................10
1.26 Bell Test ...........................................................10
1.27 Strobe Test (Toggle On/Off)......................... 10
1.28 Telco Arm Sequence (Call Forward On).....10
1.29 Telco Disarm Sequence (Call Forward
Off) ...................................................................10
2.0 Programming Parameters ..............................11
2.1 Phone Programming.......................................11
2.1.1 Phone Number 1 - Receiver 1.......................11
2.1.2 Phone Number 2 - Receiver 1.......................11
2.1.3 Handshake Tone For Receiver 1..................11
2.1.4 Transmission Format For Receiver 1 ...........11
2.1.5 Subscriber ID Number For Receiver 1........11
2.1.6 Phone Number 1 - Receiver 2.......................11
2.1.7 Phone Number 2 - Receiver 2.......................11
2.1.8 Handshake Tone For Receiver 2 ..................11
2.1.9 Transmission Format For Receiver 2 ...........11
2.1.10 Subscriber ID Number For Receiver 2 ........11
2.1.11 Dialling Format ...............................................11
2.1.12 Reserved ..........................................................11
2.1.13 Telco Arming Sequence (Call Forward
2.1.14 Telco Disarm Sequence (Call Forward
2.1.15 Call Back Telephone Number.......................11
2.1.16 Ring Count ......................................................11
2.1.17 Telephone Line Fail Options.........................12
2.1.18 Dialler Options 1 ............................................12
2.1.19 Dialler Options 2 ............................................12
2.1.20 Dialler Options 3 ............................................12
2.1.21 Dialler Options 3 (V1.04+)............................12
2.1.22 Alarm Link Options .......................................12
2.2 Installer Code..................................................12
2.3 User Code Programming...............................12
2.3.1 User Codes ......................................................12
2.3.2 Authority Levels..............................................12
2.4 Day Alarm Zones............................................13
2.5 EOL Resistor Value........................................13
2.6 Zone Programming.........................................13
2.6.1 Zone Defaults ..................................................13
2.6.2 Zone Types......................................................14
2.6.3 Zone Pulse Count............................................14
2.6.4 Zone Pulse Count Time .................................14
2.6.5 Zone Options 1 ...............................................14
2.6.6 Zone Options 2 ...............................................14
2.6.7 Zone Dialler Options......................................14
2.6.8 Keyswitch Zone Options................................14
2.7 Swinger Programming....................................14
2.7.1 Swinger Shutdown Count For Siren.............14
2.7.2 Swinger Shutdown Count For Dialler ..........14
2.8 Zone Status Programming..............................14
2.8.1 Zone Status – Zone Tamper Report .............14
2.8.2 Zone Status – Walk Test Report ...................14
2.8.3 Zone Status – Bypass Report.........................14
2.8.4 Zone Status – Trouble Report.......................14
2.8.5 Zone Status – Sensor Watch Report.............15
2.8.6 Zone Status – Alarm Restore Code ..............15
2.8.7 Zone Status Reporting Options.....................15
2.9 RF Programming.............................................15
2.9.1 RF Supervision Time......................................15
2.9.2 RF Low Battery Report..................................15
2.9.3 RF Receiver Trouble Report.........................15
2.9.4 RF Receiver Trouble Restore Report...........15
2.9.5 RF Dialler Options .........................................15
2.10 Report Programming......................................15
2.10.1 Open/Close Reports.......................................15
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Open/Close Reporting Options....................15
2.10.3 Codepad Duress Report.................................15
2.10.4 Codepad Panic Report...................................15
2.10.5 Codepad Fire Report......................................15
2.10.6 Codepad Medical Report ..............................15
2.10.7 Codepad Reporting Options......................... 15
2.11 System Status Programming..........................15
2.11.1 System Status – Fuse Fail Report..................15
2.11.2 System Status – Fuse Fail Restore Report....15
2.11.3 System Status – AC Fail Report....................15
2.11.4 System Status – AC Fail Restore Report .....16
2.11.5 System Status – Low Battery Report ............16
2.11.6 System Status – Low Battery Restore
Report ..............................................................16
2.11.7 System Status – Access Denied (Code
2.11.8 System Status Reporting Options .................16
2.12 Test Report Programming .............................16
2.12.1 Test Report Time (Automatic) ......................16
2.12.2 Test Reporting Dailler Options.....................16
2.13 Output Programming .....................................16
2.13.1 Outputs ............................................................16
2.13.2 Event Codes ....................................................17
2.13.3 Polarity (Modes).............................................. 18
2.13.4 Time Base ........................................................18
2.13.5 Time Base Multiplier......................................18
2.13.6 One Shot Mode ..............................................18
2.13.7 Pulsing Mode...................................................18
2.14 Time Programming ........................................18
2.14.1 Entry Time 1 ...................................................18
2.14.2 Entry Time 2 ...................................................18
2.14.3 Exit Time (AWAY/STAY Modes) ...............18
2.14.4 Entry Guard Time For STAY Mode............18
2.14.5 Delay Alarm Report Time.............................18
2.14.6 Sensor Watch Time ........................................18
2.14.7 Codepad Lockout Time.................................18
2.14.8 Siren Run Time...............................................18
2.14.9 Siren Sound Rate ............................................18
2.14.10 Auto Arming Pre-Alert Time ........................18
2.14.11 Auto Arming Time .........................................18
2.14.12 Auto Disarming Time ....................................18
2.14.13 Kiss-Off Wait Time.........................................18
2.14.14 Speaker Beep Volume....................................19
2.15 Options Programming....................................19
2.15.1 System Options 1............................................19
2.15.2 System Options 2............................................19
2.15.3 System Options 3............................................19
2.15.4 System Options 4............................................19
2.15.5 Consumer Options 1 ......................................19
2.15.6 Consumer Options 2 ......................................19
2.15.7 Consumer Options 3 ......................................19
2.15.8 Radio Input Options.......................................19
2.15.9 Partitioning Options 1 ....................................19
2.15.10 Partitioning Options 2 ....................................19
2.16 Zone Allocations Programming ....................19
2.16.11 Zone Allocations for Area 1 ..........................19
2.16.12 Zone Allocations for Area 2 ..........................19
2.17 User Code Area Assignment.........................20
2.18 Domestic Telephone Numbers .....................20
2.19 Reserved ..........................................................20
2.20 RF Programming.............................................20
2.20.1 RF Options ......................................................20
2.20.2 RF Device Mapping for Devices 1 to 8........20
2.20.3 RF Device Mapping for Devices 9 to 16 .....20
2.20.4 Ring Burst Time (V1.07+) .............................20
2.20.5 RF Signal Strength for Devices 1 to 8 ..........20
2.20.6 RF Signal Strength for Devices 9 to 16 ........20
2.21 System Option Programming........................20
2.21.7 Default Options...............................................20
2.21.2 System Time....................................................20
2.21.3 System Date.....................................................21
3.0 Solution Ultima RF Receiver Interface........22
4.0 RF Keyfob Operations ...................................23
5.0 Connections for Split EOL Resistors............23
5.1 8 Burglary Zones.............................................23
5.2 8 Zone Operation Using N/O Contacts.......24
6.0 Wiring Diagrams.............................................24
6.1 Keyswitch Zone...............................................24
6.2 Solution Ultima Series....................................25
7.0 Component Overlay.......................................26
8.0 Codepad Connections Partitioning...............27
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Figure 1: RF Receiver (RF 3212/E) Wiring
Diagram.................................................... 22
Figure 2: RF3332/E – 2 Button RF Keyfob..........23
Figure 3: RF3332/E – 4 Button RF Keyfob..........23
Figure 4: Split EOL Wiring Diagram (Location
266 = 15) ..................................................23
Figure 5: Split EOL Wiring Diagram with Tamper
(Location 266 = 14).................................23
Figure 6: Split EOL Wiring Diagrams Using N/O
Contacts.................................................... 24
Figure 7: Wiring Diagram for Keyswitch Zone....24
Figure 8: Solution Ultima Series Wiring
Diagram.................................................... 25
Figure 9: Solution Ultima Series Component
Figure 10: Connections for CP-5 Master Partitioned
(CP500P) Codepad and CP-5 Area
Addressable (CP500A) Codepad...........27
Figure 11: Connections for Two CP-5 Eight Zone
Area Addressable (CP500A)
Table 1: Quick Guide to Programming..................6
Table 2: Codepad Indicators ...................................7
Table 3: Programming Option Bits.........................7
Table 4: Installer’s Programming Commands .......7
Table 5: Arming/Disarming the System ................8
Table 6: Telephone Monitor Mode ........................9
Table 7: Fault Analysis Conditions .......................10
Table 8: Codepad ID/Buzzer Tone ......................10
CC488 | Quick Reference Guide | 1.0 Overview EN | 6
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1.0 Overview
1.1 Introduction
Thank you for choosing the Solution Ultima 880 Control Panel (model CC488) for your installation. You will find this system extremely flexible, reliable, and easy to use. This Quick Reference Guide is supplied with the system to provide users with enough basic information to wire, configure, and program the system. Due to the systems many programmable features and options, we suggest that you obtain the CC484/CC486/CC488 Installation Manual that provides detailed information on system options, functions, and programming methods.
1.2 Programming
The programming options of the system are stored in a non-volatile EPROM. This memory holds all information during a total power loss and can be changed as many times as required.
The entire programming sequence consists of entering a location number and changing the data as required.
Use the following methods to program the system:
Hand Held Programmer
Alarm Link Software
1.3 Programming Using A Codepad
The system must be disarmed (with no active alarm) to program the system. If there is an active alarm or the system is armed, enter the code for User 1 (Default = 2580) followed by the [#] key. (User Code 1 is factory default as the Master Code.)
To enter Installer’s Programming Mode, enter the installer code (Default = 1234) followed by the [#] key. Two beeps are heard and both the STAY and AWAY indicators flash simultaneously to indicate that you entered programming mode. The codepad indicators displays the current data programmed in LOCATION 000 (first location of the Primary Telephone Number).
To move to another programming location, enter the location number followed by the [#] key. The data in the new location is displayed using the codepad indicators. (For example, if you enter [3 4 #], the system jumps to LOCATION 034, the beginning of the Subscriber ID Number For Receiver 1.)
To move to the next location, press the [#] key. This steps you to the next location. The data in the next location is displayed using the codepad indicators. (For example, if you are currently positioned at LOCATION 034, pressing the [#] key takes you to LOCATION 035.)
To step back one location, press the [*] key. (For example, if you are currently positioned at LOCATION 35, pressing the [*] key returns to LOCATION 34.)
To change data in the current location, enter the new value (0 to 15) followed by the [*] key. This stores the new data into the location. (For example, if you enter the value [1 4 *], both the Zone 4 indicator and the MAINS indicator display to represent the new data value.)
To move to the next location, press the [#] key. The data in the next location displays.
To exit Installer’s Programming Mode, enter [9 6 0 #]. Two beeps are heard and the STAY and AWAY indicators no longer display. The system returns to the disarmed state and is ready for use.
Table 1 displays a quick guide to programming:
Table 1: Quick Guide to Programming
Task Keystrokes
Enter Installer’s Programming Mode
[1 2 3 4 #]
Exit Installer’s Programming Mode
[9 6 0 #]
Step to next Location [#] Step back one Location [*] Program new data into
[Data][*] (Data = 0 to 15)
Jump to another Location [Location No.][#]
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Table 2: Codepad Indicators
Data Value
Zone 1 Indicator
Zone 2 Indicator
Zone 3 Indicator
Zone 4 Indicator
Zone 5 Indicator
Zone 6 Indicator
Zone 7 Indicator
Zone 8 Indicator
MAINS Indicator
0 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 X 8 X 9 X X 10 X 11 X X 12 X X 13 X X 14 X X 15 X X
1.4 Programming Option Bits
Use option bits to program any combination of the four different options in one location by adding the options together. Programming a zero disables all four options.
If at LOCATION 177 you only want options 1, 2, and 4, add the numbers together and the total is the number to be programmed. The number to be programmed is 7 (1 + 2 + 4 = 7).
Table 3: Programming Option Bits
Option Description
1 Dialler reporting functions allowed 2 Remote arming using telephone allowed 4 Answering machine bypass only when armed 8 Use bell 103 for FSK format
(Disabled = CCITT V21)
1.5 Installer’s Programming Commands
Installer Programming Commands, displayed in Table 4, can only be used when you enter Installer’s Programming Mode. Enter the command followed by the [#] key.
Table 4: Installer’s Programming Commands
Command Description
958 Enable/disable zone status (hand held programmer
required). 959 Test programming key. 960 Exit Installer’s Programming Mode. 961 Default system back to factory settings. 962 Copy panel memory to programming key. 963 Copy programming key to panel memory. 964 Erase programming key. 965 Default system for domestic dialling format. 966 Enable/disable automatic stepping of locations
when programming. 999 Display software version (hand held programmer
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1.6 Arming/Disarming the System
1.7 Isolating Zones
1.7.1 Standard Isolating
1. Press the [*] key twice.
2. Enter the zone number that you want isolated, followed by the [*] key. Repeat step 2 if more than one zone is required to be isolated.
3. Press the [#] key to exit when finished.
1.7.2 Code to Isolate
1. Press the [*] key once.
2. Enter your user code.
3. Enter the zone number that you want isolated, followed by the [*] key. Repeat Step 2 if more than one zone is required to be isolated.
4. Press the [#] key to exit when finished.
1.8 Add/Delete RF Devices (Wireless
1.8.1 Add RF Device
1. Enter the four character Installer Code, followed by [0] and the [#] key (for example, [1 2 3 4 0 #]).
2. Enter the Device Number (1 to 16) you want to add, followed by the [#] key.
3. Enter the 9-digit RF device ID number, followed by the [#] key.
1.8.2 Delete RF Device
1. Enter the Installer Code followed by [0] and the [#] key (for example, [1 2 3 4 0 #]).
2. Enter the Device Number (1 to 16) you want to delete, followed by the [#] key.
3. Press the [*] key to delete the RF device.
1.9 Set First Test Report
1. Enter the four character Installer Code, followed by [1] and the [#] key (for example, [1 2 3 4 1 #]).
2. Enter the Number Of Days (0 to 15) to wait until the first test report, followed by the [#] key.
1.10 Event Memory Recall
Enter the four character Installer Code or Master Code, followed by [8] and the [#] key (for example, [1 2 3 4 8 #]).
The last 40 events (non partitioned) or last ten events (partitioned) are displayed in reverse order (for example, most recent to least recent).
1.11 Walk Test Mode
1. Enter the four character Installer Code or Master Code, followed by [7] and the [#] key (for example, [1 2 3 4 7 #]).
2. Test each zone as required.
3. Press the [#] key to exit.
Table 5: Arming/Disarming the System
AWAY Mode STAY Mode 1 STAY Mode 2
Arming (On)
Press and hold the [#] key until two beeps are heard.
Or Enter your code followed by the [#]
key (for example, [2 5 8 0 #]). Or To arm all areas, enter your code
followed by [0] and then the [#] key (for example, [2 5 8 0 0 #]).
Use a code to arm all areas simultaneously that the code is assigned to in AWAY Mode without needing to arm each area individually.
Press and hold the [*] key until two beeps are heard.
Or Enter your code followed by the [*]
key (for example, [2 5 8 0 *]).
Press and hold the [0] key until two beeps are heard.
Disarming (Off)
Enter your code followed by the [#] key (for example, [2 5 8 0 #]).
Or To disarm all areas, enter your code
followed by [0] and then the [#] key (for example, [2 5 8 0 0 #]).
Use a code to disarm all areas simultaneously that the code is assigned without needing to disarm each area individually.
Press and hold the [*] key until two beeps are heard (only if no alarm).
Or Enter your code followed by the [#]
key (for example, [2 5 8 0 #]).
Press the [0] key until two beeps are heard (only if no alarm).
Or Enter your code followed by the [#]
key (for example, [2 5 8 0 #]).
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1.12 Satellite Siren Service Mode
Enter the four character Installer Code, followed by [5] and the [#] key (for example, [1 2 3 4 5 #]).
1.13 Telephone Monitor Mode (Toggle On/Off)
1. Enter the four character Installer Code,
followed by [6] and the [#] key (for example, [1 2 3 4 6 #]).
2. Press and hold the [9] key until two beeps are
heard to send a test report.
Table 6: Telephone Monitor Mode
Zone LED Dialling Event
1 Telephone Line Seized 2 Dialling Telephone Number 3 Handshake Received 4 Data Being Sent 5 Kiss-Off Received None Released Telephone Line
1.14 Add/Delete User Code/RF Keyfob
1.14.1 Add A User Code
1. Enter the four character Master Code,
followed by [1] and the [#] key (for example, [2 5 8 0 1 #]).
2. Enter the User Number (1 to 16) you want to
add/change, followed by the [#] key.
3. Enter the new code, followed by the [#] key.
1.14.2 Add RF Keyfob
1. Enter the four character Master Code,
followed by [1] and the [#] key (for example, [2 5 8 0 1 #]).
2. Enter the User Number (9 to 16) you want to
add, followed by the [#] key.
3. Enter the 9-digit RF keyfob ID number,
followed by the [#] key.
1.14.3 Delete a User Code/RF Keyfob
1. Enter the four character Master Code,
followed by [1] and the [#] key (for example, [2 5 8 0 1 #]).
2. Enter the User Number (1 to 16) you want to
delete, followed by the [#] key.
3. Press the [*] key to delete the User Code.
1.15 Change Domestic Telephone Numbers
1. Enter the four character Installer Code or
Master Code, followed by [2] and the [#] key (for example, [1 2 3 4 2 #]).
2. Enter the digits for the telephone number.
3. If there is more than one telephone number,
press the [*] key, followed by the [4] key (inserts break between phone numbers) and repeat Step 2, or press the [#] key to exit.
1.16 Turn Outputs On/Off
1. Enter the four character Master Code,
followed by [5] and the [#] key (for example, [2 5 8 0 5 #]).
2. Enter the Output Number (1 to 3) you want to
toggle on or off.
3. Press the [#] key to toggle on or the [*] key to
toggle off.
4. Press the [#] key to exit.
1.17 Setting Date and Time
1. Enter the four character Master Code,
followed by [6] and the [#] key (for example, [2 5 8 0 6 #]).
2. Enter the day (DD), month (MM), and year
(YY) followed by the hour (HH) and minute (MM).
3. Press the [#] key to exit.
1.18 Day Alarm – Toggle On/Off
Press and hold the [4] key until two beeps are heard. Day alarm toggles on or off.
1.19 STAY Mode 2 Zones – Program
1. Enter the four character Installer Code or
Master Code, followed by [4] and the [#] key (for example, [1 2 3 4 4 #]).
2. Enter the Zone Number you want the system
to automatically isolate, followed by the [*] key. Repeat if more than one zone must be automatically isolated when armed in STAY Mode 2.
3. Press the [#] key to exit.
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