Consumer states unit will not steam………………………………………………….Page 2
Consumer states calcium filter is turning blue……………………………………..Page 5
Consumer states mop head/unit below the filter is quite warm
to the touch……………………………………………………………………………...Page 6
Consumer states unit leaks between the tank and filter………………………....Page 7
Consumer states unit leaks between the filter and the unit……………………..Page 8
Consumer states new mop pad has developed holes in it after little use…….Page 9
Consumer states unit left a yellow ring on their linoleum………………………Page 10
Consumer states steam emitted from the hole on side of unit………………...Page 11
How much steam do I need to dispense? /Consumer States
floor is left very wet…………………………………………………………………..Page 12
Can I use the steam mop on my floorboards?......................................................Page 13
Yes, remove tank by lifting straight up
and away from unit
Ensure the black cap insert located at
bottom of water tank is installed securely
and the cap is tightened
Place water tank back onto unit, with cap at the
bottom, lining it up vertically with the unit and
sliding it down into place. Turn unit on and wait
for red ‘ready’ light to come on. Press steam
dispensing trigger located on handle. Is there
steam now?
No, proceed to solution 2
Yes, problem solved
No, remove tank by lifting straight up and
away from unit
Unscrew cap at bottom of water tank,
remove the insert assembly
Fill tank with cold water, replace insert
assembly and cap, problem solved
Is the ready light on? **NOTE: The heater may take 1-2min to heat up
No, plug the power cord into another outlet, ensure
it is a functioning outlet. Does the ready light come
on now and/or does the unit heat up and give out
steam now?
No, return unit to store Yes, problem solved
With unit still switched on pour a small amount of cold water into the
hole where the filter connects to the unit and press the spray trigger in,
it in for 2 mins. Is there steam now?
Yes, Press trigger, holding it in for 2min as the unit
can take up to 2min to start steaming. Is there
steam now?
No, remove tank and
filter from unit
Yes, problem solved
No, replace filter and tank onto unit
and proceed to solution 3
Is there water in the filter?
Yes, when the filter is new, it may take a couple of
minutes for the unit to pump water through it. The unit
may make a louder noise while it is doing this, but
should soon subside.
Soak the filter in cold water for 10 to 15 minutes to
saturate it. Replace filter and tank on unit. Is there
steam now?
**CAUTION: The spray tip may be hot, wait for it to cool Remove mop head by unscrewing and removing the single screw at the base of the unit.
Check for steam at the spray tip
With unit on, press trigger. Is there steam at the spray tip?
No, switch unit off. Remove any debris from spray tip
using a paper clip. Switch unit on. Is there steam coming
out of spray tip now?
No, return unit to store
Turn unit off. Pour white vinegar through the top of the Mop Head
to clear the clo
No, Press the trigger in. Does the trigger have tension?
Yes, return unit to store
Yes, mop Head may be clogged.
. Replace mop head, Is there steam now?
Using Phillips head screw driver,
remove upper handle
No, refer consumer to authorized
service centre
Yes, problem solved
Slide handle assembly down into lower body of unit until it will go no further. Screw large
Phillips head screw into the screw opening in the lower body and into the rear of the handle
tighten with screw driver. Is there tension now when press trigger?