All prod ucts man u fac tured by Seller are war ranted to be free from de fects in ma te rial and w ork man ship for a pe riod of one (1)
year, un less oth er wise spec i fied, from date of ship ment and to con form to ap pli ca ble spec i fi ca tions, draw ings, blue prints
and/or sam ples. Seller’s sole ob li ga tion un der these war ran ties shall be to is sue credit, r e pair or re place any item or part
thereof which is proved to be other than as war ranted; no al low ance shall be made for any la bor charges of Buyer for re place ment of parts, ad just ment or re pairs, or any other work, un less such charges are au tho rized i n ad vance by Seller.
If Seller’s prod ucts are claimed to be de fec tive in ma te rial or work man ship or not to con fo rm to spec i fi ca tions, draw ings, blue prints and/or sam ples, Seller shall, upon prompt no tice thereof, ei ther ex am ine the prod ucts where they are lo cated or is sue
ship ping in struc tions for re turn to Seller (trans por ta tion-charges pre paid by Buyer). In th e event any of our prod ucts are
proved to be other than as war ranted, trans por ta tion costs (cheap est way) to and from Seller’s plant, will be borne by Seller
and re im burse ment or credit will be made for amounts so ex pended by Buyer. Ev ery such claim fo r breach of these war ran ties
shall be deemed to be waived by Buyer un less made in writ ing within ten (10) days from the date o f dis cov ery of the de fect.
The above war ran ties shall not ex tend to any prod ucts or parts thereof which have been sub ject ed to any mis use or ne glect,
dam aged by ac ci dent, ren dered de fec tive by rea son of im proper in stal la tion or by the per for mance of re pairs or al ter ations out side of our plant, and shall not ap ply to any goods or parts thereof fur nished by Buyer or ac qui red from oth ers at Buyer’s re quest and/or to Buyer’s spec i fi ca tions. In ad di tion, Seller’s war ran ties do not ex tend to the fail ure of tubes, tran sis tors, fuses
and bat ter ies, or to other equip ment and parts man u fac tured by oth ers ex cept to the ex tent of the orig i nal man u fac turer’s war ranty to Seller.
The ob li ga tions un der the fore go ing war ran ties are lim ited to the pre cise terms thereof. These war ran ties pro vide ex clu sive
rem e dies, ex pressly in lieu of all other rem e dies in clud ing claims for spe cial or con se qu en tial dam ages. SELLER NEI THER
Safety Pre cau tions
Safety Pre cau tions
The fol low ing are gen eral safety pre cau tions that are not nec es sar ily re lated to any spe c ific part or pro ce dure and do not nec es sar ily ap pear else where in this pub li ca tion. These pre cau tions must be thor oughly un de r stood and ap ply to all phases of op er a tion and main te nance.
Op er ating per son nel must at all times ob serve gen eral safety pre cau tions. Do not re place c om po nents or make ad just ments to
the in side of the equip ment with the high volt age sup ply turned on. To avoid ca su al ties, al ways re move power.
Un der no cir cum stances should any per son reach into an en clo sure for the pur pose of ser vice or ad just ment of equip ment ex cept in the pres ence of some one who is ca pa ble of ren der ing aid.
An uninterruptible earth safety ground must be sup plied from the main power source to test in stru ments. Grounding one con duc tor of a two con duc tor power ca ble is not suf fi cient pro tec tion. Se ri ous in jury or de ath can oc cur if this ground ing is not
prop erly sup plied.
Do not at tempt to re move RF trans mis sion line while RF power is pres ent.
Dry clean ing sol vents used to clean parts may be po ten tially dan ger ous. Avoid in ha la tion o f fumes and also pro longed con tact with skin.
Per son nel work ing with or near high volt ages should be fa mil iar with mod ern meth ods of re s us ci ta tion.
Warn ing notes call at ten tion to a pro ce dure, which if not cor rectly per formed, could re sult in per sonal in jury.
Cau tion notes call at ten tion to a pro ce dure, which if not cor rectly per formed, could re sul t in dam age to the in stru -
The fol low ing safety warn ings ap pear in the text where there is dan ger to op er at ing and mai n te nance per son nel and are re peated here for em pha sis.
Do not use elec tri cally con duc tive tools for cal i bra tion when the front panel is re moved. D am age to the unit and or
the pos si bil ity of elec tri cal shock ex ists.
Dis con nect this unit from ac power source be fore any dis as sem bly for re pair or re place ment pro ce dures. The po ten tial
for elec tri cal shock ex ists.
When us ing dry clean ing sol vents, pro vide ad e quate ven ti la tion and ob serve nor mal safety pre cau tions. Many dry
clean ing agents emit toxic fumes that may be harm ful to your health if in haled.
The fol low ing equip ment cau tions ap pear in the text when ever the equip ment is in dan ger of dam age and are re peated here
for em pha sis.
Be sure the 115/230 volt age se lec tor switch on the rear panel is set to the proper line volt age be fore ac power is
ap plied.
About This Man ual
About This Man ual
This in struc tion book cov ers the se ries 3170A. Models cov ered are:
This in struc tion book is ar ranged so that es sen tial in for ma tion on safety is con tained in the front of the book. Read ing the
Safety Pre cau tions Sec tion be fore op er at ing the equip ment is strongly ad vised.
The re main der of this In struc tion Book is di vided into Chap ters and Sec tions. Fig ures and t a bles are num bered se quen tially
within each chap ter. At the be gin ning of each chap ter a gen eral over view will be given, de sc rib ing the con tents of that chap ter.
First time op er a tors should read Chap ter 1 - In tro duc tion, and Chap ter 3 - Prep a ra tion f or Use, to get an over view of equip ment ca pa bil i ties and how to in stall it. An ex pe ri enced op er a tor can re fer to Chap ter 4 - Op er ating In struc tions. All in struc tions nec es sary to op er ate the equip ment, are con tained in this sec tion.
All per son nel should be fa mil iar with pre ven tive main te nance found in Chap ter 5 - Main te nance. If a fail ure should oc cur, the
trou ble shoot ing sec tion will aid in iso lat ing and re pair ing the fail ure.
For lo ca tion of ma jor as sem blies or parts re fer to the part lists and as so ci ated draw ings in Chap ter 5.
Changes to this pub li ca tion will be made avail able in sup ple ments. To keep your in struc tion book ac cu rate and up to date, it
is rec om mended that a pe ri odic re quest of the lat est sup ple ment be made. It will be sup pli ed at no cost. When re quest ing up dates, ref er ence your in struc tion book part num ber and its re vi sion level listed on the ti t le page.
It is our goal to pro vide our us ers with the in for ma tion needed to op er ate and main tain the se ries 3170A. If you should dis cover any er rors in this pub li ca tion, or if you have sug ges tions for im prov ing this in stru c tion book, please send your com ments to our fac tory.
Ta ble of Con tents
Safety Pre cau tions ............................iii
Se ries 3170A Warn ing State ments.....................iv
Se ries 3170A Cau tion State ments ......................iv
About This Man ual...........................v
In tro duc tion
Gen eral................................1-1
Pur pose and Func tion ...........................1-1
Spec i fi ca tions .............................. 1-2
Ad di tional Op tions ............................ 1-2
El e ments ...............................1-2
Ca ble As sem blies ........................... 1-2
Func tional De scrip tion.......................... 1-3
En clo sures .............................. 1-3
Front Panel ..............................1-3
Rear Panel ..............................1-4
Out line Draw ings............................ 1-5
The ory of Op er a tion
In put Sig nal.............................. 2-1
Ad just ment ............................... 2-1
Op er a tions ............................... 2-2
Re set................................. 2-2
Prep a ra tion for Use
Gen eral................................ 3-1
Un packing and In spec tion ......................... 3-1
In stal la tion ............................... 3-1
Mount ing.............................. 3-1
Models 3170A and 3170A200 ...................... 3-1
Models 3171A, 3171A020, 3172A, and 3173A. ............... 3-2
Ini tial Setup.............................. 3-2
Prep a ra tion .............................. 3-2
Ad just Set-points........................... 3-3
Ac tive For ward Mon i tor Setup ...................... 3-4
Dip Switch Set tings.......................... 3-4
Re mote Me ter Ca ble As sem bly..................... 3-5
Op er ating In struc tions
Gen eral................................ 4-1
RF Power Mea sure ment .........................4-1
Main te nance
Sales / Re pair Fa cil ities ........................ 5-1
Safety Con sid er ations......................... 5-1
Pre ven tive Main te nance .......................... 5-2
Cleaning ...............................5-2
Front Panel ..............................5-2
Con nec tors .............................. 5-2
Trou ble shooting ............................. 5-3
Dis as sem bly.............................. 5-4
Me ter Re place ment.......................... 5-4
Re place dc Fuse ............................ 5-4
Stor age................................ 5-4
Re pack aging.............................. 5-4
Re place ment Parts List .......................... 5-5
El e ment Ta bles .............................5-5
" Line Sec tion........................... 5-6
" Line Sec tion...........................5-9
" Line Sec tion........................... 5-9
" Line Sec tion........................... 5-10
Dif fer ence Data SheetA-1
User Ap pli ca tions and Wiring
Con nec tor As sign ment ..........................B-1
AFM In put ............................... B-2
Dry Con tact Clo sure .......................... B-2
Con firm Out put ............................. B-3
Re lay Con trol .............................B-3
LED In di ca tor............................B-3
Re set In put ............................... B-4
Re mote Con tact Re set ......................... B-4
Ex ter nal Alarms ............................. B-4
Re mote Mon i toring or Me tering...................... B-5
DC Power Sup ply Con nec tions .......................B-5
Chap ter 1
In tro duc tion
Gen eral
This pub li ca tion re fers to the Model 3170A which is a mem ber of the Bird Model 3170A Se ries o f
High Speed Wattcher RF Mon i tors. Models in cluded in the se ries are listed in ta ble 1-1. All mo d els will gen er ally be re ferred to as a Wattcher unit through out this man ual.
The in for ma tion in this in struc tion book per tains to all mod els ex cept noted dif fer ences re ferred to
in the text and in the Dif fer ence Data Sheets (see Ap pen dix A).
Table 1-1
Var i ous Models
Model Num berPower RangeCom ments
3170A100 mW - 10 kWBuilt in Line Sec tion
3170A200100 mW - 10 kW
3170A300100 mW - 10 kW
3171A250 W - 100 kWUses Ex ter nal Line
3171A020 300 W - 60 kW
3172A100 mW - 10 kW
3173A100 mW - 10 kW
Sec tion
Pur pose and Func tion
The Model 3170A Se ries High Speed Wattcher unit is a two chan nel power mon i tor ing sys tem for
use in 50 ohm co ax ial trans mis sion lines. Ad just able set points al low user to pre set max i mum re flected and min i mum for ward power trip points.
Ac ti vated au di ble/vi sual alarms in di cate an er ro ne ous con di tion pres ent on the trans m is sion line.
Cor rec tive ac tion can then be fol lowed to ei ther pro tect trans mis sion equip ment or re stor e trans mis sion line to op er a tional char ac ter is tics. This power mon i tor ing ca pa bil ity is ac c om plished
through the use of a dual port 50 ohm in ser tion type line sec tion. Each port must con tain a sta n dard Bird Elec tronic Cor po ra tion plug-in el e ment. Usually el e ments with a ten to one ra tio is rec om mended for the for ward and re verse power lev els.
The Wattcher mon i tor ing sys tem also pro vides ad di tional ter mi nal con nec tions for user sp e cific
ap pli ca tions. For de tails and wir ing in for ma tion, see Ap pen dix B.
Bird Se ries 3170A High-Speed Wattcher
RF Mon i toring Sys tem
Spec i fi ca tions
Im ped ance50 Ohms nom i nal
Power Range
Models 3170A, 3170A200,
3170A300, 3172A, 3173A
Model 3171A
Model 3171A020.
In di cated Power Ac cu racy5% of full scale
Alarm Ac cu racy5% of full scale
Re sponse Time
Ac ti vate For ward Mon i tor
(Ad just able De lay)
Models 3170A, 3170A200,
3171A, 3171A020, 3172A,
Model 3170A300
Ac ti vate For ward Mon i tor (Sig nal
Models 3170A, 3170A300,
3171A, 3171A020, 3173A
Models 3170A200, 3172A
In puts and Out puts (All Units)Will in ter face di rectly to TTL
Out put Drive Ca pa bil ityWill sink 180 mA
5 Volt Sup ply Out putWill source 360 mA, reg u lated
In ser tion VSWR1.05 max i mum dc to 1 GHz
AC Power Re quire ments115/230 Vac 50/60 Hz @ 56 mA
DC Power Re quire ments12.7 Vdc to 16.0 Vdc @ 400 mA
Over all Di men sions9-21/64"D x 19"W x 5-7/32"H (237 x
Models 3170A, 3170A200,
Models 3171A, 3171A020,
3172A, 3173A
100 mW to 10 kW full scale
250 W to 100 kW full scale
300 W to 60 kW full scale
25 µsec max i mum
71 µsec to 50 msec nom i nal
7.1 msec to 5 sec nom i nal
Ac tive state: 0 to 1 V Off state: held
to 5 V in ter nally
Ac tive state: 0 to 1 V Off state: 2.4 V
to 50 V
max i mum
max i mum
483 x 133 mm)
7 lb. (3.2 kg)
5.5 lb. (2.5 kg)
Ad di tional Op tions
Fre quency and power range are gov erned by the line sec tion and el e ments se lected. A sum mary of
the var i ous mod els and their ap pli ca tions is pro vided in Ap pen dix A, Dif fer ent Data Shee ts.
ElementsAn el e ment ta ble se lec tion guide for the var i ous line sec tions is pro vided in Chap ter—5 M ain te -
Cable AssembliesDC Ca ble As sem blies are avail able for re mote rigid line in stal la tion. The as sem blies are var i ous
length of RG-58/U ca ble with a dc plug, P/N 7500-076 on one end and a BNC(m) con nec tor in stalled on the op po site end. Re fer to the ca ble sec tion of the parts list for ca ble lengths a nd part
num bers.
Func tional De scrip tion
EnclosuresThe Wattcher Mon i tor’s in ter nal cir cuitry and an a log me ters are en closed in sep a rate alu mi num
hous ings. These hous ings are mounted to a stan dard 19 inch panel for rack mount ap pli ca tions.
Front Panel
Figure 1-1
Front Panel
1 Forward Monitor
Ac tive LED—In di cates for ward power is be ing mon i tored and an er ror con di tion will be in d i cated
upon fail ure.
Trip LED—In di cates er ror con di tion has oc curred.
2Reflected MonitorAc tive LED—In di cates re flected power is be ing mon i tored and an er ror con di tion will be in di -
cated upon fail ure.
Trip LED—In di cates er ror con di tion has oc curred.
3Audible AlarmIf for ward or re flected power set points are ex ceeded an au di ble alarm is sounded. The alarm
works in conjuction with er ror sta tus in di ca tor re flect ing fail ure con di tions.
4ResetThis push but ton re sets the mon i tor ing sys tem to nor mal op er a tion af ter an er ror con di tion has
been cor rected.
Bird Se ries 3170A High-Speed Wattcher
RF Mon i toring Sys tem
Rear Panel
Figure 1-2
Rear Panel
1AC Receptacle
2Line Voltage
Selector Switch
3AC Line Fuse1/16A at 250V slow-blow fuse, pro vides cir cuit pro tec tion from ex ces sive surge in line power or
Pro vides a means of sup ply ing ac line power to Wattcher con trol unit.
De ter mines line volt age op er a tion.
in the event of com po nent fail ure.
J3—Con nec tor for front panel main me ters. Can also be used to con nect re mote me ters. Levels:
30 µA full scale into 1400 ohm (42mV).
J4—Ex tra me ter con nec tor for re mote me ters or chart re corder. For de tails on con nect ing r e mote
me ters see Ap pen dix B. Levels: 1.038V full scale. Use 33.2k re sis tor in se ries with stan dard Bird
30 µA me ters.
5RF Power
Fe male BNC con nec tors, pro vide means of con nect ing sam pled RF power. J2 is for for ward
power, J1 is for re flected power. Levels: 30 µA full scale into 1400 Ω (42mV). May be over ranged
to 100mV.
6Terminal StripA ten con tact ter mi nal strip pro vides con nec tions for var i ous user spe cific ap pli ca tion s. De tails of
con tact as sign ment and ap pli ca tions are in Ap pen dix B.
Out line Draw ings
Models 3171A, 3172A,
Figure 1-3
& 3173A
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