Thank you for buying this product, our company is sure that you will be more
than satisfied with its performance.
This product is supplied with an “Instruction Manual” which should be read
carefully as it provides important information about safety, installation,
operation and maintenance.
This product complies with recognised technical standards and safety
regulations. We declare that it is in conformity with the following European
Directives: 89/336/EEC, 73/23/EEC, 98/37/EEC and subsequent amendments.
WARNING! An incorrect installation or improper use of the product
can cause damage to persons, animals or things.
• The “Warnings” leaflet and “Instruction booklet” supplied with this
product should be read carefully as they provide important information
about safety, installation, use and maintenance.
• Scrap packing materials (plastic, cardboard, polystyrene etc) according
to the provisions set out by current standards. Keep nylon or polystyrene
bags out of children’s reach.
• Keep the instructions together with the technical brochure for future
• This product was exclusively designed and manufactured for the use
specified in the present documentation. Any other use not specified in
this documentation could damage the product and be dangerous.
• The Company declines all responsibility for any consequences resulting
from improper use of the product, or use which is different from that
expected and specified in the present documentation.
• Do not install the product in explosive atmosphere.
• The construction components of this product must comply with the
following European Directives: 89/336/CEE, 73/23/EEC, 98/37/EEC
and subsequent amendments. As for all non-EEC countries, the abovementioned standards as well as the current national standards should
be respected in order to achieve a good safety level.
• The Company declines all responsibility for any consequences resulting
from failure to observe Good Technical Practice when constructing
closing structures (door, gates etc.), as well as from any deformation
which might occur during use.
• The installation must comply with the provisions set out by the following
Eur opean Dir ectives: 89 /336/CEE, 73/23/EEC, 98/37/EEC and
subsequent amendments.
• Disconnect the electrical power supply before carrying out any work on
the installation. Also disconnect any buffer batteries, if fitted.
• Fit an omnipolar or magnetothermal switch on the mains power supply,
having a contact opening distance equal to or greater than 3mm.
• Check that a differential switch with a 0.03A threshold is fitted just before
the power supply mains.
• Check that earthing is carried out correctly: connect all metal parts for
closure (doors, gates etc.) and all system components provided with an
earth terminal.
• Fit all the safety devices (photocells, electric edges etc.) which are
needed to protect the area from any danger caused by squashing,
conveying and shearing.
• Position at least one luminous signal indication device (blinker) where
it can be easily seen, and fix a Warning sign to the structure.
• The Company declines all responsibility with respect to the automation
safety and correct operation when other manufacturers’ components
are used.
• Only use original parts for any maintenance or repair operation.
• Do not modify the automation components, unless explicitly authorised
by the company.
• Instruct the product user about the control systems provided and the
manual opening operation in case of emergency.
• Do not allow persons or children to remain in the automation
operation area.
• Keep radio control or other control devices out of children’s reach, in
order to avoid unintentional automation activation.
• The user must avoid any attempt to carry out work or repair on the
automation system, and always request the assistance of qualified
• Anything which is not expressly provided for in the present instructions,
is not allowed.
The LIBRA control panel is supplied by the manufacturer with standard
setting. Any alteration must be set by means of the incorporated display
programmer or by means of UNIPRO. The Control unit completely supports
the EELINK protocol.
Its main characteristics are:
- Control of two low-voltage motors up to 40W power
- Electronic torque setting with obstacle detection
- Limit-switch control inputs
- Separate inputs for safety devices
- Incorporated radio receiver
The board is provided with a terminal board which can be pulled out for
easier maintenance or replacement. The board is supplied with a series of
pre-wired jumpers to facilitate the installer’s work.
The jumpers relate to the following terminals: 15-17 and 15-18. If the abovementioned terminals are in use, remove their respective jumpers.
Power supply: ...................................................... ...230Va.c. ±10% 50Hz*
Mains/low voltage insulation: ....................................... > 2MOhm 500Vdc
Dielectric strength:…. ............... mains/low voltage 3750Vac per 1 minute
Motor output current: ......................................................... 3.5A+3.5A max
Motor relay commutation current: ........................................................ 10A
Maximum motor power: ....................................................... 40W (24Vd.c.)
Supply to accessories: ......................... 24Va.c. (180mA max absorption)
24Va.c. V safe (180mA max absorption)
Gate-open warning light: ......................... N.O. contact (24Va.c./1A max)
Blinker: ........................................................................... 24Va.c. 25W max
Dimensions: ............................................................................. see figure 1
Fuses: ...................................................................................... see figure 2
(* other voltages available on request)
Charging voltage: .......................................................................... 27.2Vdc
Charging current: ............................................................................ 130mA
Outside temperature when values were measured: .......................... 25°C
Battery capacity: ................................................................. 2x (12V 1.2Ah)
Flat battery protection threshold: ................................................ 20.4Vd.c.
Battery charging time: ................................................................. 12/14 hrs
WARNING – During the wiring and installation operations, refer to the
current standards as well as principles of good technical practice.
Wires powered at different voltages must be physically separated, or
suitably insulated with at least 1 mm extra insulation. The wires must be
clamped by an extra fastener near the terminals, for example by bands.
All the connection cables must be kept at an adequate distance from the
WARNING! For connection to the mains, use a multipolar cable with
a minimum of 3x1.5mm
cross section and complying with the
previously mentioned regulations. For example, if the cable is out side
(in the open), it has to be at least equal to H07RN-F, but if it is on the
inside (or outside but placed in a plastic cable cannel) it has to be or
at least egual to H05VV-F with section 3x1.5mm
1-2 Single-phase mains power supply 230Va.c. ±10% (1=L) (2=N)
3-4-5 Connection to motor 2:
3 motor + (red)
4 motor - (black),
5 limit-switch control (white)
6-7-8 Connection to motor 1:
6 motor + (red)
7 motor - (black)
8 limit-switch control (white)
9-10 Connection to blinker (24Va.c. 20W max)
11-12 Output 24Va.c. 180mA max - supply to photocells or other
13-14 Output 24Va.c. V safe 180mA max - supply to photocell transmitters
with checking function (Fig.3a).
15-16 START pushbutton (N.O.).
15-17 STOP pushbutton (N.C.). If not used, leave the bridge 15-17
15-18 Photocell input (N.C.). If not used, leave the bridge 15-18
15-19 Fault input (N.O.). Input for photocells provided with checking
N.O. contact (Fig. 3a).
15-20 Pedestrian pushbutton input (N.O.). Activation is carried out by
motor 2; if the opening cycle has started (not from pedestrian
function), the pedestrian command has no effect.
LIBRA - Ver. 06 -

21-22 Output for gate-open warning light output (N.O. contact (24Va.c./
1A max)) or alternatively 2nd radio channel (see paragraph 5 on
23-24 Antenna input for radio-receiver plug-in board (23 braid–24
The control panel provided with a microprocessor is supplied with function
parameters preset by the manufacturer, suitable for standard installations.
The predefined parameters can be altered by means of either the
incorporated display programmer or UNIPRO.
In the case where programming is carried out by means of UNIPRO,
carefully read the instructions relating to UNIPRO, and proceed in the
following way.
Connect the UNIPRO programmer to the control unit through the UNIFLAT
and UNIDA accessories (See fig. 4). The Libra control unit does not supply
the UNIPRO programmer with power, and therefore requires an appropriate
supply unit.
Enter the “CONTROL UNITS” menu, and the “PARAMETERS” submenu,
then scroll the display screenfuls using the up/down arrows to set the
numerical values of the parameters listed below.
For the function logics, refer to the “LOGIC” submenu.
In the case where programming is carried out by means of the incorporated
programmer, refer to Fig. A and B and to the paragraph on “Configuration”.
The display programmer is used to set all the LIBRA control panel functions.
The programmer is provided with three pushbuttons for menu scrolling and
function parameter configuration:
+ menu scrolling/value increment key
- menu scrolling/value reduction key
OK Enter (confirm) key
The simultaneous pressure of the + and - keys is used to exit the active
menu and move to the preceding menu.
The modifications made are only set if the OK key is subsequently pressed.
When the OK key is pressed for the first time, the programming mode is
The following pieces of information appear on the display at first:
- Control unit software version
- Number of total manoeuvres carried out (the value is expressed in
thousands, therefore the display constantly shows 0000 during the first
thousand manoeuvres)
- Number of manoeuvres carried out since the latest maintenance operation
(the value is expressed in thousands, therefore the display constantly
shows 0000 during the first thousand manoeuvres)
- Number of memorised radio control devices.
When the OK key is pressed during the initial presentation phase, the first
menu can be accessed directly.
Here follows a list of the main menus and the respective submenus available.The
predefined parameter is shown between square brackets [ 0 ].
The writing appearing on the display is indicated between round brackets.
Refer to Figures A and B for the configuration procedure.
- Automatic Closing Time (TCA) [ 10s ]
Set the numerical value of the automatic closing time from 3 to 60
- Motor 1 torque (Mot1 torque) [ 50% ]
Set the numerical value of the motor 1 torque between 1% and 99%.
- Motor 2 torque (Mot 2 torque) [ 50% ]
Set the numerical value of the motor 2 torque between 1% and 99%.
NOTE: In case of obstacle detection, the Ampere-stop function
halts the leaf movement, reverses its motion for 1 sec. and then
halts in the STOP status.
WARNING: Check that the impact force value measured at the
points established by the EN 12445 standard is lower than that
specified in the EN 12453 standard.
Incorrect torque setting can cause injuries to persons or animals,
or damage to things.
- Opening delay time (open delay time) [ 1s ]
Set the opening delay time for motor 1 relative to motor 2, between 1 and
5 seconds.
- Closing delay time (cls delay time) [ 1s ]
Set the closing delay time for motor 2 relative to motor 1, between 1 and
5 seconds.
- Zone (zone) [ 0 ]
Set the zone number between a minimum value of 0 and a maximum
value of 127. See paragraph 7 on “Serial connection”.
6.2) LOGIC MENU (logic.)
- TCA (TCA) [ OFF ]
ON Activates automatic closing
OFF Excludes automatic closing
- 3 Steps (3 step) [ OFF ]
ON Enables 3-step logic. A Start impulse has the following effects:
door closed: ............................................................................ opens
on opening: ............................ stops and enters TCA (if configured)
door open: .............................................................................. closes
on closing: .......................................................... stops and reopens
OFF Enables 4-step logic. A Start impulse has the following effects:
door closed: ............................................................................ opens
on opening: ............................ stops and enters TCA (if configured)
door open: .............................................................................. closes
on closing: ............................. stops and does not enter TCA (stop)
after stopping: ......................................................................... opens
- Impulse lock (ibl open) [ OFF ]
ON The Start impulse has no effect during the opening phase.
OFF The Start impulse becomes effective during the opening or closing
- Rapid closing (fast cls) [ OFF ]
ON Closes the gate after photocell disengagement, before waiting for
the end of the TCA set.
OFF Command not entered.
- Photocells on opening (photc. open) [ OFF ]
ON: In case of obscuring, this excludes photocell operation on opening.
During the closing phase, it immediately reverses the motion.
OFF: In case of obscuring, the photocells are active both on opening and
on closing. When a photocell is obscured on closing, it reverses the
motion only after the photocell is disengaged.
- Photocell test (test phot) [ OFF ]
ON Activates photocell check
OFF Deactivates photocell check
If this setting is not activated (OFF), it inhibits the photocell checking
function, allowing connection of devices not provided with additional
checking contact.
- Gate-open or 2nd radio channel warning light (signaling outp) [ OFF ]
ON The output between terminals 21 and 22 is configured as Gate-open
warning light, in this case the 2nd radio channel controls pedestrian
OFF The output between terminals 21 and 22 is configured as 2nd radio
- Motors in operation (1 mot ON) [ OFF ]
ON Only motor 2 is in operation (terminals 3, 4 and 5).
With this configuration, the pedestrian input is disabled.
OFF Both motors are in operation.
- Lock hold (block persist) [ OFF ] (Fig. 5)
ON To be used when the mechanical closing backstop is fitted.
This function activates leaf pressure on the mechanical backstop,
without this being considered as an obstacle by the Ampere-stop
Therefore the rod continues its travel for another 0.5 sec. after
detecting the closing limit switch or upon reaching the mechanical
backstop. So by activating the closing limit switches slightly earlier,
the leaves will come to a perfect halt against the backstop.
(Fig. 5a)
OFF To be used when no mechanical closing backstop is fitted.
Movement is exclusively halted by activation of the closing limit
switches; in this case proceed to carrying out precise setting of the
closing limit-switch activation. (Fig. 5b)
- Master/Slave (Master) [ OFF ]
ON The control panel is set as Master in a centralised connection (see
Paragraph 7).
OFF The control panel is set as Slave in a centralised connection (see
Paragraph 7).
- Loop (loop) [ OFF ]
ON In the case of a closed loop centralised connection (Fig.7), set the
control unit to ON.
OFF In the case of an open centralised connection (Fig.7), set the control
unit to OFF.
- Add
Allows you to add one key of a radio control device to the receiver
memory; after storage it displays a message showing the receiver
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LIBRA - Ver. 06