Weight 535i 550i 530d 535d
Unladen EU
kg 2015 2135 2035 2045
Max. permissible kg 2570 2690 2590 2600
Permitted load kg 630 630 630 630
Permitted axle load front/rear kg 1165/1470 1245/1500 1180/1475 1190/1475
Permitted roof load kg 75 75 75 75
Permitted trailer load, unbraked kg 750 750 750 750
Permitted trailer load, braked, max. 1 2 % gradient kg 2100 2100 2100 2100
Permitted trailer load, braked, max. 8 % gradient kg 2100 2100 2100 2100
Permitted towbar download kg 100 100 100 100
535i 550i 530d 535d
Cylinders/valves 6/4 8/4 6/4 6/4
Capacity cc 2979 4395 2993 2993
Stroke/bore mm 89.6/84.0 88.3/89.0 90.0/84.0 90.0/84.0
Output/engine speed kW/rpm 225/5800 300/5500–6400 180/4000 220/4400
(hp/rpm) (306/5800) (407/5500–6400) (245/4000) (300/4400)
Max. torque/engine speed Nm/rpm 400/1200–5000 600/1750–4500 540/1750–3000 600/1500 – 2500
Compression ratio :1 10.2 10.0 16.5 16.5
Transmission 535i 550i 530d 535d
Standard transmission ratios I/II/III:1 4.70/3.13/2.10 4.70/3.13/2.10 4.70/3.13/2.10 4.70/3.13/2.10
IV/V/VI:1 1.67/1.29/1.00 1.67/1.29/1.00 1.67/1.29/1.00 1.67/1.29/1.00
VII/VIII/R:1 0.84/0.67/3.30 0.84/ 0.67/3.30 0.84/0.67/3.30 0.84/0.67/3.30
Performance 535i 550i 530d 535d
Top speed km/h 250
Acceleration 0 –1 0 0 km/h sec 6.3 5.5 6.9 6.1
240 250
Fuel consumption
2 , 3
535i 550i 530d 535d
Urban l/1 0 0 km 12.3 16.2 8.1 8.3
Extra-urban l/1 0 0 km 6.9 8.3 5.6 5.8
Combined l/1 0 0 km 8.9 11.2 6.5 6.7
emissions g/km 209 263 173 175
Tank capacity, approx. l 70 70 70 70
For an expla nation on the fo otnotes see the fo llowing pag e.

Wheels 535i 550i 530d 535d
Tyre dimensions 245/50 R 18 Y
Wheel dimensions 8 J x 18 8.5/9.5 J x 19 8 J x 18 8 J x 18
Material Light-alloy Light-alloy Ligh t-alloy Light-alloy
245/45 R 19 Y/
275/40 R 19 Y
245/50 R 18 Y 245/50 R 18 Y
Electrical system 535i 550i 530d 535d
Battery capacity Ah 90 90 90 90
Alternator output A 180 180 180 230
W 2520 2520 2520 3220
105 1*
150 6
1611 (55 0i: 162 1)
190 1
1654 (550i: 1636)
All dimensions in the technical drawings are given in millimetres.
Luggage compartment volumes:
Rear seats all the way back/separating panel locked in 4 4 0 litres. rear seats all the way forward/separating panel vertical 5 9 0 litres. rear seats and separating panel folded down 1 .7 0 0 litres.
Figu res are bas ed o n a 9 0 % tan k fi lli ng, dri ve r’s w eig ht o f 6 8 kg and 7 k g of l ugg ag e. Un la den wei ght a pp lie s to v eh icl es
wit h st and ar d eq uip men t. O pti ona l ex tra s ma y in cre as e the se f ig ure s.
BMW recommends the use of RON 9 5 super unleaded petrol. Unleaded RON 9 1 and higher with a maximum ethanol
content of 1 0 % (E1 0 ) may also be used. Output and consumption figures apply to RON 9 8 fuel.
All engines conform to the EU5 standard. Fuel consumption is determined according to the ECE combined cycle
(9 3 /1 1 6 /EC) in which approx. one-third of the distance covered is in urban traffic and two-thirds is extra-urban.
emissions are measured in addition to fuel consumption. Consumption figures apply to cars with standard equipment.
Optional extras (e.g. wider tyres) may affect consumption significantly.
Electronically limited.
109 0838 3070
* Maximum head room.
146 6