BFT LEO D MA User Manual

Via Lago di Vico, 44 36015 Schio (VI) Tel.naz. 0445 696511 +39 0445 696533 Fax 0445 696522 Internet: E-mail:
D811469 ver. 07 23-02-10
027908 2 7 9 7 5 0
2 - LEO-D-MA
LEO-D-MA - 3
Nel ringraziarVi per la preferenza accordata a questo prodotto, la Ditta è certa che da esso otterrete le prestazioni necessarie al Vostro uso. Leggete attentamente l’opuscolo ”Libretto istruzioni” che lo accompagna in quanto esso fornisce importanti indicazioni riguardanti la sicurezza, l’installazione, l’uso e la manutenzione. Questo prodotto risponde alle norme riconosciute della tecnica e delle disposizioni relative alla sicurezza. Confermiamo che esso è conforme alle seguenti
direttive europee: 2004/108/CEE, 2006/95/CEE, 2006/42/CEE e loro modiche
Il quadro comandi LEO-D-MA viene fornito dal costruttore con settaggio standard. Qualsiasi variazione, deve essere impostata mediante il programmatore a display incorporato o mediante programmatore palmare universale. La Centralina supporta completamente il protocollo EELINK compresa l’autoalimentazione del programmatore da centralina. È disponibile in due versioni: per installazione esterna, all’interno della scatola SD, o montata e precablata all’interno dell’attuatore. Le caratteristiche principali sono:
- Rallentamento della velocità all’accostamento.
- Regolazione elettronica della coppia.
- Frenatura elettrodinamica regolabile.
- Ingressi di ne-corsa chiusura / apertura
- Ingressi separati per le sicurezze.
- Ingresso orologio.
- Ingressso collegamento protocollo seriale (opzionale).
- Ricevitore radio incorporato
2) FUNZIONI PER L’INSTALLATORE: compilare la tabella con in parametri impostati al ne di
facilitare future modiche e manutenzioni.
Tra parentesi quadre [ ] sono indicati i valori preimpostati.
Mt. Pedonale [1m] _____ Tempo Chiusura Automatica [40s] _____ Encoder [2]  _____ Coppia [55%] _____
Impostabile solo con “Encoder”=2
Coppia apertura [75%] _____Impostabile solo con “Encoder”=1,0 Coppia chiusura [75%] _____Impostabile solo con “Encoder”=1,0 Coppia rallentamento [75%] _____Impostabile solo con “Encoder”=1,0 Freno [0] _____ Zona [0] _____ Spazio rallentamento [0] _____
MENU Logiche
TCA [ON] _____ 3 Passi [OFF] _____ Blocca Impulsi [OFF] _____ Blocca Impulsi TCA [OFF] _____ Pre allarme [OFF] _____ Uomo Presente [OFF] _____ Chiusura rapida [OFF] _____ Fotocellule in apertura [OFF] _____ Master [OFF] _____ Test fotocellule (PHOT) [OFF] _____ Test costa sensibile (BAR) [OFF] _____ SCA/II°CH radio [ON] _____
Codice sso [OFF] _____
Apprendimento radio [ON] _____
Attenzione: Avvalersi esclusivamente di personale qualicato.
L’eliminazione dei materiali va fatta rispettando le norme vigenti. Nel caso di demolizione, non esistono particolari pericoli o rischi derivanti dal prodotto stesso. È opportuno, in caso di recupero dei materiali, che vengano separati per tipologia (parti elettriche - rame
- alluminio - plastica - ecc.).
Attenzione: Avvalersi esclusivamente di personale qualicato.
Nel caso la centralina venga smontata per essere poi rimontata in altro sito bisogna:
• Togliere l’alimentazione e scollegare tutto l’impianto elettrico.
• Nel caso alcuni componenti non possano essere rimossi o risultino danneggiati,
provvedere alla loro sostituzione.
AVVERTENZE Il buon funzionamento dell’operatore è garantito solo se vengono rispettate
i dati riportati in questo manuale. La Ditta non risponde dei danni causati
dall’inosservanza delle norme di installazione e delle indicazioni riportate in
questo manuale.
Le descrizioni e le illustrazioni del presente manuale non sono impegnative.
Lasciando inalterate le caratteristiche essenziali del prodotto, la Ditta si riserva
di apportare in qualunque momento le modiche che essa ritiene convenienti
per migliorare tecnicamente, costruttivamente e commercialmente il prodotto,
senza impegnarsi ad aggiornare la presente pubblicazione.
Thank you for buying this product, our company is sure that you will be more than sati-
sed with the product’s performance. The product is supplied with a “Warnings” leaet
and an “Instruction booklet”. These should both be read carefully as they provide important information about safety, installation, operation and maintenance. This product complies with the recognised technical standards and safety regulations. We declare that this product is in conformity with the following European Directives: 2004/108/EEC and 2006/95/EEC, 2006/42/EEC (and subsequent amendments).
The LEO-D-MA control panel is supplied by the manufacturer with standard setting. Any alteration must be set by means of the incorporated display programmer or by means of universal palmtop programmer. The Control unit completely supports the EELINK protocol, including the programmer self-supply from the control unit. It is available in
two versions: one for external installation, inside the SD box, the other tted and pre-
wired inside the controller. Its main characteristics are:
- Slow down of end-of-run speed.
- Electronic torque setting
- Adjustable electrodynamic braking
- Closing / opening limit-switch inputs
- Separate inputs for safety devices
- Clock input
- Serial protocol connection input (Option).
- Incorporated radio receiver
2) FUNCTIONS FOR THE INSTALLER: Fill in the table with the parameters set, in order to facilitate
future modications and maintenance operations.
The preset values are indicated between square brackets [ ].
Mt. Pedestrian [1m] _____ Automatic Closing Time (TCA) [40s] _____ Encoder [2] _____ Torque [55%] _____
Can be set with “Encoder”=2 only.
Opening torque [75%] _____Can be set with “Encoder”=1,0 only. Closing torque [75%] _____Can be set with “Encoder”=1,0 only. Slow-down torque [75%] _____Can be set with “Encoder”=1,0 only. Brake [0] _____ Zone [0] _____
Slow-down Distance
[0] _____
Logic MENU
TCA (TCA) [ON] _____ 3 Steps (3 Steps) [OFF] _____ Impulse locking [OFF] _____ TCA impulse locking [OFF] _____ Pre-alarm [OFF] _____ Hold-to-run [OFF] _____ Rapid closing [OFF] _____ Photocells on opening [OFF] _____ Master [OFF] _____ Loop [OFF] _____ Photocell test [OFF] _____ Electric edge test [OFF] _____ SCA/2nd radio channel [ON] _____ Fixed code [OFF] _____ Radio programming [ON] _____
Warning: This operation should only be carried out by qualied personnel. Materials must be disposed of in conformity with the current regulations. In case of scrapping, the automation devices do not entail any particular risks or danger. In case of materials to be recycled, these should be sorted out by type (electrical components, copper, aluminium, plastic etc.).
Warning: This operation should only be carried out by qualied personnel.
When the control unit is disassembled to be reassembled on another site, proceed as follows:
• Disconnect the power supply and the entire electrical installation.
• In the case where some of the components cannot be removed or are damaged,
they must be replaced.
WARNINGS Correct controller operation is only ensured when the data contained in the
present manual are observed. The company is not to be held responsible for
any damage resulting from failure to observe the installation standards
and the instructions contained in the present manual.
The descriptions and illustrations contained in the present manual are not binding.
The Company reserves the right to make any alterations deemed appropriate for the technical, manufacturing and commercial improvement of the product, while leaving the essential product features unchanged, at any time and without
undertaking to update the present publication.
LEO-D-MA - 13
Thank you for buying this product, our company is sure that you will be more
than satised with the product’s performance. The product is supplied with
a “Warnings” leaet and an “Instruction booklet”. These should both be read carefully as they provide important information about safety, installa­tion, operation and maintenance. This product complies with the recognised technical standards and safety regulations. We declare that this product is in conformity with the following European Directives: 2004/108/EEC and 2006/95/EEC, 2006/42/EEC (and subsequent amendments).
1) GENERAL SAFETY WARNING! An incorrect installation or improper use of the product can
cause damage to persons, animals or things.
• The “Warnings” leaet and “Instruction booklet” supplied with this
product should be read carefully as they provide important information about safety, installation, use and maintenance.
• Scrap packing materials (plastic, cardboard, polystyrene etc) according
to the provisions set out by current standards. Keep nylon or polystyrene bags out of children’s reach.
• Keep the instructions together with the technical brochure for future
• This product was exclusively designed and manufactured for the use specied in the present documentation. Any other use not specied in
this documentation could damage the product and be dangerous.
• The Company declines all responsibility for any consequences result­ing from improper use of the product, or use which is different from that
expected and specied in the present documentation.
• Do not install the product in explosive atmosphere.
• The construction components of this product must comply with the fol-
lowing European Directives: 2004/108/CEE, 2006/95/EEC, 2006/42/ EEC and subsequent amendments. As for all non-EEC countries, the above-mentioned standards as well as the current national standards should be respected in order to achieve a good safety level.
• The Company declines all responsibility for any consequences resulting
from failure to observe Good Technical Practice when constructing clos­ing structures (door, gates etc.), as well as from any deformation which might occur during use.
• The installation must comply with the provisions set out by the following
European Directives: 2004/108/CEE, 2006/95/EEC, 2006/42/EEC and subsequent amendments.
• Disconnect the electrical power supply before carrying out any work on the installation. Also disconnect any buffer batteries, if tted.
• Fit an omnipolar or magnetothermal switch on the mains power supply,
having a contact opening distance equal to or greater than 3,5 mm.
• Check that a differential switch with a 0.03A threshold is tted just before
the power supply mains.
• Check that earthing is carried out correctly: connect all metal parts for
closure (doors, gates etc.) and all system components provided with an earth terminal.
• Fit all the safety devices (photocells, electric edges etc.) which are needed
to protect the area from any danger caused by squashing, conveying and shearing.
• Position at least one luminous signal indication device (blinker) where it can be easily seen, and x a Warning sign to the structure.
• The Company declines all responsibility with respect to the automation
safety and correct operation when other manufacturers’ components are used.
• Only use original parts for any maintenance or repair operation.
• Do not modify the automation components, unless explicitly authorised
by the company.
• Instruct the product user about the control systems provided and the
manual opening operation in case of emergency.
• Do not allow persons or children to remain in the automation opera­tion area.
• Keep radio control or other control devices out of children’s reach, in
order to avoid unintentional automation activation.
• The user must avoid any attempt to carry out work or repair on the automa­tion system, and always request the assistance of qualied personnel.
• Anything which is not expressly provided for in the present instructions,
is not allowed.
• Installation must be carried out using the safety devices and controls
prescribed by the EN 12978 Standard.
• Check that the range of temperature indicated is compatible with the
place of installation.
• During installation, the power supply wires must be laid at an adequate
distance from the motor, in order to prevent them from being affected by excessive temperature.
• Power supply mains wires (230V) must be clearly separated from wires
having very low safety voltage (SELV 24V), otherwise they must be provided with additional insulation, at least 1mm thick.
• The cables entering the control unit must be kept away from heated parts
(dissipator, braking resistor etc.).
The LEO-D-MA control panel is supplied by the manufacturer with standard setting. Any alteration must be set by means of the incorporated display programmer or by means of universal palmtop programmer. The Control unit completely supports the EELINK protocol. It is available in two versions: one for external installation, inside the SD box,
the other tted and pre-wired inside the controller.
Its main characteristics are:
- Slow down of end-of-run speed.
- Electronic torque setting
- Adjustable electrodynamic braking
- Closing / opening limit-switch inputs
- Separate inputs for safety devices
- Clock input
- Serial protocol connection input (optional)
- Incorporated radio receiver
The board is provided with a terminal board which can be pulled out for easier maintenance or replacement. The board is supplied with a series of pre-wired jumpers to facilitate the installer’s work. The jumpers relate to the following terminals: 21-23, 21-24 and 21-30. If the above-mentioned terminals are in use, remove their respective jumpers.
The control unit runs a check on the operating relays and safety mecha­nisms (photocells, sensor ridge, etc.) before performing opening and closing cycles.
By convention, refer to a receiver (Rx- g.7) with 5 terminals of which termi­nals 1 and 2 are for the 24V~ power supply, terminal 3 is shared, terminal 4 is the normally closed contact when at rest, terminal 5 is the normally open contact when at rest. The contact is not powered.
RX: photocell or infrared edge receiver. TX: photocell or infrared edge transmitter. Numerous combinations can be obtained between photocells and infrared edges; the most frequently used types of connections are illustrated in
gures 7 to 14.
- Fig.7 shows the connection of LEO-D-MA with 1 photocell and 1 infrared edge unchecked. In the logic menu, set the “test phot” and “test bar” functions to OFF.
- Fig.8 shows the connection of LEO-D-MA with 1 photocell and 1 infrared edge checked.
8a : 1 photocell checked 8b : 1 infrared edge checked 8a+8b : 1 photocell + 1 edge checked In the logic menu, set the “test phot” and “test bar” functions to ON.
- Fig.9 shows the connection of LEO-D-MA with 2 photocells and 2 infrared edges checked.
9a : 2 photocells checked 9b : 2 infrared edges checked 9a+9b : 2 photocells + 2 edges checked In the logic menu, set the “test phot” and “test bar” functions to ON.
- Fig.10 shows the connection of LEO-D-MA with 3 photocells and 3 infrared edges checked.
10a : 3 photocells checked 10b : 3 infrared edges checked 10a+10b : 3 photocells + 3 edges checked In the logic menu, set the “test phot” and “test bar” functions to ON.
- Fig.11 shows the connection of LEO-D-MA with 4 photocells and 1 infrared edge checked.
11a : 4 photocells checked 11a+11b : 4 photocells + 1 edge checked In the logic menu, set the “test phot” and “test bar” functions to ON.
- Fig.12 shows the connection of LEO-D-MA with 1 photocell and 4 infrared edges checked.
11b : 4 infrared edges checked 11a+11b : 1 photocell + 4 edges checked In the logic menu, set the “test phot” and “test bar” functions to ON.
- Fig.13 shows the connection of LEO-D-MA with 4 photocells and 2 infrared edges checked.
In the logic menu, set the “test phot” and “test bar” functions to ON.
- Fig.14 shows the connection of LEO-D-MA with 2 photocells and 4 infrared edges checked.
In the logic menu, set the “test phot” and “test bar” functions to ON.
14 - LEO-D-MA
Power supply: .................................................................. 230V±10% 50Hz*
Mains/low voltage insulation: ........................................ > 2MOhm 500V
Dielectric strength: .......................... mains/low voltage 3750V~for 1 minute
Motor output current: ..................................................................... 1.5Amax
Maximum motor power: .................................................................... 750 W
Supply to accessories: ........................................24V~(1A max absorption)
Gate-open warning light: ........................................................24V~3W max
Blinker:.................................................................................230V 40W max
Dimensions: ...............................................................................see gure 1
Fuses: ........................................................................................see gure 2
(* other voltages available on request)
WARNING – During the wiring and installation operations, refer to the
current standards as well as principles of good technical practice.
The cables must be tied by additional fastening next to the terminals, by means of clips for example.
All the operator wiring operations must be carried out by qualied personnel.
The power supply cable must be stripped in order to allow the earth wire to be connected to the appropriate terminal, leaving the active wires as short as possible. This is to ensure that the earth wire is the last to stretch in the case
where the cable xing device becomes loose.
GND terminal
2-3 Single-phase mains supply 230V±10% 50Hz (2=N) (3=L)
4-5 Blinker connection (mains voltage) 40W Max. 6-7-8-9 Motor connection: 6 operation 1 + capacitor 7 common (blue) 8 operation 2 9 capacitor
10-11 Output 24V
max – power supply for photocells or other
12-13 Gate-open warning light output (N.O. contact)/
2nd radio channel
10-14 24V~ output for supply to photocell transmitters
15-16-17 Connection of safety devices checked (see g. 7 to 14) 18-19-20 Connection of safety devices checked (see g. 7 to 14)
JP5 Encoder connection WARNING! The maximum length of the connection cable of
the encoder should not exceed 3.00 mt.
21-22 Open-Close button (N.O. Start), key selector. 21-23 Block button (N.C. Stop). If not used, leave jumped. 21-24 Photocell input (N.C.). If not used, leave jumped. 21-25 Opening limit switch connection (N.C. SWO). If not used, leave
21-26 Closing limit switch connection (N.C. SWC). If not used, leave
jumped. 21-27 Pedestrian button connection (N.O. Ped) 21-28 Open-Button connection (N.O. Open) 21-29 Close-Button connection (N.O. Close) 21-30 Rubber edge connection (N.C.). If not used, leave jumped. 21-31 Timer input connection (N.O.). If the contact is open the leaves
close and the gate is ready for normal operation. If the contact
is closed (N.C.), the leaves open and remain open until the
contact is opened.
32 Photocell check input (PHOT FAULT) (see g. 7 to 14) 33 Electric edge check input (EDGE FAULT) (see g. 7 to 14)
38-39 Antenna input for radio-receiver (38 signal - 39 braid). Cable
The control panel provided with a microprocessor is supplied with function parameters preset by the manufacturer, suitable for standard installations. The
predened parameters can be altered by means of either the incorporated
display programmer or universal palmtop programmer. In the case where programming is carried out by means of universal palmtop programmer, carefully read the instructions relating to universal palmtop programmer, and proceed in the following way. Connect the universal palmtop programmer to the control unit through the
UNIFLAT accessory (See g. 4). Enter the “CONTROL UNITS” menu, and
the “PARAMETERS” submenu, then scroll the display screenfuls using the
up/down arrows, and set the numerical values of the parameters listed below. For the function logics, refer to the “LOGIC” submenu. In the case where programming is carried out by means of the incorporated
programmer, refer to Fig. A and B and to the “conguration” paragraph.
The display programmer is used to set all the LEO-D-MA control panel functions. The programmer is provided with three pushbuttons for menu scrolling and
function parameter congurations (Fig. 2):
+ menu scrolling/value increment key
- menu scrolling/value reduction key
OK Enter (conrm) key
The simultaneous pressure of the + and – keys is used to exit the active menu and move to the preceding menu. If the + and – keys are pressed simultaneously at the main menu level (pa­rameters, logics, radio, language, autosetting), programming is exited and the display is switched off (the OK message is displayed).
The modications made are only set if the OK key is subsequently pressed. When the OK key is pressed for the rst time, the programming mode is
The following pieces of information appear on the display at rst:
- Control unit Software version
- Number of total manoeuvres carried out (the value is expressed in
thousands, therefore the display constantly shows 0000 during the rst
thousand manoeuvres)
- Number of manoeuvres carried out since the latest maintenance operation (the value is expressed in thousands, therefore the display constantly
shows 0000 during the rst thousand manoeuvres)
- Number of memorised radio control devices.
When the OK key is pressed during the initial presentation phase, the rst
menu (parameters) can be accessed directly. Here follows a list of the main menus and the respective submenus avail­able. The predened parameter is shown between square brackets [ 0 ]. The writing appearing on the display is indicated between round brack­ets.
Refer to Figures A and B for the control unit conguration procedure.
6.1) Parameter Menu (PARAM)
1- Pedestrian opening (Mt. ped) [ 001.0 m ]
Set the numerical value of the pedestrian opening from 10 cm (000.1)
to 6m (006.0).
2- Automatic Closing Time (TCA) (tca) [ 40s ]
Set the numerical value of the automatic closing time from 0 to 180
3- Encoder (Encoder) [ 2 ]
0: operation without encoder (obligatory for ERGO, ICARO FM, D2 motors):
timed slow-down, obstacle detection function not active. (The encoder
can be disconnected). Manual setting of “opening torque”, “closing torque” and “slow-down torque” parameters.
1: operation with encoder: used as position sensor to aquire slow-down
values. Obstacle detection function not active. Blocked gate detection. Manual setting of “opening torque”, “closing torque” and “slow-down torque” parameters.
2: Automatic operation with encoder: slow-down and obstacle detec-
tion by means of encoder. Possibility of using the “autosetting” function. Adjustment of sensitivity to obstacles (“torque” parameter). (default).
WARNING: Check that the impact force value measured at the points established by the EN 12445 standard is lower than that
specied in the EN 12453 standard.
Incorrect sensitivity setting can cause injuries to persons or animals, or damage to things.
4- Torque (torque) [ 55% ] Can be set with “Encoder”=2 only. Set the motor torque value between 1% and 99%. This parameter indi-
cates the sensitivity to obstacles. (Torque = 1 maximum sensitivity).
Set the motor opening torque value between 1% and 99%. 5- Opening torque (open torque) [ 75% ] Can be set with “Encoder”=1,0
Set the motor opening torque value between 1% and 99%. 6- Closing torque (cls. torque) [ 75% ] Can be set with “Encoder”=1,0
Set the motor closing torque value between 1% and 99%. 7- Slow-down torque (slov torque) [ 75% ] Can be set with “Encoder”=1,0
(Advanced parameters address 5)
Set the motor opening and closing slow-down torque value between 1%
and 99%.
LEO-D-MA - 15
8- Brake (Brake) [ 0% ]
Set the required brake value between 0 and 99%, compatibly with the
weight of the gate and the existing stresses.
9- Zone (zone) [ 0 ]
(Advanced parameters address 1)
Set the zone number between a minimum value of 0 and a maximum
value of 128. See paragraph 11 on “Serial connection”.
10-Slow-down Distance (Cm. rall) [ 000 ]
(Advanced parameters address 3)
Set the required slow-down distance for opening and closing between 0
cm and 100 cm The 000 cm value does not carry out any slow-down.
NOTE: If a slow-down distance value other than 000cm is set, after the rst
manoeuvre, power failure, the control panel carries out a complete ma­noeuvre at reduced speed, in order to learn the length of gate stroke.
6.2) Logic Menu (logic.)
- TCA ( tca ) [ ON ]
ON Activates automatic closing OFF Excludes automatic closing
- 3 Steps (3 step) [ OFF ]
ON Enables 3-step logic. A start impulse has the following effects:
door closed: ..............................................................................opens
on opening: .............................stops and enters TCA (if congured)
door open: ............................................................................... closes
on closing: ......................................... stops and reverses movement
after stopping:...........................................................................opens
OFF Disables 3-step logic.
- Opening Impulse lock (Ibl open) [ OFF ]
ON The Start impulse has no effect during the opening phase. OFF The Start impulse becomes effective during the opening phase.
- Impulse lock TCA (ibl TCA ) [ OFF ]
ON The Start impulse has no effect during the TCA dwell period. OFF The Start impulse becomes effective during the TCA dwell period.
- Pre alarm (pre-alarM) [ OFF ]
ON The blinker comes on about 3 seconds before the motor starts. OFF The blinker comes on at the same time as the motor starts.
- Hold-to-run (hold-to-run ) [ OFF ]
ON Hold-to-run operation: the manoeuvre continues as long as the command key is kept pressed. OFF
Impulse operation: one impulse opens the gate if closed, and clos­es
it if open.
- Rapid closing (fast cls ) [ OFF ]
ON Closes the gate after photocell disengagement, before waiting for the
end of the TCA (automatic closing time) set.
OFF Command not entered.
- Photocells on opening (photc. open) [ OFF ]
ON In case of obscuring, this excludes photocell operation on opening.
During the closing phase, it immediately reverses the motion.
OFF In case of obscuring, the photocells are active both on opening and
on closing. When a photocell is obscured on closing, it reverses the motion only after the photocell is disengaged.
- Master/Slave (Master) [ OFF ]
(Advanced logics address 12)
ON The control panel is set as Master in a centralised connection (see
Paragraph 11).
OFF The control panel is set as Slave in a centralised connection (see
Paragraph 11).
- Photocell test (test phot) [ OFF ]
(Advanced logics address 14)
ON Activates photocell check (see g. 7 to 14)
OFF Deactivates photocell check
- Electric edge test (test bar) [ OFF ]
ON Activates electric edge check (see g. 7 to 14)
OFF Deactivates electric edge check
- Gate-open or 2nd radio channel warning light (SCA 2ch) [ ON ]
The output between terminals 12 and 13 is congured as Gate-open warn­ing light, in this case the 2nd radio channel controls pedestrian opening.
OFF The output between terminals 12 and 13 is congured as 2nd radio
- Fixed code (fixed code) [ OFF ]
(Advanced logics address 13)
ON The receiver is congured for operation in xed-code mode, see
paragraph on “Radio Transmitter Cloning”.
OFF The receiver is congured for operation in rolling-code mode, see
paragraph on “Radio Transmitter Cloning”.
- Radio transmitter programming (radio prog) [ ON ]
(Advanced logics address 15)
ON This enables transmitter storage via radio: 1 – First press the hidden key (P1) and then the normal key (T1, T2,
T3 or T4) of a transmitter already memorised in standard mode by means of the radio menu.
2 – Within 10s press the hidden key (P1) and the normal key (T1, T2,
T3 or T4) of a transmitter to be memorised.
The receiver exits the programming mode after 10s, other new trans-
mitters can be entered before the end of this time. This mode does not require access to the control panel. OFF This disables transmitter storage via radio. The transmitters can only be memorised using the appropriate Radio
6.3) Radio Menu (radio)
- Add (add)
Allows you to add one key of a radio control device to the receiver memory;
after storage it displays a message showing the receiver number in the memory location (from 01 to 64).
Add Start button (add start) associates the required key to Start command Add 2ch button (add 2ch) associates the required key to 2nd radio channel
- Read (read)
Checks one key of a receiver; if stored it displays a message showing
the receiver number in the memory location (from 01 to 64), and the key number (T1, T2, T3 or T4).
- Eliminate list (erease 64)
WARNING! Completely removes all memorised radio control devices
from the receiver memory.
- Receiver code reading (RX code) This displays the code entered in the receiver.
- W LINK (uk) ON =
Enables remote programming of cards via a previously memorized W
LINK remote control.
It remains enabled for 3 minutes from the time the W LINK remote control
is last pressed.
Refer to the W LINK remote control’s manual for the mapping of the
relevant keys.
OFF = W LINK programming disabled.
Consult paragraphs 7/8/9/10 for further information concerning the
advanced functions of the Clonix incorporated receiver.
6.4) Language Menu (Language)
Allows you to set the language on the display programmer. 5 languages are available:
Restores the preset default values on the control unit. After restoring, a new autoset operation must be carried out.
The display on the LEO-D-MA panel shows some useful information, both during normal operation and in the case of malfunctions.
In the case of malfunctions, the display shows a message indicating which device needs to be checked: STRT = START input activation STOP = STOP input activation PHOT = PHOT input activation FLT = FAULT input activation for checked photocells SWO = input activation OPENING LIMIT SWITCH SWC = input activation CLOSING LIMIT SWITCH PED = input activation PEDESTRIAN OPEN = OPEN input activation CLS = CLOSE input activation BAR = input activation SAFETY EDGE TIME = TIMER input activation In the case where an obstacle is found, the LEO-D-MA panel stops the door and activates a reverse manoeuvre; at the same time the display shows the “BAR” message. Monitoring: During the opening and closing phases, the display shows four digits sepa­rated by a dot, for example 35.40. Figures are constantly updated during the manoeuvre and represent the instant torque reached by motor 1 (35) and threshold torque (opening, clos­ing, slow-down) set in the parameter menu (40).
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