Black & Decker Fx250 Instruction Manual

English 3 Italiano 6 Español 9 Português 13 Ελληνικά 16
Your Black & Decker appliance is intended for blending food and beverages. Do not use this appliance for any other purpose. This product is intended for household use only.
Safety instructions Warning! When using mains-powered appliances, basic
safety precautions, including the following, should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, personal injury and material damage.
X Read all of this manual carefully before using the
X The intended use is described in this manual. The use
of any accessory or attachment or the performance of any operation with this appliance other than those recommended in this instruction manual may present a risk of personal injury.
X Retain this manual for future reference.
Using your appliance
X Make sure that the appliance is switched off before
connecting to or disconnecting from the power supply.
X Always take care when using the appliance. X Do not use the appliance outdoors. X Do not operate the appliance if your hands are wet. X Do not operate the appliance if you are barefoot. X Do not touch moving parts. Keep long hair and loose
clothing out of the way of the moving parts.
X Guide the power supply cord neatly so it does not hang
over the edge of a worktop and cannot be caught accidentally or tripped over.
X Never pull the power supply cord to disconnect the plug
from the socket. Keep the power supply cord away from heat, oil and sharp edges.
X Switch off and wait for the motor to stop running before
disconnecting the appliance from the power supply.
X Never detach any part or accessory while the appliance
is still connected to the power supply. Always disconnect the appliance from the power supply first.
X If the power supply cord is damaged during use,
disconnect the appliance from the power supply immediately. Do not touch the power supply cord before disconnecting from the power supply.
X Disconnect the appliance from the power supply when
not in use, before fitting or removing parts and before cleaning.
X Misuse could cause an injury. X Always leave sufficient space around the appliance for
X Keep loose clothing, hair, jewellery etc. away from
moving parts.
X Care is needed when handling the cutting blades,
especially when removing the blades from the jug and during cleaning.
X Never use the appliance without the jug fitted.
Safety of others
X Do not allow children or any person unfamiliar with
these instructions to use the appliance.
X Do not allow children or animals to come near the work
area or to touch the appliance or power supply cord. Close supervision is necessary when the appliance is used near children.
X The appliance is not intended for use by young or infirm
persons without supervision.
X Children must be supervised to make sure that they do
not play with the appliance.
After use
X Switch off the appliance before cleaning, changing
accessories or approaching parts which move in use.
X Switch off and remove the plug from the socket before
leaving the appliance unattended and before changing, cleaning or inspecting any parts of the appliance.
X When not in use, the appliance should be stored in a dry
place. Children should not have access to stored appliances.
Inspection and repairs
X Before use, check the appliance for damaged or
defective parts. Check for breakage of parts, damage to switches and any other conditions that may affect its operation.
X Do not use the appliance if any part is damaged or
X Have any damaged or defective parts repaired or
replaced by an authorised repair agent.
X Before use, check the power supply cord for signs of
damage, ageing and wear.
X Do not use the appliance if the power supply cord or
mains plug is damaged or defective.
X If the power supply cord or mains plug is damaged or
defective it must be repaired by an authorised repair agent in order to avoid a hazard. Do not cut the power supply cord and do not attempt to repair it yourself.
X Never attempt to remove or replace any parts other than
those specified in this manual.
Electrical safety
This tool is double insulated in accordance with EN 60335; therefore no earth wire is required. Always check that the power supply corresponds to the voltage on the rating plate.
To avoid the risk of electric shock, do not immerse the cord, plug or motor unit in water or other liquid.
1. On/off button
2. Motor housing
3. Jug cover
4. Chopping blade
5. Blade cover
6. Jug
7. Spout
8. Whisk
X Remove all packaging from the appliance, X Clean the appliance before first use.
Warning! Always place the appliance on a flat, clean and
non-slip surface before operating it. Warning! Never operate the appliance unless the lid is correctly fitted.
X Remove the motor housing (2) and jug cover (3). X Fit the appropriate blade (4 or 8), add the ingredients
and replace the jug cover. Do not exceed the "max" marking of the graduation on the jug.
X Place the motor housing on top of the jug. X Press the button (1) to operate the appliance.
The Chopper will not operate if the jug cover (3) or the motor housing (2) are incorrectly fitted.
The appliance will continue to work until the button is released.
X Disconnect the appliance from the electrical supply. X Remove the motor housing (2), jug cover (3) and blade
(4 or 8), then transfer the ingredients to a suitable
container. Note: Do not operate the appliance for longer than two minutes. After each two minute session, the appliance must be allowed to cool down for at least five minutes.
The motor is equipped with an auto-resetting thermostat. This may operate and stop the operation if the appliance is overloaded. If this should happen, allow the chopper to cool down and remove some of the contents of the jug. The thermostat will take a few minutes to reset.
Quantities and processing times
Mayonnaise 40 5 Onions 350 15 Garlic 150 5 Bread 100 10 Nuts 300 5 Cheese 300 5 Ham 300 20 Meat (raw) 250 10 Chocolate 250 10
Cleaning and maintenance
Warning! Switch the appliance off and unplug it before
cleaning or maintenance. Warning! Do not immerse the appliance, the cord set or the plug in water or any other liquid.
Always clean the appliance immediately after use. Do not let food dry on to the jug, cover or blades as this will make cleaning difficult.
Do not wash any parts of the appliance in a dishwasher.
X Wash the jug and jug cover by hand, rinse with clean
water and dry thoroughly.
Motor housing
X Wipe the motor housing (2) with a damp cloth and dry
thoroughly. Do not use any abrasive or solvent-based cleaner.
Blade assembly Warning! Be careful when cleaning the blades; they are
X Wash the blades by hand, rinse with clean water and dry
Protecting the environment
Separate collection. This product must not be disposed of with normal household waste.
Should you find one day that your Black & Decker product needs replacement, or if it is of no further use to you, do not dispose of it with household waste. Make this product available for separate collection.
Separate collection of used products and packaging allows materials to be recycled and used again. Re­use of recycled materials helps prevent environmental pollution and reduces the demand for raw materials.
Local regulations may provide for separate collection of electrical products from the household, at municipal waste sites or by the retailer when you purchase a new product.
Black & Decker provides a facility for the collection and recycling of Black & Decker products once they have reached the end of their working life. To take advantage of this service please return your product to any authorised repair agent who will collect them on our behalf.
You can check the location of your nearest authorised repair agent by contacting your local Black & Decker office at the address indicated in this manual. Alternatively, a list of authorised Black & Decker repair agents and full details of our after-sales service and contacts are available on the Internet at:
Technical data
Voltage Vdc 230 Power input W 400 Weight kg 1.4
EC declaration of conformity
Black & Decker declares that these products conform to:
EN60335-1, EN60335-2-14, 2006/95/EC, EN50366
Black & Decker is confident of the quality of its products and offers an outstanding guarantee. This guarantee statement is in addition to and in no way prejudices your statutory rights. The guarantee is valid within the territories of the Member States of the European Union and the European Free Trade Area.
If a Black & Decker product becomes defective due to faulty materials, workmanship or lack of conformity, within 24 months from the date of purchase, Black & Decker guarantees to replace defective parts, repair products subjected to fair wear and tear or replace such products to make sure of the minimum inconvenience to the customer unless:
X The product has been used for trade, professional or
hire purposes.
X The product has been subjected to misuse or neglect. X The product has sustained damage through foreign
objects, substances or accidents.
X Repairs have been attempted by persons other than
authorised repair agents or Black & Decker service staff.
To claim on the guarantee, you will need to submit proof of purchase to the seller or an authorised repair agent. You can check the location of your nearest authorised repair agent by contacting your local Black & Decker office at the address indicated in this manual. Alternatively, a list of authorised Black & Decker repair agents and full details of our after­sales service and contacts are available on the Internet at: Please visit our website to
register your new Black & Decker product and to be kept up to date on new products and special offers. Further information on the Black & Decker brand and our range of products is available at
Director of Consumer Engineering
Kevin Hewitt
Spennymoor, County Durham DL16 6JG,
United Kingdom
Uso previsto
Questo elettrodomestico Black & Decker è stato ideato per frullare ingredienti alimentari. Non usarlo per scopi diversi. Questo prodotto è destinato per uso domestico.
Istruzioni di sicurezza Attenzione! Quando si usano elettrodomestici alimentati
elettricamente, osservare sempre le normali precauzioni di sicurezza per ridurre il rischio di incendio, scosse elettriche, lesioni personali e danni materiali.
X Leggere attentamente il presente manuale prima di
usare l'elettrodomestico.
X L'uso previsto è descritto nel presente manuale. Se
questo elettrodomestico viene usato con accessori o
per usi diversi da quelli raccomandati nel presente
manuale d'uso, si potrebbero verificare lesioni
X Conservare il presente manuale per futura
Utilizzo dell'elettrodomestico
X Accertarsi che l’elettrodomestico sia spento prima di
collegarlo o scollegarlo dall’alimentazione elettrica.
X Prestare sempre attenzione quando si usa
X Non usare l’elettrodomestico all’aperto. X Non far funzionare l’elettrodomestico con le mani
X Non far funzionare l’elettrodomestico quando si è a
piedi nudi.
X Non toccare le parti in movimento. Tenere capelli e
vestiti lontani dalle parti in movimento.
X Sistemare il filo di alimentazione in modo ben ordinato
per evitare che sporga oltre il bordo del piano di lavoro
e che possa rimanere accidentalmente impigliato o far
X Non tirare mai il filo di alimentazione per scollegare la
spina dalla presa di corrente. Tenere il filo di
alimentazione lontano da fonti di calore, olio e bordi
X Spegnere l’elettrodomestico e attendere che il motore
smetta di funzionare prima di scollegarlo
dall’alimentazione elettrica.
X Non staccare mai parti o accessori se l’elettrodomestico
è ancora collegato all’alimentazione elettrica.
Scollegarlo sempre prima dall’alimentazione elettrica.
X Se il filo di alimentazione subisce danni durante l’uso,
scollegare immediatamente l’elettrodomestico
dall’alimentazione elettrica. Non toccare il filo di
alimentazione prima di scollegarlo dall’alimentazione
X Scollegare l’elettrodomestico dall’alimentazione
elettrica se non è utilizzato e prima di inserire o staccare gli accessori e prima del lavaggio.
X Un uso errato può causare lesioni. X Lasciare sempre abbastanza spazio libero attorno
all’elettrodomestico per il ricircolo di aria.
X Tenere vestiti larghi, capelli, gioielli, ecc., lontani dalle
parti in movimento.
X Prestare attenzione quando si manipola il coltello, in
modo particolare quando viene estratto dal bicchiere e quando viene pulito.
X Non usare mai l’elettrodomestico senza aver prima
montato il bicchiere.
Sicurezza altrui
X Vietare l’uso dell’elettrodomestico ad adulti che non
abbiano letto il presente manuale e ai bambini.
X Vietare a bambini o ad animali di avvicinarsi all’area di
lavoro o di toccare l’elettrodomestico o il filo di alimentazione. Prestare la massima attenzione quando si usa l’elettrodomestico vicino ai bambini.
X L’utilizzo di questo elettrodomestico non è destinato a
ragazzi o persone inferme senza supervisione.
X Sorvegliare i bambini per essere certi che non giochino
con l’elettrodomestico.
Dopo l'impiego
X Spegnere l’elettrodomestico prima di pulire o cambiare
gli accessori o di avvicinarsi a parti che si muovono durante l’uso.
X Prima di lasciare incustodito l’elettrodomestico e prima
di cambiare, pulire o ispezionare i componenti, spegnerlo ed estrarre la spina dalla presa di corrente.
X Quando non viene usato, riporre l’elettrodomestico in un
luogo asciutto. Gli elettrodomestici non devono essere riposti alla portata dei bambini.
Ispezione e riparazioni
X Prima dell'impiego, controllare che l'elettrodomestico
non sia danneggiato e non presenti parti difettose. Controllare che non vi siano parti rotte, che gli interruttori non siano danneggiati e che non vi siano altre condizioni che potrebbero avere ripercussioni sulle prestazioni.
X Non usare l'elettrodomestico se alcune parti sono
danneggiate o difettose.
X Far riparare o sostituire le parti danneggiate o difettose
da un tecnico autorizzato.
X Prima dell’uso, controllare che il filo di alimentazione
non presenti segni di danni, invecchiamento e usura.
X Non usare l’elettrodomestico se il filo di alimentazione o
la spina sono danneggiati o difettosi.
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