B&K Precision 2532B Datasheet

Data Sheet
Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
Models 2530B and 2532B
The 2530B and 2532B combine performance and value all in one portable solution. With advanced triggering capabilities, long waveform memory up to 32,000 pts/Ch, and extensive fea­tures such as pass/fail limit testing, digital filter­ing, waveform recorder, and automatic measure­ments, these oscilloscopes offer powerful tools in a small affordable package.
Educators will appreciate the ability to disable the Auto button that would automatically setup the scope to display a signal circumventing the need to know how to set up scope parameters. This is key for teaching waveform measurement fundamentals as if it was an analog oscilloscope.
The 2530B and 2532B are ideal oscilloscopes for applications in education, troubleshooting and debug, service and repair.
Features and Benefits
25/40 MHz bandwidth (2530B / 2532B)
500 MSa/s sample rate
Bright 5.7” color display
Long waveform memory up to 32,000 pts/Ch
(when time base is 50 ns or 25 ns and
maximum data depth mode is enabled)
For educators - ability to disable the Auto Set
Five different math functions – Add, Subtract,
Multiply, Divide, and FFT
Versatile triggering capabilities including pulse
width, line-selectable video, slope, and
alternating trigger
32 automatic measurements
Advanced tools include digital filter with
adjustable limits, pass/fail testing, and wave
form recorder mode
12 different language user interfaces and
context sensitive help
USB device port connectivity for remote
PC control through EasyScope PC software
USB host port for convenient storing and
recalling of waveform data, setups, and
screenshots on a USB flash drive
Technical data subject to change © B&K Precision Corp. 2011
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Digital Storage Oscilloscopes
odels 2530B and 2532B
Front panel features
Menu On/Off butto n Configure the menu parameters and hide the menu with the
Dis p l a y
5.7” color display.
USB host port Connect your USB flash drive to conveniently update firmware and store/recall waveform data, setups, and screenshots.
push of a button to view your signal in full screen.
Wa v e fo rm a n a l y sis wi th m a th a n d F FT Analyze your signals with add, subtract, multiply, and divide functions. View the signal’s frequency spectrum and perform harmonic distortion analysis.
Pr i n t bu t t o n Simply press the Print button to save a screenshot in bitmap format to a USB flash drive.
Co n t e x t s e n s i tiv e he l p f e a tur e While in help mode, push any button and a help window will pop up describing the functionality.
Au to s etu p Vertical, horizontal, and trigger controls are automatically adjusted for fast signal display.
Ad v a n c e d t r i g g erin g Isolate the signal with advanced triggering including pulse width and selectable video trigger.
Rear panel
Se c u r ity l o o p Use the built-in security loop to secure your instrument to your location.
Co m m u n ica tion RS232 and USB ports enable remote PC control via EasyScope PC software.
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