Appendix B –Approval Requirements....................................................................................................33
Appendix C - EMC Requirements..........................................................................................................34
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233
G-Converter Chassis
G-Converter System’s Chassis
User Manual
Certified Compliant in the EC, when fitted with G.7 03/70 4 to X.2 1 i nterface/r a te converter Da ta
Channel cards, and in accordance with t he in sta llat ion in structions.
Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC and amendment 93/68/EE C)
EN60950 : 1992 (Safety)
Electromagnetic Compatibility d irective (89/ 336 / EEC and su bsequent
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment directive (91/263/EEC and
amendment 93/68/EEC) where indicated in approvals requirements section.
SALES: 0118 965 5100
G-Converter Chassis
This manual provides information covering installation and set-up procedures of the GConverter Card Cage System.
Accommodation within the Card Cage System is provided for up to 18 Channel Cards; 1
Manager Card; and 2 Power Supplies. All cards may be ‘hot swapped’. The Card Cage
System is normally supplied with a single 40W 230V AC Power Supply Module. Additional
Power Supply Modules can be supplied to meet specific requirements.
The Card Cage System, manufactured from extruded aluminium, comprises 21 slots, within a
19-inch, 3U enclosure. A PCB back plane, which provides interconnection between the
front and rear sections of the Channel cards, is located towards the back of the enclosure.
Channel connection is achieved by simply plugging the appropriate front and rear sections
into the back plane.
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233
G-Converter Chassis
Manager Card
The Manager Card is a single section card that plugs into Slot 19 of the Card Cage System.
This card provides the facilities for setting up and controlling all types of Data Channel
Cards, additionally it is used to log and report faults on the Channel Cards, Power Supplies
and Cooling Fan. Both a 10 Base-T Ethernet port and an RS232 Supervisor port are
provided. Access to these ports is via the fixed rear panel of the Card Cage System.
The Manager Card is essential for controlling most types of Data Channel Cards, exceptions
being the G-Converter 2.048Mbps and the G-Converter Nx64k.
SALES: 0118 965 5100
G-Converter Chassis
The Nx64 Channel Cards are universal and may be operated with/or without a Manager Card.
Rotary switches, recessed into the front panel, permit selection of the data rate in [N x 64k
increments]. The selected N rate is simultaneously confirmed via the numeric display.
The 2.048Mbps Channel Cards have no set up or alarm features negating the need for the
Manager Card.
Manager Card LED Indication
On the front of the Manager Card are five LEDs. In order, from top to bottom, they are:-
LED name Function
Manager Card operational Red = faulty,
green =ok
Ethernet activity Amber = TX and RX, green = link active,
Off = no link
PSU 1 operational Red = faulty, green =ok
PSU 2 operational Red = faulty, green =ok
Fan operational Red = faulty, green =ok
Removal of Manager Card
The Manager Card can only be fitted in slot 19.
The Manager Card can be ‘hot swapped’ by simply releasing the retaining screws on the top
and bottom of the Manager Panel and with the aid of the injector/ejector handles withdraw
the card. Simply reverse this process to install the card.
N.B if the Data Channel Cards were powered during the swapping of a Manager Card then
the new Manager Card will interrogate the data channel cards for set up parameters and store
these in its non volatile memory.
Power Supplies
The Card Cage provides accommodation for up to two Euro-cassette t ypes, 40 watt, Power
Supply Modules. Typically, a single Power Supply will be fitted; adding a second Power
Supply reduces the probability of power failure.
The Power Supplies are connected to individually fused and filtered IEC inlets; each module
is capable of powering the fully populated Card Cage. If two modules are installed loading
is shared between them. In the event of one o f the modules failing the other will suppl y the
complete Power requirement of the Card Cage.
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233
G-Converter Chassis
Before installation, refer to the safety warnings, approvals requirements and emc
requirements in the appendices.
Environmental Considerations
The equipment must be operated under the following atmospheric conditions:
Temperature: 0 to 40 degrees centigrade.
Humidity: 0% to 90% non-condensing.
Card Cage System
The Card Cage System should be housed in a cabinet that is considered by EN60950 to be a
suitable electrical and fire enclosure. Refer to Appendix A for safety warnings. A fixing
flange is fitted to the front of the Card Cage to mount the unit into the cabinet.
Manager Card
The Manager Card is connected to the 9 Way-D Supervisor Port, and the RJ45 10Base-T
port, located adjacent to the fan on the rear of the Card Ca ge. Connection between individual
Channel Cards and the Manager Card is achieved via the back plane (See Figures 1 and 2).
There are no user configurable links on the Manager Card.
Power Supplies
The Power Supplies are installed in Slots 20 and 21. Slot 21 is located on the ex treme right
hand side of the Card Cage, when viewing it from the front, (See Figure 1). Mains power for
Slots 20 and 21 is provided by a pair of IEC connectors, the upper connector is allocated for
Slot 21, the lower connector for Slot 20.
When only one Power Supply is fitted it should be into Slot 21 with mains power being
supplied via the upper IEC connector. A blanking panel should be installed to cover Slot 20.
Channel Cards
Channel Cards for the Card Cage may be selected to meet several requirements; the cards are
fitted into slots 1 to 18. The cards can be ‘hot swapped’ by simply releasing the retaining
screws on the top and bottom of the paneland with the aid of the injector/ejector handles
carefully withdrawing the card. Simply reverse this process to install a card.
SALES: 0118 965 5100
G-Converter Chassis
Management – Overview
This manual deals with the set-up configurations specific to the Card Cage assembly.
Configuration of the various Channel Cards available is detailed in a separate manual.
A choice of three methods is available to manage the Channel Cards: Terminal Management
via the Supervisor Port, Telnet and SNMP.
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233
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