BK Precision 866C, 844USB User Manual

User manual for
Very fast universal 48-pindrive Programmer with USB interface and ISP capability
Universal 40-pindrive Programmer with USB interface and ISP capability
This document is copyrighted by B+K Precision, Yorba Linda - California. All rights reserved. This document or any part of it may not be copied, reproduced or translated in any form or in any way without the prior written permission of B+K Precision.
The control program is copyright B+K Precision, Yorba Linda - California. The control program or any part of it may not be analyzed, disassembled or modified in any form, on any medium, for any purpose.
Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate at the moment of release, but we continuously improve all our products. Please consult manual on
B+K Precision assumes no responsibility for misuse of this manual.
B+K Precision reserves the right to make changes or improvements to the product described in this manual at any time without notice. This manual contains names of companies, software products, etc., which may be trademarks of their respective owners. B+K Precision respects those trademarks.
COPYRIGHT © 1997 - 2012
B+K Precision Corporation
How to use this manual
This manual explains how to install the control program and how to use your programmer. It is assumed that the user has some experience with PCs and installation of software. Once you have installed the control program we recommend you consult the context sensitive HELP within the control program rather than the printed User manual. Revisions are implemented in the context sensitive help before the printed User manual.
Dear customer,
thank you for purchasing one of the B+K PRECISION
Please, download actual version of manual from
www.bkprecision.com), if current one
will be out of date.
Table of contents
How to use this manual................................................................................................................... 3
PC requirements .............................................................................................................................7
Products configuration ....................................................................................................................8
Free additional services: .................................................................................................................9
Quick Start .......................................................................................................................................10
Detailed description ........................................................................................................................13
866C .................................................................................................................................................. 14
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................15
866C elements..............................................................................................................................17
Connecting 866C to the PC ..........................................................................................................18
Manipulation with the programmed device ...................................................................................18
In-system serial programming by 866C ........................................................................................18
Multiprogramming by 866C...........................................................................................................20
Selftest and calibration check .......................................................................................................20
Technical specification..................................................................................................................22
844USB ............................................................................................................................................. 28
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................29
844USB elements .........................................................................................................................30
Connecting 844USB to PC ...........................................................................................................31
Manipulation with the programmed device ...................................................................................31
In-system serial programming by 844USB ...................................................................................32
Selftest ..........................................................................................................................................33
Technical specification..................................................................................................................33
Software setup ..............................................................................................................................38
Hardware setup............................................................................................................................. 44
PG4UW .............................................................................................................................................48
PG4UW-the programmer software ...............................................................................................49
File ................................................................................................................................................52
Buffer ............................................................................................................................................58
Device ...........................................................................................................................................66
Programmer ..................................................................................................................................96
Help............................................................................................................................................. 113
Common notes ..............................................................................................................................125
Maintenance ...............................................................................................................................126
Hardware ....................................................................................................................................133
ISP (In-System Programming) ....................................................................................................133
Other ...........................................................................................................................................137
Troubleshooting and warranty..................................................................................................... 138
Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................................................139
If you have an unsupported target device................................................................................... 140
Warranty terms ...........................................................................................................................140
Conventions used in the manual
References to the control program functions are in bold, e.g. Load, File, Device, etc. References to control keys are written in brackets <>, e.g. <F1>.
Terminology used in the manual:
Device any kind of programmable integrated circuits or programmable devices ZIF socket Zero Insertion Force socket used for insertion of target device Buffer part of memory or disk, used for temporary data storage Printer port type of PC port (parallel), which is primarily dedicated for printer
USB port type of PC port (serial), which is dedicated for connecting portable and
peripheral devices.
HEX data format format of data file, which may be read with standard text viewers; e.g.
byte 5AH is stored as characters '5' and 'A', which mean bytes 35H and 41H. One line of this HEX file (one record) contains start address and data bytes. All records are secured with checksum.
This user manual covers some B+K PRECISION programmers: 866C and 844USB.
866C is a new and faster version of 866B programmer (without LPT port interface).
844USB is a small, fast and powerful USB interfaced programmer of all kinds of
programmable devices. Using build-in ISP connector the programmer is able to program ISP capable chips in-circuit. It has design, which allows easily add new devices to the device list. Nice "value for money" in this class.
All these programmers work with almost any IBM PC Pentium compatible or higher, portable or desktop personal computers. Programmers use the USB port
All programmers function flawlessly on Windows operating system (see section PC requirement).
All these programmers are driven by an easy-to-use, control program with pull-down menus, hot keys and online help. Control program is common for all these B+K PRECISION's programmers (859, 866B, 866C, 844USB and 848A).
Advanced design, including protection circuits, original brand components and careful manufacturing allows us to provide a one-years warranty on parts and labor for these programmers (limited 25,000 cycle warranty on ZIF socket).
PC requirements
Minimal PC requirements
OS -
free disk
space [MB]
USB 2.0
high speed
USB 1.1
866C 2000 P4 256 200 -
844USB 2000 P4 256 200 -
Recommended PC requirements
OS -
free disk
space [MB]
USB 2.0
high speed
866C Win 7 C2D 1000 1000
844USB Win 7 C2D 512 1000
These PC requirements are valid for 2.84/11.2011 version of PG4UW. For other version see Help / About control program.
If two programmers are to be connected to a single PC, then we strongly recommend to connect each programmer to separate USB 2.0 High speed controller (USB EHCI). For more information see "Hardware setup" chapter.
Free disk space requirement depends also on used IC device size and number of attached programming sites. For large devices the required free space on disk will be approximately 1000MB + 2x Device size x number of programming sites attached to this PC.
Very easy indication, if your PC in hardware/software configuration is good enough for the current software version and current situation with PG4UW/PG4UWMC, is to run Windows task manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del) and see the performance folder. It have to be max. 80% of CPU usage at full run of programming system.
Products configuration
Before installing and using your programmer, please carefully check that your package includes all next mentioned parts. If you find any discrepancy with respective parts list and/or if any of these items are damaged, please contact your distributor immediately.
USB cable
ISP cable
power cordset
internal power supply
external power supply
48 pins diagnostic POD – type I
40 pins diagnostic POD – type I
Diagnostic POD for ISP connectors #2
ZIF anti-dust cover
software CD
User manual
Quick Guide
brochure Notes about ESD
antistatic set
vacuum handling tool kit
sticker register your programmer
shipping case
* optional accessories
Free additional services:
Why is it important to use the latest version of the control
Semiconductor manufacturers continuously introduce new devices with new package types, manufactured by new technologies in order to support the need for flexibility, quality and speed in product design and manufacturing. To keep pace and to keep you up-to-date, we usually implement more than 5000 new devices into the control program within a year.
Furthermore, a typical programmable device undergoes several changes during its lifetime in an effort to maintain or to improve its technical characteristics and process yields. These changes often impact with the programming algorithms, which need to be upgraded (the programming algorithm is a set of instructions that tells the programmer how to program data into a particular target device). Using the newest algorithms in the programming process is the key to obtaining high quality results. In many cases, while the older algorithm will still program the device, they may not provide the level of data retention that would be possible with an optimal algorithm. Failure to not use the most current algorithm can decrease your programming yields (more improper programmed target devices), and may often increase programming times, or even affect the long term reliability of the programmed device.
We are making mistakes too ... .
Our commitment is to implement support for these new or modified parts before or as soon as possible after their release, so that you can be sure that you are using latest and/or optimal programming algorithms that were created for this new device.
free technical support (phone/fax/e-mail).
free lifetime software update via Web site.
Free software updates are available from our Internet address
We also offer the following new services in our customer support program: Keep-Current and AlgOR.
Keep-Current is a service by which B+K PRECISION ships to you the latest version of the control program for programmer and the updated user documentation. A Keep-Current service is your hassle-free guarantee that you always have access to the latest software and documentation, at minimal cost. For more information see
AlgOR (Algorithm On Request) service allows you to receive from B+K PRECISION software support for programming devices not yet available in the current device list. For more information see
Quick Start
Installing programmer hardware
connect the USB port of programmer to a USB port of PC using supplied cable
connect the connector of the power supply adapter to the programmer or turn on
programmer by switch
Installing the programmer software
Run the installation program from the CD (setup.exe) and follow the on-screen instructions. Please, for latest information about the programmer hardware and software see
Run the control program
Double click on After start, control program Pg4uw automatically scans all existing ports and searches for some connected B+K PRECISION programmer. Program Pg4uw is common for some B+K PRECISION's programmers, hence Pg4uw will try to find all supported programmers.
Menu File is used for source files manipulation, settings and viewing directory, changes drives, changes start and finish address of buffer for loading and saving files and loading and saving projects.
Menu Buffer is used for buffer manipulation, block operation, filling a part of buffer with string, erasing, checksum and of course editing and viewing with other items (find and replace string, printing...).
Menu Device is used for a work with selected programmable device: select, read, blank check, program, verify, erase and setting of programming process, serialization and associated file control.
Menu Programmer is used for work with programmer.
Menu Options is used to view and change various default settings.
Menu Help is used for view supported devices and programmers and information about program version.
Programming a device
1. select device: click on
2. load data into buffer:
a) from file: click on b) from device: insert device to ZIF and click on
3. insert target device to ZIF
4. check, if the device is blank: click on
5. program device: click on
6. additional verify of device: click on
Detailed description
866C is a new and faster version of 866B programmer (without LPT port interface).
866C support all kinds of types and silicon technologies of today and tomorrow
programmable devices without family-specific module. You have freedom to choose the optimal device for your design. Using built-in in-circuit serial programming (ISP) connector, the programmer is able to program ISP capable chips in circuit.
866C aren’t only programmer, but also tester of TTL/CMOS logic ICs and memories. Furthermore, it allows generating user-definable test pattern sequences.
866C provide very competitive price coupled with excellent hardware design for reliable programming. It is probably best "value for money" programmer in this class.
866C provide very fast programming due to high-speed FPGA driven hardware and execution of time-critical routines inside of the programmer. It is at least fast than competitors in this category, for many chips much faster than most competitors. As a result, when used in production this one-socket-programmer waits for an operator, and not the other way round.
866C interfaces with the IBM PC Pentium compatible or higher, portable or desktop personal computers through USB (2.0/1.1) port.
866C provides a banana jack for ESD wrist straps connection to easy-to-implement the ESD protection control and also other banana jack for earth wire.
866C have a FPGA based totally reconfigurable 48 powerful TTL pindrivers, where provide H/L/pull_up/pull_down and read capability for each pin of socket. Advanced pindrivers incorporate high-quality high-speed circuitry to deliver signals without overshoot or ground bounce for all supported devices. Improved pindrivers operate down to 1.8V so you'll be ready to program the full range of today's advanced low-voltage devices.
866C performs device insertion test (wrong or backward position) and contact check (poor contact pin-to-socket) before it programs each device. These capabilities, supported by overcurrent protection and signature-byte check help prevent chip damage due to operator error.
The selftest capability allows running diagnostic part of software to thoroughly check the health of the programmer.
Built-in protection circuits eliminate damage of programmer and/or programmed device due environment or operator failure. All the inputs of the 866C programmer, including the ZIF socket, ISP connector, connection to PC and power supply input, are protected against ESD up to 15kV.
866C programmer performs programming verification at the marginal level of supply voltage, which, obviously, improves programming yield, and guarantees long data retention.
Various socket converters are available to handle device in PLCC, SOIC, PSOP, SSOP, TSOP, TSSOP, TQFP, QFN (MLF), SDIP, BGA and other packages.
866C programmer is driven by an easy-to-use control program with pull-down menu, hot keys and on-line help. Selecting of device is performed by its class, by manufacturer or simply by typing a fragment of vendor name and/or part number.
Standard device-related commands (read, blank check, program, verify, erase) are boosted by some test functions (insertion test, signature-byte check), and some special functions (autoincrement, production mode - start immediately after insertion of chip into socket).
All known data formats are supported. Automatic file format detection and conversion during load of file.
The rich-featured autoincrement function enables to assign individual serial numbers to each programmed device - or simply increments a serial number, or the function enables to read serial numbers or any programmed device identification signatures from a file.
The software also provides a lot of information about programmed device. As a special, the drawings of all available packages, explanation of chip labeling (the meaning of prefixes and suffixes at the chips) for each supported chip are provided.
The software provide full information for ISP implementation: Description of ISP connector pins for currently selected chip, recommended target design around in-circuit programmed chip and other necessary information.
The remote control feature allows being PG4UW software flow controlled by other application – either using .BAT file commands or using DLL file. DLL file, examples (C/PAS/VBASIC/.NET) and manual are part of standard software delivery.
Jam files of JEDEC standard JESD-71 are interpreted by Jam Player. Jam files are generated by design software which is provided by manufacturer of respective programmable device. Chips are programmed in ZIF or through ISP connector (IEEE 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface).
VME files are interpreted by VME Player. VME file is a compressed binary variation of SVF file and contains high-level IEEE 1149.1 bus operations. VME files are generated by design software which is provided by manufacturer of respective programmable device. Chips are programmed in ZIF or through ISP connector (IEEE 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface). Multiple devices are possible to program and test via JTAG chain: JTAG chain (ISP-Jam) or JTAG chain (ISP-VME).
Attaching of more 866C programmers to the same PC (through USB port) is achieved a
powerful multiprogramming system, which support as many chips, as are supported by 866C programmer and without obvious decreasing of programming speed. It is important
to know, there is a concurrent multiprogramming - each programmer works independently and each programmer can program different chip, if necessary.
It is important to remember that in most cases new devices require only a software update due to the 866C is truly universal programmer. With our prompt service you can have new devices can be added to the current list within hours!
Advanced design including protection circuits, original brand components and careful manufacturing and burning allows us to provide a one-year warranty on parts and labor for the 866C (limited 25,000-cycle warranty on ZIF socket).
866C elements
1) 48 pin ZIF socket
2) work result LEDs
3) power/sleep LED
4) YES! Button
5) ISP connector
6) power switch
7) "GND" connector can be used for grounding of the programmer "ESD wrist strap" connector is place for attaching of ESD wrist strap
8) Power supply connector
9) LPT connector is not functional on 866C
10) USB connector for PC 866C communication cable
Connecting 866C to the PC
Using USB port
In this case, order of connecting USB cable and power supply to programmer is irrelevant.
Problems related to the 866C  PC interconnection, and their
If you have any problems with 866C PC interconnection, see section Common notes please.
Manipulation with the programmed device
After selection of desired device for your work, you can insert into the open ZIF socket (the lever is up) and close socket (the lever is down). The correct orientation of the programmed device in ZIF socket is shown on the picture near ZIF socket on the programmer's cover. The programmed device is necessary to insert into the socket also to remove from the socket when LED BUSY light off.
Note: Programmer's protection electronics protect the target device and the programmer itself against either short or long-term power failures and, partly, also against a PC failure. However, it is not possible to grant the integrity of the target device due to incorrect, user­selected programming parameters. Target device may be not destroyed by forced interruption of the control program (reset or switch-off PC), by removing the physical connection to the programmer, but the content of actually programmed cell may remains undefined. Don't unplug the target device from the ZIF socket during work with device (LED BUSY shine).
In-system serial programming by 866C
For general definition, recommendation and direction about ISP see section Common notes / ISP please.
Description of ISP connector
As ISP connector is used 20 pins connector 2-1634689-0 from TE connectivity or other compatible connector.
Front view at ISP connector of programmer.
H/L/read driver
pin of ISP connector
Pull-up/ Pull-down
drivers in programmer
pin of ISP connector
Pull-up/ Pull-down
drivers in programmer
pin of ISP connector
drivers in programmer
pins 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 of ISP connector
pin 14 of ISP connector
pins 15, 16 of ISP connector
pin of ISP connector
pin of ISP connector
C) D)
RA1 180R, RA2 1k3, RA3 22k,
RB1 10k, RB2 10k, CC1 1n, RC1 1k3, RC2 22k, RD1 22k, CE1 1n, RE1 1k3,
Comment to above picture:
picture C) Connection of pins 15 and 16 when are configured as logical signal needed for ISP programming pictures D) E) When pins 15 and 16 are configured as status of LED OK and LED ERROR picture D) before first action with desired ISP device picture E) after first action with desired ISP device
Notes: When LED OK or LED ERROR ON (shine), this status is presented as logical H, level of H is 1,8V - 5V depend on H level of desired ISP device. When LED OK or LED ERROR OFF (not shine), this status is presented as logical L, level of L is 0V - 0,4V. The above mentioned values are provided to understand (and also to exactly calculate) the value of resistors, which isolate (separate) the programmed chip and target system.
Specification of ISP connector pins depends on the device, which you want to program. You can find it in the control SW for programmer (PG4UW), menu Device / Device Info (Ctrl+F1). Be aware, the ISP programming way of respective device must be selected. It is indicated by (ISP) suffix after name of selected device. These specifications correspond with application notes published of device manufacturers. Used application notes you may find on
www.bkprecision.com, section Support /
Application Notes.
Note: Pin no. 1 is signed by triangle scratch on ISP cable connectors. As ISP connectors are used 20 pins connectors 09185207813 from Harting or other compatible connector.
866C ISP cable
When you use 866C as ISP programmer, don’t insert device to ZIF socket.
When you program devices in ZIF socket, don’t insert ISP cable to ISP connector.
Use only attached ISP cable. When you use other ISP cable (other material, length…),
programming may occur unreliable.
866C can supply programmed device (pin 1 of ISP connector) and target system (pins 19
and 20 of ISP connector) with limitation (see Technical specification / ISP connector).
866C apply programming voltage to target device and checks his value (target system
can modify programming voltage). If the programming voltage is different as expected, no action with target device will be executed.
Multiprogramming by 866C
During installation of PG4UW at Select Additional Tasks window you check, if is allowed install 866C multiprogramming control support. For start of 866C multiprogramming is necessary run special control program pg4uwmc.exe. At this program user assign 866C to control programs, may load projects for all 866C and run PG4UW for every connected and assigned 866C.
Selftest and calibration check
If you feel that your programmer does not react according to your expectation, please run the programmer (ISP connector) selftest using Diagnostic POD (Diagnostic POD for ISP connectors #2), enclosed with the standard delivery package.
Selftest of programmer
Insert 48 pins diagnostic POD - type I into ZIF socket of the programmer. 48 pins diagnostic POD - type I must be inserted as 48 pins device.
Run selftest of programmer in PG4UW (Programmer / Selftest plus).
Selftest of ISP connector
Insert Diagnostic POD for ISP connectors #2 into ZIF socket of the programmer. Diagnostic POD for ISP connectors #2 must be inserted as 48 pins device.
Interconnect 20 pins connector of Diagnostic POD for ISP connectors #2 with an ISP connector of the programmer with an ISP cable, included in delivery programmer package. Be sure that pins are interconnected properly (i.e. 1-1, 2-2, ..., 20-20).
Run selftest of ISP connector in PG4UW (Programmer / Selftest ISP connector…).
Calibration test
Insert 48 Pins Calibration test POD, Type I into ZIF socket of the programmer. 48 Pins Calibration test POD, Type I must be inserted as 48 pins device.
Run calibration test of programmer in PG4UW (Programmer / Calibration test).
Technical specification
Base unit, DACs
USB 2.0 high-speed compatible port, up to 480 Mb/s transfer rate
on-board intelligence: powerful microprocessor and FPGA based state machine
three D/A converters for VCCP, VPP1, and VPP2, controllable rise and fall time
VCCP range 0..8V/1A
VPP1, VPP2 range 0..26V/1A
selftest capability
protection against surge and ESD on power supply input, parallel port connection
banana jack for ESD wrist straps connection
banana jack for connection to ground
Socket, pindriver
48-pin DIL ZIF (Zero Insertion Force) socket accepts both 300/600 mil devices up to 48-pin
pindrivers: 48 universal
VCCP / VPP1 / VPP2 can be connected to each pin
perfect ground for each pin
FPGA based TTL driver provides H, L, CLK, pull-up, pull-down on all pindriver pins
analog pindriver output level selectable from 1.8 V up to 26V
current limitation, overcurrent shutdown, power failure shutdown
ESD protection on each pin of socket (IEC1000-4-2: 15kV air, 8kV contact)
continuity test: each pin is tested before every programming operation
ISP connector
20-pin male type with miss insertion lock
6 TTL pindrivers, provides H, L, CLK, pull-up, pull-down; level H selectable from 1.8V up to
5V to handle all (low-voltage including) devices.
1x VCCP voltage (range 2V..7V/100mA)
programmed chip voltage (VCCP) with both source/sink capability and voltage sense
and 1x VPP voltage (range 2V..25V/50mA)
Target system power supply voltage (range 2V..6V/250mA)
ESD protection on each pin of ISP connector (IEC1000-4-2: 15kV air, 8kV contact)
two output signals, which indicate state of work result = LED OK and LED Error (active
level: min 1.8V)
input signal, switch YES! equivalent (active level: max 0.8V)
Programmer, in ZIF socket
EPROM: NMOS/CMOS, 27xxx and 27Cxxx series, with 8/16 bit data width, full support for LV series
EEPROM: NMOS/CMOS, 28xxx, 28Cxxx, 27EExxx series, with 8/16 bit data width
Flash EPROM: 28Fxxx, 29Cxxx, 29Fxxx, 29BVxxx, 29LVxxx, 29Wxxx, 49Fxxx series,
Samsung's K8Fxxxx, K8Cxxxx, K8Sxxxx, K8Pxxxx series, from 256Kbit to 1Gbit, with 8/16 bit data width, full support for LV series
NAND FLASH: Samsung K9xxx, Hynix HY27xxx, Toshiba TC58xxx, Micron MT29Fxxx, Spansion S30Mxxx, Numonyx (ex STM) NANDxxx
LBA-NAND: Toshiba THGVNxxx
mDOC H3: SanDisk (ex M-Systems) SDED5xxx, SDED7xxx, MD2533xxx, MD2534xxx,
Hynix HY23xxx
FRAM: Ramtron
MRAM: Everspin MRxxxxx8x
NV RAM: Dallas DSxxx, SGS/Inmos MKxxx, SIMTEK STKxxx, XICOR 2xxx, ZMD U63x
Serial E(E)PROM: Serial E(E)PROM: 11LCxxx, 24Cxxx, 24Fxxx, 25Cxxx, 59Cxxx, 85xxx, 93Cxxx, NVM3060, MDAxxx series, full support for LV series, AT88SCxxx
Serial Flash: standard SPI (25Pxxx, 25Fxxx, 25Lxxx, 25Bxxx, 25Txxx,25Sxxx, 25Vxxx, 25Uxxx, 25Wxxx, 45PExx), high performance Dual I/O SPI (25Dxxx, 25PXxxx), high performance Quad SPI (25Qxxx, 26Vxxx), DataFlash (AT45Dxxx, AT26Dxxx)
Configuration (EE)PROM: XCFxxx, XC17xxxx, XC18Vxxx, EPCxxx, EPCSxxx, AT17xxx, AT18Fxxx, 37LVxx
1-Wire E(E)PROM: DS1xxx, DS2xxx
PLD Altera: MAX 3000A, MAX 7000A, MAX 7000B, MAX 7000S, MAX7000AE, MAX II/G/Z
PLD Lattice: ispGAL22V10x, ispLSI1xxx, ispLSI1xxxEA, ispLSI2xxx, ispLSI2xxxA,
ispLSI2xxxE, ispLSI2xxxV, ispLSI2xxxVE, ispLSI2xxxVL, LC4xxxB/C/V/ZC/ZE, M4-xx/xx, M4A3-xx/xx, M4A5-xx/xx, M4LV-xx/xx, ispCLOCK, Power Manager/II, ProcessorPM
PLD: Xilinx: XC9500, XC9500XL, XC9500XV, CoolRunner XPLA3, CoolRunner-II
other PLD: SPLD/CPLD series: AMD, AMI, Atmel, Cypress, Gould, ICT, Lattice, National
Semicond., Philips, STMicroelectronics, TI (TMS), Vantis, VLSI
FPGA: Actel: ProASIC3, IGLOO, Fusion
FPGA: Lattice: MachXO, LatticeXP, ispXPGA
FPGA: Xilinx: Spartan-3AN
Clocks: TI(TMS), Cypress
Special chips: Atmel Tire Pressure Monitoring ATA6285N, ATA6286N, PWM controllers:
Zilker Labs, Analog Devices, Gamma buffers: TI, Maxim ...
Microcontrollers MCS51 series: 87Cxxx, 87LVxx, 89Cxxx, 89Sxxx, 89Fxxx, 89LVxxx, 89LSxxx, 89LPxxx, 89Exxx, 89Lxxx, all manufacturers,
Philips LPC series
Microcontrollers Intel 196 series: 87C196 KB/KC/KD/KT/KR/...
Microcontrollers Atmel ARM. ARM7: AT91SAM7Sxx, AT91SAM7Lxx, AT91SAM7Xxx,
AT91SAM7XCxx, AT91SAM7SExx series; ARM9: AT91SAM9xxx series; ARM Cortex-M3: AT91SAM3Uxxx series
Microcontrollers Atmel AVR 8bit/16bit: AT90Sxxxx, AT90pwm, AT90can, AT90usb, ATtiny, ATmega, ATxmega series
Microcontrollers Atmel AVR32: AT32UC3xxxx
Microcontrollers Chipcon (TI): CC11xx, CC24xx, CC25xx series
Microcontrollers Coreriver: Atom 1.0, MiDAS1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 3.0 series
Microcontrollers Cypress: CY7Cxxxxx, CY8Cxxxxx
Microcontrollers ELAN: EM78Pxxx
Microcontrollers Infineon(Siemens): XC800, C500, XC166, C166 series
Microcontrollers MDT 1xxx and 2xxx series
Microcontrollers Microchip PICmicro: PIC10xxx, PIC12xxx, PIC16xxx, PIC17Cxxx,
PIC18xxx, PIC24xxx, dsPIC, PIC32xxx series
Microcontrollers Motorola/Freescale: HC05, HC08, HC11, HC12, HCS08, RS08, S12, S12X, MC56F, MCF51, MCF52 series
Microcontrollers Myson MTV2xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx, CS89xx series
Microcontrollers National: COP8xxx series
Microcontrollers NEC: uPD70Fxxx, uPD78Fxxx series
Microcontrollers Novatek: NT68xxx series
Microcontrollers Nuvoton (Winbond): N79xxx, W77xxx, W78xxx, W79xxx, W83xxx series
Microcontrollers NXP ARM Cortex-M3: LPC13xx, LPC17xx series
Microcontrollers Philips (NXP) UOC series: UOCIII, UOC-TOP, UOC-Fighter series
Microcontrollers Philips (NXP) ARM7: LPC2xxx, PCD807xx, SAF7780xxx series
Microcontrollers Scenix (Ubicom): SXxxx series
Microcontrollers Renesas: R8C/Tiny series
Microcontrollers SGS-Thomson: ST6xx, ST7xx, ST10xx, STR7xx series
Microcontrollers SyncMOS: SM59xxx, SM73xxx, SM79xxx, SM89xxx series
Microcontrollers & Programmable System Memory STMicroelectronics: uPSD, PSD series
Microcontrollers STM: ST6xx, ST7xx, ST10xx, STR7xx, STR9xx, STM32Fxx, STM8A/S/L
Microcontrollers Silicon Laboratories(Cygnal): C8051 series
Microcontrollers Texas Instruments: MSP430, MSC12xx series, TMS320F series
Microcontrollers Texas Instruments (ex Luminary Micro): LM3Sxxx, LM3Sxxxx series
Microcontrollers ZILOG: Z86/Z89xxx and Z8Fxxxx, Z8FMCxxxxx, Z16Fxxxx,
ZGP323xxxxxx, ZLF645xxxxxxx, ZLP12840xxxxx, ZLP323xxxxxxx series
Microcontrollers other: EM Microelectronic, Fujitsu, Goal Semiconductor, Hitachi, Holtek, Novatek, Macronix, Princeton, Winbond, Samsung, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Realtek, M-Square, ASP, Coreriver, Gencore, EXODUS Microelectronic, Megawin, Syntek, Topro, TinyARM, VersaChips, SunplusIT, Nordic, M-Square, QIXIN, Signetic, Tekmos, Weltrend, Amic, Cyrod Technologies, Ember, Ramtron, Nordic Semiconductor, Samsung ... EPROM:
Programmer, through ISP connector
Serial E(E)PROM: IIC series, MW series, SPI series, KEELOQ series, PLD configuration memories, UNI/O series
1-Wire E(E)PROM: DS1xxx, DS2xxx
Serial Flash: standard SPI (25xxx), DataFlash (AT45Dxxx, AT26Dxxx)
Microcontrollers Atmel: AT89Sxxx, AT90pwm, AT90can, AT90usb, AT90Sxxxx, ATtiny,
ATmega, ATxmega, AT89LSxxx, AT89LPxxx
Microcontrollers Atmel AVR32: AT32UC3xxxx
Microcontrollers Chipcon (TI): CC11xx, CC24xx, CC25xx series
Microcontrollers Cypress: CY8C2xxxx
Microcontrollers Elan: EM78Pxxx, EM6xxx series
Microcontrollers EM Microelectronic: 4 and 8 bit series
Microcontrollers Microchip PICmicro: PIC10xxx, PIC12xxx, PIC16xxx, PIC17xxx, PIC18xxx,
PIC24xxx, dsPIC, PIC32xxx series
Microcontrollers Mitsubishi: M16C
Microcontrollers Motorola/Freescale: HC08 (both 5-wire, All-wire), HC11, HC12, HCS08,
S12, S12X, MC56F, MCF52 series
Microcontrollers Nordic Semiconductor: nRF24xxx
Microcontrollers NEC: uPD7xxx series
Microcontrollers Philips (NXP): LPC1xxx, LPC2xxx, LPCxx series, 89xxx series
Microcontrollers Renesas: R8C/Tiny series
Microcontrollers Realtek, M-Square
Microcontrollers Scenix (Ubicom): SXxxx series
Microcontrollers STM: ST7xxx, STR7xx, STR9xx, STM32Fxx, STM8A/S/L series
Microcontrollers Silicon Laboratories(Cygnal): C8051 series
Microcontrollers & Programmable System Memory STMicroelectronics: uPSD, PSD series
Microcontrollers TI: MSP430 (both JTAG and BSL series), MSC12xxx series
Microcontrollers ZILOG: Z8Fxxxx, Z8FMCxxxxx, Z16Fxxxx series, ZLF645x0xx
Various PLD (also by Jam/VME/SVF/STAPL/... Player/JTAG support):
Altera: MAX 3000A, MAX 7000A, MAX 7000B, MAX 7000S, MAX 9000, MAX II/G/Z
Xilinx: XC9500, XC9500XL, XC9500XV, CoolRunner XPLA3, CoolRunner-II
PLD Lattice: ispGAL22xV10x, ispLSI1xxxEA, ispLSI2xxxE, ispLSI2xxxV, ispLSI2xxxVE,
ispLSI2xxxVL, M4-xx/xx, M4LV-xx/xx, M4A3-xx/xx, M4A5-xx/xx, LC4xxxB/C/V/ZC/ZE, ispCLOCK, Power Manager/II, ProcessorPM
FPGA: Actel: ProASIC3, IGLOO, Fusion
FPGA: Lattice: MachXO, LatticeXP, ispXPGA
Devices marked * are obsolete, programming with additional module
For all supported devices see actual Device list on
I.C. Tester
TTL type: 54,74 S/LS/ALS/H/HC/HCT series
CMOS type: 4000, 4500 series
static RAM: 6116.. 624000
user definable test pattern generation
Package support
support all devices in DIP with default socket
package support includes DIP, SDIP, PLCC, JLCC, SOIC, SOP, PSOP, SSOP, TSOP,
support devices in non-DIP packages up to 48 pins with universal adapters
programmer is compatible with third-party adapters for non-DIP support
Programming speed
Device Size [bits] Operation Time
H26M11002AAR (eMMC NAND Flash) 3C780000hx8 (8 Giga) programming *1 480 sec
K8P6415UQB (parallel NOR Flash) 400100Hx16 (64 Mega) programming and verify 13 sec
K9F1G08U0M (parallel NAND Flash) 8400000Hx8 (1 Giga) programming and verify 122.7 sec
QB25F640S33 (serial Flash) 800200Hx8 (64 Mega) programming and verify 30.7 sec
AT89C51RD2 (microcontroller) 10000Hx8 programming and verify 14.4 sec
PIC32MX360F512L (microcontroller) 80000Hx8 programming and verify 8.9 sec
Conditions: P4, 2.4GHz, 512MB RAM, USB2.0, Windows XP *1 implementation is the same as in card readers. Verification of programming is performs
internal controller. Internal controller confirm the proper programming using status register.
Algorithms: only manufacturer approved or certified algorithms are used. Custom algorithms are available at additional cost.
Algorithm updates: software updates are available regularly, approx. every 4 weeks, free of charge. OnDemand version of software is available for highly needed chips support and/or bugs fixes. Available nearly daily.
Main features: revision history, session logging, on-line help, device and algorithm information
Device operations
intelligent device selection by device type, manufacturer or typed fragment of part name
automatic ID-based selection of EPROM/Flash EPROM
blank check, read, verify
configuration and security bit program
illegal bit test
interprete the Jam Standard Test and Programming Language (STAPL), JEDEC standard
interprete the VME files compressed binary variation of SVF files
insertion test, reverse insertion check
contact check
ID byte check
production mode (automatic start immediately after device insertion)
lot of serialization modes (more type of incremental modes, from-file mode, custom
generator mode)
count-down mode
Buffer operations
view/edit, find/replace
fill/copy, move, byte swap, word/dword split
checksum (byte, word)
File load/save
no download time because programmer is PC controlled
automatic file type identification
Supported file formats
unformatted (raw) binary
HEX: Intel, Intel EXT, Motorola S-record, MOS, Exormax, Tektronix, ASCII-SPACE-HEX,,
Altera POF, JEDEC (ver. 3.0.A), e.g. from ABEL, CUPL, PALASM, TANGO PLD, OrCAD PLD, PLD Designer ISDATA, etc.
JAM (JEDEC STAPL Format), JBC (Jam STAPL Byte Code), STAPL (STAPL File) JEDEC standard JESD-71
VME (ispVME file VME2.0/VME3.0)
SVF (Serial Vector Format revision E)
STP (Actel STAPL file)
operating voltage 110-250V AC
power consumption max. 20W active, about 2W sleep
dimensions 195x140x55 mm (7.7x5.5x2.2 inch)
weight 0.9kg (1.98 lb)
operating temperature 5°C ÷ 40°C (41°F ÷ 104°F)
operating humidity 20%..80%, non condensing
844USB is next member of new generation of Windows based B+K PRECISION universal programmers. Programmer is built to meet the demands of the development labs and field engineers to universal, but portable programmer.
844USB is a small, fast and powerful programmer of all kinds of programmable devices. Using build-in in-circuit serial programming (ISP) connector the programmer is able to program ISP capable chips in-circuit. 844USB isn't only a programmer, but also a static RAM tester.
844USB provides very competitive price with excellent hardware design for reliable programming. Nice "value for money" in this class.
844USB provides very fast programming due to high-speed FPGA driven hardware and USB
2.0 full speed port.
844USB interfaces with the IBM PC Pentium compatible or higher, portable or desktop personal computers through USB port,.
844USB has 40 powerful TTL pindrivers provide H/L/pull_up/pull_down and read capability for each pin of socket. Advanced pindrivers incorporate high-quality high-speed circuitry to deliver signals without overshoot or ground bounce for all supported devices. Pin drivers operate down to 1.8V so you'll be ready to program the full range of today's advanced low­voltage devices.
The programmer performs device insertion test (wrong device position in socket) and contact check (poor contact pin-to-socket) before it programs each device. These capabilities, supported by signature-byte check help prevent chip damage due to operator error.
844USB programmer performs programming verification at the marginal level of supply voltage, which, obviously, improves programming yield, and guarantees long data retention.
844USB programmer is driven by an easy-to-use control program with pull-down menu, hot keys and on-line help. Selecting of device is performed by its class, by manufacturer or simply by typing a fragment of vendor name and/or part number.
Standard device-related commands (read, blank check, program, verify, erase) are boosted by some test functions (insertion test, signature-byte check), and some special functions (autoincrement).
All known data formats are supported. Automatic file format detection and conversion during load of file.
The rich-featured autoincrement function enables to assign individual serial numbers to each programmed device - or simply increments a serial number, or the function enables to read serial numbers or any programmed device identification signatures from a file.
The software also provides a lot of information about programmed device. As a special, the drawings of all available packages, explanation of chip labeling (the meaning of prefixes and suffixes at the chips) for each supported chip are provided.
The software provide full information for ISP implementation: Description of ISP connector pins for currently selected chip, recommended target design around in-circuit programmed chip and other necessary information.
Various socket converters are available to handle device in PLCC, SOIC, SSOP, TSOP, TSSOP, TQFP, QFN (MLF) and other packages.
Advanced design of the 844USB programmer and careful manufacturing and burning allows us to provide a one-year warranty on parts and labor for the programmer (limited 25 000­cycle warranty on ZIF socket).
844USB elements
1) 40 pin ZIF socket
2) power/sleep LED
3) work result LEDs
4) YES! Button
5) Connector for ISP
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