2 | FLM‑325‑IM Contact Module
Data Circuit Length
Data (or polling) circuit length is the distance over the
circuit wire from the connection at the FACP to the most
distant device and back to the FACP. Data circuit length
must include the distance to any device connected to the
circuit in a T tap. The screw terminals can accept up to 14
AWG (1.5 mm) wire, but this reduces the allowable length
of the circuit.
Refer to the FPE‑1000‑SLC Installation Guide
(P/N: F01U078099) for specific wire instructions and
specifications for the FPA‑1000 series panels.
Initiating Device Circuit Connections
The initiating device circuit can use any number of ULlisted normally open (NO) contact closure devices. Device
circuit wiring must not exceed 50 Ω. Install contact
closure devices according to the manufacturer’s
installation instructions. All wiring must be supervised and
Note Do not mix fire alarm initiating and
supervisory devices on the same module.
Parts Included
Quant. Component
1 Point contact module
1 EOL resistor: Hochiki P/N 0400‑01046,. 10 kΩ, ¼ W, ¼ in.
1 Literature – Installation Guide
Technical Specifications
SLC Applied Voltage (rated range): 25.3 VDC to 39 VDC
SLC Current Consumption: Standby: 0.339 mA
Alarm: 0.358 mA
End of Line Device 10 kΩ, 0.25 W per resistor
Initiating Device Circuit Less than 50 Ω
Environment: Indoor dry
Relative Humidity: Up to 90%, non‑condensing
Temperature: Operating: 0°C to +49°C (+32°F to +120°F)
Storage: -30°C to +70°C (-22°F to +158°F)
Dimensions (H x W x D) 2.375 in. x 1.75 in. x 0.5 in.
(60.325 mm x 44.45 mm x 12.7 mm)
Weight 20 oz (0.567 kg)
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Hochiki is a trademark of Hochiki America Corporation.
Ordering Information
FLM‑325‑IM Contact Module
Allows compatible fire alarm control panels
(FACP) to supervise Form A or B dry contact
devices in a polling circuit
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Fax: +1 585 223 9180
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T7621673227 | Cur: en-US, V1, 25 May 2011