Camera and video camera shortcuts.......................................................................................................................................................................................................10
Media shortcuts..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10
SMS text messages....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................48
Message list options..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................55
Media files...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................81
Camera and video camera........................................................................................................................................................................................................................84
Take a picture.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................84
Pan a picture...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................84
Zoom in to or out from a picture..............................................................................................................................................................................................................84
Record a video............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................85
Camera and video camera options..........................................................................................................................................................................................................85
Camera and video camera shortcuts.......................................................................................................................................................................................................86
Camera and video camera troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................................................................87
Transferring and downloading media files.............................................................................................................................................................................................88
Playing media files and recording voice notes.......................................................................................................................................................................................90
Managing media files................................................................................................................................................................................................................................93
Media card and mass storage mode options..........................................................................................................................................................................................100
Media shortcuts..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................101
Media troubleshooting..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................102
Web feeds....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................109
Date, time, and alarm................................................................................................................................................................................................................................120
Set the date and time................................................................................................................................................................................................................................120
Get the date and time from the wireless network automatically.........................................................................................................................................................120
Change what appears on the display when your device is charging...................................................................................................................................................120
Change the clock face...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................121
Display a second time zone......................................................................................................................................................................................................................121
Turn on bedside clock mode.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................121
Set options for bedside clock mode.........................................................................................................................................................................................................121
Turn on the alarm.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................122
Silence the alarm.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................122
Use the stopwatch.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................122
Set the timer...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................123
Date, time, and alarm troubleshooting....................................................................................................................................................................................................123
Personal organizer.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................124
LED notification..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................148
Change the display language...................................................................................................................................................................................................................162
Add a display language.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................162
Delete a display language.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................162
About typing input languages..................................................................................................................................................................................................................162
Change the typing input language..........................................................................................................................................................................................................162
Change the input options for SureType technology..............................................................................................................................................................................163
Change the voice dialing language.........................................................................................................................................................................................................163
Use a shortcut to switch typing input languages while you type........................................................................................................................................................164
Change the shortcut for switching typing input languages.................................................................................................................................................................164
Turn off the shortcut for switching typing input languages.................................................................................................................................................................164
Change the display options for contacts.................................................................................................................................................................................................165
Language troubleshooting........................................................................................................................................................................................................................165
Display and keyboard................................................................................................................................................................................................................................166
Messages, attachments, and web pages.................................................................................................................................................................................................173
About synchronization...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................178
Reconcile email messages over the wireless network...........................................................................................................................................................................178
Delete email messages over the wireless network................................................................................................................................................................................178
Prerequisites: Synchronizing organizer data over the wireless network.............................................................................................................................................179
Synchronize organizer data over the wireless network.........................................................................................................................................................................179
About synchronization conflicts...............................................................................................................................................................................................................179
Manage data synchronization conflicts...................................................................................................................................................................................................180
About backing up and restoring device data..........................................................................................................................................................................................180
Prerequisites: Restoring data over the wireless network......................................................................................................................................................................180
Delete all device data................................................................................................................................................................................................................................181
Empty the deleted items folder on your computer from your device...................................................................................................................................................181
Bluetooth technology................................................................................................................................................................................................................................183
Bluetooth technology basics.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................183
Bluetooth technology options...................................................................................................................................................................................................................185
Bluetooth technology troubleshooting....................................................................................................................................................................................................189
About GPS technology..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................190
Get your GPS location...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................190
Turn off location aiding.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................190
Add an application.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................206
View properties for an application...........................................................................................................................................................................................................206
Delete a third-party application...............................................................................................................................................................................................................206
Receive a device password prompt before you add an application.....................................................................................................................................................207
View the size of an application database................................................................................................................................................................................................207
About updating the BlackBerry Device Software...................................................................................................................................................................................207
Prerequisites: Updating the BlackBerry Device Software over the wireless network.......................................................................................................................207
Update the BlackBerry Device Software.................................................................................................................................................................................................208
Return to the previous version of the BlackBerry Device Software.....................................................................................................................................................208
Delete the previous version of the BlackBerry Device Software..........................................................................................................................................................208
Find information about wireless coverage indicators............................................................................................................................................................................210
Turn off a wireless connection..................................................................................................................................................................................................................210
About wireless coverage indicators.........................................................................................................................................................................................................210
Turn on wireless coverage notification....................................................................................................................................................................................................211
About the preferred wireless network list...............................................................................................................................................................................................212
Add a wireless network to the preferred wireless network list.............................................................................................................................................................212
Change the order of preferred wireless networks..................................................................................................................................................................................212
Delete a wireless network from the preferred wireless network list....................................................................................................................................................213
Turn off data service..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................213
About roaming............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................214
Verify the status of network connections and services.........................................................................................................................................................................214
UMA connection settings.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................220
Power, battery, and memory.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................223
Turn off your device...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................223
Set your device to turn on and turn off automatically...........................................................................................................................................................................223
Reset the device.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................223
Check the battery power level..................................................................................................................................................................................................................223
Format a media card..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................224
View the amount of available memory....................................................................................................................................................................................................224
Best practice: Optimizing your device performance..............................................................................................................................................................................224
About the SIM card phone book...............................................................................................................................................................................................................226
Add a contact to your SIM card................................................................................................................................................................................................................226
Copy contacts from your SIM card to your contact list.........................................................................................................................................................................226
Copy a contact from your contact list to your SIM card........................................................................................................................................................................226
Change a SIM card contact......................................................................................................................................................................................................................227
Delete a SIM card contact........................................................................................................................................................................................................................227
Store SMS text messages on your SIM card...........................................................................................................................................................................................227
About SIM card security............................................................................................................................................................................................................................228
Protect your SIM card with a PIN code...................................................................................................................................................................................................228
Change the SIM card PIN code................................................................................................................................................................................................................228
Change the display name for a phone number......................................................................................................................................................................................228
About security self-tests............................................................................................................................................................................................................................258
Service books and diagnostic reports......................................................................................................................................................................................................263
Service books..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................263
About BrickBreaker....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................268
Play BrickBreaker.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................269
Adjust the volume......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................269
Set the paddle speed.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................269
Submit a score to the BrickBreaker high score web site.......................................................................................................................................................................270
Check the high scores on the BrickBreaker web site.............................................................................................................................................................................270
•To move to a list item or menu item, type the first letter of the item.
•To select or clear a check box, press the Space key.
•To view available values in a field, press the Alt key.
•To switch applications, hold the Alt key and press the Escape key. Continue to hold the Alt key and highlight an application. Release the
Alt key.
•To return to the Home screen or application list, press the End key.
•To delete a highlighted item, press the Backspace/Delete key.
On the Home screen
•To lock the keyboard, hold the asterisk (*) key. To unlock the keyboard, press the asterisk (*) key and the Send key.
•To lock the device, set a password. Hold the asterisk (*) key. To unlock the device, type your password. Press the Enter key.
•To switch between the active notification profile and the Vibrate notification profile, hold the # key.
Phone shortcuts
•To change your ring tone, in the phone application, press the Menu key. Click Set Ring Tone.
•To check your voice mail, press and hold 1.
•To send an incoming call to voice mail when the flip is closed, press and hold the Volume Down key.
•To insert a plus sign (+) when typing a phone number, press and hold 0.
•To add an extension to a phone number, press the X key. Type the extension number.
•To set up speed dial for a contact, on the Home screen or in the phone application, press and hold the key that you would like to assign
speed dial to.
•To turn on the speakerphone during a call, press the period (.) key. To turn off the speakerphone during a call, press the period (.) key
•To listen to a call using wired headphones, press the period (.) key. To stop listening to a call using wired headphones, press the period
(.) key again.
•To type a letter in a phone number field, press and hold the Alt key. Use the multi-tap input method to type the letter.
•To view your contact list in the phone application, press and hold the Send key.
•To switch phone numbers, in the phone application, click your active phone number. Click a phone number.
User Guide
Message shortcuts
In a message
•To reply to a message, press the exclamation point (!) key.
•To forward a message, press the period (.) key.
•To move to the last cursor position after you close and reopen a received email message or PIN message, press 5.
In a message list
•To open a highlighted message, press the Enter key.
•To compose a message from a message list, press the comma (,) key.
•To view received messages and received call logs, press the Alt key and 3.
•To view call logs, press the Alt key and the period (.) key.
•To view voice mail messages, press the Alt key and 7.
•To view SMS text messages, press the Alt key and the question mark (?) key.
•To view all your messages, press the Escape key.
Move around a message list
•To move up a screen, press the Shift key and the Space key.
•To move down a screen, press the Space key.
•To move to the top of a message list, press 1.
•To move to the bottom of a message list, press 7.
•To move up a message, press 2.
•To move down a message, press 8.
•To move to the next date, press 6.
•To move to the previous date, press 4.
Message shortcuts
Attachment shortcuts
•To search for text in an attachment, press Q.
In a spreadsheet
•To move to a specific cell, press A.
•To view the content of a cell, press the Space key.
•To switch worksheets, press O. Highlight a worksheet. Press the Enter key.
In a presentation
•To switch presentation views, press Z.
•To move to the next slide when viewing a presentation in slide view, press 6.
•To move to the previous slide when viewing a presentation in slide view, press 4.
User Guide
Camera and video camera shortcuts
Camera and video camera shortcuts
Depending on your BlackBerry® device, the camera or video camera feature might not be supported.
•To zoom in to a subject before taking a picture, press the Volume Up key.
•To zoom out from a subject before taking a picture, press the Volume Down key.
•To take a picture when the flip is open, press the Right Convenience key.
•To change the flash mode for a picture or to turn on low-light mode for a video, press the Space key.
Media shortcuts
•To pause a song or video, press the Mute key. To resume playing a video or song, press the Mute key again.
•To play the next song in a category, press 6.
•To play the previous song in a category, press 4.
•To play the next song in a playlist, press and hold the Volume Up key.
•To play the previous song in a playlist, press and hold the Volume Down key.
•To turn on the audio boost feature to amplify the volume for songs, ring tones, and videos, press the Volume Up key until you reach the
highest volume setting, and then press the Volume Up key four times quickly.
•To pan up in a picture, press 2.
•To pan down in a picture, press 8.
•To pan right in a picture, press 6.
•To pan left in a picture, press 4.
•To return to the center of a picture, press 5.
•To zoom in to a picture, press 3. To zoom to the original picture size, press 7.
•To zoom out from a picture, press 9. To zoom to the original picture size, press 7.
•To rotate a picture, press the comma (,) key.
•To fit a picture to the screen size, press 1.
Browser shortcuts
•To insert a period (.) in the web address field, press the Space key.
•To insert a slash mark (/) in the web address field, press the Shift key and the Space key.
•To stop loading a web page, press the Escape key.
•To close the browser, hold the Escape key.
On a web page
•To switch between Column view and Page view, press the at sign (@) key.
User Guide
•To zoom in to a web page, press the comma (,) key.
•To zoom out from a web page, press the period (.) key.
•To turn on support for JavaScript, press the Symbol key.
•To move to a specific web page, press 5.
•To add a bookmark, press the question mark (?) key.
•To follow a link, highlight or pause on the link. Press the Enter key.
•To hide the banner, press the exclamation point (!) key. To view the banner, press the exclamation point (!) key.
Navigate a web page
•To move up a screen, press 3.
•To move down a screen, press 9.
•To move to the top of a web page, press 1.
•To move to the bottom of a web page, press 7.
Calendar shortcuts
For shortcuts to work in Day view, in the general calendar options, change the Enable Quick Entry field to No.
•To schedule an appointment, press the period (.) key.
•To move to the next day, week, or month, press 9.
•To move to the previous day, week, or month, press 3.
•To move up an hour in Day view or Week view, press 2.
•To move down an hour in Day view or Week view, press 8.
•To move to the current date, press the exclamation point (!) key.
Calendar shortcuts
Typing shortcuts
•To insert a period, press the Space key twice. The next letter is capitalized.
•To capitalize a letter, hold the letter key until the capitalized letter appears.
•To type the alternate character on a key, press the Alt key and the character key.
•To type an accented or special character, hold the letter key and roll the trackball to the left or right. Click a selected character. For example,
to type ü, hold 3 and roll the trackball to the left until ü is highlighted. Click the trackball.
•To type a number in a number field, press a number key. You do not need to press the Alt key.
•To type a number in a text field, hold the Alt key and press the number key.
•To type a letter in a number field, hold the Alt key and use the multi-tap input method.
•To turn on NUM lock, hold the Shift key and press the Alt key. To turn off NUM lock, press the Alt key.
User Guide
•To type a long word quickly, type part of the word. In the list that appears when you type, highlight an item with the same initial letters as
the word that you want to type. Roll the trackball to the right. In the second list that appears on the screen, highlight the word that you
want to type. Press the Enter key.
Insert symbols
•To insert an at sign (@) or a period (.) in an email address field, press the Space key.
•To type a symbol, press the Symbol key. To view more symbols, press the Symbol key again. Type the letter that appears below the symbol.
Work with text
•To highlight a line of text, press the Shift key and roll the trackball up or down.
•To highlight text character by character, hold the Shift key and roll the trackball left or right.
•To cancel a text selection, press the Escape key.
•To cut highlighted text when typing, press the Shift key and the Backspace/Delete key.
•To copy highlighted text when typing, press the Alt key and click the trackball.
•To paste highlighted text when typing, press the Shift key and click the trackball.
Search shortcuts
Search shortcuts
•To search for a contact in a list of contacts, type the contact name or initials separated by a space.
•To search for text in an attachment, press Q.
•To search for text in a presentation, you must view the presentation in text view or in text and slide view. Press Q.
Map shortcuts
•To zoom in to a map, press L.
•To zoom out from a map, press O.
•To move to the next direction on a route, press 6.
•To move to the previous direction on a route, press 4.
•To view status information at the top of a map, press Q. To hide status information at the top of a map, press Q again.
•To view tracking information at the bottom of a map while you are tracking your movement, press the Space key. To hide tracking information
at the bottom of a map, press the Space key again.
User Guide
Phone basics
Find your phone number
Perform one of the following actions:
• To view your active phone number, from the Home screen, press the Send key. Your active phone number appears beside the My
Number field at the top of the screen.
• If you have multiple phone numbers associated with your BlackBerry® device, to view a list of your phone numbers, from the Home
screen, press the Send key. Click the My Number field at the top of the screen. If your wireless service plan supports SMS text and
MMS messaging, the first phone number in the list is the phone number that you use to send and receive SMS text and MMS messages.
Make a call
1.On the Home screen or in the phone application, perform one of the following actions:
• Type a phone number.
• Type part of a contact name. Highlight a contact or phone number.
2. Press the
To end the call, press the key.
Related topics
Add a pause or a wait to a phone number, 125
Answer a second call
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.
1.During a call, press the Menu key.
2. Perform one of the following actions:
• To answer the incoming call and place the current call on hold, click Answer - Hold Current.
• To answer the incoming call and end the current call, click Answer - Drop Current.
To return to the first call, press the Menu key. Click Swap or Flash.
Mute a call
During a call, press the Mute key.
To turn off mute, press the Mute key again.
User Guide
Phone basics
Place a call on hold
If your BlackBerry® device is connected to a CDMA network, you cannot place a call on hold.
1.During a call, press the Menu key.
2. Click Hold.
To resume a call, press the Menu key. Click Resume.
Turn on the speakerphone
During a call, press the period (.) key.
Do not hold the BlackBerry® device near your ear while you use the speakerphone. Hearing damage can occur. For more information, see the
safety and product information booklet for your device.
To turn off the speakerphone, press the period (.) key again.
Related topics
Bluetooth technology, 183
Dial an extension
1.Press the X key.
2. Type the extension number.
Dial using numbers or letters
When you type a letter in a phone number, your BlackBerry® device dials the number that is associated with the letter on a conventional phone
•To type a number, press a number key.
•To type the first letter on a key, hold the Alt key. Press the letter key once.
•To type the second letter on a key, hold the Alt key. Press the letter key twice.
Switch applications during a call
1.During a call, press the Menu key.
2. Click Home Screen.
Note: If you switch to a different application and you want to end the call, press the End key.
Make a call when the device is locked
To perform this task, you must turn on dialing from the Lock screen.
1.On the Lock screen, press the Menu key.
User Guide
2. Click Place Call.
3. Perform one of the following actions:
• Type a phone number.
• Type part of a contact name. Click a contact or phone number.
4. Press the Send key.
To end the call, press the End key.
Related topics
Turn on dialing from the Lock screen, 29
Emergency calls
About using a headset
You can purchase an optional headset to use with your BlackBerry® device.
If you use a headset, you can use a headset button to answer or end a call, or turn on or turn off mute during a call. You can also use a headset
button to make a call using a voice command.
Depending on your headset, you might also be able to use a headset button to pause, resume, skip, or adjust the volume of a song or a video
in the media application.
For more information about using the headset, see the documentation that came with your headset.
Emergency calls
About emergency calls
If you are outside of a wireless coverage area and the SOS wireless coverage indicator appears, you can only call emergency numbers. Your
BlackBerry® device is designed to allow emergency calls even when your device is locked. Depending on your device model and the wireless
network that your device is connected to, your device is also designed to allow emergency calls when the SIM card is not inserted. If the
connection to the wireless network is turned off when you initiate an emergency call, your device is designed to connect to the wireless network
You can only make emergency calls by typing official emergency access numbers (for example, 911 or 112).
Note: You should not rely on any wireless device for essential communications, including medical emergencies. Emergency numbers may vary
by location and emergency calls may be blocked or impeded by network, environmental, or interference issues.
Make an emergency call
Perform one of the following actions:
• If your keyboard or BlackBerry® device is unlocked, in the phone application, type the emergency number. Press the Send key.
• If your keyboard is locked, type the emergency number. Press the Send key.
• If your device is locked, press the Menu key. Click Emergency Call. Click Yes.
User Guide
Adjust the volume
•To increase the volume, press the Volume Up key.
•To decrease the volume, press the Volume Down key.
Change the default volume for calls
You can increase or decrease the default volume for calls. The higher the volume percentage, the louder the volume.
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click General Options.
4. Change the Default Call Volume field.
5. Press the Menu key.
6. Click Save.
Improve sound quality during a call
You cannot change sound quality when you are using a Bluetooth® enabled headset.
1.During a call, press the Menu key.
2. Click Enhance Call Audio.
3. Select a bass or treble option.
Improve sound quality for all calls
You cannot change sound quality when you are using a Bluetooth® enabled headset.
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click General Options.
4. Change the Enhance Headset Call Audio or Enhance Handset Call Audio fields.
5. Press the Menu key.
6. Click Save.
User Guide
Voice mail
Voice mail
Check your voice mail
Depending on your theme, you might be able to check your voice mail from the Home screen.
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Call Voice Mail.
Change the voice mail access number
If a voice mail access number is not already set on your BlackBerry® device, you can type the access number for a different voice mail system.
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Voice Mail.
4. Type a voice mail access number and a password.
5. Press the Menu key.
6. Click Save.
Speed dial
Set up speed dial for a contact
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click View Speed Dial List.
3. Click an unassigned key.
4. Click New Speed Dial.
5. Click a contact.
To make a call using speed dial, in the phone application, on the Home screen, in a message, or in a message list, hold the key that you assigned
to the contact.
Change the contact assigned to a speed dial key
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click View Speed Dial List.
3. Highlight a contact or phone number.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Perform one of the following actions:
User Guide
• To change the contact that is assigned to a speed dial key, click Edit. Click a new contact.
• To assign the contact to a different speed dial key, click Move. Click a new speed dial key.
• To delete the contact from the speed dial list, click Delete.
Voice dialing
Voice dialing
Make a call using a voice command
To perform this task with a Bluetooth® enabled device, such as a handsfree car kit or wireless headset, the paired Bluetooth enabled device
must support this feature and you must turn on Bluetooth technology.
You cannot make calls to emergency numbers using voice commands.
1.In the voice dialing application, wait for the sound.
2. Say "Call" and a contact name or phone number.
To end the call, press the End key.
Dial an extension using a voice command
To perform this task, you must set options for dialing extensions.
You can dial extensions only within your company.
Say "Call extension" and the extension number.
Related topics
Set options for dialing extensions, 27
Check a status using a voice command
You can check your active phone number, the wireless coverage level, and the battery power level using a voice command.
1.In the voice dialing application, wait for the sound.
2. Perform any of the following actions:
• To check your active phone number, say "Check my phone number."
• To check the wireless coverage level, say "Check coverage."
• To check the battery power level, say "Check battery."
Change the voice dialing language
To perform this task, you must have more than one language on your BlackBerry® device. For more information, contact your wireless service
provider or administrator.
1.On the Home screen, click the Options icon.
2. Click Language.
User Guide
3. Change the Voice Dialing Language field.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Save.
Voice dialing
Turn off choice lists for voice commands
If your BlackBerry® device identifies more than one possible match to a voice command, your device presents you with a list of possible matches,
or a choice list. You can turn off choice lists so that your device always selects the best match and dials the phone number automatically.
1.On the Home screen, click the Options icon.
2. Click Voice Dialing.
3. Set the Choice Lists field to Always Off.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Save.
Turn off voice prompts
After you say a command, you might be prompted for further information or clarification. You can turn off voice prompts using a voice command.
1.In the voice dialing application, wait for the sound.
2. Say "Turn prompts off."
To turn on voice prompts again, say "Turn prompts on."
Set playback options for voice dialing
After you say the phone number or contact that you want to call, your BlackBerry® device plays your choice back for you. You can set different
playback options.
1.On the Home screen, click the Options icon.
2. Click Voice Dialing.
3. Perform any of the following actions:
• To turn off playback for phone numbers, set the Digit Playback field to Disabled.
• To turn off playback for contacts, set the Name Playback field to Disabled.
• To set how quickly playback for contacts occurs, set the Name Playback Speed field.
• To set the playback volume for contacts, set the Name Playback Volume field.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Save.
Set the matching sensitivity level for voice commands
1.On the Home screen, click the Options icon.
2. Click Voice Dialing.
3. Perform one of the following actions:
• To increase matches, set the Sensitivity field closer to Reject Less.
• To reduce the number of incorrect matches, set the Sensitivity field closer to Reject More.
User Guide
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Save.
Improve voice recognition of numbers
1.On the Home screen, click the Options icon.
2. Click Voice Dialing.
3. Press the Menu key.
4. Click Adapt Digits.
5. Complete the instructions on the screen.
Conference calls
Make a conference call
1.During a call, press the Send key.
2. Type a phone number or highlight a contact.
3. Press the Send key.
4. During the second call, press the Menu key.
5. Click Join.
Conference calls
Note: When you add more than two numbers to a conference call, place the conference call on hold before you call the next phone number
or contact.
Related topics
Place a call on hold, 14
Create a phone number link for a conference call
1.Type a phone number for the conference call bridge.
2. Type X and the access code.
Speak privately with a contact during a conference call
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.
1.During a conference call, press the Menu key.
2. Click Split Call.
3. Click a contact.
To return to the conference call, press the Menu key. Click Join.
User Guide
Disconnect a contact from a conference call
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.
1.During a conference call, press the Menu key.
2. Click Drop Call.
3. Click a contact.
Leave a conference call
Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported.
If you make a conference call, you can leave the conference call and the call continues without you.
1.During a conference call, press the Menu key.
2. Click Transfer.
Call logs
Call logs
About call logs
A call log includes the date of your phone call, the phone number, and the estimated duration of the call. For more information about the exact
duration of a call, contact your wireless service provider.
You can view call logs in the phone application or, depending on how you set your call logging options, you can view call logs in the messages
application. You can also add notes to call logs or send call logs as email messages. Depending on your theme, missed calls might also appear
on the Home screen. Unless you delete a call log, it is stored on your BlackBerry® device for 30 days.
View call logs in a message list
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Call Logging.
4. Select an option for a call log type.
To hide call logs in a message list, select the None option.
Add notes to a call log
1.In the phone application, highlight a call log.
2. Press the Menu key.
3. Click View History.
4. Press the Menu key.
User Guide
5. Click Add Notes.
6. Type call notes.
7. Press the Menu key.
8. Click Save.
Change call log notes
1.In the phone application, highlight a call log.
2. Press the Menu key.
3. Click View History.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Edit Notes.
6. Change the call notes.
7. Press the Menu key.
8. Click Save.
Send a call log
1.In the phone application, highlight a call log.
2. Press the Menu key.
3. Click View History.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Forward.
Call waiting
Delete call log notes
1.In the phone application, highlight a call log.
2. Press the Menu key.
3. Click View History.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Edit Notes.
6. Press the Menu key.
7. Click Clear Field.
8. Press the Menu key.
9. Click Save.
Call waiting
Turn on call waiting
To perform this task, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card or BlackBerry® device for this service.
User Guide
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Call Waiting.
4. Change the Call Waiting Enabled field to Yes.
5. Press the Menu key.
6. Click Save.
To turn off call waiting, change the Call Waiting Enabled field to No.
Call forwarding
Call forwarding
About call forwarding
Depending on your wireless service provider, one or more call forwarding phone numbers might already be available on your SIM card or
BlackBerry® device. You might not be able to change or delete these phone numbers or add new ones.
For more information, contact your wireless service provider.
Forward calls
To perform this task, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card or BlackBerry® device for this service.
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Call Forwarding.
4. Perform one of the following actions:
• To forward all calls to a call forwarding number, select the Forward All Calls option. Change the Forward All Calls field to a call
forwarding number.
• To forward unanswered calls only, verify that the Forward All Calls field is set to Do Not Forward. Change the If Busy, If NoReply, and If Not Reachable fields to a call forwarding number.
5. Press the Menu key.
6. Click Save.
To stop forwarding calls, change the Forward All Calls field to Do Not Forward.
Add a call forwarding phone number
To perform this task, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card or BlackBerry® device for this service.
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Call Forwarding.
User Guide
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click New Number.
6. Type a phone number.
7. Press the Enter key.
8. Press the Menu key.
9. Click Close.
Change a call forwarding phone number
You can only change call forwarding phone numbers that you have added.
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Call Forwarding.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Edit Numbers.
6. Highlight a phone number.
7. Press the Menu key.
8. Click Edit.
9. Change the phone number.
10. Press the Enter key.
Call blocking
Delete a call forwarding phone number
You can only delete call forwarding phone numbers that you have added.
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Call Forwarding.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Edit Numbers.
6. Click a phone number.
7. Click Delete.
Call blocking
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.
About call blocking
You can block all incoming calls or block incoming calls only when you roam to another wireless network.
You can also block all outgoing calls and all outgoing international calls, or you can block outgoing international calls only when you roam to
another wireless network.
User Guide
To use the blocked calling feature, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card for this service and provide you with a call blocking
password. Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.
Fixed dialing
Block calls
To perform this task, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card for this service and provide you with a call blocking password.
1.From the Home screen, press the Send key.
2. Press the Menu key.
3. Click Options.
4. Click Call Barring.
5. Highlight a call blocking option.
6. Press the Menu key.
7. Click Enable.
8. Type your call blocking password.
To stop blocking calls, highlight a call blocking option. Press the Menu key. Click Disable.
Change the call blocking password
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Call Barring.
4. Press the Menu key.
5. Click Change Password.
Fixed dialing
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.
About fixed dialing
If you turn on fixed dialing, you can only make calls to contacts that appear in your fixed dialing list and to official emergency access numbers
(for example, 911 or 112).
If your wireless service plan includes SMS text messaging, you can also send SMS text messages to contacts that appear in your fixed dialing
To use fixed dialing, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card for this service and provide you with a SIM card PIN2 code.
Depending on your wireless service provider and wireless network, this feature might not be supported.
User Guide
Fixed dialing
Turn on fixed dialing
To perform this task, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card for this service and provide you with a SIM card PIN2 code.
1.From the Home screen, press the Send key.
2. Press the Menu key.
3. Click Options.
4. Click FDN Phone List.
5. Press the Menu key.
6. Click Enable FDN Mode.
7. Type your PIN2 code.
8. Press the Enter key.
To turn off fixed dialing, press the Menu key. Click Disable FDN Mode.
Add a contact to your fixed dialing list
To perform this task, your wireless service provider must set up your SIM card for this service and provide you with a SIM card PIN2 code.
1.From the Home screen, press the Send key.
2. Press the Menu key.
3. Click Options.
4. Click FDN Phone List.
5. Press the Menu key.
6. Click New.
7. Type your PIN2 code.
8. Press the Menu key.
9. Type a name and a phone number.
10. Press the Menu key.
11. Click Save.
Change a contact in your fixed dialing list
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click FDN Phone List.
4. Highlight a contact.
5. Press the Menu key.
6. Click Edit.
7. Change the contact information.
8. Press the Menu key.
9. Click Save.
User Guide
Smart dialing
Delete a contact from your fixed dialing list
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click FDN Phone List.
4. Highlight a contact.
5. Press the Menu key.
6. Click Delete.
Smart dialing
About smart dialing
You can change smart-dialing options to specify a default country code and area code for phone numbers. If you specify a default country code
and area code, when you make calls, you only need to dial a country code and area code when the codes differ from the codes that you specified
in the smart-dialing options.
Depending on your BlackBerry® device model, in the smart-dialing options, you can also specify the main phone number for an organization
that you call frequently. If you specify a phone number for an organization, you can call a contact at the organization quickly by dialing the
contact's extension only. Likewise, when you add a contact from the organization to your contact list, you only need to type the contact's
Set the default country code and area code
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Smart Dialing.
4. Set the Country Code and Area Code fields.
5. In the National Number Length field, set the default length for phone numbers in your country.
6. Press the Menu key.
7. Click Save.
Note: When you calculate the default length for phone numbers, include your area code and local number, but do not include your country
code or the National Direct Dialing prefix.
Set options for dialing extensions
1.In the phone application, press the Menu key.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Smart Dialing.
4. In the Number field, type the main phone number for an organization.
User Guide
5. In the Wait For field, set how long your BlackBerry® device waits before dialing an extension.
6. In the Extension Length field, set the default length for extensions.
7. Press the Menu key.
8. Click Save.
TTY support
TTY support
Depending on your wireless service provider, this feature might not be supported.
About TTY support
When you turn on TTY support and you connect your BlackBerry® device to a TTY device that operates at 45.45 bits per second, you can make
calls to and receive calls from TTY devices. Your BlackBerry device is designed to convert received calls to text that you can read on your TTY
If your TTY device is designed for use with a 2.5-mm headset jack, you must use an adapter accessory to connect your TTY device to your
BlackBerry device. To get an adapter accessory that Research In Motion has approved for use with your BlackBerry device, visit
Turn on TTY support
1.From the Home screen, press the Send key.
2. Press the Menu key.
3. Click Options.
4. Click TTY.
5. Change the TTY Mode field to Yes.
6. Press the Menu key.
7. Click Save.
A TTY indicator appears in the device status section of the screen.
To turn off TTY support, change the TTY Mode field to No.
Multiple phone numbers
About multiple phone numbers
You can have multiple phone numbers associated with your BlackBerry® device if one of the following situations applies:
•Your wireless service provider has provided you with a SIM card that supports more than one phone number.
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