Bosch BFL524MS0B, BFL523MS0B, BFL523MW0B, BFL523MB0B User manual and assembly instructions

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Microwave Oven
User manual and installation instructions
en Safety

Table of contents

1 Safety....................................................................2
2 Preventing material damage ...............................5
3 Environmental protection and saving en-
ergy .......................................................................5
4 Familiarising yourself with your appliance ........6
5 Before using for the first time .............................7
6 Basic operation ....................................................8
7 Memory .................................................................9
8 Programmes .........................................................9
9 Basic settings.....................................................11
10 Cleaning and servicing......................................11
11 Troubleshooting.................................................12
12 Disposal..............................................................14
13 Customer Service...............................................14
14 How it works.......................................................14
15 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS .......................18
15.1 Safe installation ..............................................

1 Safety

Observe the following safety instructions.

1.1 General information

¡ Read this instruction manual carefully. ¡ Keep the instruction manual and the
product information safe for future refer­ence or for the next owner.
¡ Do not connect the appliance if it has been
damaged in transit.

1.2 Intended use

Only a licensed professional may connect ap­pliances without plugs. Damage caused by in­correct connection is not covered under the warranty. The appliance can only be used safely if it is correctly installed according to the safety in­structions. The installer is responsible for en­suring that the appliance works perfectly at its installation location.
Only use this appliance:
¡ To prepare meals and drinks. ¡ Under supervision. Never leave the appli-
ance unattended when cooking for short periods.
¡ In private households and in enclosed
spaces in a domestic environment.
¡ Up to an altitude of max. 4000m above
sea level.
This appliance complies with the standards EN 55011 and CISPR 11. It is a group 2, class B product. Group 2 means that mi­crowaves are produced for the purpose of heating food. Class B means that the appli­ance is suitable for private households.

1.3 Restriction on user group

This appliance may be used by children aged 8 or over and by people who have reduced physical, sensory or mental abilities or inad­equate experience and/or knowledge, provided that they are supervised or have been instructed on how to use the appliance safely and have understood the resulting dangers. Children must not play with the appliance. Children must not perform cleaning or user maintenance unless they are at least 15 years old and are being supervised. Keep children under the age of 8 years away from the appliance and power cable.

1.4 Safe use

WARNING‒Risk of fire!
Combustible objects that are left in the cook­ing compartment may catch fire.
Never store combustible objects in the cooking compartment.
If smoke is emitted, the appliance must be switched off or the plug must be pulled out and the door must be held closed in order to stifle any flames.
Overheating can cause a fire.
Never install the appliance behind a decor­ative door or the door of a kitchen unit.
WARNING‒Risk of burns!
Accessories and cookware get very hot.
Always use oven gloves to remove ac­cessories or cookware from the cooking compartment.
When the cooking compartment is hot, any al­coholic vapours inside may catch fire.
Only use small quantities of drinks with a high alcohol content in food.
Open the appliance door carefully.
WARNING‒Risk of scalding!
The accessible parts of the appliance become hot during operation.
Never touch these hot parts.
Keep children at a safe distance. Hot steam may escape when you open the appliance door. Steam may not be visible, de­pending on the temperature.
Open the appliance door carefully.
Keep children at a safe distance. If there is water in the cooking compartment when it is hot, this may create hot steam.
Never pour water into the cooking compart-
ment when the cooking compartment is
WARNING‒Risk of injury!
Scratched glass in the appliance door may develop into a crack.
Do not use any harsh or abrasive cleaners
or sharp metal scrapers to clean the glass
on the appliance door, as they may scratch
the surface. The hinges on the appliance door move when the door is opened and closed, which could trap your fingers.
Keep your hands away from the hinges. Cracks, splinters or breaks in the glass turntable are dangerous.
Never allow hard objects to strike the
Handle the turntable with care.
WARNING‒Risk of electric shock!
Incorrect repairs are dangerous.
Repairs to the appliance should only be
carried out by trained specialist staff.
Only use genuine spare parts when repair-
ing the appliance.
If the power cord of this appliance is dam-
aged, it must be replaced by the manufac-
turer, the manufacturer's Customer Service
or a similarly qualified person in order to
prevent any risk. If the insulation of the power cord is dam­aged, this is dangerous.
Safety en
Never let the power cord come into contact with hot appliance parts or heat sources.
Never let the power cord come into contact with sharp points or edges.
Never kink, crush or modify the power
cord. An ingress of moisture can cause an electric shock.
Do not use steam- or high-pressure clean-
ers to clean the appliance. If the appliance or the power cord is dam­aged, this is dangerous.
Never operate a damaged appliance.
Never operate an appliance with a cracked
or fractured surface.
Call customer services. →Page14
WARNING‒Risk of suffocation!
Children may put packaging material over their heads or wrap themselves up in it and suffocate.
Keep packaging material away from chil-
Do not let children play with packaging ma-
terial. Children may breathe in or swallow small parts, causing them to suffocate.
Keep small parts away from children.
Do not let children play with small parts.

1.5 Microwave

Follow these safety instructions when using the microwave.
WARNING‒Risk of fire!
Using the appliance for anything other than its intended purpose is dangerous and may cause damage. For example, heated slippers and pillows filled with grain or cereal may catch fire, even several hours later.
Never dry food or clothing with the appli-
Never heat up slippers, pillows filled with
grain or cereal, sponges, damp cleaning
cloths or similar with the appliance.
The appliance must only be used to pre-
pare food and drink. Food may catch fire.
Never heat food contained in heat-retaining
Do not leave food heating unattended in
containers made of plastic, paper or other
combustible materials.
en Safety
Never set the microwave power too high or the cooking time too long. Follow the in­structions provided in this instruction manual.
Never use the microwave to dry food.
Never defrost or heat food with a low water content, such as bread, at too high a mi­crowave power or for too long.
Cooking oil may catch fire.
Never use the microwave to heat cooking oil on its own.
WARNING‒Risk of explosion!
Liquids and other food may explode when in containers that have been tightly sealed.
Never heat liquids or other food in contain­ers that have been tightly sealed.
WARNING‒Risk of burns!
Foods with peel or skin may burst or explode during heating, or even afterwards.
Never cook eggs in their shells or reheat hard-boiled eggs.
Never cook shellfish or crustaceans.
Always prick the yoke when baking or poaching eggs.
The skin of foods that have a peel or skin, such as apples, tomatoes, potatoes and sausages, may burst. Always prick the peel
or skin before heating. Heat is not distributed evenly through baby food.
Never heat baby food in closed containers.
Always remove the lid or teat.
Stir or shake well after heating.
Check the temperature before giving the
food or drink to a child. Heated food gives off heat. The cookware may become hot.
Always use oven gloves to remove cook-
ware or accessories from the cooking com-
partment. Airtight packaging may burst when food is heated.
Always follow the instructions on the pack-
Always use oven gloves to remove dishes
from the cooking compartment. The accessible parts of the appliance become hot during operation.
Never touch these hot parts.
Keep children at a safe distance.
Using the appliance for anything other than its intended purpose is dangerous. This is be­cause, for instance, overheated slippers, pil­lows filled with grain or cereal, sponges and damp cleaning cloths, etc., may cause burns to the skin.
Never dry food or clothing with the appli­ance.
Never heat up slippers, pillows filled with grain or cereal, sponges, damp cleaning cloths or similar with the appliance.
The appliance must only be used to pre­pare food and drink.
WARNING‒Risk of scalding!
There is a possibility of delayed boiling when a liquid is heated. This means that the liquid reaches boiling temperature without the usual steam bubbles rising to the surface. Even if the container only vibrates a little, the hot li­quid may suddenly boil over and spatter.
Always place a spoon in the container when heating liquids. This will prevent delayed boiling.
WARNING‒Risk of injury!
Unsuitable cookware may crack. Porcelain or ceramic cookware can have small perfora­tions in the handles and lid. These perfora­tions conceal a cavity below. If moisture pen­etrates this cavity, it could cause the cook­ware to crack.
Only use microwave-safe cookware. Cookware and containers made from metal or cookware with metal edging may lead to sparks being formed during simple mi­crowave operation. The appliance is dam­aged.
Never use metal containers during mi-
crowave-only operation.
Only use microwave-safe cookware.
WARNING‒Risk of electric shock!
The appliance uses a high voltage.
Never remove the casing.
Preventing material damage en
WARNING‒Risk of serious harm to
The surface of the appliance may become damaged if it is not cleaned properly. Mi­crowave energy may escape.
Clean the appliance on a regular basis, and remove any food residue immediately.
Always keep the cooking compartment, door and door stop clean.

2  Preventing material damage

2.1 General

The prolonged presence of moisture in the cooking compartment leads to corrosion.
Always wipe away the condensation after cooking.
Do not keep moist food in the cooking compartment for a long time with the door closed.
Do not store food in the cooking compartment.
Sitting or placing objects on the appliance door may damage it.
Do not place or hang objects on the appliance door.

2.2 Microwave

Follow these instructions when using the microwave.
Metal touching the wall of the cooking compartment will cause sparks, which may damage the appliance or the inner door pane.
Metal (e.g. a spoon in a glass) must be kept at least 2cm from the cooking compartment walls and the inside of the door.
Placing aluminium containers in the appliance may cause sparks, which will damage the appliance.
Do not use aluminium containers in the appliance.
Operating the appliance without food in the cooking compartment may lead to overloading.
Microwave energy may escape if the cooking compartment door is damaged.
Never use the appliance if the cooking compartment door or the plastic door frame is damaged.
Call the customer service. Microwave energy will escape from appli­ances that do not have any casing.
Never remove the casing.
Contact our after-sales service if mainten-
ance or repair work is needed.
Do not switch on the microwave unless there is food
inside. The only exception to this rule is when per-
forming a short cookware test.
If you prepare several bags of microwave popcorn in immediate succession at a microwave power level that is too high, the cooking compartment may be dam­aged.
Leave the appliance to cool down for several
minutes between each use.
Never set a microwave power level that is too high.
Use a maximum microwave output of 600 watts.
Always place the popcorn bag on a glass plate. The microwave feed is damaged by the removal of the
Never remove the cover of the microwave feed in
the cooking compartment. Removing the transparent film from the inside of the
door damages the appliance door.
Never remove the transparent film on the inside of
the door. Liquid that penetrates the interior of the appliance may
damage the turntable drive.
Monitor the cooking process.
Set a shorter cooking time first and, if necessary, in-
crease the cooking time.
Never use the appliance without the turntable.

3  Environmental protection and saving energy

3.1 Disposing of packaging

The packaging materials are environmentally compat­ible and can be recycled.
Sort the individual components by type and dispose of them separately.

3.2 Saving energy

If you follow these instructions, your appliance will use less power.
Hide the clock in standby mode.
The appliance saves energy in standby mode.
en Familiarising yourself with your appliance

4  Familiarising yourself with your appliance

4.1 Control panel

You can use the control panel to configure all functions of your appliance and to obtain information about the operating status.
Note:On certain models, specific details such as col­our and shape may differ from those pictured.
Automatic door opener Open the door automatically.
Touch fields Select functions.
Rotary selector Set the time, cooking time or automatic programmes.
Display Display clock or cooking time.

Rotary selector

Use the rotary selector to change the setting values that are shown on the display. The rotary selector can be pushed in. To engage or re­lease the rotary selector, push the rotary selector.

Automatic door opener

When you press the automatic door opener, the appli­ance door springs open. You can fully open the appli­ance door manually.
¡ In the event of a power cut, the automatic door
opener does not work. You can open the door manually.
¡ If you open the appliance door during operation,
this pauses the operation.
¡ When you close the appliance door, the operation
does not continue automatically. You must restart the operation.
Before using for the first time en
¡ If the appliance is switched off for an extended
period of time, the appliance door opens with a time delay.

4.2 Types of heating

Here you can find an overview of the types of heating. You can find recommendations on using the types of heating.
Symbol Name Use
90–800 Microwave Defrosting, cooking or heating food and liquids.

4.3 Cooling fan

The cooling fan switches on and off as required. The cooking compartment remains cold during mi­crowave operation. Despite this, the cooling fan will still switch on.
Note:The cooling fan may run on even if the oven has been switched off.

5  Before using for the first time

Configure the settings for initial start-up. Clean the ap­pliance and accessories.

5.1 Initial configuration

Configure the settings for initial start-up. Clean the ap­pliance and accessories.
Note:After connecting the appliance to the power or following a power cut, a signal sounds and several zeros are shown on the display. It may take a few seconds until a signal sounds and you can set the time.
Press ⁠.
a 12:00 is shown on the display. The indicator light
lights up via ⁠.
Set the clock using the rotary selector.
Press ⁠.

4.4 Condensation

Condensation can occur in the cooking compartment and on the appliance door when cooking. Condensa­tion is normal and does not adversely affect appliance operation. Wipe away the condensation after cooking.
Clean the smooth surfaces in the cooking compart-
ment with a soft, damp cloth.
To eliminate the new-appliance smell, wipe the
empty cooking compartment with hot soapy water.
→"Cleaning the cooking compartment", Page11

5.3 Fitting the turntable

Never use the appliance without the turntable.
Place the roller ring into the recess in the cooking

5.2 Cleaning the appliance before using it for the first time

Clean the cooking compartment and accessories be­fore using the appliance to prepare food for the first time.
Make sure that there is no leftover packaging, ac­cessories or other objects in the cooking compart­ment.
Engage the turntable in the drive in the centre
of the cooking compartment floor.
Check whether the turntable is correctly engaged. Note:The turntable can turn anti-clockwise or clock-
en Basic operation

6  Basic operation

6.1 Microwave power settings

This is where you can find an overview of the different microwave power settings and when to use them.
Microwave power setting in watts
90 Defrost delicate foods. 180 Defrost food and continue
360 Cooking meat and fish or heat-
600 Heat and cook food. 800 Heat liquids.
You can set the microwave power settings for a particular cooking time:
¡ 800W for 30minutes ¡ 600W for 60minutes ¡ 90W, 360W, 180W for 99minutes
ing delicate foods.

6.2 Microwave-safe cookware and accessories

To heat food evenly and avoid damaging your appli­ance, it is important to use the right cookware and ac­cessories.
Note:Read the manufacturer's instructions before us­ing any cookware in the microwave. If in doubt, carry out a cookware test.
Cookware and accessor­ies
Cookware made from heat-resistant, microwave­safe material:
¡ Glass ¡ Glass ceramic ¡ Porcelain ¡ Temperature-resistant
¡ Fully glazed ceramic
without cracks
Metal cutlery Note:You can use metal
These materials allow mi­crowaves to pass through. Microwaves do not damage heat-resistant cookware.
cutlery, e.g. place a spoon in a glass, to pre­vent delayed boiling.
Not microwave-safe
Cookware and accessor­ies
Metal cookware Metal does not allow mi-
Cookware with gold or sil­ver decoration
crowaves to pass through. The food hardly heats up.
Microwaves can damage gold and silver decora­tion.
Tip:You can only use this kind of cookware if the manufacturer guarantees that it is microwave-safe.

6.3 Testing cookware for microwave suitability

Test cookware to see whether it is suitable for mi­crowave use. Testing cookware is the only time the ap­pliance should be operated in microwave mode without any food inside.
WARNING‒Risk of scalding!
The accessible parts of the appliance become hot dur­ing operation.
Never touch these hot parts.
Keep children at a safe distance.
Place the empty cookware in the cooking compart­ment.
Set the appliance to the maximum microwave power setting for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Start the operation.
Check the cookware several times: – If the cookware is cold or warm to the touch, it is
suitable for microwave use.
– If the cookware becomes hot or sparks are cre-
ated, stop the cookware test. The cookware is not microwave-safe.

6.4 Configuring the microwave settings

Operating the appliance without food in the cooking compartment may lead to overloading.
Do not switch on the microwave unless there is food inside. The only exception to this rule is when per­forming a short cookware test.
Metal touching the wall of the cooking compartment will cause sparks, which may damage the appliance or the inner door pane.
Metal (e.g. a spoon in a glass) must be kept at least 2cm from the cooking compartment walls and the inside of the door.
Tip:To ensure optimum use of your appliance, you can refer to the information in the recommended settings.
→"How it works", Page14
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