This option replaces the standard 50 ohm external trigger input(s) and has a resistance of
approximately 5k ohms to ground with no pull-up resistor. Most TTL and CMOS sources can
easily drive this load. The input is also useful as a general purpose trigger input and is adaptable
to ECL logic operating at either +5 volts or –5.2 volts as well as newer low voltage saturated
logic families.
With the TTL Trigger Level Option 05 installed, additional menu choices for trigger source will
appear in the Trig>Trig Source menu box. When selected the 1 EXT TTL and 2 EXT TTL
sources automatically set and fix the trigger level to +1.40 volts. The 1 EXT and 2 EXT sources
provide a variable trigger level range of -3.00 to +3.00 volts with a 5k ohm load resistance. A
minimum signal level of 400 mV peak-to-peak within the trigger level range is required for
triggering. To avoid damage DO NOT APPLY a signal level greater than !30 volts combined
DC plus peak AC.
Additional GPIB bus commands have been added to control the trigger source:
TR1EXTTL - selects the number 1 external trigger input BNC connector and forces the trigger
level to the TTL threshold +1.40 volts.
TR2EXTTL - selects the number 2 external trigger input BNC connector and forces the trigger
level to the TTL threshold +1.40 volts.
After installation verify that the Trig>Trig Source menu box will select CH1 Int, 1 EXT, 1 EXT
TTL and the same for channel 2 if the instrument is a 2 channel configuration. If this test fails the
program version may be too old or the instrument is not licensed for this option or both.
Use an ohmmeter to measure the input resistance of the external trigger input(s). The input
impedance should be 5.00 kohms ( 4.90 – 5.10 kohms ) .
Using a pulse generator apply a minimum TTL pulse signal (0.8 v to 2.0 v) at 10 kHz to the 1(2)
Trigger input BNC connector and to the EXT PULSE input BNC connector on the rear panel
simultaneously. Using the Spcl>Calibrator>Pulse>Source menu set the calibrator for External
pulse modulation and verify that the 1(2) EXT TTL trigger setting will automatically trigger with
this source. Change to 1(2) EXT and adjust the trigger level over its range. Using the
Chan1(2)>Extensions>Display>Pwr and Chan1(2)>Extensions>Display>Trig menu settings
verify that triggering occurs at approximately 1.4 volts trigger level.
Return the settings to Chan1(2)>Extensions>Display>Pwr.
1. Revised 18 DEC 1999
Option 04 adds an additional qualifier to the 4400A/4500A trigger system to permit trigger d ela y
by events rather than by time only, and by a combination of time delay and events delay. This
capability is useful for selecting a particular pulse in a burst of pulses.
Dly by Events is turned On or Off from the
instruments that have the necessary hardware installed. When Trig>Dly by Events is turned On,
The EvTrig Delay menu box replaces Trig Mode { Auto Norm }. Th e selected Auto or Normal
setting will remain effective when Dly by Events is active. The Auto mode supplies a trace when
the trigger condition is not met.
The EvTrig Delay time can be set f rom 1 microsecond to 65.534 milliseconds in 1 microsecond
steps and from 66 milliseconds to 65.534 seconds in 1 millisecond steps. To use this mode for
burst measurements the delay time is made longer than the burst time, but less than the burst
cycle time. This will result in stable triggering of the burst.
The Event Count menu box repl aces Holdoff. When Dly by Events is active the sweep generator
holdoff is forced to its minimum value and all holdoff functions are performed via the EvTrigDelay setting.
The Event Count is adjusted from 1 to 65,534 to select the desired trigger event within the burst.
The count is not reset at the end of the delay time. If a number lar ger than the number of events
in a single burst is chosen, counting will continue into the next burst.
ger menu selections will change to include Trig>EvTrig Delay (time) and Trig>Event
ger menu. This menu selection appears only in
The source, level and slope qualifications of the trigger are the same for the burst and the events.
Any internal or external trigger source may be used. The Model 4400A contains a single
sampling time base, but the Events Delay time base is independent of the Trig Delay setting in
setting can be used to align the trigger point of the expanded delayed trace with the display
menu. Time>Trig Delay along with the Time>Position { L M R } trigger position
In order to provide maximum flexibility, separate Delay by Events circuits and parameters are
maintained for each trigger source group. Trig>Trig Source { CH 1 INT, 1 EXT and 1 EXT TTL
} sources comprise group 1 and { CH 2 INT, 2 EXT and 2 EXT TTL } make up group 2. Only
group 1 sources are functional in single channel configurations.
New GPIB commands control the Delay by Events trigger qualifier. The following commands
are trigger source vectored and are directed to the trigger source group ( 1 or 2 ) currently
selected. This allows the delay by events conditions to be different for the two measurement
channels or the two external trigger sources.
TREVON - select delay by events operation.
TREVOF - select standard trigger system operation.
TREVDELY - set the Events Trigger Delay in seconds. For example, to set the delay to 501
microseconds, send TREVDELY 501E-6. The range is 1E-6 to 65534E-3.
TRECOUNT - set the Event Counter to the desired event number for trigger generation. The
range is 1 to 65534.
Option 04 operates only with software revision 20000127 and later. This software will detect the
presence of the optional circuits and respond by enabling the option 04 features.
To test for this condition, press the TRIG function key. The bottom menu box should be labeled
Dly by Events and contain selections ON and Off. If the bottom menu box is blank, the optional
circuitry has not been detected.
Operational Check
With Option 04 successfully detected, set TRIG>Dly by Events to Off. Note that the top five
menu boxes of function TRIG are the same as for a standard instrument but arranged in a
different order. In this mode the trigger system operates in exactly the same manner as a standard
instrument without option 04.
Now set TRIG>Dly by Events to On. Note that the two middle menu boxes change to EvTrigDelay and Event Counter. In this mode the TRIG>EvTrig Delay operates in a similar manner to
the Holdoff function in the standard configuration. It sets the minimum time between cycles of
the event counting system and is used to obtain synchronization with a pulse burst or equivalent
waveform. Once this is done, the TRIG>Event Counter is used to select by number the particular
event within the burst that triggers the horizontal sweep. The time base can then be expanded and
the Time>Trig Delay function operates on the expanded waveform as it would normally on a
non-expanded waveform. The two delay functions are completely independent.
In this way you can synchronize and observe the nth pulse of a burst even if its time position is
highly variable.
Delay by events requires a pulse burst signal for testing. A TTL test signal consisting of a burst
of 50 or so 5 microsecond pulses repeated every 1 millisecond is recommended. Use this signal
to externally modulate the 1 GHz Calibrator. Connect a peak sensor to the Calibrator and
Channel 1. Use the following setup:
Dly by Events On
Trig Slope +
Event Counter 1
Ev Trig Delay 800 us
Trig Level -3.00 dBm
Trig Source CH1 Int
Timebase 200 us/div
Position M
Trig Delay 0.0 us
Adjust the Channel 1 controls to view the pulse burst on the display. Change the timebase to 5
us/div and observe the first pulses of the burst beginning in the center of the display. Change the
event counter to 2 and observe the second pulse, etc. Slowly advance the Event Counter and
verify that you can scan all the way across the burst, pulse by pulse, to the last pulse. Advancing
the counter beyond the last pulse displays the first pulse of the next burst, etc.
Repeat the test for Channel 2 in a two channel configuration.
Revised 2 March 2000
A subsidiary of Noise/Com a Wireless Telecom Group Company
Applies to
Instruction Manual Model 4500A RF Peak Power Meter /Analyzer, Model 4400A RF Peak Power
Part Number 98404700A, revised 09/97.
Effective for Control Software Revision
and later.
1.1 Power vs Tim e Data Output Capability
Data Buffer Configuration.
derived from a 501-element data buffer. Each element is a measurement value for one pix el in
the display. The elements are numbered from zero through 500. The element zero lies on the leftmost vertical gridline; the element 500 lies on the right-most gridline and element 250 lies on the
center gridline.
Data Buffer Output.
or Reference 2. The data is adjusted for V ertical Offset, calibrati on factors and averagin g. If the
display Units are set to “Linear”, power will be in watts with 5 decimal digits of resolution. The
real number format is: (-d.ddddE!dd , -dd.dddE!dd or –ddd.ddE!dd where the positive sign is
omitted and the exponent is mod 3) watts. Negative power values indicate underflow of the
system “zero”. If the display units are set to “Log”, power will be in dBm (decibels relative to 1
milliwatt) with a resolution of !0.01 dB. Negative linear power values will return –70.00 dBm
excluding offsets if not clipped.
Data can be output for Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel Math, Referenc e 1
Each trace display of the 4400A/4500A Peak Power Meter is
In the Pulse mode with Log units a clip level is applied which establishes a minimum power
level based on the sensor calibration data. This level will vary depending upon the sensor type
and offsets.
For Channel 1 or 2 in the Trigger View mode the data will be returned in volts with a resolution
of !0.01 volts.
GPIB Data Buffer Output.
TKFPDISP talk mode command. This is a permanent talk mode that remains in effect until
replaced by a different permanent talk mode. TKFPDISP should be followed by an index
argument in the range 0 to 500 inclusive that specifies the number of the first element of the data
Data buffer contents can be read over the GPIB using the
buffer to be sent. The total number of elements requested is specified by the BUFCOUNT
command. BUFCOUNT is followed by an argument in the range 1 to 501 inclusive.
After the TKFPDISP command and argument are sent, the first time the 4400A/4500A is
addressed to talk (MTA is sent), a string of comma delimited elements will be returned
beginning with the index value followed by BUFCOUNT measurement values as described
Each successive time the power meter is addressed to talk the index value will be automatically
advanced by BUFCOUNT number of elements and a new string returned. If the incremented
pointers reach beyond the last element in the buffer the string is truncated and fewer than
BUFCOUNT values are returned. At least one index and one element is always returned.
The source buffer is selected using the CH1, CH2, CHM, REF1 and REF2 commands. The units
are selected using LIN or LOG. TKFPDISP does not interrupt sampling and data collection
while sending data. For this reason buffer data will not remain stable during a transfer. If this
behavior is undesirable, issue the STOP command to stop data capture when appropriate.
Front Panel Data Buffer Output.
Front panel data buffer output is controlled by the
Prgm>Trace Data> menu. An entire data buffer can be sent to a Floppy Disk file, the COM1
serial port or the LPT1 line printer. No index value is used. The delimiter separating data
elements can be selected to be a comma, LF (line-feed or NL), CR (carria ge return) or ASCII
space. This is useful if the data file is to imported directly into a spreadsheet.
Prgm>Trace Data>Select A number, nn, 0 to 99 which specifies the filename
B4500Ann.TXT. Applies only to Disk output.
Prgm>Trace Data>Source Select the data buffer: CH1, CH2, CH Math, Ref1, Ref2
Prgm>Trace Data>Destination Select the output device: LPT1, COM1 Disk
Prgm>Trace Data>Delimiter Select the data element delimiter: comma, LF, CR, Space
Prgm>Trace Data>Send Data Press to START data transfer from buffer to device.
GPIB Control of Front Panel Output Controls.
In addition to the direct GPIB output via the
TKFPDISP and BUFCOUNT commands, the alternate device outputs can also be controlled
over the bus. The specific commands are given below.
FILENO Sets the filename B4500Ann.TXT for Disk output where nn is the argument of
FILENO. Valid range is 0 to 99.
BUFDELCO Set buffer delimiter to comma.
BUFDELLF Set buffer delimiter to linefeed (NL)
BUFDELCR Set buffer delimiter to carriage return
BUFDELSP Set buffer delimiter to space.
Note: The delimiters do not apply to data returned using TKFPDISP. They apply only to output
DATACOM1 Select COM1 serial port output.
DATADISK Select the floppy disk output with filename selected with FILENO
DATALPT1 Select the printer port LPT1 for output. Delimiter will affect printed format.
DATASOCH1 Select the Channel 1 buffer.
DATASOCH2 Select the Channel 2 buffer.
DATASOCHM Select the Channel Math buffer.
DATASORF1 Select the Reference 1 buffer.
DATASORF2 Select the Reference 2 buffer.
Note: These source selections do not apply to data returned by TKFPDISP. They apply only to
output using DATASEND.
DATASEND Action command which causes the data buffer to be sent to the selected output.
Unlike output to the GPIB data capture is interrupted during transfers to output ports and the
1.2 Statistical Data Output Capability
The following data output capability is applicable only to the Model 4500A.
4500A Statistical Histogram GPIB Output.
The 4500A statistical histogram count array accumulated by running a CDF, 1-CDF or PDF
function is output in two arrays of 4096 values each.
1. The X-axis array consists of up to 4096 power values in watts or dBm as described
above. The bus commands LIN and LOG are used to set the units. The Channel 1
array is selected by the command SELDATTBL 6 and the Channel 2 array by
SELDATTBL 7. The array is returned by the talk mode command TK-TBLDAT n,
where n is the starting index number. The BUFCOUNT command followed by a
count argument of 1 to 4096 operates as described above for the TKFPDISP
2. The Y-axis array consists of up to 4096 count values. The count value is the number
of times the power sample value has fallen within the bin located by the index
number. The power in watts or dBm for the center of each bin or index number is
given by the X-axis array above. The ratio of each bin count to the total sample count
is the probability of occurrence for that bin. The Channel 1 count array is selected b y
the command SELDATTBL 8 and the Channel 2 count array by SELDATTBL 9. The
array is returned by the talk mode command TK-TBLDAT n, where n is the starting
index number. The BUFCOUNT command followed by a count argument of 1 to
4096 operates as described above for the TKFPDISP command.
4500A Front Panel Histogram Output.
Front panel histogram output is controlled by the
Prgm>Trace Data> menu. An entire data buffer can be sent to a Floppy Disk file, the COM1
serial port or the LPT1 line printer. No index value is used. The delimiter separating data
elements can be selected to be a comma, LF (line-feed or NL), CR (carriage return) or ASCII
space. This is useful if the data file is to be imported directly into a spreadsheet.
For the Model 4500A, additional source choices will appear in the menu as follows:
Prgm>Trace Data>Source Select the data buffer: CH1, CH2, CH Math, Ref1, Ref2,Cal
Tbl 1,Cal Tbl 2,Histogram 1,Histogram2
Cal Tbl 1 and 2 are the x-axis power value arra ys and Histogram 1 and 2 are the count arra ys for
Channel 1 and 2 respectively. All other front panel controls and associated GPIB commands
operate as described above except that the SELDATTBL n, command is used instead of the dat a
source commands.
1.3 Screen Saver
A screen saver feature has been added to increase CRT phosphor life in system applications. The
display will be dimmed after a specified time during which there is no front panel control
activity. The delay time in minutes is set in the Disp>Scrn Saver Delay menu window. The delay
can be varied from 1 to 240 minutes via the front panel keyboard, knob or increment /decr ement
buttons. To disable the feature select the increment above 240 which is “infinite” or enter 241
minutes. The CRT display will then remain bright at all times.
The display when dimmed will be restored to full brightness by any front panel key or knob
operation. The delay/infinite setting is non-volatile and will be restored after power off/on. There
are no related bus commands for this feature.
1.4 New Auto-Measure function, EdgeDly
A new auto-measure function, number 15, Edge Delay, has been added to the TEXT display.
Edge delay shows the time delay between the left edge of the display window and the first
waveform edge of either slope. This allows the display window to be used as a mask to select or
exclude portions of a waveform. Trigger delay adjusts the position of the display window with
respect to the trigger. Edge Delay should be added as item 15 in Table 4-19. It appears as a
selection in the Meas > Param Meas > Param Top {Middle and Bottom} menus. The GPIB
PARAM___ commands will accept the value 15 as an argument and allow Edge Delay to be
selected remotely.
1.5 New GPIB Commands
Additions to Table 5-3 Mode 4400A/4500A Talk Mode Bus Mnemonics.
Code Arg Function
channels. For the status flag 0 = valid, 1 = no sensor, 2 = no channel
card. The auto-cal temperatures are returned in tenths of a degree
Celsius (##.#). After returning data the instrument returns to the
previous Talk mode.
Format: status1, auto-cal temp1, status2, auto-cal temp2
Examples: send TKATEMP
read 0, 34.0, 0, 39.0 valid both channels
or read 0, 34.0, 1, -23.0 valid ch1; no sensor in ch2
or read 0, 34.0, 2, -23.0 valid ch1; no ch2 installed
Returns a status flag and the sensor auto-cal temperature for both
and the time delay in seconds between the left edge of the display
window and the first waveform edge of either slope. Trigger delay can
be used to move the window with respect to the trigger to select or
exclude portions of a long string of pulses. This command works only
with TKAMEAS active. After returning data the instrument returns to
the previous Talk mode, normally TKAMEAS.
Examples: send TKAMEAS send only once
send TKEJD “send TKEJD read” may be repeated
read 1, 1.163e-7 valid edge delay in seconds
or read 0, 0 no valid result
For the currently selected measurement channel returns a status flag
flag. For the run/stop flag 0 = STOP, 1 = RUN. For the mode
identifier 0 = Pulse, 1 = CW, 2 = CDF, 3 = 1-CDF, 4 = PDF. For the
units flag 0 = log (dBm) and 1 = linear (watts). After returning data
the instrument returns to the previous Talk mode.
Examples: send TKMMODE
read 1, 0, 0 running in pulse mode with log units
or read 0, 3, 1 stopped in 1-CDF mode with linear
Returns a measurement mode run/stop flag, mode identifier and units
1.6 EOI Only Talk mode Terminator
In the Util > IEEE-488 > Bus Setup > Talk Term menu a new choice,
This allows return strings to be terminated only by the EOI signal of the GPIB, simplifying setup
with controllers which use this as their default.
EOI only
, has been added.
1.7 Reference Lines in Linear Unit s mode
Reference Lines and Reference Line Tracking now work in the Linear as well as Logarithmic
units modes. Reference line level readout is always in dBm.
2.1 Sensor Temperature Readings
All previous versions and revisions of Model 4400/4500/4400A and 4500A report sensor
temperature approximately 10 degrees Celsius lower than the actual internal sensor temperature.
This characteristic has been of little consequence since only delta temperature values are used.
For future developments it is desirable to use the actual internal sensor temperature. Effective
with this revision (20010119) all sensor temperatures are the actual internal temperature.
Compatibility with previous software revisions.
The effect of this change is expected to be
minimal because delta temperature values are not affected. Some GPIB programs may use
absolute sensor temperature values and expect the old style values for correct operation. To
accommodate this situation, a new GPIB command
has been included in the new
revision. To use the old style temperatures, issue the GPIB command OLD-TEMP# in the
initialization part of the program. This will cause all sensor temperature values to appear as in
earlier revisions. The effect of this command is volatile and it must be re-issued after a power
off/on cycle.
2.2 Failure to resume in Statistical mode on power up (4500A only).
Some previous software revisions contain a bug that causes statistical measurements not to
resume correctly on power up. This occurs only when the instrument was powered down in one
of the statistical modes. Normal operation will resume if the menu selection or a GPIB measure
mode command is sent. This revision (20010119) corrects the error and under the above
conditions statistical measurements will resume automatically at power up.
2.3 Inability to use reque st for service (SRQ) on settled measurement in CW
mode with averaging > 1.
In all previous revisions in CW measurement mode with the SRQ mask set to 2, no service
request would be issued unless the Averaging was set to 1. This bug has been fixed in this
revision (20010119). Since CW is a continuous mode it is necessary to stop and start the
measurement in order to obtain repeated service requests with settled readings. Stopping the
continuous measurement resets the averaging system. After a restart and after the averaging time
has expired, the service request will be issued if the mask for settled measurement (2) is enabled.
The serial poll issued by the GPIB controller reads and resets the service request, but not the
settled measurement flag. To restore synchronization between the controller and the
measurement process, it is necessary to issue the STOP command. When the desired signal is
present at the power sensor input, issue the RUN command. When the selected averaging is
completed, the service request will again be made. This sequence can be repeated indefinitely.
Revised 20010126
a Wireless Telecom Group Company
Applies to Instruction Manual Model 4500A RF Peak Power Meter /Analyzer, Model 4400A RF Peak Power
Meter, Part Number 98404700A, revised 09/97.
Effective for Control Software Revision 20020511 and later.
1.1 Peak Sensor Temperature Compensation
When used with a peak sensor that contains a valid temperature compensation table, the
model 4400A and 4500A Peak Power Meters can provide temperature compensated
power measurements. The default mode for temperature compensation is active. The
Chan n > Calibration>Temp Comp menu box will be visible with “Sensor Tbl”
displayed. To turn off temperature compensation press the menu button and “Off” will be
displayed. The “Off” setting is volatile and not preserved through power cycles or major
mode changes. If the sensor in use does not have a temperature compensation table the
Temp Comp menu box will not appear at all.
The Spcl>Chan n Sensor report will include the message “Sensor has Temperature
Compensation Table” when appropriate. The Spcl>Servicing>Configuration report
shows TC system status if either channel has a sensor with a valid table. The format of
this message
if present is:
TC System Status 1:[err code] #### 2:[err code] ####
The error codes are:
0 No error.
145 TC # of Temps Err Table parameter error
146 TC # of Powers Err Table parameter error
147 TC Interp Err Table interpolation error
148 TC Expand Err Table expansion error
149 TC Extend Err Table extension error
150 TC Chksum Err Table read checksum error
151 TC Table Length Error
152 TC Temp Value Err A temperature value is out of range
153 TC Temp Non-mono A temperature array is non-monotonic
154 TC Power Value Err A power value is out of range
155 TC Power Non-mono A power array is non-monotonic
156 TC Corr Value Err A correction value is out of range
Use CH1 or CH2 to specify to which channel the following temperature compensation
related GPIB commands apply:
TCON Turn on temperature compensation if available. If not, ignore.
TCOFF Turn off temperature compensation. This is a volatile setting if
compensation is available.
1.2 Sensor Auto-calibration File Retention
Sensor auto-calibration files are now saved by channel as .AC1 and .AC2 files in nonvolatile (flash) memory. This avoids the need to perform auto-cal every time a sensor is
removed and replaced by a different one, provided the sensors are known to the
channel(s) involved. When a sensor is plugged-in a search is made to find an existing
auto-cal file. If one is found, it is installed. If not, the “Needs Auto-cal” message will
appear. When auto-cal is performed the existing file is overwritten with the new result. If
no previous file exists, one is created. Sensor filenames have the form SEN#####.AC n,
where ##### is the serial number and n is the channel number.
The file directory system is expanded to display auto-calibration files in flash memory as
well as the previous files on the floppy disk. The Utility>Disk>Flash Disk path lists
sensor auto-cal files by channel. The Select File <> menu contains a sequence number
which refers to the position of the file in the list. The selected file is shown in RED and
may be deleted by pressing the menu button next to the “Delete” box. Deletion of files
must be confirmed or cancelled.
There are no GPIB operations on the file directory.
1.3 Color *.bmp File of Display
The Hardcopy section now includes a color *.bmp file of the current display that can be
saved to the floppy disk, sent to the COM1 port or the GPIB. To select this feature set the
Util>Hardcopy>Device menu to “Plotter”. Then select Util>Hardcopy>Model “.BMP”.
Choose the Plot Label, Output Port and File Select number if the output is the floppy
disk. Graph & Text is not applicable. Note that the “IEEE-488” output selection applies
to the listen only (lon) GPIB addressing mode only. For controller directed GPIB output
see below. Press the PLOT key to send the file to the selected output. The .bmp extension
is added to the floppy disk file directory to allow viewing the filenames saved on disk.
The GPIB commands for controller directed return of the .bmp file contents are:
Send the sequence PLOTTER PLOT.BMP to select the bit-map mode.
Send TKPLOT to set the talk mode that returns the file when addressed to talk.
The GPIB commands to send the plot file contents to an output other than the GPIB are:
Send the sequence PLOTTER PLOT.BMP to select the bit-map mode.
Send PLOTSER1, PLOTCOM1, PLOTLPT1 or PLOTDISK to select the output.
{Use PLOT488 only with the front panel PLOT
key manually to send in the talk
only (ton) mode to a listen only (lon) device}.
For PLOTDISK send FILENO ## to select a filename.
Send PLOT to simulate pressing the PLOT
key to send the file to the selected
1.4 External Trigger Input Calibration
A provision to zero and calibrate the external trigger inputs has been added to provide
better accuracy for voltage measurements made with the trigger inputs. The following
procedure is used to calibrate each external trigger input:
Set Time>Timebase to “5 ms/Div”
Set Trig>Trig Mode to “Auto”
Select the external trigger input in the Trig>Trig Source menu corresponding to
the selected measurement channel (CH1 to 1EXT or CH2 to 2EXT).
Set the Chan#>Extensions>Display to “Trig” (Trigger View Mode)
Set the Chan#>Vert Scale to 1.00 V/Div
Set the Spcl>Servicing>Cal Mode “On”
With Cal Mode “On” two boxes labeled Ext Trig Zero and Ext Trig Cal will appear in the Chan#>Extensions menu. Ext Trig Zero will have a bright “Start” label.
With no input to the selected external trigger input, press the menu button for Ext Trig Zero “Start”. The input will be zeroed and the Ext Trig Cal “Start” label will be bright.
With +3.00 volts applied to the selected external trigger input, press the menu button for
Ext Trig Cal “Start”. The input will be calibrated for 3 divisions of deflection at 1 V/Div.
Set the Spcl>Servicing>Cal Mode “Off”
The results of the calibration are stored in non-volatile memory with file extension .TRV.
Absent a file, default data is supplied automatically and simulates the existing software.
External trigger level calibration is not available on the GPIB.
1.5 UNDIM Command.
A GPIB command, UNDIM, is added to reset the screen saver without touching the panel
or re-loading the color table. This is helpful in remotely controlled applications.
2.0 Changes
2.1 Instrument Setup Save/Recall change.
The instruments setup save and recall system has been modified to save a binary file
instead of an ASCII file. The binary file is smaller and more comprehensive and is
identical to the internal save/recall format. The new file has the extension .ISU. For
customers with existing .INS files the ability to read an .INS file is still present, but new
features will not be available using this method. Existing files should be converted by
reading the .INS files and saving them as .ISU. The file directory is modified to display
.ISU files. The GPIB commands are not affected.
2.2 GPIB command *OPT? change.
An installed hardware options list has been appended to the *OPT? GPIB command
format previously used. For example, a single channel instrument with Option 04
hardware installed and a sensor plugged-in returns:
2.3 Configuration report change.
Installed options are now identified in the Configuration Report. For example:
The Spcl>Servicing>Configuration Report for Option 04 installed reports:
Opt 04 – Trigger Delay by Events installed
2.4 Sensor Temperature Reporting change.
Sensor auto-cal temperature and current temperature readings have been moved from the
Utility>Report to the Spcl>Ch 1 Sensor>Report and Spcl>Ch 2 Sensor>Report.
3.0 Corrections
1. Remove glitches that occur when in Triggered mode (as opposed to Auto) and certain
commands are executed. Also, measurement traces can now be moved and re-scaled
when Waiting for Trigger on the slow time bases.
2. Calculate the auto-measure parameter “OFF TIME”. This function has always been
enabled but there was no calculation method included.
3. Correct an overflow error in the cal table expansion that overwrites the first position
of the channel 2 table when channel 1 is expanded. This may cause the channel 2
PDF to not appear.
4. GPIB command TKBMEAS now reports the sign of Pk/Avg ratio correctly.
5. Marker math mode changes now occur immediately even in wait for trigger.
6. When both markers are in trigger view mode the marker math functions MK1-MK2,
MK2-MK1, MAX-MIN and MIN-MAX are computed as voltage difference and
appear in the middle window with voltage difference units. The PK/AVG mode is not
recognized in trigger view mode but is not an error. This correction also appears in
the parameters of GPIB commands TKMEAS, TKBMEAS and TKUNITS when
7. The trigger pointer is now removed when the direct set of a statistical mode occurs.
8. Restore the legacy GPIB command MKDELTA to set the marker math to power
difference in the linear units mode only. This command was deleted by mistake in the
“A” series.
9. Update the RUN/STOP message in the recall stored setup function to avoid out of
sync messages.
10. Change the linear mode reference lines to track vertical offset in “divisions” rather
than watts, which is incorrect.
Revised 20020513
The following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases of operation and maintenance of this instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards
of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. Boonton Electronics assumes no liability for the customer’s fail-
ure to comply with these requirements.
To minimize shock hazard the instrument chassis and cabinet must be connected to an electrical ground. The instrument is
equipped with a three conductor, three prong a.c. power cable. The power cable must either be plugged into an approved
three-contact electrical outlet or used with a three-contact to a two-contact adapter with the (green) grounding wire firmly
connected to an electrical ground in the power outlet.
Do not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.
Operating personnel must not remove instrument covers. Component replacement and internal adjustments must be made
by qualified maintenance personnel. Do not replace components with the power cable connected. Under certain conditions
dangerous voltages may exist even though the power cable was removed, therefore; always disconnect power and discharge
circuits before touching them.
Do not attempt internal service or adjustment unless another person, capable or rendering first aid and resuscitation, is present.
Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modifications or the instrument. Return the instrument to Boonton Electronics for repair to ensure that the safety features are maintained.
This safety requirement symbol (located on the rear panel) has been adopted by the International Electrotechnical Commission, Document 66 (Central Office) 3, Paragraph 5.3, which directs that an instrument
be so labeled if, for the correct use of the instrument, it is necessary to refer to the instruction manual. In
this case it is recommended that reference be made to the instruction manual when connecting the instrument to the proper power source. Verify that the correct fuse is installed for the power available.
The CAUTION symbol denotes a hazard. It calls attention to an operation procedure, practice, or the
like, which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or destruction of part or
all of the equipment. Do not proceed beyond a CAUTION symbol until the indicated conditions are fully
understood and met.
The NOTE symbol is used to mark information which should be read. This information can be very useful to the operating in dealing with the subject covered in this section.
The HINT symbol is used to identify additional comments which are outside of the normal format of the
manual, however can give the user additional information about the subject.
1 General Information
1.5Optional Configurations1-6
2 Installation
2.1Unpacking & Repacking2-1
2.2Power Requirements2-2
2.4Preliminary Check2-3
3 Getting Started
3.2Operating Controls, Indicators and Connections3-1
3.3Monitor Display3-6
3.6Practice Exercises for Pulse Power M easurements3-13
3.7Practice Exercises for Statistical Power Measurements(4500A) 3-22
4 Operation
CF in dB4-1
4.2Manual Operation4-3
4.3Menu Conventions4-3
4.4Data Entry Controls4-12
4.5Display Data4-13
4.6Top Level Menu4-15
4.7System Keys4-18
4.8Function Keys4-20
4.9CHAN Key and Chan # > Menu4-20
Menu Configuration4-21
Figures and Tables4-21
Channel Math4-30
Reference Traces4-32
4.10 TIME Key and Time > Menu4-34
4.11 TRIG Key and Trig > Menu4-36
4.12 MARK Key and Mark > Menu4-39
4.13 REF Key and Ref > Menu4-45
4.14 MEAS Key and Meas > Menu4-48
4.15 UTIL Key and Util > Menu4-54
Inst Status4-55
IEEE-488 Bus4-55
Serial Menu4-59
Serial Port 14-60
Serial Port 24-60
Disk Utilities4-61
4.16 SPCL Key and Spcl > Menu4-66
Cal Mode4-68
4.17 PRGM Key and Prgm > Menu4-73
4.18 DISP Key and Disp > Menu4-80
Set Colors4-84
Color Conventions4-84
4.19 Automatic Operation4-88
4.20 Advanced Procedures4-90
5 Remote Operation
5.1Setup for Remote Operation5-1
5.2Listen Mode5-2
Program Function5-2
Number Formatting5-2
Data String Format5-2
Data String Errors5-3
5.3Talk Mode5-22
5.4SRQ Operation5-27
Using “Service Request”5-27
SRQ Operation5-28
Bus Command Responses5-29
6 Application Notes
6.1Introduction to Pulse Measurements6-1
Power Measurements6-1
Diode Detection6-3
Model 4400A/4500A Features6-4
6.2Pulse Definitions6-5
Standard IEEE Pulse Definitions6-5
Automatic Measurement Terms6-6
6.3Automatic Measurements6-7
Automatic Measurement Criteria6-7
Automatic Measurement Sequence6-7
Average Power Over an Interval6-10
7.6Performance Verification7-4
Fuse Type and Rating7-4
Instrument Serial Number7-4
Control Software Version7-4
Time and Date7-4
Sensor Serial Number7-4
Calibrator Frequency Verification7-5
Calibrator Linearity Verification7-6
Calibrator 0 dBm Verification7-7
Sensor Return Loss Verification7-8
Sensor Linearity Performance Verification7-9
Sensor Frequency Calibration Factor Verification7-14
Sensor Rise Time Verification7-18
Calibrator External Pulse Verification7-20
IEEE-488 Bus Verification7-20
Serial Port 1 Verification7-21
B.3Sample PlotB-3
HP Model 7475A Plotter connectionsB-4
Fujitsu FP6-310 Plotter connectionsB-5
HP LaserJet II Printer connectionsB-6
HP ThinkJet Printer IEEE-488 connectionsB-7
HP ThinkJet Printer RS-232 connectionsB-8
C. Repair and Warranty Policies
C.1Repair PolicyC-1
Model 4400A/4500A InstrumentC-1
Boonton Peak Power SensorsC-1
Contacting BoontonC-1
Paragraph Page
D. Sensor Performance Specifications
E. End User License Agreem ent
Appendix Warranty and Special Provisions E-2
1-1Model 4500A RF Peak Power Meter Analyzer1-3
2-1Packaging Diagram2-1
2-2Power-On Display2-3
2-3Util > Inst Status Display2-4
3-1Standard Model 4500A RF Peak Power Meter Analyzer
Front Panel3-2
3-2Model 4400A/4500A Rear Panel, Shown with
Optional Rear Panel Connectors3-4
3-3Monitor Display3-6
3-4Front Panel Controls Used in Calibration Procedures3-12
3-5Chan 1 > Menu3-14
3-6Chan 1 > Extensions Menu3-15
3-7Time > Menu3-16
3-8Trig > Menu3-17
3-9Mark > Menu3-18
3-10 Split-Screen Display3-18
3-11 Waveform Display with Time Marks3-19
3-12 Using Mark > Set Vertical Center3-20
3-13 CDF Display3-24
3-14 1-CDF Display3-25
3-15 PDF Display3-25
4-1Chan 1 > Menu and Associated Submenus4-2
4-2Control Menu Structure4-4
4-3Disp > Menu and Associated Submenu4-9
4-4Spcl > Menu and Associated Text Report4-10
4-5Mark > Menu4-10
4-6 Data Entry Keypad4-12
4-7Top Level Menu4-15
4-8System Keys4-19
4-9Text Mode Display in Power Mode4-19
4-10 Typical Help Screen4-19
4-11 Function Keys4-20
4-12 Chan # > Menu4-20
4-13 Chan # > Calibration > Submenu4-25
4-14 Chan # > Extensions > Submenu4-27
4-15 Illustration of Measurement (L1) and Calibration (L2)
4-16 Chan Math > Menu4-30
4-17 Generating a Difference Waveform Using Channel Math4-32
4-18 Chan Ref # > Menu4-32
4-19 Time > Menu4-34
4-20 Trig > Menu4-36
4-21 Mark > Menu4-40
4-22 Mark > Extensions > Submenu4-42
4-23 Ref > Menu4-45
4-24 Ref > Extensions > Menu4-45
4-25 Meas > Menu4-48
4-26 Util > Menu Inst Status Report4-55
4-27 Util > IEEE-488 > Submenu4-56
4-28 Util > IEE-488 > Bus Setup > Submenu4-58
4-29 Util > Serial > COM 2 Submenu4-61
4-30 Util > Clock > Submenu4-64
4-31 Spcl > Menu4-67
4-32 Spcl > Servicing > Submenu4-67
4-33 Spcl > CH # Sensor Report4-69
4-34 Spcl > Calibrator > Menu4-69
4-35 Spcl > Calibrator > Pulse Submenu4-70
4-36 4400A/4500A Calibrator Report4-72
4-37 Prgm > Menu4-73
4-38 Disp > Menu4-80
4-39 Disp > Forma t > Submenu4-81
4-40 Disp > Forma t >Trace Type > Submenu4-83
4-41 Disp > Forma t >Assign Trace > Submenu4-83
4-42 Disp > Forma t > Set Colors > Submenu4-85
4-43 Text Mode Display4-88
4-44 Text Mode Display (Stat Mode)4-89
6-1Pulsed RF Signal6-2
6-2Distorted Pulse Signal6-2
6-3Ideal Diode Response6-3
6-4IEEE Standard Pulse6-5
6-5Step Waveforms6-8
6-6Time Interpolation6-9
6-7Sampling Intervals6-11
6-8Statistical Mode Text Display (Model 4500A only)6-11
B-1Sample Output PlotB-3
This instruction manual provides you with the information you need to install,
operate and maintain the Boonton mODEL 4400A RF Peak Power Meter and
the Model 4500A RF Peak Power Meter Analyzer. Section 1 is an introduction
to the manual and the instrument.
1.1 Organization
The manual is organized into seven sections and three Appendices, as follows:
Section 1 - General Information presents summary descriptions of the
instrument and its principal features, accessories and opt ions. Also included are
specifications for the instrument and the 56000 Series sensors.
Section 2 - Installation provides instructions for unpacking the instrument,
setting it up for operation, connecting power and signal cables, and initial
Section 3 - Getting Started describes the controls and indicators and the
initialization of operating parameters. Several practice exercises are provided to
familiarize you with essential setup and control procedures.
Section 4 - Operation describes the display menus and procedures for operating
the instrument locally from the front panel.
Section 5 - Remote Operation explains the command set and procedures for
operating the instrument remotely over an IEEE-488 bus.
Section 6 - Applicatio n Notes describes automatic measurement procedures and
presents an analysis of measurment accuracy. Definitions are provided for key
terms used in this manual and on the screen displays.
Section 7 - Maintenance includes procedures for installing software and
verifying fault-free operation.
Appendix A - Error Messages defines t he messages that are displayed when
errors occur.
Appendix B - Plotter Operation describes how to record the Model
4400A/4500A output on a plotter or printer.
Appendix C - Warranty and Repair Policy states the policies governing the
return and replacement of modules and instruments during and after the
warranty period.
Appendix D - Sensor Performance Specificati ons
Appendix E - End User Li cense Agreement
General Information1-1
1.2 Description
The Model 4500A RF Peak Power Meter Analyzer and the Model 4400A Peak
Power Meter are new generation RF power meters. These instruments, when
operated with 56000 series power sensors, comprise the most versatile power
measuring systems available, with capability to make over 25 different
measurements on captured signals. The instruments can measure the peak and
average power of signals in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 40 GHz with a
dynamic range of over 60 dB.
The two models provide performance which previously required multiple
instruments, and they provide that performance faster, with in creased accuracy;
while adding functionality not previously available. The speed is visible during
the screen update process, waveform response rate and the IEEE-488
performance. The Model 4400A and Model 4500A are the fastest power meters
available with the ability to talk two marker meas urements over eighty times a
The Model 4400A has two measurement modes - pulse power and CW power.
The Model 4500A adds to these a third mode - statistical power. Each mode is
targeted towards a specific type of measurement.
In the pulse power mode the instrument functions as an enhanced peak power
meter. It can be configured as a single or dual channel instrument. This mode
provides the functionality of an random repetitive sampling oscilloscope for
viewing the RF envelope of signals in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 40
GHz. Its accuracy approaches that of average power meters, but with the abil ity
to capture power versus time data. With the requirement of an internal or
external trigger event it can automatically measure up to 14 characteristi cs of
the RF envelope. These are peak power, average power, pulse width, risetime,
falltime, overshoot, pulse period, pulse repetition rate, duty cycle, top
amplitude, bottom amplitude, offtime, and the delay between two RF pulses or
an RF pulse with an external trigger signal. In addition to the automatic
measurements, the instrument offers a powerful set of marker measurements
which includes the ability to make marker measurements at full accuracy,
independent of vertical scale or offset. This is possible because of t he use of
logarithmic amplifiers, and a 12 bit analog to digital converter, which provide
rangeless operation. In addition, the markers can be used to define regions of
the waveform for analysis. This analysis includes average power of a portion of
the waveform, minimum power, and maximum power.
In the CW mode the instrument’s low end performance is improved by
approximately 10 dB, which provides a signal measurement range of up to 70
dB (-50 to +20 dBm). This is accomplished by automatically limiting the input
bandwidth of the instrument and using a second, low bandwidth internal
measurement channel.
In the statistical mode the Model 4500A offers many new features. This mode
does not require a trigger event to make measurements like the pulse power
mode. The instrument continuously samples the RF signal at approximately half
a million samples per second, without discarding or losing any data. All of this
data can be processed statistically to determine peak power, average power,
minimum power, peak to average power ratio, and dynamic range, while
reporting the sampling time, total samples captured and the statistical tolerance
of the data. In addition, this data can be displayed using three different
graphical representations. These are probability density function (PDF),
cumulative distribution function (CDF), and one minus cumulative distribution
function (1-CDF). This mode is very useful in applications where the signal is
random in nature; such as digital communication and multiple carrier systems.
1-2General Information
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