B&K Precision 4010A Datasheet

Data sheet
Function Generators
Models 4010A & 4011A
4010A 2 MHz Function Generator
Sine, Square, Triangle, Pulse & Ramp output
Variable duty cycle
Variable DC offset
Variable amplitude output plus 20dB attenuator
20Vpp output into open circuit (10Vpp into 50 s)
cUL certified
4011A 5 MHz Function Generator
Sine, Square, Triangle, Pulse, & Ramp output
Coarse and Fine tuning
4 digit LED display
Variable duty cycle
Variable DC offset
Variable amplitude output plus 20dB attenuator
20Vpp output into open circuit (10Vpp into 50 s)
cUL certified
Sp e ci fi cati on s 40 10A 40 11A
Fr equ enc y Ch ar act er ist ics
Waveforms Sine, Square, Triangle, ±Pulse, ±Ramp
Resolution NA 4 digits
Dial Accuracy ±5% typical NA
Tuning Range
Variable Duty Cycle 15:85:15 cont variable 15:85:15 Cont variable
perating Modes
Ou tpu t Ch ar act eri st i cs
Amplitude Variable, 20 dB range typical
Attenuation -20 dB ±1dB
DC Offset
Distortion 4% @ 1 kHz 3% @ 1 kHz
Flatness 5% (.45 dB)
Symmetry 0.5 Hz to 100 KHz 2%
Risetime (Into 50) 120 nS 20 nS
Linearity 98% to 100 KHz, 95% to 2 MHz
TT L O ut put
Level 0.8V to 2.4V
Rise time (0.8V to 2.9V) 50 nS 20 nS
Duty Cycle 50% typical
CM OS Out p ut
Max. Frequency 2 MHz
Level 4V to 14V ±0.5 p-p cont. variable
Rise Time 120 nS
In put VCG
Input Voltage 0-10V ±1V causes a 100:1 frequency change
Impedance 10K ±5%
Fr equ enc y Coun ter IN T
Accuracy NA Time Base Accy ±1 count
Time Base Accuracy NA ±10 PPM (23°C ±5°C)
Ge ner al
Display NA 4 digit LED
Power Source
Dimensions (H x W x D) 4.5 x 11.75 x 10.375", (114 x 298 x 264 mm)
Weight 4 lbs, (1.8 kg)
0.2 Hz to 2 MHz in 7 ranges
Does not apply
ormal, VCG
0 ±10%
0 V p-p Open circuit, 10V p-p into 50
Preset ±0.1 V typ
ariable: ±10V open-circuit ±5 into 50
120/230 VAC ± 10%, 50/60 Hz,
internal jumper selectable
0.5 Hz to 5 MHz in 7 ranges
Coarse, 10:1
Fine±5% of coarse setting
Two Year Warranty
Supplies Accessories Output cable with BNC to alligator clips, Instruction Manual, Line Cord
Optionmal Accessories Carrying Case (not included): LC-40, TLFG kit
Technical data subject to change © B&K Precision Corp. 2012
ww w.bk prec ision.c om
Tel.: 714.921.9095