Bosch C900V2 User Manual

Installation Guide
Dialer Capture Ethernet Module
Conettix C900V2 | Installation Guide | Trademarks
Altronix® is a registered trademark of Altronix Corporation.
Phillips Company in the United States and other countries.
Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
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UL Listings and Approvals
The Conettix C900V2 Dialer Capture Ethernet Module is UL Listed under the following standards:
UL Central Station Burglary (1610), Encrypted
Line Security
UL Commercial Fire Alarm Signaling (864),
UL Police Station Burglar Alarm Units and
Systems (365)
FCC Part 15 Radiated/Conducted Emissions
cUL S304-M88, Central and Monitoring Station
Burglar Alarm Units
C1076, Proprietary Burglar Alarm Units and
cUL installations approved for Level 3 Line Security when communicating over a packet-switched data network (PSDN). Install according to ULC-S302.
Refer to the D6200 Software Operation and Installation Guide (P/N:
4998154991) for information on how to prepare the D6600 or D6100i in your Monitoring Center to receive UL Listed communications from a Conettix C900V2 Dialer Capture Ethernet Module.
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1.0 Introduction..................................................4
2.0 Installation....................................................4
2.1 Mounting ...................................................... 4
2.1.1 Optional Mounting Plate............................... 4
2.1.2 Attaching the Module to the Enclosure Door 5
2.1.3 Separate Enclosure Mounting...................... 5
2.2 Wiring........................................................... 6
2.3 Input Functions ............................................ 7
2.4 Output Functions.......................................... 7
2.5 Power Terminal Strip ................................... 7
2.6 Telephone Connections ............................... 7
2.7 Ethernet Connection .................................... 8
3.0 Setup.............................................................8
3.1 Setting P3 .................................................... 8
3.2 Setting the DIP Switches.............................. 8
3.3 LEDs.......................................................... 10
3.3.1 System LED (LED 1).................................. 10
3.3.2 Dialer LED (LED 2) .................................... 10
3.5 Dialer Interaction........................................ 12
4.0 C900V2 Configuration Setup Instructions
.................................................................... 13
4.1 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
................................................................... 13
4.2 Identifying the MAC Hardware Address ..... 13
4.3 Getting an IP Address................................ 13
4.4 Initial IP Address Assignment Using ARP.EXE
................................................................... 13
4.5 Using Telnet to Finish the Configuration .... 14
4.5.1 Starting Windows 98SE, ME Telnet ........... 14
4.5.2 Starting Windows 2000/XP Telnet.............. 15
4.5.3 Configuration Using Telnet ........................ 16
5.0 Anti-Substitution Protection.................... 18
6.0 UL Standard 1610 and ULC S304 Intrusion
System Installations................................. 19
6.1 Protected Premises Control Panel without
Digital Dialer Backup.................................. 19
6.2 Protected Premises Control Panel with Digital
Dialer Backup............................................. 22
7.0 UL Standard 864 for Fire System
Installations............................................... 23
8.0 Specifications ........................................... 26
Appendix : C900V2 Compatible Data Formats ... 27
Conettix C900V2 | Installation Guide | Contents
Figure 1: Location of Major Components ..............4
Figure 2: Optional Mounting Plate ........................ 5
Figure 3: Attaching to Enclosure Door .................. 5
Figure 4: C900V2 in AE2 Enclosure ..................... 5
Figure 5: Wiring to a DS7400Xi in the Same
Enclosure............................................... 6
Figure 6: C900V2 Input, Output, and Power .........7
Figure 7: RJ-11 Connector Wiring ........................ 7
Figure 8: C900V2 DIP Switches ........................... 8
Figure 9: C900V2 LED Locations ....................... 10
Figure 10: MAC Address Label Example.............. 13
Figure 11: ARP Table ........................................... 14
Figure 12: C900V2 and Generic Control Panel in
Separate Enclosures (UL Standard 1610,
with or without Telephone Line)........... 20
Figure 13: C900V2 and Generic Control Panel in
Separate Enclosures (UL Standard 864)
............................................................ 24
Table 1: Power Terminal Functions ..................... 7
Table 2: Control Panel and PSTN RJ-45
Table 3: Ethernet Connector Pins........................ 8
Table 4: Digital Dialer Protocol (DIP Switches 1
Table 5: DIP Switches 5 through 9 .................... 10
Table 6: System LED Functions ........................ 11
Table 7: Dialer LED Functions........................... 11
Table 8: Dialer Interaction Forcing C900V2 into
Table 9: Netmask Address ................................16
Table 10: Connection Sequence – C900V2 and
Table 11: Connection Sequence – C900V2 and
Table 12: Specifications ...................................... 26
Table 13: Compatible Central Station Receiver
Connectors ............................................ 7
through 4, and 10) .................................9
Fallback Mode .....................................12
Generic Control Panel in Separate Enclosures (UL Standard 1610, with or
without Telephone Line) ...................... 21
Generic Control Panel in Separate
Enclosures (UL Standard 864)............. 25
Formats ...............................................27
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Conettix C900V2 | Installation Guide | Contents
1.0 Introduction
The Conettix C900V2 Dialer Capture Ethernet Module (referred to as the C900V2) links the digital dialer (data output) from a control panel to an Ethernet connection on a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN).
When the dialer sends a message, the C900V2 simulates a public switched telephone network (PSTN) connection to the central station. The C900V2 decodes the digital dialer message and sends the decoded signals by Ethernet connection to the Conettix D6600 or D6100i. Communication Gateway/Receiver (referred to as the receiver). When the receiver acknowledges receipt of the message, the C900V2 sends an acknowledge message to the dialer. This process maintains true end-to-end security.
The C900V2 has three modular connectors:
TELCO connects to the PSTN.
PANEL connects to a digital dialer.
Ethernet connects to the network.
In Intercept Mode, the C900V2 connects the digital dialer to a LAN or WAN. In Fallback Mode, the C900V2 connects the dialer to the PSTN, which bypasses the C900V2 from the phone circuit. The C900V2 stays in Intercept Mode when its CPU is working (Output 1 open). In Fallback Mode, the C900V2 connects the dialer directly to the PSTN. The C900V2 switches to Fallback Mode if there is a CPU or network failure.
2.0 Installation
Failure to follow these instructions can result in the system failing to transmit an alarm. Bosch Security Systems, Inc. is not responsible for improperly installed, tested, or maintained devices.
Notify the central station and the local authority before installing the C900V2 in an existing system.
Disconnect all power to the control panel before installing the C900V2.
2.1 Mounting
The C900V2 is static sensitive. Before handling the circuit board, touch earth ground to discharge any static electricity from your body. Use a grounding strap while installing the circuit board.
Figure 1: Location of Major Components
1 – RJ-45 phone jack (to PSTN) 2 – RJ-45 phone jack (to control panel) 3 – High and low voltage selector (refer to
Section 3.1 on page 8)
4 – DIP switch (refer to Section 3.2 on page 8) 5 – RJ-45 Ethernet jack (to LAN or WAN) 6 – Power terminal strip (refer to Section 2.5 on
page 7)
7 – Input and output wiring terminals (refer to
Sections 2.3 and 2.4 on page 7)
8 – Dialer and system LEDs (refer to Section 3.3 on
page 10)
2.1.1 Optional Mounting Plate
Use an optional mounting plate (P/N: 40182) for mounting the C900V2 on the door of a control panel (D8103) or a fire control panel enclosure (D8109). You cannot use the D8108A Attack Resistant Enclosure.
Mounting a C900V2 in a control panel enclosure is approved by UL only when used with a DS7400Xi as shown in Figure 5 on page 6.
For the following procedure, refer to Figure 2 on page
1. Insert the top hook of the supplied top (1) and
bottom plastic standoffs (2) into the mounting plate brackets (3). Refer to Detail A.
2. Align the holes in the mounting brackets (3) and
the plastic standoffs (1 and 2).
4 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 8/08 | F01U087780-01
Figure 2: Optional Mounting Plate
3. Place the top edge of the C900V2 (4) under the
standoff bracket of the top two standoffs (1).
4. Insert two of the Phillips
head screws provided
(5) through the holes in the top standoffs (3).
5. Lower the bottom edge of the module to rest
against the ledge of the two bottom standoffs (2).
6. Insert the other two Phillips head screws (5) into
the bottom two mounting holes (6) on the C900V2 and through the bottom two plastic standoffs (2) and mounting bracket (3).
7. Tighten the screws until the C900V2 is attached
securely to the mounting plate.
2.1.2 Attaching the Module to the Enclosure Door
Refer to Figure 3.
Conettix C900V2 | Installation Guide | Contents
2.1.3 Separate Enclosure Mounting
You can mount the C900V2 in a separate enclosure such as the AE2. Refer to Figure 4.
Mount the enclosure on a vertical surface before you install the C900V2 because the C900V2 covers one of the mounting holes (9).
1. Place the top edge of the C900V2 (1) between the
two slots (2) on the inside top of the enclosure (3).
2. Insert the top hook of the top plastic standoffs (4)
into the mounting brackets (5) on the back wall of the enclosure (6), showing a side view of the standoff in the mounting bracket).
3. Align the bottom two mounting holes (7) on the
C900V2 with the plastic standoffs (4) and the enclosure mounting brackets (5).
4. Insert two screws (8) into the holes and slowly
tighten until the C900V2 is secured firmly to the enclosure.
Figure 4: C900V2 in AE2 Enclosure
Figure 3: Attaching to Enclosure Door
1. Slide the tabs (1) at the top of the mounting plate
over the top lip of the enclosure door (2).
2. Position the mounting plate on the side farthest
from the door hinge.
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Conettix C900V2 | Installation Guide | Contents
2.2 Wiring
Figure 5: Wiring to a DS7400Xi in the Same Enclosure
1 – C900V2 2 – To LAN or WAN port 3 – DS7400Xi Control Panel 4 – Non-power limited area
NOTE: All power limited wiring must be at least
6.4 mm (0.25 in.) from the battery wiring.
5 – Battery 6 – EOL resistor for the control panel, attached to
terminals 7 – DS7481 Single Phone Line Monitor (optional) 8 – Telco jack 9 – RJ31X 10 – House telephone
You can use the C900V2 with a variety of control panels. The next sections provide information for wiring the C900V2 to a generic control panel. Refer to Figure 5.
The control panel’s phone line monitor becomes inactive when the C900V2 intercepts the phone line between the
The DS7400Xi is the only control panel approved by UL to be wired in the same enclosure as the C900V2. You must install any other control panel in a separate enclosure to receive the UL approval.
telco service and the control panel. If phone line monitoring is required, use an external phone line monitor, such as the Bosch Security Systems, Inc. DS7481.
The loss of a network connection closes the Output 2 relay contact on the C900V2. You can connect this output to a 24-hour zone on the control panel.
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2.3 Input Functions
The C900V2 has three inputs monitored by analog­to-digital (A/D) converters:
Input 1 (IN1): Used as an end-of-line (EOL)
supervised loop. If input status reports are enabled by the receiver using the Conettix D6200 Programming/Administration Software (referred to as D6200 Software), any voltage below 1.66 VDC is sent as a short-circuit message to the D6600. Any voltage above
3.33 VDC is sent as an open-circuit message. Input 1 must be EOL-terminated with a 10 k resistor. Refer to the D6600/D6100i Computer Interface Manual (P/N: 4998122703) for Event Messages to automation software.
Input 2 (IN2): Used for Intercept Inhibit. If Input
2 rises above 5.5 VDC, the C900V2 is immediately forced into Fallback Mode for at least 2 minutes. Input 2 must go low for at least 5 seconds to be considered low. If Input 2 is not used, allow it to remain disconnected.
Input 3 (IN3): Used for Intercept Override. If
Input 3 rises above 5.5 VDC for 5 seconds, the C900V2 enters Fallback Mode. If Input 3 goes low, the C900V2 returns to Intercept Mode. If this input is connected to a ground start relay output, the C900V2 remains in Intercept Mode, except to allow the dialer to dial. Input 3 cannot force Intercept Mode if the C900V2 is in Fallback Mode because of an error, a command, or a high signal at Input 2. If this input is not used, allow it to remain disconnected.
You cannot use Inputs 1, 2 and 3 for UL Fire Listing. You can use the inputs for other purposes.
Figure 6: C900V2 Input, Output, and Power
2.4 Output Functions
The C900V2 has four relay contact outputs:
Output 1 (OUT1): Active (open) when the CPU
works properly. If the CPU fails or loses power, Output 1 closes.
Connect Output 1 from the C900V2 to a 24-hour zone on the control panel. This 24-Hour Zone Alarm report enables the digital dialer, if used, to indicate or sound a failure if the C900V2 CPU fails.
Conettix C900V2 | Installation Guide |
Output 2 (OUT2): Active (open) when the
receiver works properly, and closed when the receiver does not respond to or acknowledge a message sent from the C900V2.
Connect Output 2 from the C900V2 to a 24-hour zone on the control panel. This 24-Hour Zone Alarm Report enables the digital dialer, if used, to indicate or sound a failure if the network communications path fails.
Output 3 (OUT3): Active (open) when the
C900V2 is in Intercept Mode.
Output 4 (OUT4): Controlled by a command
from the D6200 Software or receiver. The default is open.
2.5 Power Terminal Strip
Table 1: Power Terminal Functions
Terminal Description
V (+) Connect regulated 12 to 24 VDC power to
this terminal and the – V terminal. This power can be supplied by a separate power supply or auxiliary power from the control panel.
V (–) 12 to 24 VDC return.
Connect to earth ground.
2.6 Telephone Connections
Use two of the RJ-45 telephone connectors to connect to the control panel and to the PSTN. The connector pins are identified in Table 2 and Figure 7.
Table 2: Control Panel and PSTN RJ-45
Pin Connection
1 T1 4 T 5 R 8 R1
Figure 7: RJ-11 Connector Wiring
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Conettix C900V2 | Installation Guide | 3.0 Setup
2.7 Ethernet Connection
One of the RJ-45 jacks connects the C900V2 to the Ethernet Network (LAN or WAN).
The connector pins are listed in Table 3.
Table 3: Ethernet Connector Pins
Pin Connection
1 TX+ 2 TX– 3 RX+ 6 RX–
3.0 Setup
3.1 Setting P3
A shorting link on P3 selects the voltage and current applied to the alarm panel’s telephone circuit to simulate the signal from a PSTN telephone exchange. For most alarm panels, set the shorting link to the H position (short the middle and right pins of P3). The L position results in slightly lower power consumption for the C900V2 but some alarm panels might report a telephone line failure when dialing the C900V2.
For UL approved applications, the shorting link must be set to the H position.
3.2 Setting the DIP Switches
A ten-position DIP switch programs the C900V2. The programming depends on the application and dialer format of the control panel connected to the module.
Figure 8: C900V2 DIP Switches
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2
1 – Off 2 – On
Because the C900V2 emulates a phone line and a digital receiver, you must program the C900V2 to the format it receives from the control panel.
DIP Switch positions 1 through 4 and 10 program the dialer format into the C900V2. Table 4 on page 9 lists the format programming for these DIP switches.
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Conettix C900V2 | Installation Guide | 3.0 Setup
Table 4: Digital Dialer Protocol (DIP Switches 1 through 4, and 10)
DIP Switches
10 1 2 3 4
ON OFF OFF OFF OFF Radionics Modem IIe and Modem IIIa2 ON OFF OFF OFF ON Radionics Modem II ON OFF OFF ON OFF DTMF* ON OFF OFF ON ON DTMF* (where dialer retransmits quickly) ON OFF ON OFF OFF BFSK (2300Hz ACK Tone) ON OFF ON OFF ON BFSK (1400Hz ACK Tone) ON OFF ON ON OFF FBI Superfast DTMF (2300 Hz ACK Tone) † ON OFF ON ON ON FBI Superfast DTMF (1400 Hz ACK Tone) † ON ON OFF OFF OFF Pulse 3/1, 3/1 Checksum (2300 Hz ACK Tone) ON ON OFF OFF ON Pulse 3/1, 3/1 Checksum (1400 Hz ACK Tone) ON ON OFF ON OFF Pulse 4/2 (Long 2300 Hz ACK Tone) ON ON OFF ON ON Pulse 4/2 (Long 1400 Hz ACK Tone) ON ON ON OFF OFF SIA Bell 103 (110/300 baud, 2016 Hz ACK Tone) ON ON ON OFF ON Reserved ON ON ON ON OFF ADT-SIA† ON ON ON ON ON Reserved OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF Reserved OFF OFF OFF OFF ON Reserved OFF OFF OFF ON OFF Scancom 481, 581, 681 †, ‡ OFF OFF OFF ON ON Reserved OFF OFF ON OFF OFF Reserved OFF OFF ON OFF ON Reserved OFF OFF ON ON OFF Telim † OFF OFF ON ON ON Robofon † OFF ON OFF OFF OFF Reserved OFF ON OFF OFF ON Reserved OFF ON OFF ON OFF Reserved OFF ON OFF ON ON Reserved OFF ON ON OFF OFF SIA Bell 103 (110/300 baud, 2083 Hz ACK Tone) † OFF ON ON OFF ON SIA V.21 (110/300 baud) † OFF ON ON ON OFF Seriee DTMF † OFF ON ON ON ON Seriee FSK † * DTMF includes Contact ID, High Speed and 4/2 Express
† These formats have not been approved for UL 1610. ‡ Requires firmware version 1.12 or higher.
Dialer Format of Host Alarm Panel
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