Blue Sea Systems AC 8 Position User Manual

Marine Electrical Prod
AC Power Distribution Panels
PN 8097 / PN 3097 / PN 8197 / PN 3197
PN 8411 / PN 3411 / PN 8511 / PN 3511
Panel Specifi cations
Voltage Rating: PN 8097 / 3097 / 8411 / 3411 120 Volts AC PN 8197 / 3197 / 8511 / 3511 230 Volts AC Panels are rated for these voltages and are so
Amperage Rating: Panel Buses are sized for 100 Amperes of
Material: 0.125” 5052-H32 Aluminum Alloy Primary Finish: Chemical Treatment per Mil Spec C-5541C Final Panel Finish: Graphite color 2 part textured Polyurethane
Inches Millimeters
Panel Depth: 2-1/2 63.50 PN 8097/3097/8197/3197 Dimensions: 10-1/2 x 3-3/4 266.70 x 95.30 PN 8411/3411/8511/3511 Dimensions: 10-1/2 x 4-1/2 266.70 x 114.30 PN 8097/3097/8197/3197 Centers: 9-11/16 x 2-15/16 245.60 x 74.20 PN 8411/3411/8511/3511 Centers: 9-11/16 x 3-11/16 246.10 x 93.70
Panel Features
PN 8097 / 3097 / 8197 / 3197 / 8411 / 3411 / 8511 / 3511
E marked, Complies with European Standards
PN 8097 / 3097 / 8411 / 3411-120 Volt AC
• Six 15 Ampere branch circuit breakers
PN 8197 / 3197 / 8511 / 3411-230 Volt AC
• Six 8 Ampere branch circuit breakers
The Purpose of a Panel
There are fi ve purposes of a marine electrical panel:
• Power distribution
• Circuit (wire) protection
• Circuit ON/OFF switching
• Metering of voltage and amperage (In panels with meters)
• Condition Indication (circuit energized)
continuous current.
@ It is not possible within the scope of these instructions to fully acquaint
the installer with all the knowledge of electrical systems that may be necessary to correctly install this product. If the installer is not knowledgeable in electrical systems we strongly recommend that an electrical professional be retained to make the installation.
@ If either the panel front or back is to be exposed to water it must be
protected with a waterproof shield.
@ The panels must not be installed in explosive environments such as
gasoline engine rooms or battery compartments as the circuit breakers are not ignition proof.
@ The vessel’s shore power cord must be disconnected form shoreside
power before installing this electrical panel.
@ If an inverter is installed on the vessel its power leads must be
disconnected at the battery before the panel installation. Be aware that many inverters have a “sleep mode” in which their voltage potential may not be detectable with measuring equipment.
@ If an AC Generator is installed aboard it must be stopped and rendered
inoperable before the panel is installed.
@ Verify that no other AC source is connected to the vessel’s wiring
before the panel is installed.
Any Blue Sea Systems product with which a customer is not satisfi ed may be returned for a refund or replacement at any time.
Blue Sea Systems Inc. Phone (360) 738-8230 425 Sequoia Drive Fax (360) 734-4195 Bellingham, WA 98226 USA E-mail
Document 9658 Rev.G
1. Disconnect all AC and DC power
Disconnect all AC power originating on or off the vessel. This includes inverters, generators, shore power attachments and any other device capable of supplying AC power to the ship’s circuits.
Disconnect the main positive DC cable from all batteries to eliminate the possibility of a short circuit and to disable the inverter while installing the distribution panel.
2. Optional - Install label back lighting kit
If the optional backlighting kit has been purchased (PN 8065, 2 Req.), install it according to the instructions included with the backlighting kit .
3. Select mounting location and cut opening
This panel is not intended to serve as the main AC circuit breaker panel. A double pole circuit breaker that breaks both the AC hot and neutral legs (such as Blue Sea Systems’ PN 8099 or PN 8199) must be installed in a location which is not more than 10 feet from the shore power inlet or the electrical attachment point of a permanently installed shore power cord as measured along the conductors of the feed wires.
Select a mounting location which is protected from water on the panel front and back and is not in an area where fl ammable vapors from propane, gasoline or lead acid batteries accumulate. The circuit breakers used in marine electrical panels are not ignition protected and may ignite such vapors.
Using the panel template provided, make a cut out in the mounting surface where the distribution panel is to be mounted. Do not yet fasten the panel to the mounting surface.
below. Verify that the standard circuit breakers installed in the panel are correct for each branch circuit. Remove and replace any that are incorrectly sized. The circuit breaker must have a rating less than the allowable amperage of the wire, yet greater than the circuit’s continuous current.
Connect each branch circuit hot (black) to the appropriate load terminal. Connect each branch circuit neutral (white) to one of the screws on the neutral bus. Connect each branch safety ground wire (green) to one of the screws of the safety ground bus.
Do not confuse the neutral current carrying wires (sometimes called ground) with the green normally non-current carrying wires (sometimes called grounding). These two wires must be connected only at the source of power, nowhere else.
Wire sizing chart
Use the wire sizing chart below to determine the proper branch and
feed circuit wire sizes.
Allowable Amperage of Conductors
4. Install branch circuit wires
Determine the proper wire size for each branch circuit using the chart
Note: This chart assumes wire with 105°C insulation rating and no more than 2 conductors are bundled. Not suitable for sizing fl exible shore power cords.
Installation (continued)
5. Install feed circuit wires
Install the feed wires from the AC main circuit breaker panel or other AC source, referring to the wire sizing chart to select the correct wire size. Connect the black AC hot, white AC neutral and green AC safety ground as shown in the illustration.
6. Installation of Backlight System
The backlight board is a DC device. When installing it in an AC panel both wire leads must be connected to an appropriate DC source and ground.
Connect the yellow negative wire to a DC ground. Connect the red positive wire to any DC positive supply, usually a switch that controls the vessel’s other nighttime illumination.
7. Apply branch circuit labels and mount panel
Apply a label for each of the branch circuits from the 30 basic labels provided. If the appropriate label is not included, the Extended Label Set of 120 labels may be ordered from your marine supplier (PN 8067). Individual labels are also available from Blue Sea Systems for specifi c applications. Refer to the label order form for a complete listing of individual labels.
Fasten the panel to the mounting surface using the panel mounting screws supplied with the panel.
8. Testing
@ Using a multimeter where the power source is connected to the
panel verify: PN 8097 / 3097 / 8411 / 3411-120 Volt AC a. 120 volts between hot and neutral (nominal, this may vary depending on source voltage) b. 120 volts between hot and ground. c. 0 volts between neutral and ground. PN 8197 / 3197 / 8511 / 3511-230 Volt AC a. 230 volts between hot and neutral (nominal, this may vary depending on source voltage) b. 230 volts between hot and ground. c. 0 volts between neutral and ground.
@ Turn on each branch circuit to verify power to each circuit.
All Blue Sea Systems’ AC electrical distribution panels are furnished with 15 amp or 8 amp circuit breakers for branch circuits. 15 amp circuit breakers are used in all 120 volt panels and 8 amp circuit breakers are used in all 230 volt panels. These ratings were selected to minimize the need for removing the panel’s circuit breakers and reinstalling different size circuit breakers. It is very rare to have more than this amount of current fl owing in any one circuit. Therefore, these circuit breakers will satisfy the vast majority of marine circuit protection situations.
Applicable Standards
• American Boat and Yacht Council Standards and recommended Practices for Small Crafts sections: E-8, Alternating Current Electrical Systems on Boats.
• United States Coast Guard Code of Federal Regulations 33, Part 183, Subpart I, Electrical Systems on Boats.
Related Products from Blue Sea Systems
• PanelBack Insulating Covers
• High Amperage Fuses and Circuit Breakers for positive feed wires
• High Amperage Battery Switches
• Terminal Blocks and Common Bus Connectors
• AC Distribution Panels
• DC Distribution Panels
• AC and DC Digital and Analog Voltmeters and Ammeters
Useful Reference Books
Calder, Nigel, 1996: Boatowner’s Mechanical and Electrical Manual,
2nd edition, Blue Ridge Summit, PA: TAB Books, Inc.
Wing, Charlie, 1993: Boatowner’s Illustrated Handbook of Wiring, Blue Ridge Summit, PA: TAB Books, Inc.
Wiring Diagram
AC Power Distribution Panel
(PN 8097 / PN 3097 shown for reference)