When using an electrical appliance, basic precautions should be observed, including the following:
• Use indoors only.
• Do not allow to be used as a toy. Close attention is
necessary when used by or near children.
• Do not use for any purpose other than described
in this user guide. Use only manufacturer’s
recommended attachments.
• Do not charge with damaged cord or plug.
• Do not unplug by pulling on 3-in-1 Docking Station
cord. To unplug, grasp the charger, not the cord.
• Do not handle 3-in-1 Docking Station, charging plug
or appliance with wet hands.
• Do not put any object into openings. Do not use with
any opening blocked; keep openings free of dust,
lint, hair, and anything that may reduce air flow.
• Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers, and all parts of
body away from openings a nd moving parts of the
appliance and its accessories.
• Use extra care when cleaning on stairs.
• Do not use to pick up flam mable or combustible
materials (lighter fluid, gasoline, kerosene, etc.) or
use in areas where they may be present.
• Do not use appliance in an enclosed space filled with
vapors given off by oil- based paint, paint thinner,
some moth-proofing substances, flammable dust, or
other explosive or toxic vapors.
• Do not use to pick up toxic material (chlorine bleach,
ammonia , drain cleaner, etc.).
• Do not pick up anything that is burning or smoking,
such as cigarettes, matches or hot ashes.
• Do not pick up hard or sharp objects such as glass,
nails, screws, coins , etc.
• Use only BISSELL® cleaning products intend ed for use
with this appliance to prevent internal component
damage. See the Cleaning Formulas section of this
• Do not carry the ap pliance while in use.
• Do not immerse. Us e only on surfaces moistened by
the cleaning process.
• Plastic film can be dangerous. To avoid danger of
suffocation, keep away from babie s and children.
• Always connect to a proper electrical socket.
• Keep cord away from heated surfaces.
• Do not use without filters in place.
• Do not charge the unit outdoors.
• Do not incinerate the appliance even if it is severely
damaged. The batteries can explode in a fire.
• Use only with charger SIL, Model SSC-420085US.
• Recharge appliance only with th e charger specified
by the manufacturer. A charger that is suitable for
one type of battery pack may create a risk of injury
and fire when used with another battery pack.
• When battery pack is not in use, keep it away from
other metal objects, like paper clips, coins, keys,
nails, screws or other small metal objects, that can
make a connection from o ne terminal to another.
Shorting the battery terminals together may cause
burns or a fire.
• Do not immerse in water or liquid .
• Do not use a battery p ack or appliance that is
damaged or modified. Damaged or modified
batteries may exhibit unpredictable behavior
resulting in fire, explosion or risk of injury.
• Do not expose a battery pack or a ppliance to
fire or exces sive temperature. Exp osure to fire
or temperature above 130 °C / 265°F may cause
• Follow all charging instructions and do not charge
the battery pack or appliance outside of the
temperature range 4-40°C / 40-104°F. Charging
improperly or at temperatures outside this range
may damage the batter y and increase the risk of fire.
• Prevent unintentional starting. Ensure the switch
is in the OFF-position b efore connecting to battery
pack, picking up or carrying the appliance. Carrying
the appliance with your finger on the switch or
energizing applian ce that have the switch on invites
• Under abusive conditions, liquid may be ejected from
the battery; avoid contact. If contact accidentally
occurs, flush with water. If liquid contacts eyes,
additionally seek medical help. Liquid ejected from
the battery may cause irritation or burns.
• If appliance is not working as it sho uld, has been
dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or dropped into
water, return it to a service center.
• Have servicing per formed by a qualified repair
person using only identical replacement parts.
This will ensure that the s afety of the product is
• Do not turn ON your appliance on until you are
familiar with all instructions and operating
• Risk of injury from moving parts. Brush may start
unexpec tedly. Turn OFF before cleaning or servicing.
• If appliance is not working as it sho uld, has been
dropped, damaged, left outdoors, or dropped into
water, return it to a service center.
• Have servicing per formed by a qualified repair
person using only identical replacement parts.
This will ensure that the s afety of the product is
• Unplug charger from electrical socket when not in
use, before cleaning, maintaining or servicing the
• Liquid must not be directed towards equipment
containing electrical components.
• Use only the type and amount of liquids specified
under the o perations section of this guide.
• Use only on surface moistened by cleaning process.
• Do not pull or carry charger by cord, use cord as a
handle, close door on cord, or pull cord around sharp
edges or corners.
• Battery pack an d charger base output terminals are
not to be shor t-circuited.
• Do not modify or at tempt to repair the appliance
except as indicated in the instructions for use an d
• The battery must be removed from the applia nce
before it is scrapped.
• Keep appliance on a level surface.
• If your appliance has a motorized Brush Roll, do not
leave machine running in the same spot without the
handle fully upright.
• Do not store where freezing may occur.
• This product contains a wireless device. Refer to
website for regulatory information.
• The software included in this product contains op en
source sof tware. The open source licenses associate d
with this product may be obtained by visiting www.
This mod el is for househ old use only. Comme rcial use of this un it voids the
manufacturer’s warranty.
FCC/IC NOTICE: This equ ipment has bee n tested and found to c omply
with the li mits for a Class B di gital device, pu rsuant to part 15 o f the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment gen erates, uses a nd can radiate rad io frequenc y energy and, if
not inst alled and used in a ccordance with t he instructio ns, may cause
harmfu l interference to r adio communic ations. However, th ere is no
guaran tee that interfe rence will not occu r in a particula r installation . If
this equi pment does ca use harmful inte rference to rad io or television
receptio n, which can be de termined by turn ing the equipm ent off and
on, the us er is encourage d to try to correct th e interferenc e by one or
more of the f ollowing measu res: (1) Reori ent or relocate th e receiving
antenna. (2) Increase the separation between the equipment and
receiver. ( 3) Connect th e equipment into a n outlet on a circui t different
from that to w hich the receiver i s connected. (4) Co nsult the deale r
or an expe rienced radio/ TV technici an for help. This d evice complies
with Par t 15 of FCC Rules and In dustry Cana da license-exe mpt RSS
standa rd(s). Operation is s ubject to the fol lowing two condit ions: (1)
this devic e may not cause har mful interfer ence, and (2) this d evice
must acce pt any interfere nce, including i nterference th at may cause
undesi red operation o f the device.
Le prése nt appareil est c onforme aux la pa rtie 15 des régle s de la FCC
et CNR d’I ndustrie Can ada applicab les aux appare ils radio exempt s de
licence. L’explo itation est au torisée aux deux c onditions suiv antes :
(1) l’ap pareil ne doit p as produire de bro uillage, et (2) l ’utilisateur d e
l’appa reil doit accepte r tout brouillag e radioélect rique subi, mê me si le
brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
Privac y of communicati ons may not be ensu red when using th is device.
WARNING: Ch anges or modi fications to this e quipment not e xpressly
approve d by the party res ponsible for com pliance could vo id the user’s
authority to operate the equipment.
CAUTION: Th e Digital Displ ay houses the tra nsmitter and m ust be kept
at a separ ation distanc e of at least 20 cm from a ll persons.
ATTENTION : L’écran à af fichage numér ique contient l ’émette ur. Gardezle à une dis tance d’un mini mum de 20 cm de toute pe rsonne.
3-Year limited warranty, may vary by state. Visit support.BISSELL.com or call 1-844-383-2630
for complete warranty information.

We’re so happy you chose the CrossWave® Cordless Max. We put this
guide together to help you set up, use and maintain your cordless
hard surface cleaner. We’ve also included some tips we think will
come in handy when you first start using it, so let’s get started!
For a complete guide to your purchase, go to support.BISSELL.com.
Safety Instructions ......................................................... 2
Product View ..................................................................... 4
Connecting to the BISSELL Connect App.... 5
Assembly .............................................................................. 5
Cleaning Formulas .........................................................6
Charging the Battery....................................................6
Filling the Water Tank .................................................. 7
Cleaning Your Floors ....................................................8
Emptying the Dirty Water Tank ............................9
Using the 3-in-1 Docking Station ........................10
Storing Your Machine ................................................. 10
Disposing of the Batteries ........................................ 11
Troubleshooting ...............................................................11