Read all safety warnings and instructions before using. Failure to follow the warnings and instructions
may result in electric shock, fire and/or serious injury.
» Do not use ou tdoors or on wet surf aces.
» Do not allow to b e used as a toy. Close attentio n
is necess ary when used by or near children.
» Do not use fo r any purpose other th an described
in this user guide. Use only manufacturer’s
recommended attachments.
» Do not charge with dama ged Docking Station
or plug. If a ppliance is not worki ng as it should,
has been dropped, damaged, left outdoors,
or droppe d into water, have it repaired by a
qualified technician.
» Do not clos e a door on cord or plug, o r pull cord
or plug aro und sharp edges or co rners. Do not
run appli ance over cord or plug. Kee p cord or
plug away from heated sur faces.
» Do not unpl ug by pulling on cord. To unp lug,
grasp the ch arger, not the cord.
» Do not handle charger, contact points,
Docking St ation, or robot vacu um cleaner with
wet hands.
» Do not put any object into o penings. Do not
use with any opening blocked; keep openings
free of dust, lint, hair, an d anything that may
reduce air f low.
» Keep hair, loo se clothing, finge rs, and all parts
of body away fro m openings and moving parts.
» Do not use to pi ck up flammable or combustibl e
materials (lighter fluid, gasoline, kerosene, etc.)
or use in are as where they may be pres ent.
» Do not use in a n enclosed space fi lled with
vapors g iven off by oil-based paint, pai nt
thinner, some moth-proofing substances,
flammable dust, or other explo sive or toxic
» Do not use to pi ck up toxic material (chlorine
bleach , ammonia, drain cl eaner, etc.).
» Do not pick up anything t hat is burning or
smoking , such as cigarettes , matches or
hot ashes.
» Do not use wit hout Filter in place.
» Use only on d ry, indoor surfac es.
» Keep appli ance on a level surface.
» Do not carry the robot v acuum cleaner whi le
it is running.
» Remove the cords from other corded prod ucts
out of the are a to be cleaned.
» Do not oper ate the vacuum in a room wh ere an
infant or child is sleeping.
» Do not oper ate the vacuum in an are a where
there are lit candles o r fragile object s on
the floor.
» Do not oper ate the vacuum in a room th at has
lit candl es and/or fragile obj ects on furnitur e
that the vac uum may accidentally hit or bump.
» Do not allow ch ildren to sit on the vacu um.
» Prevent unintentional starting. Ensure the
ON/OFF switc h is in the OFF position b efore
connec ting to battery pack , picking up or
carryi ng the appliance. Do n ot carry the
applian ce with your finger on th e switch.
» Disconnect the battery pack from the appliance
before making any adjustments, changing
accessories or storing appliance. Such
preventive sa fety measures redu ce the risk of
starting the appliance accidentally.
» Recharge o nly with the charger specified by t he
manufacturer. A charger that is suitable for one
type of bat tery pack may create a ri sk of fire
when used with another battery p ack.
» Use appli ances only with speci fically designate d
batter y packs. Use of any oth er battery packs
may create a risk of injury and fire.
» When bat tery pack is not in use, ke ep it away
from other m etal objects, li ke paper clips, coin s,
keys, nails , screws, or other sm all metal objects ,
that can ma ke a connection from o ne terminal
to another. Sho rting the batter y terminals
together may cause bur ns or a fire.
» Under ab usive conditions, li quid may be ejected
from the ba ttery; avoid contac t. If contact
accident ally occurs, flus h with water. If liquid
contact s eyes, additional ly seek medical help.
Liquid ejected from t he battery may caus e
irritation or burns.
» Do not use a ba ttery pack or appl iance that is
damaged or modified. Damaged or modified
batteries may exhibit unpredictable behavior
resulting in fire, explosion or risk of injury.
» Do not expo se a battery pack or a ppliance to
fire or exces sive temperature. Ex posure to
fire or temp erature above 130° C may c ause
» Have servicing performed by a qualified repair
person using only identical replacement parts.
This will en sure that the safety of t he product
is maintained.
» For use onl y with battery pack m odel INR18650
» For use onl y with charger model
» Do not modi fy or attempt to repai r the
applian ce or the battery pa ck.
» Do not charge the unit outdoors.
» Do not posi tion Docking Station n ear stairs or
cliff edg es.
» Follow all ch arging instruct ions. Keep the
temperat ure range between 40-104°F wh en
charging b attery, storing unit o r during use.
Charging i mproperly or at temp eratures outside
of the speci fied range may dama ge the battery
and increase the risk of fire.
» Do not incin erate the applianc e even if it is
severely dam aged. The batter ies can explode in
a fire.
This product contains a lithium-ion
rechargeable battery. According to Federal
and State regulations,
removal and proper
disposal of lithiumion batte ries is
required. For disposal
instru ctions see the
instru ctions on page 1 0.
This model is for household use only.
» Plastic film can be dangerous. To avoid danger of suocation, keep away from children.
» Do not plug in your vacuum cleaner UNTIL you are familiar with all instructions and operating
» To reduce the risk of electrical shock, turn Power Switch OFF and disconnect polarized plug from
electrical outlet BEFORE performing maintenance or troubleshooting checks.

FCC/IC CA UTION Changes or modifications not expres sly approved
by the par ty responsible f or compliance coul d void the user’s auth ority to
operate th e equipment. Th is transmitter mu st not be co-loca ted or operated
in conjunc tion with any other a ntenna or transmi tter.
This device co mplies with Par t 15 of FCC Rules and Ind ustry Canada li censeexempt RS S standard(s). Operat ion is subject to the f ollowing two condit ions:
(1) this d evice may not cause inte rference, and (2 ) this device must acce pt
any interfe rence, includin g interference tha t may cause undes ired operation
of this device.
Le présen t appareil est conf orme aux la parti e 15 des règles de la FCC et
CNR d’In dustrie Canad a applicables a ux appareils rad io exempts de licen ce.
L’exploitation est a utorisée aux deu x conditions suiva ntes : (1) l’appar eil ne
doit pas pr oduire de brouill age, et (2) l’utilis ateur de l’appare il doit accepter
tout brouil lage radioéle ctrique subi, m ême si le brouilla ge est susceptibl e
d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement.
This equi pment complies wi th FCC’s RF radiation exp osure limits set fo rth for
an uncontrolled environment. The device has been evaluated to meet general
RF exposu re requirement. T he device can be use d in portable ex posure
Package Contents
condition without restric tion.
L’appareil a ete evalue pour repondre aux exigences generales d’exposition
RF. le dispositif d e a ete evalues a repond re general rf exp osition exigen ce.
NOTE: Thi s equipment has b een tested and foun d to comply with the limi ts
for a Class B di gital device, pur suant to part 15 of th e FCC Rules. Thes e limits
are desig ned to provide reaso nable protectio n against harmf ul interference
in a residen tial installatio n. This equipm ent generates, u ses and can radia te
radiofre quency energ y and, if not insta lled and used in acco rdance with
the instr uctions, may ca use harmful inter ference to radio com munications .
However, there is no g uarantee that inte rference will not o ccur in a particul ar
installa tion. If this equi pment does caus e harmful interf erence to radio or
television re ception, which ca n be determined by tu rning the equip ment OFF
and ON, th e user is encourag ed to try to correct th e interference by on e or
more of the following me asures:
» Reorie nt or relocate the re ceiving antenna.
» Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
» Conne ct the equipmen t into an outlet on a circu it different from t hat to
which the re ceiver is connecte d.
» Consul t the dealer or an exp erienced radi o/TV technicia n for help.
B I S S E L L®
Li-Ion Battery
NOTE: Standard accessories may vary by model.
Dust Bin
Power Adapter
Pleated Filter
(Located inside Dust Bin)
Safety Instructions...........2
Product View................4
Setup .....................5-6
Operations ..................7
Maintenance & Care .......8-11
Remote Control
(2 AAA batteries included)
(Located inside Dust Bin)
Edge Cleaning
Cleaning ToolFoam Filter
Troubleshooting ..........12-13
Warranty ...................14
Service .....................14
Product Registration........16
Parts & Supplies ............16