Bird Technologies 21-87A-11-xx-T Installation Guide

Expansion Channel Installation
See page 15 of T-Pass manual 7-9100 for more detail.
1 Determine the location of the Expansion
Channel in the rack.
2 Mount the cavity (without isolator) in the
peg rack using two (2) stainless band clamps. Clamps should be positioned at either cavity end. Do not tighten the clamps.
3 Rotate the cavity body so that the con-
nectors are in a vertical line with those on the other cavities and that no end cap screws are preventing a flush fit with a mounting peg.
4 Tighten the cavity mounting clamps.
5 Attach the isolator mounting plate to the
cavity using two (2) band clamps.
Clamp screws should be positioned at the top with the front strap just behind the cavity mounting strap. Do not tighten the clamps.
6 Rotate the isolator mounting bracket so
that the isolator is in the vertical plane forming a smooth line in relation to the other channels in the rack.
7 Due to the limited space, tightening may
require the use of a 5/16" open end wrench. Tighten both clamps securely.
8 Connect the tan RG393 (3-1918) isola-
tor-to-cavity cable. Use cable pliers to tighten-up the connectors.
9 Connect the new channel to the multi-
coupler using the proper length T-Pass Thruline cable (tan, RG393 cable). Use cable pliers to tighten these