Bogner Studio Series, Harlow Catalog Page

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transformer by rupert neve designs

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The Bogner Harlow is a unique boost pedal with a “Bloom” compression feature, which serves up dynamic three-dimensional punch and tastefully transparent squeeze. Delivering a wide range of boost - from crystal-clear light boost to a thick and meaty high-output assault on your amp’s input section – you’ll never want to turn it off. At the heart of the Harlow is a custom audio transformer created by legendary audio pioneer Mr. Rupert Neve.


Sets the amount of the boost level


Adjusts the amount of compression. Most of the effect can be heard in the first half of the control.


Adjusts the tonal coloring of the boosted signal. Center position of the control is flat (transparent with no tonal coloring). Turning clockwise increases the highs and diminishes the bass. Turning counter clockwise will have the opposite effect of increasing the bass and diminishing the highs.


Engages and true bypasses the pedal.


The jewel light with illuminate red when the pedal is turned on. The light will react to the dynamics of your playing, depending on the output level of your instrument.


The input is on the right side indicated by a triangle on the top panel. The output is on the opposite left side.


9 volt DC, 50mA or greater, negative tip, power connector or internal 9V battery (accessible by removing the bottom plate).

Bogner Studio Series, Harlow Catalog Page

Masterminds Reinhold Bogner and Mr. Rupert Neve have teamed up to produce superb audio-effects pedals that serve up rich, buttery tones, ultra-dynamic response and a stunning, threedimensional sound quality inspired by the classic mixing consoles

Mr. Rupert Neve is a living legend renowned for having designed professional recording equipment and early large-format mixing consoles which feature outstanding sound thanks to his custom transformer-coupled inputs and outputs. Countless iconic rock and roll records were cut with Mr. Neve’s equipment including such classics as “Rumours” by Fleetwood Mac, “Damn the Torpedoes” by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, and Nirvana’s “Nevermind” to name just a few.

Mr. Neve has received the Lifetime Achievement Technical Grammy Award, is an inducted member of the Mix Hall of Fame, has been named man of the century by Studio Sound Magazine and was selected by his peers as the number one audio personality of the 20th century, and continues to design into the 21st century…

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