Bio-Rad PV92 PCR Informatics Kit User Manual

1. Label one 1.5 ml micro test tube with your initials. Label one screwcap tube containing 200 µl of InstaGene matrix with your initials.
2. Obtain a cup containing saline solution from your instructor. Pour the saline into your mouth and rinse vigorously for 30 seconds. Expel the saline back into the cup.
3. Transfer 1 ml of your saline rinse into the micro test tube (NOT the screwcap tube) with your initials. If a P-1000 micropipet is not available, carefully pour ~1 ml of your saline rinse into your micro test tube (use the graduations on the side of the micro test tube to estimate 1 ml).
4. Spin your tube in a balanced centrifuge at full speed for 2 minutes. When the centrifuge has completely stopped, remove your tube. You should see a match-head sized pellet of whitish cells at the bottom of the tube. If you don’t see a pellet of this size, decant the saline, refill your tube with more of your oral rinse, and repeat the spin.
5. After pelleting your cells, pour off the saline. Being careful not to lose your pellet, blot your tube briefly on a paper towel or tissue. It’s OK for a small amount of saline (< 50 µl, about the same size as your pellet) to remain in the bottom of the tube.
6. Resuspend the pellet by vortexing or flicking the tube so that no clumps of cells remain.
7. Using a 2–20 µl adjustable-volume micropipet set to 20 µl, transfer all of your resuspended cells to the screwcap tube containing InstaGene.
8. Screw the cap tightly on the tube. Shake or vortex to mix the tube contents.
Quick Guide
Lesson 1 Cheek Cell DNA Template Preparation
9. When all members of your team have collected their samples, place the tubes in the foam micro test-tube holder, and incubate at 56°C for 10 minutes in a water bath. At the halfway point (5 minutes), shake or vortex the tubes gently, then place back in the 56°C water bath for the remaining 5 minutes.
10. Remove the tubes, shake or vortex, and place the tubes in a boiling water bath (100°C). Incubate at 100°C for 5 minutes.
11. Remove the tubes from the boiling water bath and shake or vortex the contents to resuspend. Pellet the matrix by spinning at 6,000 x g for 5 minutes (or 2,000 x g for 10 minutes) in a centrifuge.
12. Store your screwcap tube in the refrigerator until the next laboratory period (or proceed to step 2 of Lesson 2).
56°C, 10 min
100°C, 5 min
Water bath
Water bath
Quick Guide
1. Label 1 screwcap tube containing 200 µl of InstaGene matrix plus protease with your initials.
2. Collect 2 hairs from yourself. Select hairs that have either a noticeable sheath (a coating of epithelial cells near the base of the hair), or a good sized root (the bulb-shaped base of the hair). Trim the hair, leaving the last ~2 cm of the base of the hair. Place the trimmed hairs into the screwcap tube with your initials.
3. Place your tube in the foam micro test-tube holder and incubate at 56°C for 10 minutes in a water bath. At the halfway point (5 minutes), shake or vortex gently, then place it back in the 56°C water bath for the remaining 5 minutes.
4. Remove the tubes, gently shake or vortex, and place them in a boiling water bath (100°C). Incubate at 100°C for 5 minutes.
5. Remove the tubes from the boiling water bath and shake or vortex the contents to resuspend. Pellet the matrix by spinning at 6,000 x g for 5 minutes (or 2,000 x g for 10 minutes) in a centrifuge.
6. Store your screwcap tube in the refrigerator until the next laboratory period (or proceed to step 2 of Lesson 2).
56°C, 10 min
Water bath
100°C, 5 min
Water bath
Lesson 1 Hair Follicle DNA Template Preparation
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