Bogner Ecstasy User Manual

Bogner Ecstasy User Manual

Ecstasy User Manual

Please read safety instructions before operating this amplifier!

Thank you for purchasing the Ecstasy 101B. As modern guitar amplifiers go, the Ecstasy is not the least expensive, so we assume that you've listened very carefully to other amplifiers available on the market and we agree with you! The Ecstasy combines the sonic characteristics of the best modern and vintage amps, while offering you the technological advances you've come to expect from Bogner. This manual was designed to help you get the most from your new Bogner. We have included some tips & uses you might not have thought of, so please take a few minutes to read it. Of course, please feel free to call your Bogner dealer anytime you have questions. The Ecstasy was designed with simplicity & usability in mind. It was built with the finest materials the world has to offer so with just a tube change and a biasing every once in a while, the Bogner Ecstasy should provide you with the most wonderful sound for many, many years to come.


3 channel all tube design

Ch1: gain, bass, middle, treble and volume control

Ch1: 3 position pre eq and gain boost

Ch2: gain, volume and 3 position pre eq

Ch3: gain, volume and 3 position pre eq

Ch2 & 3: common bass, middle and treble controls

Ch2 & 3: common gain-structure, gain boost and plexi mode switch

Tube buffered effects loop, series or parallel (mix control) mode, master volume

Dual assignable presence controls with excursion switches for loose and tight feel

Half power & old/new style switch (cuts power from full to about 25 watts)

Functions on foot controller: ch1, ch2, ch3, boost 1, boost 2, fx loop, stand-by mute


120W EL34, 100W 6L6 or 45W 6V6 power amp

Class A/AB mode switch, cuts power further

Individual line-out controls for each channel (standard one common control)

Metal Grill (not available on 20thA)

Classic Circuit (discontinued)

20thA Circuit (6L6 standard), gold plexi front panel and larger head shell

DIMENSIONS and WEIGHTS: Are subject to change anytime, Please measure your amp carefully if a Custom Case is being made. Add¾inch for each, handle and rubber feet.








46 pounds

20thA Head:







51 pounds



The Manual: Let's begin by hooking up a speaker to the Speaker 1 jack on the back panel of the Ecstasy. Be sure to set the impedance switch correctly to match your cabinet. If you're not sure what impedance your cab is, open the back of the cabinet and call your dealer. There are many ways to wire a speaker cabinet and you need to know what yours is rated at. Now plug the footswitch connector into the "Remote Control" jack on the back panel. Next, with the standby switch (front left panel) in the "standby" (down) position, flick the Power switch to the "Power" (up) position. Let the amp warm up for at least a minute or two! This will stabilize the circuits and prevent a painful surge from flashing through your tubes. If you're kind to your amp, it will reward you with grateful reliability.

At this point, it might be helpful to understand the difference between Preamp and Poweramp functions. For instance, you are probably aware that the "presence" knob on most amps is a poweramp brightness control, while the "treble" knob is the preamp brightness control.

Your new Bogner has been carefully laid out so that you have options regarding how the preamp and poweramp respond, both together and separately.

On the front panel, turn down Vol.1, Vol.2 & Vol.3 (these are your channel masters). Make sure the loop on/off button on the rear panel is "off" and the loop light on the foot controller is off (more about this later). Plug your guitar into the "H" (HI) Input jack on the front panel (Classic and 20thA model have only the HI input) and flick the "standby" switch to "ON". Please note the “standby” switch on the foot controller is not associated with the “standby” switch on the amp, this switch is an audio signal mute so you can switch guitars silently. Tap the Green channel on the foot controller. You are now in channel 1 - the Clean Channel.

Channel 1 has Gain, Bass, Middle, Treble & Vol. controls. There is a 3 position Pre EQ switch. The Middle position is "N" or normal. "B1" is bright 1, which acts like the bright switch on an old Fender Twin. "B2" is bright 2, even brighter than "B1". The higher you set the gain control, the less effect the Pre EQ will have on the sound. This gives you almost infinite control over Pre EQ level. Channel 1, like channels 2 & 3, also has a boost, activated by the "Boost 1" button on the footswitch and/or the "Gain boost ch.1" switch on the front of the amp (on the Classic model boost can be only engaged via the foot controller). If you are using the supplied master footswitch controller or the optional Bogner Medusa for midi switching, leave the front panel "Gain boost ch.1" set to "L" (Low). The reason for this is: If the front panel boost switch is set to "H" (High), the footswitch will be bypassed for this function. The "Gain boost ch.1" front panel switch is there so that you can boost in the studio without your footswitch. If the switch is set to "H", the channel will be boosted at all times. If you haven't already, bring up Gain 1 and Vol. 1 and play in Channel 1. Note: Low end response changes drastically with the different positions of the Excursion, discussed later.

Tap the middle button on the footswitch and you are in Channel 2. Bring Gain 2 and Vol.2 up a little. By now you've noticed that, in addition to the light on the footswitch, two lights of the same color come up by the Gain and Vol. of that channel on the front panel. This is meant to help you make quick adjustments on a dark stage when you need to. Channels 2 and 3 have Gain, Treble, Middle, Bass and Volume controls as does Channel 1. Of course, 2 and 3 have the crunch and soaring gain that made Bogner famous. As with Channel 1, you'll find 3 position Pre EQ switches. Though Channels 2 and 3 share Bass, Middle, and Treble controls, the Pre EQ switches allow you to "voice" the Channels very differently. Don't under estimate the tonal power of Pre EQ. Experiment... Tap in Channel 3, set the Pre EQ to "B1" and bring up the volume a little. Now set Ch.2 Pre EQ to "N". Now kick back and forth between channels 2 & 3.

See how different they can sound using different Pre EQ’s. With the dual Presence/Excursion controls, you can really zero in on the sounds for each channel. >>>



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